1991 05 01 TTC Minutes
T0: Ron Kiedrowski, City Manager
FROM: Frank Reynolds, Director of Public Works /~~y/
City Engineer ~j
DATE: May 9, 1991
SUBJECT: Technical Traffic Committee
A regular meeting of the Technical Traffic Committee was'. held at
11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, May 1, 1991. Attendance included:
Members: Lieutenant Ron Dye, Riverside County Sheriff's
Department, Indio
Gene Marshall, District Local Roads & Streets.
Engineer, Caltrans District 11, San Diego
Richard Barrera, Traffic Engineer
Riverside County Road Department, Riverside
Roger Hirdler, Asst. Community Safety Director
City of La Quinta
Frank Reynolds, Director of Public works
City of La Quinta
Staff: Jerry Coffey, Engineering Supervisor
City of La Quinta
Mr. Reynolds brought the meeting to order at 11:00 A.M.
OLD BUSINESS: Avenida Bermudas Pedestrian Crossing at Calle Estado.
Mr. Reynolds pointed out that this subject had been discussed at
a Committee meeting several months ago without any resolution having
been reached. To refresh memories, a videotape of the: various
intersections involved was shown and a drawing was presented on which
to sketch various alternatives.
Technical Traffic Committee - May 1991
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The last time this problem was addressed one possibla: solution
put forth was the installation of a pedestrian - activated signal at
the post office and real estate office at Estado. Both Lt. Dye and
Mr. Barrera indicated they had seen such an installation, one being
midblock at the Los Angeles City Hall.
Mr. Marshall stated that in his opinion the entire intersection.,
that is, from Montezuma on the north to the eastbound leg of Estado
on the south, has to be treated as a single intersection, and a lone
pedestrian activated signal at the Post Office location won't fill
the need. The reasoning behind this is that it seems unl.ilcely that
pedestrians can be "herded" between the bank and the post office by
means of painted crosswalks when they are accustomed to crossing at
several locations. It seemed to the Committee members th.e initial
attempt to provide for safer crossings would be to install stop signs
at Montezuma for southbound Bermudas traffic, at Estado for
northbound Bermudas traffic, paint crosswalks across Bermudas at the
eastbound leg of Estado and at Montezuma, paint a crosswalk across
Estado between the bank and real estate office, and paint a~ crosswalk
across Montezuma.
(Subsequent to the meeting staff investigated the foregoing
possibility and concluded that further study is needed due to
alignment problems, possible loss of parking spaces in front
of the Post Office, and the lack of handicapped ramps iri
appropriate locations. Staff will pursue this matter.;i
NEW BUSINESS ITEM NO. 1 - Calle Tampico and Calle Rondo.
Mr. Reynolds advised that what has been referred to as the
"safer route to school" is now in place with the comp:le:tion of
Tampico and Park Avenue and the installation of the traffic signal at
Park and Avenue 50, with the result that traffic on those :streets has
increased significantly. This is explained by the desire. to avoid
the signal at Washington and Avenue 50 and the school zone along
Avenue 50. Mr. Barrera recommended that for liability con:;iderations
the term "safer route" be eliminated from our vocabulary and instead
substitute "suggested route".
A citizen has suggested that the intersection of Tampico and
Rondo should be a 4-way stop to discourage speeding in thc: area. A
video tape of the area was shown.
Lt. Dye asked if any traffic counts had been taken. He was
advised that there were none, and he commented that he knows oif no
incidents in that stretch of roadway. It was agreed tha+; warrants
would not be met, and even though the City has used stop signs to
control speed, there is no demonstrated problem in this ca:;e. As a
matter of fact, the crossgutter on the east side of the intersection
probably acts as a better deterrent than a stop sign would. It was
agreed, however, that "DIP" signs should be installed anc'~ that the
area be monitored as development in the neighborhood continues.
Technical Traffic Committee - May 1991
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NEW BUSINESS ITEM NO. 2 - Washington Street Speed Zone.
One of the Sheriff's deputies has indicated some confusion as to
the Washington Street speed limits since the widening project took
place. It has been determined that subsequent to the widening the 45
mph signs were not re-installed in their original locations. Mr.
Reynolds pointed out that the speed survey taken in 1988 established
a 45 mph zone between the church and Highway 111. Therefore the 45
mph sign for northbound traffic needs to be relocated northward to
the homestead (Burkett) property, and the "END 45 mph" sign
positioned just south of the church for southbound traffic.
Given the fact that the entire character of that stretch has
changed due to the creation of the frontage road, the consensus is
that a new speed survey should be made.
NEW BUSINESS ITEM No. 3 - Speed Control.
Steve Speer's memo, which had previously been presen~tE>d to the
City Council, had been distributed to Committee members prior to the
meeting. In the general discussion which followed Mr. Barrera
pointed out that a County-wide Committee is studying 'the speed
control problem, and Mr. Speer's memorandum reflects the thinking of
those committee members at this time.
With regard to the installation of stop signs on Bermudas, Lt.
Dye asked if the City had received adverse comments. Mr. Reynolds
responded that at first there were several complaints <ind that
hind-sight would indicate that it would have been better had advance
notice been given via the City newsletter. However, there: have been
no complaints recorded for the past week or so.
Mr. Barrera stated that when the County makes a similar drastic
change plenty of warning signs and flags are used. Mr. Reynolds
replied that the City followed the same procedure and had some dozen
flashers and all but one of the flag sets was stolen the first night.
The consensus of the Committee was that while Mr. Speer's memo
generally was endorsed, they felt that 1) all streets should be
posted for 25 mph, and 2) no speed surveys should be made. The
rationale was that irrespective of Caltrans criteria, the Cove is a
residential area and engineering judgement should prevail. Further,
it was felt that we should hold off making a speed survey on Bermudas
until the effect of the stop signs can be evaluated, bu+. that a
survey should be taken on Eisenhower.
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NEW BUSINESS ITEM NO. 4 - Parking along the north side of Avenue 50
at the school
Mr. Reynolds outlined the increased activity at th.e Sports
Complex which has resulted in the public ignoring the "no stopping at
any time" signage, particularly in the evenings. It was pointed out
that if the butterfly gate in the school fencing were to be closed
off the problem would go away, but the school officials haven't seen
fit to take that action.
The present signage was installed to discourage parents from
dropping children off on either side of Avenue 50, and in this
respect they for the most part have served the intended purpose.
However, it really doesn't apply to non-school hours. Bagging the
signs in the evening is too labor intensive.
The consensus was that staff should check the traffic manual for
wording that might apply to this situation which would prohibit
parking during school hours only.
The meeting adjourned at 12:20 P.M.