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LLA 1983-010
�- OITY OF LA QDINTA -- CASE INFORMATI ON `^1 OF Tile Case No. LL o Application Received by S &-'e Date //A/gr Application Checked by S �Date Applicant: I -a (��,� Tu „+ Ve�,We� Phone: ,��;y_'<<�/5 Address: ?n R;)v 75<17 4a r n C --Z Owner:. Address: to Zip Code Phone: Street city State Zip Code Representative: T F l7 aui�s„„ A tl� IM; E. S� ri G Phone: Address: 3 1. Subject: LL/q /ofj 23-zs-d1 /w i 2. Location: 56-/, - u 3. Environment/ Information E.A. No. t�,?7 E.I.R.No. Notice of Declaration to 4. Related Files: ty LIP Fee In Filing Fee E.A. Fee Total Additional Fees $ $ Receipts for Fees: tion 5. 6. 7. 8. Parcel Size/Acreage j General Plan Designation 5-p /21-L Zoning R - Z - Surrounding Zoning /2 _ 2— 9. 0. 11. 12. Circulation Element Housing Element —_- Council District --_- Assessor's 7 9 3-3-s- - 0'2 02 ; 706/ 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Tentative Hearing Date Agency Deadline Date Plot Plan Checked /1115-193 Legal Descriptionze Z3,1Y� ZS� 7>7 iyY9G TransmittalsMB /d3/`s-YP A(iencv Ex "A" Notice Z Hearing Information Date_ Action CC -EA —_ PC —_ CC ------— Agency Ex "A" Notice 18 19 20 21 22 23 General Telephone Road Department _ City of Cal Trans _ County Planning I Water Quality CVCWD Home Owners I Parks Buildine Dept. _ Health Dept. Fire _ City Engineer Other _ Transmittals sent by: — Date: _— Public Hearing Notice Date: - Notice Flailed by:. _ Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: Page 35o Parcel 6Z4_Zy� zi;I/By 5 �w ace Applicant Notified of Action: Agencies Notified: File Closed: 24. Additional Pertinent Information: sP 't-III 1 � �fi//))��,� �_4, L) � w. G„-tC k e 'l tl s r iL.c / F-Go Lees f- h]. c L[( 'h i� �A./ / a Z; _ /'i z!'I "el /"./" f .s/i.NiJcA >°iCyitli.0- _ %_.._ __A/ ,.Vrdn e 14-.e en rORP7 Received From, AMT. PAID BKB02 CASH ii-�/ ,9u Dollars Ill a / I 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 December 7, 1983 Mr. Michael O'Rourke La Ouinta Joint Venture P. 0. Box 780 La Quinta, CA 92253 Dear Mr. O'Rourke RE: Lot Line Adjustment No.: 83-010 Location: Southeasterly Corner of Canino Quintana and Ave Vista Bonita Assessor's Parcel No.: 773-350-023, 024, 025 and 061 This letter is to report approval of your application for a Lot Lane Adjustment pursuant to Section 18.1 of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance No. 460 subject to cormliance with EXhibit "A". This Lot Line Adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: The adjustment involves adjacent parcel; no new parcels are created; none of the parcels involved are reduced below the development standards c1r-rexitly applied by the Land Use Ordinance No. 348. This approval is your authorization to have new deeds recorded reflecting this Lot Line Adjustment. These deeds should indicate that a Lot Line Adjustment has been approved. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". very truly yairs, Sandra L. Bonner Associate Planner Lhcl: Approved Exhibit "A" MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 ATTENTION: Sq vtd J Rcun kn,o v- PROJECT: L4 Livio AJ1, t),4y"P✓4 - T2 )44P&-2. WE ARE TRANSMITTING: Under Separate Cover Mail Via UPS THE FOLLOWING: Tracing Prints Legal Description FWAIIIINW71• Date 11=z=s�3 W.O. No.22- 7031 M FOR: X Your Approval Your Files Your Use REMARKS: /_i✓e- Qj �os4nnp'4 C) Iic, tin IL — 'el 2. S fkee: one Fees. _ Gy D r� is is it S c i cJoJ�c� 4aar/ en T� �1 I,e ')es! t° a,L) s° - MAP FILE NO. AncAPVI BY: Q""' v g J. F. DAVIDSON ASSOCIATES CIVIL ENGINEERING • PLANNING • SURVEYING • ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 3426 TENTH STREET, RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 92501 OVER, (714)686-0844 0 ��cG �M�f� 01` TKO </`/iV��CG( 6G/ �""�i�✓-c.�..-c.,✓ �>�G.�,..f /o cu �i o�, o� 6 �4 yJ 4/v f✓ S/�-c� f — �S"_: S GiG y u✓ ai rL`%� cG� r �SeH fy low✓�.rr �/�., q�i� d7- lv? r/,3�6, De,Jartment, of Co=.unity Development 1. 78-105 Calle Estado i sari Le Quinta, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Applicant Instructions Cate Re ived Date Received / A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: I. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarized Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $ 125.00 shall be submitted with this Application. The Director of Community Development will review the Application, make a recommen- dation and schedule the case for City Council consideration. The Applicant should be present at the City Council hearing. APPLICANT: Name: La Quinta Joint Venture Address: P.O. Box 780 La uinta C Phone: 619_s�.itis City (State Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner A-D°Name: La Quinta Joint Venture Address: P.O. Box 780 La Quinta Ca 922 3 Phone: 6:9-56 L--1 31 5 City State Zip) Owner 'B' Name: Address: (city) (State) (Zip) Phone: PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel N mber: 773 350-023 Street Address: Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 773 350-024 _ Street Address: Lot C: Assessor's Parcel Number: 773-350-025 Lot D: Assessor's Parcel Number: 773-350-061 r.Pr iLn"'OK FOR LOT .;i;,r =DJU :'.r::,=, it•: o' tisint r Adjustment Requested: Re Alignment of Lots 23, 24, 25 within_ common Lot 60. Reason for Request: For consistency in street and golf enurca_facina AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (a) of said parcels and that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Subscribed and Sworn/tom before me this day of Notary ublic Owner"R-.D" La Quinta Joint Venture, by Anden Corporation, Managing Venture Name _ A Owner IB' If�p Name Date -- OFROAL ;'AL Barbara, J. P, nter NOTRRY P:1000�C0.U. � -F2NtA PRItiC;?f•L Uti'iC;: Ihl RIVERSIDE COUNTY Commission Expires laav 13, 1986 I ^ ' ` �CCOFDING FEOD EST ED BV 1 i ± � • o wnvw ucanovn vuc .o Hensley I. ruaninFham Development Cl-'a , 415 First SLreet Altos, California 94022 ^.•v Address shown above. ± .none n.n 1. _ 3 l � S J I I C b> N d a; u F( Q r n �9OVE �M SP.CE 5 L Nv. fOR RFCOPOEF'S DISE "I" Lj I..... .d Intl ulur .A I' •.• .d. .v �l........a.d ruc.c o3tt np+'t.-'V In It A A.A1.1 ABLE COOS I TIES kT IO N_ r. • r I i M1 h mbr : A ..ledwd. La Quanta Cove, a Ca l T foe n i o joi Tt venture, composed of Landmark Wnd Company, Inc., a New York corporation, and Ua,que Golf Concepts, Incorporated, a Delaware corporation ha.. dGItANT151 to ❑ens l by 6 Cunningham m Deve lcpmont Copany, a California general partnership d.r n,11 my d. nhM anal pu.. ny in the — ul Riverside ..hn of C.lilnrnl.. The real property in. La Quinta, County of Riverside, State of California. (the "Grant Property"), more particularly described in Schedule 'A" attachM hereto and hereby made a part hereof, I;ubject to non-deliquent real property taxes; and to covenants, conditions, restrictions, rights, rights -of -way, aa.umeets, lions and other matters of record. This J en is being re -recorded to c�Lct errors in the le ai description in that cc,"' n deed between the .Ile parties, n:cnrdcd Dcccmber 28, 1979 as lnstrumcnt No. 275856 of official Records. LA QUINTA COVE, a joint venture By Landmark sand Company, Inc. a flew y(y-rp0,1.izAl/ �_I'it 4i4n`ni", �. ,n.r\ OF ma— m• .1• n .I•, ^.Ib A.. 1.1, IVA., n vnA Im vv A l=yaej1- ACx.PTT PCNED - / 7 _ d Unique Go f Concepts Incorporated. a Delaware corporata;n, Genera Patt ner� _ Its Vice President I ro, NouFr It., oe sTAMr M.il l.il STAtCM ENTS .vS GIVECTEO ABOVE I T I a I � lII1 !� I I O1 L-:— - --- - x: •YI ,y EXHIBIT A Those farlions of Section 1, Township 6 Srnnh, Range 6 East, and Section 36, Township 5 South, Range 6 East, San ❑ernerdino Base slid %leridiao, described es follows:, - Beginning at the North... t corner of saki Section l; Thence S. 00 00' 40" E., along the E.nStcrly line of said Section 1, a distance of 845.00 feet; Thence S. 890 59' 20" is a distance of 130.00 feel; Thence N. 410 49' 00" IV" a disstnnce of .319.00 feel; Thence N. 660 23' 28" W„ a: distance of 849.49 feet; Thence N. 890 48' 40" W., a Aishtace of 199.10 feet to 9 point on the centerline of Eisenhower Drive (formerly Morgan Road); Thence S. 000 11' 20" 1{'., along said eenterline, a dislnnee of 660.00 feet; Thence N. 890 W40" IN., a distance of 201.61 feet; Theaea Northwesterly .long a nartanrenl curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 1000.00 feet, through an angle of .30 15' 32", as are length of 528.12 feel, (the initial radial line beers N. 580 34' 13" E.); Thence N. 61 41' 19" IV., A distance of 178.82 feel; Thence Northwesterly slang a curve conenve Southwesterly having a radius of 1000.00 fact, through an angle of 140 30' 00", an are length of 253.07 feel to a point of compound curvature; Thence Westerly along n curve concave Southerly, having a radius of 300.00 feet, through aDdangle of 17013' 01", an arc length of 91.89 feet, (the initial radial line Dears N. 13 38' 41" F..); Thence, N. 33 54' 50" IV., a distance of 290.19 feet Thence Southwesterly along x noirtoa, ant ing ve concave Northwesterly, having' a radius of 316.00 feet, through sea Angle of 09 3W 40", ar, n,-c length of 52.46 feel, (the initial "WIal line beers S. 43 25' 30" E.); Thence S. 56 05' 10" W., . distanec of 215.76 feet; Thenee Southwesterly along n curve conenve Southeasterly, having a radius of 584.00 feet, through an angle of 10 24' 3.5 an Tire length of 106.10 feet Thence S. 45 40' 35" W. a distance of 126.28 fact; Thence N. 440 19' 25" 1V., A distance of 32.00 feel; Thence N. 480 52' 00" 0'., a distance of 632.76 feet; Thence N. 450 W 20' W '., a distance of 617.04 feel; Thence S. 620 04' 45" W., a distance of 77.48 feet Thence N. 260 04' 00" IV., a distance of 116.00 feet; Thence N. boo 06' 43" F., a distance of 751.00 feet; Thenee N. MO 42' 30" IV., a distnnre of 459.19 feet Thence S. 740 48' 00" IV., a distance of 96.0E feel; Thence Southwesterly along a curve concave SoutheaistcrIv, having a radius of 180.00 feet, through Tin angle of 71 1S- 30", aD me length of 224.02 feel; Thence S. 03 29' 30" 1V., A distance of 160.60 feet; Thence S. 280 00' 30" E., D distance of 214.10 feet; Thence S. n90 Ol' 30'' E.a dislnnee of 714.00 feet; Thence 3. 3n0 28' 00" F., a distance, of 143.50 feet; Thenee S. 350 10' 00" E., a distnncc of 566.54 feel; Thence 8, RIO 28' On" E., A distnnee of 794.19 feet; Thence S. 440 19' 25" E., A distance of 32.00 feet; TT core S. 450 40' 35" IV., a dol.are of 22.86 facet; Thence Southwesterly along s calve concave Northwesterly having a radius of 176.00 feet, through an angle of 11 39' 40", an ore length of 35.82 feet; page 1 1 VENTURE THAT ESECLIID TDF HI JOIN 1 STTWMFNT, AND ACKNOM1EDf FO 10 NE THAT SAID CORPORATIlU IXI CI*] FD TIF SA,IF As SI,Ca PAMNERS AND MAT SAID JOINT l'ENILRE EXECUTED TDt1 SAME. WITNESS HY HAND AND OY'FICIAL SEAL. KIM BAKER CII'.LLIS i V a ....... e, .KRA BAKER CHALLIS 5 nr Mh u � w a N,,D1 (Cr,p.d-or-r - ivied) cf Kura a..,"�„' „'„,....... ...aui hill p. 1 MA TAX STAG EMLNTS Al O hsITE. A.c11 I x lid n " '"•'s �": `-' s a" . '1`rt"`-':'»:ia�.:=-c-Wr r "f - ^T,I', ,.r „.�'.a --... .: '�„^X'""..�'.. F"v-'---�"-..r-t^.a..'u..-o., jC...e--,:-'^''� �N'•�- _ _-s+�'s.--'..4.: � _ --. e EXHI BITA Thence S. 30012' 33" I.., A distance of 146.72 feet; Thence So,th t rly along a non tank. t e on,.ve So the ,t-rly having a radios of 150.00 feet, thro RI an un41e of 12o 33 53', an are TIA111h of 32.99 feet to a point of revers. Cnry Pl, rP (the initial rndial line, bears N. 24 07, W W.); Thence Soulhw ,ler,v and NOrlhwesl,rly loryrt ; s curve cone,,, Noherly, having s radius of 250.00 feel, through an angle of 73 00' 00", an arc In th of 344.70 feel to a point of reverse c vature, (the initial nuhN line an S. 3A 4V 19" F...); Thence Northwesterly Wong a curve eonoave Southwesterly, having a radius of 500.00 feet, through an aa'�e of 270 30' 00", an arc length of 239.98 feet, (the initial radial kne bears N. 42 18' 41" E.); Thence N. 75 11' 19" W., a d,tanee of 120.00 feel; Thence Northwesterly along a cure concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 1000.00 f,ct, through on angle of 20 15' 00", an are length of 353.43 feet; Thence N. 350 03' 41" F., a ],,lance of 20.00 feet; Thence Northwe_stcrly along a no,tangent cure, concave Northonct erly, having a radius of 480.00 feet, through in angle of 25 30' 00", an arc IeVh of 213.53 feel to a point of reverse curvature. (the initial radial line bens S. 35 03' 41" W.); Thence Northwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 850.00 feet, �tIhrough en arq, of 14"'02' 26", an arc length of 208.30 feet, (the initial radio) Dhe bears N. 60 33' 41' E.1; Thence N. 43 28' 45" W., A Aistance of 58.41 feel; Thence Northwesterly along A cutup concave Northensterly, having a radius of 480.00 feet, trough an angle of 18 09' 34", an arc length of 152A3 feet; Thence N. 25 19' I Ve W., a distaaee of $89.57 feet; Thence Northweslerly and Northenstcrly alr ng a curve coaenve Easterly, having a radius of 180.00 feet, through an angle of 41' 29' 53", an are length of 1.30.37 feet; Thence. N. 160 10' 42" F.., a Aistance of 268.97 feel; Thence Northerly along a curve concave Westerly, having a radius of 520.00 feet, through an a wle of 18 13' 47.", an are length of 165.45 feel; Thence N. 02 03' 05" W., a distance of 505.26 feet; Thence Northwesterly along a cure concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 1050.00 feet, through en angle of 22 1V 25", an are length of 406.66 feel; Thence N. 240 14' 30" %V.. a distance of 757.45 feel; Thence Northwesterly along a upe concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 31)0.00 feet, through an angle of 24 14' 30', an arc length of 126.93 feet; Thence North, a distance of 77.82 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave :ioutheasterh', having a radius of 150.00 feet, ISrough in angle of 79 39' 06", an arc length of 2n8.53 feet; Thence N. 79 39' 06" E., a distance of 330.00 feet; Thence Northeasterly along a curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 1-11.00 feet, rough as angle of 10 08' 39", an arc length of 24.96 feel; Thence S. 71 40' 00" F.., o distance of 663.13 feet; Thence S. 24042' 49" E_ a distance of 37.00 feel; Thence Northeasterly along a norrtangent crrve concave Northwesterly, having e radon of 416.00 feel, through % angle of 02 41' 27", ea arc length of 19.54 feet, (the initial r%Jii,l line bear., S. 24 42' 49" F..); Thence S. 31 41' 00" E., a d,,t ia,e of 79.47 feel; Thence S. 100 41' 00" F,., A Aistance of 54.00 feet; Thence S. 530 30' 30" W., a distance of 91.00 feet; Thence S. 690 15' 00" W., a distance of 940.83 feet; Thence S. 170 27' 03" E., a distawe of 62.82 feet; page 2 VFN7VRE THAT EXECUTED 'Fill: wl1111T 1Pti1111)IiNT, AND ALKNOq,EDC.EI]• TO ME THAT SAID Ct IU`o VATIW S LAH(II'D THP iAHL AS SUCH PARTNERS ,tND THAT SAID .)OlNf %TNIURE E\:CITED THE SAME, WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAI.. ? NIA BAKER CHALLIS i!.CL ffi^ B ill` CHALLIS T ) t rvT or Prl, .]) nl \art cry """'•' ••nuw,wui Ms,e T.. sTArEmcrvrs As o,a[CrEu Aapvr +q�y y. s.rs3 .t.�w,.-•.�yr`-.+ r�s.+ may- y pc-.yy... e 4�9'3R"M-LaK NI 9_ 9*M a,- o' Ins ; EXHIBIT A Thence Southeasterly Wong a curve concave NorUrast arty, having a radius of 584,00 feet, 1�rough an angle of 120 03' 98", ru. are length of 122.93 feet; Thence N. 77 57' 00" F. a distnnce of 873.00 feet; The sae N. 380 18' 00" E, a istare, of 449.00 feet; Thence N. 500 12' 00" IV a 0,11.se,, of 430.43 feet; Thence N. 590 58' no" W a dstancc of 611.63 feet; Thence N. Ste 48' 07" F.., a distance of 271.21 feet; Thence Northeasterly and Southeasterly along a curve concave Southerly, having e radius of 6L00 feet, through an angle of 99 35' 13", An arc length of 106.03 feet; Thence S. 240 3W 40•' F., a distance of 88.59 feet; Thence Soutbensterly along a curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 139.00 feet, �hrough as angle of 470 04' 49', an are length of I1L22 feet Thence S. 75 41' 2 9 " I,,., a di, iunce of 27.90 feet; Thence Soulhrastcrly, Northeasterly and Northerly along a curve concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 136.00 feet, through as angle of 1070 27- 52', ea arc length cfa55.08 (eat; Thence N. 03 09' 21" 1V., a diets nee of 179.97 feet; Thence Northeasterly and SoulhcnsYerly along a curve concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 55.00 feet, through an angle of 137 37' 31", an are length of 156.13 feet to a point of reverse curvature; Thence Southeasterly along a corSe concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 135.00 feet, through an angle of 51 58' 14", ao arc Icyth of 122.45 feet to a point of try, cr....irvalie , lthe initial radial line beer, S. 44 28' 10" W'.); Thence Soutbensterly and Southerly along a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 65.00 feet, through an nngle of 1130 23' 54", an me Icrn-th of 128.65 feet to A faint of reverse curvature, (the initial radial line bears N. 070 3(' 04" W.); Thence Southerly, Southea,eterly and Lastcrly along a curve concave Northeasterly, having a radius of 135.00 feet, through an angle of 1150 27' 38", an are length of 272A5 feet, (dhe initial radial line bears N. 74Y 06, 10" IV.); Thence N. 80 26' 12" E., a distance of 64.00 feet; Thence Easterly, Southeasterly and Southwesterly along a curve concave Southwesterly, having a radius of 67.00 feet, through an angle of 132 51' 27", an are length of 155.36 feet; Thence S. 330 1'' 39" IV., a dial once of 227.00 feet Thence Southwestery and South,a tcrly along a curve concave Easterly having a radius of 133600 feet, Ihron,h nn angle of 80 14' 29", as are length of 187.42 feet; Thence S. 47 26' 50" E., n distnnce of 150.97 feet; Thence Southeasterly along a curve concave North oe,terly, having a radius of 133.00 feet, ohogh an .,I,], of 31° ro55 56', an me length of 74.12 feet; Thence S. 79 22' 46" 1,., a distance of 226-38 feet to a pcial on bhe Easterly line of the Southwest one,unrtcr of said Section 30, that bears 5. 00 07' 02" W., along ,(id Fnsterlydine, a disLnce of 247.69 feet frnn the renter of said Section 36; Thenec S. 00 07' 02" AV., along mid lirsicrly line, a dstancc of 620.10 feet to the Northeast corner of the Record of Survey on file in book 8 of Records of Survey, page 90 thereof, records of Rivefside County, Oalifornia; Thence N. 890 52' 32" W., along the Northerly line of said Record of Survey, a distance of 250.00 feet; Thence N. 890 52' 12" W., continuing Wong said Northerly I i b a distance of 795.28 feet to the Nor Racsterly corner of that certain parcel of hand conveyed to L.Quinta Cove, el ad, by Aeed recorded June 25, 1974 as Instrument No. 78379, records of Riverside County, California; page 3 l.1rt K.YtA JOINT VENTURE THAT t:v ECLT_D THE WITHIN 1 S :L FNT UD ACA;06l1.0LED TO HE THAT SAID C R)"'KATIO S i'\I:CCTi:D T E SAME AS SUCH FAHTHEHS AND TENT SAID JOINT 1E.3'1'L'KE EXECUTED THE SAME. WITFFSS'M"Y HAND AND OFFICIAL SFAL. _HIM BAKER CHALLIS '- N ele Wiped ur 1'rinr ed) of NoIn ry � '•.KI d BAKER 111Ue,CHALLIS C'n" nrM `+ r o m Co.an Air r_- N AA L ran STATioACNTS AS o ,carte •HOVE 3 'e vir 4s_ L , '.eS ,y✓a-.` ti tie ..f','a"+'+r. Ar..r�< rT�'.'"^.`;;u„, e'�,:'v1a'yYi.e-. '�`--.s`i.EiTM+.'4'S 'n .3+"�•�"'Fi:_:;•s.^-,�'�"„'.-� _'.,.^r.-a +.?F.= =x_,za . � ..S''ll-.,�„ty(e r .iM1 O\ p a,. , r'1� � C' v !K�'� y. / k'.�'.r . � �. ... i _ ✓ `✓r �u.� W r_... r+.. Y.. n.-.._. s P._ �- _ ORANGE COAST TITLE CO. OF RIVERSIDE SyY'I I 631-360-006 � 631-360-010 773-021-030 { 773_021_029 631-36C-014 ] 73-021-028 631-360-011 631-360-017 773-021-017 773-021 -02] 031-360-016 631-360-012 773-021 -026 631-360-003 773-021-025 773-021 -606 --__ 631-360-018 _ ' 631-360-013 7]3-022-01] • �.-., 631- 36C-019 773-022-018 ..,�. 6 31-300-006 631-390-019 631-300-010 631-380-029 631-380-093 531-300-011 631-300 -012 631-380-049 631- 380_047 631-300-014 631-380-050 631-300-013 631-300-008 631_380-051 ' ! 631-300.009 631-380-048 Jj ., 631-380-038 631-380-002 631-380-052 631-380-034 631-380_027 631-380-028 631-380-019 773,-021-012 � 773-021-033 773-021-034 773-021-032 —^-sn -'1-1 .i .os. DrrmE oo. nn n,.Env o�.c.L,rn„m..n of „ ,00 -'' ,+ VEK1T'RF THAT EXF.CCR J THE WITHIN I.STRL",-, THAF SAID COLPORATI ONS AC.SO T. A.17) KF1Epf.ED TO HE ACRNO:RS I\'CLI D THE SAME ,\T SUCH AND THAT SAID JOLT t'FSTURE EXEC Tiff SAFE. 9 WITNESS T HAN'D AND OFFICIAL SEAL, g ...n L�US�95 NPA BAKER CMg121 •jl _ KIDI BAKED CIIALLIS uC C fpA ETT � A,M i MAIL TA. STATEMEN, AS Din ECTED ADOVE 4 -11 6 1 , 0.)_.—_- A. i} � K ` F 1_. � S uweA "� 4 y7r �'.C'uYINLQ-aC TF�iQ��">z.iSYY!. , cY., v✓' .{f--f Y ran^ Y' ✓ :� \ ..�...4 _ _ _ M a., FXl1IRIT A Thence S. 000 06. So" W., along the Easterly line of Said parcel, a distance of 376.07 feel;. Thence S. 00o 06' 43" W., along said IAsl arly Iime, a distance of 7 15.7 4 feel; Thence S. as 53' 02" E., a dielare, of 399.01 feel; 'thence S. 060 07' 38" W., a distance of 429.90 feet; Thence S. 990 52' 02" E., A distance of 655.00 feet to a point on the North -South centerline of wid Saclien .16; fhc c N. nod 0T 38 H A of g said cent hr dla nee If 3D9.87 feel; The c, S. 89. 54 52" h A d'nlance of 127.6.13 feet to the Wesle b, line or that cert n parcel of land as conveyed to the Co rav of R'v mile by deed recorded August 1319"9 As Instrument No. 170510, Official R cu is of Riv r. idc County, California, lho preceding 5 courses are Along the Northerly, Easterly and Wasterly line of that certain parcel of land As conveyed In Ln Quhun Cove by deed recorded May 10, 1974 as Instrument No. 56660, Official Records of Riverside County, California; Thence S. 000 14' 34" W., along said Nestprly line, also being a line parallel with and 50.00 feet Westerly, measured at right Angles from the centerline of said Eisenhower Drive, a distance of 560.23 feel to An angle point in said Westerly line, said point Dears N. 000 1 V 20" E., a distance of 0.08 feel from the Southerly line of said Section 36; Thence S. 000 11' 20" W., continuing along said Westerly line, a distance of 50.08 feet; Thence S. 890 53' 18" E., along A line which is parallel with and 50.00 feet Southerly measured at right angles from the renicrime of .50th Avenue, and it's Westerly prolongation thereof, alm being the Southerly line of Pareel 3 of said parcel of land conveyed to the County of Riverside, A cis lance of 6 64.9 3 feet; Thence Northeasterly continuing Along said Southerly line of a curve concave Northerly, having a radius of 2050.00 feet, through an angle of 120 17' 30", an are length of 439.79 feet; Thence N. 770 48' 52" E., continuing along said Southerly line, a distance of 272.40 feet to a point an the Easterly line of the Southeast one -quarter of said Section 36; Thence S. 000 01' US- £., along said Easterly line, A distance of 54.98 feet to the point of beginning. ENCEMNG THEE F.FRO\t that portion thereof lying within Eisenhower Drive (formerly Morgan Road) 80.00 feet wide. ALSO EXCEPTING TIIEREFRO11 that portion thereof lying within that certain parcel of land as convevcd to the CountV of Riverside by deed recorded August 13, 1979 as Instrument No. 170510, of Uffwiai Records and Janwvy 11, 1980 As Instrument No. 7831 of Official Records of Riv, rsidc County, California. PAGES x r`lL i •:•^ A MINI tNTUHE., THE CALIMR-11A 1011T awl VFNT1'�RE TIAT I\:CIITED IIII "Mlil% INST tl'. 1h6T, AND ACS]U"JE16E1) TO HE - THAT SAID (Gill IRATIIIAS I tI:CC'rED lHF >A'E AS SUCH PAaIFEdS AND TRAT SAID J01.9T VEN'1L'RE ESECCTI:U THE SA?sJ_ wA , 4IT5FSS W HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. F• KIIA 1©AKER Jy/�� j/� // ern CHALLIS -jt - 'C R KIM RAFEP CHAL6IS ouc r,7hoi �d) ef voE,ir c L I IT .............................................. 1 11 A tE.nC I I AS Ol aEr En A90VE i 1 ' Tj Eyl H CD T'r'"^��+^i'W 6i'4R^S+�✓.�i �''"^-^s.`a,:'�"^i x§�.°'`�r-a'. .. _�„",,.�.1 wr—��:- �r , - _ -_ - +-•S'. - c 4 eC",.�'� z.�,i t� .. .4' _-y - .� ' re ....,�- e...,.ti....... ,:w s .. s, � . _ . � _. .. .. a _.. .. ra. 7 - - - � ..