LLA 1985-018® 0 CITY OF LA QUINrA Department of Community Development '78-105 Calls Estado La Quints, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJDSrMENT Applicant Instructions RL'CEIVED FF'; n 9 1985 CITY Of LA SpUINTA COMMA TY DEVELdPMENT DEPT Case No.L09 8j-Q( Date Received A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarised Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $12,5� shall be submitted with this Application. The irect of ommunity D cpme will da on d ache a the se fo:r Ci y C b p sent at iqa Ci Council he APPLICANT: Name: Landmark Land Company, Inc. The Address: P.O. Box 1572 La Quinta CA 92253 Phone: 345-7529 City State Zip PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner 'A' Name: Rufus and Associates Address: P.O. Box 299 La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone: 564-6676 City State Zip Owner 'B' Name: __anfnc anti Acq= af- Address: P.O. Box 299 Phone: (City State) (Zip PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 769-210-005 _ Street Address: _ 79-700 50th Avenue _ Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 769-210-006 _ Street Address: None Assigned _ APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJDSPk M , City of La Quinta 0 C Adjustment Requested: Make both parcels approximately 40 acres each. Reason for Request: To straighten the boundary line between the two properties. AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (a) of said parcels And that the information filed is true and correct to the beet of my (our) knowledge. Owners "Ar: Name Date Owner 'Br (S -�"4 _ z/l9/sr5' Name Date %4%M EteMom.Sr ika�cus a 6a�saJ . ��C F;ze: (Zavus Asses-. STATE OF CALIFORNIA / 11} SS. COUNTY OF Lii" lx Il On F F,� before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said llhh �r 1 La kS`i�� Ire r= All A Slate, personally appeared L If, personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person whose name, + 1yP subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that 1 r I,1 executed t,F3¢Ipggegaqqaqqqqqq°`gggqqqqqqa*+q*p q OFFICIAL SEAL e WITNESS my hand and official seal ` ° ' "W'�'• ` k n LOM JO TABUYO $3r�NOTARY PUBLIC—C.4LIfC'•N1A f NOTARY FICNO FILED IN RIVERSIDE COUNTY 1988 / ✓1/ �j e. My Cemmision Expires November 12 I , ' agq>aa�r�y%*a°e°aroaroflaialnotearassal)gga JSignature of Not9 7AND CONPANY VOUCHER NUMBER INVOICE NUMBER PURCHA« ORDE INVOICE DATE AMOUNT ,COUNT _00 NET AMOUNT R07637 R07537 ` 02-07-85 125.00 125.00 R07633 107638 02-07-85 125.00 .00 123.001 5 fS- O!-7 �5 y :00 LA QUINTA HOTEL - LANDMARK DETACH AND RETAIN THIS STATEMENT THE ATTACHED CHECK IS IN PAYMENT OF ITEMS DESCRIBED BELOW, LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA IF NOT CORRECT PLEASE NOTIFY US PROMPTLY, NO RECEIPT DESIRED. � II 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 TRANSMITTAL LETTER PRO= NAME: /4'-� `�' Z' ADRESS: / `j / 1-,4 J-T -/7tI? ATrN: J, � . //�' `y We Transmit: herewith ( ) Under separate cover via ( ) in accordance with your request For Your: ( ) approval ( ) review & cament ( ) use The following: ( ) Drawings ( ) Specifications ( ) Change Order (619) 564.2246 DATE:— y d ( ) distribution to parties ( ) information ( ) record (. ) Shop Drawing Prints ( ) samples ( )'Shop Drawing Reproducibles ( ) Product Literature COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION REMARKS: .P S �� _ —�T. e/d� Oopies To: BY: grC�rO� MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CAT. NO. NN00051 TO 77(7-84) NOTICE Of RETURNED DOCUMENTS J TICOR TITLE INSURANCE r Sanborn/Webb, Inc. Attn: Jack Saunders 600 E. Tahquitz-McCallum Way, Suite "0" Palm Spring, CA 92262 We are sending you the items checked below: ❑ Receipted tax bill which has served our purpose. Our No. Your No. Proposed P.M. 19834 Date November 5, 1985 ❑ Copy of covenants, conditions and restrictions ordered by you. ❑ Escrow Instructions dated ❑ Preliminary Title Report dated as of ❑ Recorded instrument which you sent to us for examination. ❑ Plat to be used with the order number shown above. ❑ Policy of Title Insurance per your instructions. NOV 051985 , K3 Copies of recorded documents per Ticor Title Insurance Company of California your request for above mentioned proposed parcel map. Larry W.Violassi, Subdivision Consultant )F,pURft9k Title Officer County mi TOM 1119038, w7 AL ) TO 4.\ ) 'TAM C. L1 MUM, ET AL ) WftTIU of 'Ae Dollar* TOW PAY91M •ad I= ONEHereby Grant �7ArllE8 C. L04'mlAO brad A81Ht L. LO(QWlw, . bla alte, Do •nLs all that Rs C property sitwt• la W density afawrad Wet• A. IWlae TYa- duWlaeda rollat((I 7 K wlnr a, state of blSrma6W, That pWtlo%t let 2, JIms zo) m lands at t ewt Lem 0 b7 up an film la acne prga 14 m Yaps, Hinnldo eapa0/ ea acne and beads, as tellw, t Wltf m N Wm7 Records described by ge0os 61bek 20J, 10a feet west o Its Simi at • t an the Worth iw m s14 Lot 2, \ Northeast eorneritlrrsof; thanoo Booth 190 tors parallel With the Rut line of cold I ; theneo %at pa lay With ION: -,on Manna, 1$5 fact{ than" North 190 feet paralIWI(lth sold Meet line or Lot 21 thene• Seat slang the worth line of cold Lot 2, Block 103 Wine Point/if beginning. WITRt88 our hands Iola 26t\pay/or maroh,19A5. v.S.I.R.S. =).)0 Cenowllea \ Team parsons toll Forgoes BUTS O7 CALAORRIA, ) I . County of Riverside ) as. on this 26U day of Norco, 19A5, wren m, aeanou A. •swan •Eatery i4b110 In and far uW Cemty •ed 6aeo. p"Aane111 ap at•d rem fgnosa em Lola Aecnns known to as to be the par oas debar !n am W • ,race Al" eabearlbad to the Within Instrument. and to lmoWl g•d that v ti•ontea the wl w1TUe8 W be bed eftleLl acal w 0►7 • ter la Lola eartlfWte fine abase Written, lteaaea A. e (RCTARLIL DEAL) Notary Public So for NY Commission Eaplr4W Oct. 24, 1948. "to County am 8ta• Raacised for aboard ilea 15. 1915 at JO Win pact 9 o'ol«k A, at Re9uett o: Hour lt7 Pitlo Law. a Ct«. Co. Coplaa la acne No. 677 m Ottlolal 8cne 61428 a.ann• of AS «r•!dg Conntl, 4ltfarola. Data 211, Neu $1.00 Zack A. Rose, Reoonor i 0nepa1e6: Copyist J. B4zmrdl O"PrOl C. Bernmd C. H. HOLLIe. ET AL ) TO 1 CE182C P. BORE, 8T AL ) 111 Co"SLONRe"Off of TOO a to/100 Dollars C. B. Willa and BTRIVA A. HOLLIS, .. emaeod *ad W1f• Do Hamby Cant to CM. TO P. PCRH r,a Barry R. BORE, h«Oead •nd Win As Taint %Meta all that age, Property altuaae In the County rr R11.,c de, etete m California, 40aorlbe4 as follwa, ' seat on• -half of the Want eno-hair of Ban 8srurdlso aoae am EarSdlaa, as shwa United to5. Tor. Gavin a Boma. r; T seat, 4 l o United Hoeg• 0overngent syvgy; b«pLSng - 1 therefrom eW portion thereof I71ng within pablte reads. EITE288 oar hands tole Jota day of April, 1945. v.e.LR.B. $16.50 Cancelled 0. He Home %ag0a A. Rollie Bull U OALLODU. ) Ocnuty of Rlvarslds ) as. OR this )Otte day orApril, 19450 heron so, leereld 1, Trylm a wWter7 Futile !e led for sold CooCty endState, personally appaSPSS 0. Hs 861116 w 802thL A. Wallis, known to ge to be tan par"" deurlbed in and who" Clues We subscribed tow %lth- LA I"tvu At, and sakeaWloagod that they msautod the wage. w1TUp By hand and 4ttIOLai Oval the day sag pear In tole «rtltle•te tl rat above Witten. 8orold F. ra71W, (w0'lEHLL UAL) 1W11ar7 Poblte In and far b Cammlacim Bepir4 iea01127 15. 1949. mid County and B4to. 242 /1430 Received for Record Wy 15, 1945 at 30 sin post 9 *'°Loot A.Y. at Rs9na*t of security Tetlo Ina. A Otes. Co. Copied In Book No. 677 K Official Rerrde, Par* 241 at as9., Record* of Hiwraide Commit. Calrfom is. Fees $1.00 look A. Rao, Recorder Crparod: Copyt•' J. BorMrd; Cca"r*r C. 8ernam I ION CLAP, IT AL 1 TO ) S. Y. CARLISIS ) IN chi&ataw Oi K To • sc/100 Dollars XI CLAPP snd YAe OLPP husband Am vi" Do Hereby Oeast to Y. CARLISLt a allow all that Real Pro"Tty situate L the City of Corona County K RSTey ids, E1.1 K Californis, deacrib" as felines: The easterly Rao ugular 72 feet of let 6 Sad tM bsterly Rectangular 72 feet of the iort6arly eeotahe ar iosin ena-nalto[ Lot 5 ie Block 107 K the &oath 21101"u l'*s* Us as pas asp reoom a in Book 9, psEs 8 of Wpa, Records of Ben Beruardlao County, CeliforO L. iI'RI y bond this day of llarlb, 1945- of Clapp U.S.I.R.B, j).85 Cesc4lsd Jr Clapp STATE Or CALIFORNIA, I County of RSveralde I as. On this 31 Fay Of =Pon, I 5. hKora as, tie mderc Sty-: a rotary Public S- and for said County and SWO, Par °Milt' append Y • Clapp !Joe Clapp known cr r tc he the persona described In and eno ores era subscribed to tM vlfhih InatruaAnt, sag Acknowledged that thly ereouNd tM r. MENSES y hand and official" Baal the day and year In this °°rtiftft" first SOOTS vrittOn. \ Aeras D. Randall&. (NOTARIAL SLL) Rotary Public Sn boa for By Coriss Soo irpitoo April 20th J1947. 'aid County and State. /14)2 Received for Record Nor 11. 1945 70 sin put 9 o'oleck A.M. at RsCMAt of Security Title Ica• ! Utas. Co./.Copied 10 k Va. 677 K Official Records, pegs 242. Records of Riasxa ids County, C 111Wants. read "") J k A. Rosa, Records& 1. Coaya"l: Copylet 7. rued; ConP'" C. -Mr no �e pOBTAL UNION LIPS ISSMAA CO. I TO ) TORRra AL ) • eoepora- v COIDI9SRlTDIi a Ten Dalie" POB die Di » noDRANDR OOIeYHT, tisa, Dcas Hereby 0,sat I1° WMIS IAAdNg am 1ROe Y EMMA I in eG°°1 she"* ee tenants 1* eogsm, all t Real Prapart7 aleuto to L e county of Rive"ide. State of California. described a fclime 'a Tho SRtiarut "as of 7Netieu Trnt7-nano l , TnnWip e*"n (7) Bonth Range SSsht IgI sasc, n BarnarO hue Be" And Narldlan, staining 160 sc"a, ahDleet 4. All sondit lobo, too,lotions, laser"tiona, and rights t var of "cord. v 1f1TR38S !, astd Peetsl Chico Ltto Insured Opspy Ms M"auto unrd Its c*r:r*ta red as snaaaslhes and its goal affixed by to via P"eldeae and Age' Utaat Me"py. erAunle duly °ntkgrirl by "sslbbLn K is &oerl K D3"ate", 1aie plat My or .7>rk°h, i943. 9()/ POSTAL aunt lave ODnlYy A �lI et' we ls. Is Hs*1. TL-Presldest. U.S.I.1 11 :45 cancelled 4 aeldl* 7srg. Asgt. °"tort'. 1 n r. 3 ia'�`obel .19" as Tr r � �apwde SU a daa3rd: snd ma. is war dw d Tare, does eo.all ds alas d m- I wish mrd dermal. for orb Tape, bas or of de aHiciu arm d dal Dirermaof oradp. Trmee. alppllW OIaLTI a x 4 e MM i I" p 11v aawra 1: ? M and 1 :TT ' M. husband and wife rarrwlp. �r�l yQ A VAWABB OMMMGTMK ralp of Whhh 1s busby r4wY s aa. .. .y bps Tw_ 9 '-3MY L1r.1 :iA•:$!1, an ururarried wopn, Lllt =M — do si yrayu 3 Y d+ fey J �ronldo ___, &ia i Cabhewy deel6d r la0pwal 7Te Nirr.hwest 7tarter of ti a Kortheeet ^.darter of :action 5, Township G South, Sa.rge 7 Zast, Tan eexulWini 9ase and Meridian. S N:::7 r r Cor "ts, rnMitima, restrictions, maervationa, ri7hts, rights of way and psmm to of record. I AAarns Or alnuawCOUPM ffi - fay— or - - now Ywarr rYrbas..sri .S �� r b wlMa brie r9. W W ftW are �n arrr yr CwrWs i. mmm rsaor 11.101?1L IaaaaQiaM a ®arraa� a►au onner Pale pIOm10WY Iran alrur' i y� GRANT DSSD $AULXr ©, DUNCAA B MIMS B. DUMCAN Z. R. H. RAIICB, a husband and wife Cal Corp $20.00 The rl prop is the Co of Riv 3ta of Cal, dear as Poll: heft and the. RRl of the s* of Sections 5, T68, Subs tot All Sea and speo taxes for the fine yr 19i51-52 Inaluft &JW spec 41str levies, pyats, for whiek are include' thin and Collected th/with. Covats, ccadta, restrots, reservts, rights, rights of way and easemats of rec. Dtds Marsh 19, 1951 Asks March 19, 1951, 0. C. West, RP, Riv CB, Cal, Seal Rets H. R. H. Raneh, Box 282, 2adio, Calif. Inv iv 'v ii- .e e. a: sw — "' #628 WACE {ROVE PLACE INTERNAL Corpora 'A., eNN ry11N1.NW .. .r.Y rINWWC{.Y Cy1Y.r FOR A VALUABLE. CONSIDERATION, rlydp ul whi h h MrebT . k . teiged, H. R. H. RAHCH, lnc., . rnrp.Nalian nrA.maeJ wWer Ihn hew. u11M N.R ul �at�erlme h.rdry GRANTS In SAUJIS C. POSTER, a married roman Ile, I.Ilawins d..rribrd ml prop,", in Ih. w w, o/ lililora'r, came sf River"dit The NortheeRt geartsr of the NorthRut geertsr of Fractional Section 5, Toanship 6 Swth, Ridge 7 Hut, San Bernardino Due end Y ridfan. Rii;E rva therefron en eaeeemntr in favor of the pa611c over Aw Portion thereof in pohlic roads. The said Property doaR not include SAW water, the right to water, or atp right to receive water JM'on nq Asadm other than that above dRacribed. SUBJECT 7O1 1. No tame for the no Ot year 197h-5S. 2. Conditions, restrictions. rewarvetions, rights and rights of way of recall. ] BSnk tOE. mvie A:wtm TDii cone NO 161611 ESCROW NO._ _ FOR A VAWAUJ de_ bedT GRANT to AS the as! pop., mu Yew.1 Qhfo devil 1 In Witness Whereof..aid rurponsica ha. r..rd 'b separate O... m.lramrrl to M e.mta d hY its .. . IPmidlm sed. 5....aas lhrlrumo dal..ath.6". April h. 1955 ._. R. R. H. RAgf}I Ion. STATE. OF CAUFORN1A COI NTY OF qa Na NNadlltdt.G 1 lMt. Ps.i'. I DAYM .. . Nn 13a t4+�' PACs KtOrl ICI11 RWROQm YK o4T .wad Irn ward 1 .u1, ..J cub. P.n..db .11 ..A ' VtATr OI CAIDOtl IA Ve d-0P C. IteW r.rr,•r4r-der '�✓.�rd _ QATT !! 'r w.P P an.. and rv..u.r a+Au Amon n AQIf'g. D.g �►...d s. .nWn .. �...w i..� (Y ,,pn - •� —_ ..� wow •nArn r m.nr n• r.. r.N. M n• 6r.n1 nl .Corer. a RQ�� At, ,O dy 111 r\1 �� ^n lured .n.l .Kral al �.-mnlr �• Q.r�t a ~ n. p•�d rode - jgt, ; ,��R :.i �� -vJ e.� �_ G • vaaN ncoaaaP N.a .e - s y..,. r! .� 1 to !�' Sallie C. Fo.ter � Ta41AlAr \.. iS1343 - �'� r}' "' •• "`'�-� P. V. box TS3, Sonoma, Calif. Fia.a .N Ion \.. tdTB I trti •�^-ten+ P.-+. - - S p, i 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564--2246 Octcber 28, 1985 Mr. Jim McGillvray Sanborn/Webb, Inc. 600 E. Tahquitz Way Palm Springs, CA 92262 SUBJECT: Record of Survey for lot Line Adjustments 85-018 and 85-0.17 and Certificate of Compliance for Additional Adjacent Parcels. Dear Mr. McGillvray: Please find enclosed my red -lined check print for your review. The original mylar is in my office awaiting pick up by your staff, as well as the County check print. As you will note, there was an error in the map as to which lots are part of Lot Line Adjustment 85-018 and 85-017. As you are requesting a Certificate of Compliance for the heavy border area, please provide legable documents showing the recorded deeds as per the lot line adjustments and per the parcels that are outside the immediate area (boundary) of the lot line adjustments. In other words, I would also like some proof as to how these other 40 acre parcels were created. I have enclosed copies of the: City's lot line adjustment documents and exhibits. Should you have any questions, please call the undersigned. Very truly yours, OaNMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIV�ISIIONN Robert W. Weddle, P.E. City Engineer R M/psn CC: Steve Crowell, Riverside County Surveyors Office Sandra Bonner Enclosures MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 600 E. TAHQUITZ WAY SUITE D PALM SPRINGS, CALIFORNIA 92262 TELEPHONE: 619 • 325-2245 i DATE: October 21, 1985 TO: Robert Weddle, City Engineer, City of La Quinta FROM: Jim McGillvray C l RE: Record of Survey eC 7'o Section 5, T6S, R7E Robert: Enclosing for your files two (2) sets of prints of a Record of Survey in Sec. 5, T6S, R7E, which we are pro- cessing through the County. They would like your signature on the City's Certi- ficate of -Compliances Enclosing the original foryour signature. PEzegl,. If you have any questions, please call. r� I 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 5EV4.2246 February 21, 1985 Kevin Manning, Planner landmark land Ccnpany P. 0. Box 1578 la Quinta, CA 92253 IM: Lot Line Adjustment No.: 85-018 _. Location: West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 5 T6S- =7 .SBBWI 6 -2 0-005 Assessor's Parcel No.: 769-210-006 This letter is to report approval of your application for a Lot Lune Adjustment pursuant to Section 18.1 of the NU nicipal Land Division Crdinance No. 460 subject to compliance with Exhibit "A". This Iot Line Adjustment is approved based upon the follaA ng findings: The adjustment involves adjacent parcel; no new parcels are created; none of the parcels involved are reduced belay the development standards currently applied by the Lend Use Ordinance No. 348. This approval is your authorization to have new deeds recorded reflecting this Lot Line Adjustment. These deeds should indicate that a Lot Line Adjustment has been approved. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". Very truly yours, Nuul IUYY 17�/BI �'uD�Y �.11'SNIuID�Yi Z�-✓��j Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner Atch: Approved Exhibit "A" MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 CITY OF LA QUINTA 0 Department of Community Development 78-105 Calls Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE AWTUS HERT Applicant Instructions RIt CEIVED F I" 7; P, 0 1185 i'ITV OF LA pUINTA COMLIU VITY DEVELOPMENT DEPT Came No.LL/9 '? -0(h Date Received A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarised Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $125� shall be submitted with this Application. The at the wee for APPLICANT: Name: Landmark Land Company, Inc. The Address: P 0 Box 157R La Quinta CA 92253 Phone: 345-7529 City State Zip PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner 'A' Name: Rufus and Associates Address: P.O. Box 299 La Quinta, CA 92253 Phone: 564-6676 City State Zip Owner 'B' Name: Rnfn= _a AS,=; R+P= Address: P.O. Box 299 Phone: _iLA-Cr-TG City State Zip PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 769-210-005 _ Street Address: 79-700 50th Avenue _ Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 769-210-006 _ Street Address: None Assigned _ f APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJDSTnNT, City of La Quints, Adjustment Requested: Make both parcels approximately 40 acres each. Reason for Requests To straighten the boundary line between the two properties. AUMORIZATIONt I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (a) of said parcels And that the information filed is true and correct to the beat of my (our) knowledge. Owner 'All: z /Ig l rS Name Date Owner IBI Name Date VMr f1;ftstCVzr ik orris a 6wW5i:*J , z�¢, F;:e: (Zwr-usAssoc. pTATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. COUNTY OF Lbr-1Kr i)C— On f-F- R I T = before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personally appeared Jam— (I''AI-r a IP personally known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the person _ whose name" subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that OFFICIAL SEAL executed tF�q,;i{ppsssesss*+rstssss►*tsssssssss• WITNESS my hand and official seal. LORI JO TABUYO d .� NOTP.RY PUBLIC—CAUfORN1A s NOTARY BOND FILED IN s RNERSIDE COUNTY s _ * My Commislon Expires November 12. 1988 r e sspsss�ssss-rsssssessas Sign a of Nota isstst*stA's area for official notarial seal) 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - 1619) 561.2246 February 21, 1985 Kevin Manning, Planner Landmark land Company P. O. Box 1578 La Quinta, CA 92253 RE: Lot Line Adjustment No.: 85-018 10cati0n: West 1/2 of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 5 T6S, p7p. SBB&ti -2 0-005 Assessor's Parcel No.: 769-210-006 This letter is to report approval of your application for a Lot Line Adjustment pursuant to Section 18.1 of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance No. 460 subject to compliance with Exhibit "A". This Lot Line Adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: The adjustment involves adjacent parcel: no new parcels are created; none of the parcels involved are reduced below the development standards currently applied by the land Use ordinance No. 348. This approval is your authorization to have new deeds recorded reflecting this Lot Line Adjustment. These deeds should indicate that a Lot Li1Ye Adjustment has been approved. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the approved Exhibit "A". Very truly yours, �!�uW )UYM �B1I� �.'ulyuY �7�3:`y1y�9�YY ✓/���2/ Sandra L. Bonner Principal Planner Atch: Approved Exhibit "A" MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 i :i y 3 i'2r.. �11 ear r �L� -tea J-T e11V CO. C - v I �L (7 Uw L to G,-,Iam. Ca S=) . .a •+csv>w l �r 1 ~SL J C T to c,:wtaaP..�... ❑t�.c�....t-e .,m art a_Lah+tra.-- % e ra�f— Ilf]cc- C-' fL'.fi s FU4 A YiJMX -1 COiC4G ATM r.sia d 4 R Up -US ASS,,ClATLS, A U- :. M PAR MEP SFM t^^!t CL rr(4{ r. RU7'tt5 AS54)CIATES, A U!'.tT"..D PACTh_KSK2' ...err a C.fYFl!SEK ' ZX.YliT 'A•.�� � I) F,CrT �TaE1TlhTt�M. A PAFT t`,r c? � LEGAL C3'.S- H T"S WED C(1=L`:E5 TO LOT LC�- bX Fc T n. ti13. L}n APPROYFD BY Tt'.- CSTY (X' LA QC.= RUFUS ASSOCIATM A Lt""TPD PARTK^JTLFaP BY, !!O2R15 Q GRAY 0, -. A RGard+ H• f9i5 — - _ _ C�I7airu• o„'^+ -- D...d_ iT,Tt M C1lJ RA n1• t .. �OtClYiL7;4 . BYi.M ivcl /�� Y:c• rc_.3nt r� rsrun c.i en erg r i o� s'- - K. _ 3 q� f i i Yf - A • i j �r�Y_s L L Qu+-tT4 ca. snn J ^L J i - x j t } t - i �9p r p..d..T r�✓a d �-p.q�.�y_ 1 E] IL.:....psrvl a.s 0, d_ L. hrl�.__ � Crea cz eit �1 Tua cn e.,,— yca—ca n>-«-e C=7 ae-1-. FOR A VALUAOU CYWD-. ATM..s<y-1 d .td L 1- 'l RUFUS ASSOCIATES, A Ll"-r D P.ARTN--R4GP 4..ht GT.A.ST(SI r RUFUS ASSOCIATES, A LJWTED PARTh'•_`P.514P r4 f.Ae- �l.ed r e..c y r J �, a/ RIVERSIDE SFE EXHiBR 'A' ATIACttED HERETO AND HALO. A PART ICRER -7OA LEGAL DESCRIPTIaN OF LOT LINE. ADJI,STi__M_ A THIS EaEr) CQN,ORtAS TO LOT LC+.; A.D-V ST>—N=T KUWZZR 11-0{f APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LA Q(1'.XTA ON Febr,. y 21. R73. ,... �_..� .... c •. �is� m ram.. mr... y. STATE OF CALIFORNIA C FFrT OF RIVERSIDE On th S. lath day or Mara 19a'iwr_ 15 t<!orc .a, bvc< A. C Ro'.a r,-Tv c in aid or sale -wary anE state, Per j 4'�Pe s+'^d La—,, A 51,1« Q(4ndAG71//Y1[et; 'Lb N.NlidF Prvrod to � on ur Cula o' ea L'a'ac tory eviee 1 t « [he P-calEmt e++d 6i kl,oel A L«rr.cc N43d6 / y`SfM/t 'd•.E to > m tM-bmL� as t. at.r tory ev lemcel to e. i V'M a'(/ d/// 5 P�v.IGe.,t o. LM corio- tloli [Nt c� rut ., t - and tt�r� (i} 'v:rrcEato w on LrxcL al �rleeMal tc 7e L.b PerasaFeNo nKute^_ LM -]thin +> ,� e1d ccr,.a•'a L1 oe, vale cx-v ^etim w1n( ,.e rs:rallr kno-hero r. is •ra of Ruf.n +1 tA..wcu _ 1 vevut W n1e S..natn=ent art t n.eFeE tc v Lu. ,. , x. c.ec�teE t'a s..�a m sate partaw and tr , auto Larlr ere^1y e i .r.e x, Y;T-Uu' eT hAYJ AIO OFf lCl A1. SEAL jA r-cwa krY 4 ?4 4 f � r� �c i { �1 �i J r 4 A r. ryy S, L ,�,�.-�,..F i •-,r -..'..4-yi�'���.'" - .'�.f"�„-t.y ' •'� M- M.f.^ S ' „Jf * � of "-'e . __ q � - r n.1 pa kQ of the ; mC h rt M's C-e,- cC Ha - 5o✓thw'a-x c:a r=-`� d tla G-G•:� w <..�.r:: d C.� x Es SC"�� ) 6 C=�'LtL 7 r' T.e.`v T rizt, C. G.--rr..rG-m tf - ?FiixCZ C E t� dT` r_, PIu"' Ca 3 frr_:Ea 6, t G.c=a d t:.t3 IV- t* V� cz�`_e r Lf 4: Lvc-. z i - s"'- -_ rt•z*.�.1=a d tam r—d ed J Cl AFD IT, IC 7 �T7.CIF c t rc'r mac. c�S �c=•c _t:: r-a a cn�_ c;f 'l J_ T�- r-cz:cs c—s c a 1^ c.._. e e.,� �_ a i"^•�x: c.., t� ca F_ � e a tt # - -c!�r� r: r-� a C::^_s le 2._ r fc: Le Vs E. w"�_'6 ra Cf Dl• SQ' ��t Co yT f _ } � r _ t tz �'� r •.,r iqf OYS6C:KO) t4 is [' 1'='� ; Lyi•.- r-1 (� F<.>.cy to [� m L.b tcaia a a.. � .x:•1^a r'_SA 'tF: _ - - - t•-L7 t =�� w rs w w a.. or Lra [�" of R%tia A st'rs i.� L:1 t...L , _- F���u t_b i'�='•srariC t_at oa..c>d .A F.. --� � , L ,:xi m�`.a>,i�n caw ='t�C C.`.J 1"�"3 f� i-� 2•.� - i GT p!^ t'7 GYZ�AL • �'�' fL.��1J.413/L 1J :�-:.i �<`.' �..:. -, -r' y ` v C':Y`.� E Pkb= 7 r—t P: tCf rCf r:� 5, a Es--, L�'3 T 1ittA4t=iG C. t cap E.— E-- r-z. 'k cfX,'— r eg F—h G, C2 G a C—sy-- Cf I rtt J�; C74 r—�4 Cl LSa -:'Ur�j I. LL-6 G^r eora117 �ul V� C= t3 C� G'Y-1CIAL sm f atRCM 7 TFat port,= of tfa li-.:Yv-0ist ca ,rr-t+a of cS4 r"Z.,Cam ca -rc7, r1 ttA 3s thL --t c 5-_tr d V= P=cz4 .r d f_+ ..ems 4 Tec.y7 6 f7-'7� lu:-* T � En R_^s_ K.ro C_-n t�i K(.:�r:. �-.: n f�7� CO It CEA CM 0 ajj�4 +d Wy Gc-ti=4 TI3P.RCE rz-^,d Ci E4 tt LFr.c r•Y�:gtrr fA. =1 dc!! EaG<ba q n cx: � of t^�c} r� to c� cz��.-.'s r..;o �' at—,..� cs c ct f Ca F. r--rd d d Cs C=7,-! cf t s Airil IT 2GG m E-7r`. ra =: , ame. r =z e. d ss .r fk='Sr C y F,� u d t<-` —4ti of tY. F^c-' r. L G C b* TLrpCt C: C' < 0.. sac - a Ctrs,. a F...L, 2tt.t: rc u raLNCE r.-rot E. CY tv, Cc-, a C = d C211-Ti fry ter C:v Gee'.-: E--t d TF - TY r CS +G f3' 1C' Gca, ''.>~ t-w f to K:a G< y C:.I d [ a 6:�.et of lY3 t.p rr.� b Yct Lam!'="S i.I Aw— 54; mr-9cb r= Cr° tr 67' Cc!- e}ow m C�.q a G:r'^a d irieX Cr: b Fy aeaa. nceui orsasrca� � �< ..[ :.ecrg.cro wir •r �_� :..,.. t..f- -^ - Lb carcoratlon that �. ec vtN tr.e v: Chlh Smt,•zc"al ems.«a,_ _�� .-�,. (6� PF� to a on crr Gi•ta of u:lerKtar7 MSG.'rn) to a ^'� Gam'^_-� 4.� _ ac—.rteE tSa vi thin Sns[r.-yen: m Le`alf or 4�d cxr'�rv:l�.,, GJiA C='i^= �: }��� Uef�i p-rx�w11T k:.o.m toe to tw o'x or LM FS`=--'0 d R�!�•s AT^'Cv�Z -•. i., t.. M� A tc a tlx:: a>� c+r7•+'nt� c;'^cYaa tb w� J G:::9 ;-t'.�. - r:.J G:.z1 C�1 p.=..t•4rv2v1D az v_v:s3 [ffi fi.�. - _ _ -. _ • 7f if i� �t -ai !Y' .f- y _ i}jfs A� s •� c 11 <aG>dh 0 l4h.ep..c•� rm CL7 d �i�:•t: a r= A r,ULA.^ Cu-,US A�SC<IATM A IX"--rM PAP.TPZ-'St'9 4...d-' cxh"(Si b Do= SAYCt_S AF:7 LOAN AIL-_,C:LATLS{ A t ^••+-'-^, Sate J C3._ G Cs} txl St ds Sw4 nd Lc !..'-s_i dd to to of ' SL EAK3:T W ATTACK D Fi3ET0 "M Pf p'(+ '=AT°-D P'=`L�vTl1 FC%a Cot-?UTE LEGAL Df-%CRE ii-Pft f dy(!3 STA. �FOA ,1-- 0.GT.T �JtN2.zs�t r sh ! t a� r" rt W .9 �y 's^ta7 m 1' Co Ea ua Pr•_.il� C9 C''�� ' -c-ce .'t'_!?SAY/f:'�'£•1'll%dF-3iFFu--po.ca m cc c psi oT . i}C.�i'l'GWK3il—rc�i'rerc-3�-n+d_ ;�,:.ym 4t]t cxv WC tiv •1 LA In lr twat c� ��`�"��� to t* cs of C' F ::v Gr C-.% 't •w•�•y " ` to s.�•r.�Lv � a ---a c.. r :1'snl:r.=> y L? L_� L7 L.'7'^w..f1 C71 .C^�-�• �._ .+c i__b Q. +'--'�'.. �r f P F - 1. r<� - z r _ k _ D/.C.CPS 1 T6-1 E--,ti= of Ca RT-_zq�� er S-u n d C.:a C-.iv s r..s c_ at'-s, d Cy C:-,.r.'._ 4-`� ` 7.c of C� E•~ .::r-r C� -'.� ef £.-T'.� P� Ft�-- —:2 0 L^ a1 -. T L MO L==a t!r_, L..��tv TF_1r. MI L-"% CC' tP 4Y' L--, c`.x.,: Ca G.-: ;.t.� C.y-L-z C.- '=� V''3 CC c d` C--,L�6.ac:..:r-'=fF xatrayt-adA rzc3L=.L-�1E� d r� Tr' d c' r� l a d Circe e e c L:--a if ire n C...x�-x.-; Ia, ..., Q`.s- i T. ,3 d P_...—. Ott Tu'Lz c--ti �C�a �. I At: try 4; Es fi. t_^ v:L, a amn L-. t to [- G �-!;] iy af C,--th WA tr it C t, r crt7 r� t-� va :!j C= ef c34 r_::.�-.,• r (-=4cz, e E �.-.�n CfLAp fa' t b to ef c-!d da r, T ara: fx tie mr sv- F. i, ¢:� 4?4 E�4 a C�r._:,'^ ct 1:FP'_...!' fc b trm r t t Lrs�tL 7 la @ C3 f3a 1_:'s of .-I ttarT a(1l��1 fa L-+,slr or n d j:_.3 to r3 to a rra of tb rrtz 'II Tr ^: ji,. . - _ •3 %- ac_.; iLa t� ;� tn� rx--�--c:1n rt...:...;s F� i.=-] {3 t �."a_= LT C_`2 C3 Ci.=dL t'TLt.iw j 7 r _ L.y _ a PIS.t,w 2 Ys-'•o f Lr' y �a C_ e."C_� L-� c 7 :=.�i�.,.� 6CIiTf1; `J C^..�c".ee7 Kv fC _''ti C•-^_i r't:..9 -14zzS 4 f C_1E yF.:C C ; eLr £_ _t=r.adt_'J L,^CJ r fc 4 5 G=4[- d L o f-S n� C _-'^..t tl rr -'ixi c; C� C v" d G d G -^-`an ty G l r...._z� A,�fl It lt:70 n d p:--`-.a. 6c^_.,,q' . vl-,t cf r3 Cv C + d 'c1 to b fps, a c - �v d� 1CC3 f a d ii: _41 ::--A b CL� G-s d [� c� E� 4.C...—`,�j' [� d E7 a Gw� d IV?L.3 Cz" to C.7 C..---�=j r� d c`s Ake t2; Ca: Gfr fR G.'� L--S c t� Cam, a �= _-=-� d 1Yt LM tci b Cb - .-�.c-«-.�=-.:i'f ] to be Ua t,cr er.,•V"t d -'-t`7 =T.Y 49 Lug c:_xart_J tffi c1L Sn lratrrrnt ry :y,.' - - . to CS CS tl� t -1u or cct/n!a t« or I Lo b C - �......�.:1 L�2 Cit-lm L_,:.r,: c b:�r cr , d c, t4=. L4 co,%,"atiGM to b ca or teo p� of 12 ^-a?f:'- -'�i•t-�S t' _ ;-S t�7<-;74 Eo rz -4 f ----t '.x'ct19 Gau'.M ca C'.J CS• (: ("'t.� •� - CTT.--ns OT 0, k WrrcTa f�- i""""��'f"—`��t-='•���. 1r z a a. 5 t l C e T 'frj ? is S J rC s _ S r t 7 L e cfr In= A v,,-uv-MZ .4-14 L L-�T A -k�.3 Lo&4 A",OCU.TT3! UZ—W4A rTATZ C4,kn(s) w M)= S.Ayr,S jX, A LCI Ctj"TU,= CAPITAL STOCr SAY: S A`-3LW'14 A4-0."'A7 IZ3 ,, j P rv,-R SIDE . �, d C.Vmc+a� SZZ Ex43ff 'A" ATTACt� P=ETO A-I'----1 Mk= A F-AaT tJRZOF— FOR LEGAL M—SCRWTtl--*L L tt ars anup Byt RP. j Ca'.+''T S1Tld W. a �. .00c:ss-_a raw , F rx Scrkrldt T P'L-co Q Fi AL-od�tson 3 9 -_•' .�-� CJo Clo6Y70 `L ° cr�f, c.. 9svv s j A VA XA=A cat.,23XLT':-1`Z w• d .:Lh 6 b 1�" "�`�'� ;. RUPUS ASSOCIATR._3. A Ll!.-'TED PA1;1T'::.SM7 SAVL*CGS Ah- LOAN f'SLK'-AT1Q'4 A Ul'J'SJl1<A STATE - . - CNAAT1wFD U.FTAL STOCK SAYC*ram A`� LOAN AS`/JC�ATTOt1 i 1 L't O .....it d Rn-R RM S+• .E EXFQo(T -A- ATTACK-D K!:RETO "M L Arf -- A PART F.—'E F— SEEFC�LEGAL [T'SCR`v'TT1N• t " ULLEFCR hTA 1- f- Ce RiYFRS� bfor. d. 3 A. Ca 7 i ` YY 'pa t-in qCI CcT or L'—'& C It3 c.?..... J r �T Of D� CPl:tI G'.0 01JU• f 7 b L-^`flllLdN.!!Pr-t T� { e ar-'aTod COO G of csst a. cc-7 �31•'s+�l P t _ Cyst LO or ec}+to� tt" itnir ivtn» "^3 Gam' � [t�Ss a! satl•: xtnrJ ari!w:r-.1 b W �ld • { I .--r.-�S C.3 LJ Q _ SaL"-mot rn t•e:td f of on1G �iie-�"�"� a ,, y �+.!^I. of Lb P-'t._.-.O =-= A c —} .. , 1 V S' r 4s 1 _- t - d xd �f I �t� j _- - I ♦A.Y. .. 5 � z _ _ r^1, } _ i _ 5 Ex -:1T A 1'.�t patAaa of tQa co"1�s:��3t rea --e¢ d eh a e-� °t rf=vtjca foaxa OCI4 ✓-, ta=:o !f j` morvL d Gl L w ',= h TW-T;Cd ra:- M C-: Qr• Ts.. &L cr c5! r. _t:L—. r, a Gs of iw-", fr! b J. PC4,4 ef E4_.-� d t:: d I^ d tc to ez;: ra d Ltri.F: I — W f:.a f-- KG &,r.zz�; r:j L.p a d 1Ii _C fccc to t1al CZ T-in.= r^ C ' C C- r t a E�tka L1-a at cal C-Z-ba f, a C-t� n d lY.".l+' feat b t.n Wi-.' d E.C`=Lv. • _ vit�ln /Ntr.c-T[ .rL' j'y`z3i •p w+M�..�— - '. C:' CorNra.l on tNl c.e a!a �r7 e•16d,�-oI to M GiSE �.t�ttm i L V--d W m cn :• n! ` Y a f of sa1C u P� �• i FOGInC L'< •14""yin^Mnlr <n�ony� of !S. idr'�"�a � � � _: ;`s -�s�—^Jt tom t .j L-,a ttwt wcL Fa"� 'stSp C�.-r.^x�=SAL F-ZI A coo _ V/Tp33 FT P4ID UD Orr: C +Y waK-ur:ee. El n GRANGE COAST TITiE CO. � ie p, EMS r " ...w R.I. Au i.t. t 79-70O A.c 50 IMI [ P.O. boa 2'" �•-+� L. Qulnt., C.. 97277 J j ..., ......«.". w 1321D0 ..... •.—« rime at a'xrrc ad6rcaa ,«,�;w ,5......rn.w dwY. aV✓^ J 4.4«r �sr Yv.�1 H r� r Q Grant Deed T1.w f:rs M1r+��.ed 4f trva 6»a TaL C�++v d I'iw.�4 FOR A VALUABLE C NSIOEAATIDti. —rc d "" . F.�..d.. "Zc L DI%IE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A LOU[SIANA STATE CHARTERED CAPITAL STOCK SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION L.r.b, CRAS7151 m RUFUS ASS`CIATES, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP rh. lolb-��a d - r.b. —I R..•I^rt .. rM SEE EXHIBIT -A' ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF_._ FOR LEGAL DESCRIPTION. bn.A Marten 1" 1995 V •rl ri .I lrri �I♦ r DIXIE SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, A L. S00- cM e4 Clpt.I Stock n.n Aaacc B Qi�✓ IOM1n L. N,6,. r o- March 1f. i913 ..v... w.-....r - >n • Psi r'�- � F__ h__.__._. a � r P - _ F 5 �t 4 {i PARCEL r That portion o! tt,a Kortl-Eost oon qy a! the 90rhl-4 o,, qu rtr, ssd the S-tbrst ono garter of Lhe %OCt51V' a-.o �,a of fitkm 4 Tovxc A� a rc N P.tn„v 7 R-t, Son Be-n~+Cso Re e+d Yci-^m �.�4x.3 a 1c*?ows COWMFN CiN O atth4 Norh rs, GsrtL r -Id THENCE THENCE Garth CC CT 47• Prr„ t:Wc the Ka-t�, � Cmt r: -J a U} of mw Ev_lhn d, a t_'steroa of M," fcat to tNa fwR�-jy Lea of Avr� " n vat forth M —*IeLton a the Bo.:-4 of P • +=-ri:sm of tho e by 6„Q rcoxdnd A;rll 17, IP51 a Im.L'+.^xat No. 2:tm Oft .j EcroxB of Eiw-rv�eSa CoZ , CaLfcrrla, a_-o t Z ttie tcSt1 of G�-frs-=-i of "a Pc -,A aL-.d to sa &----n q =� THENCE oL.xdrc S«:th Dtl" Ci 4..7` Ecst, c:= Z cW Gr✓!r{vsk Cc-'cr E_tj= LLw, ACstrroa ofd11C-u fo 4 THENCE North 96 Sr 59- Fest, a elt,. of 1212-71 foot to thn rrC; j IL, of said SovtMocsL ctu %. =t< THENCE North PC Cr 1/• trot, aEr[„- c1Q Era W tha trot ,) C-+a of exfC NW,xet a» ps rtsr, a "-taros of 151LtA fxe to tha Exth:rlj U� cf nib Archie 601 THENCE So.rth Di W 5v Ect, -I: c a3Q li,a, a L_=,arx of 121t.72 fat to the poLit of F ••w Rr. .udc i c. cry✓ o- Much 10, IYdS F �,,. �[plllUniulunuiuuu, ., - _ ' E%._•� 2r.1��4f rM[i 44if[ /l1KK Ll�pn, a t[.ur.,u•u Sir\f (_l.r.\n[M ('.n...l � t Y C'. u - ' t 1 a e r ti Al• f.. A.... LIr. Li.],d P. o. R.. r ...... .. . . ......... 7, 195, GranrDc Riveriide 11 1i MflH 'A' PI 1: the -wUl st cpterter of the N. tTceet que.rter of :.c-c2 oo 5, ' ,r up 6 South, M:ge 7 Get, San Aardun P.ase erd FYS1Gi an, ea s1v'tm by United state Cc.�t s,,-y; IXm'CL^� tlrsefrvn the North 128.46 feet of the Fact 1000 feet. t-I cl PA;a 1: t:,at Forum of ec T )rt' t yvari es of the Mort= ast euarter of F,tSm 5,S,...ship 6 y,th, R ,,e 7 Faet, Sae Bc_mardino Psse and ltridi M, a. st iJ thittx3 Ste trs (Ye.c_-+.-est sur'.c}, d--sii d as follos: E1X:1`a:I1JG at the :'w'.1++st mrscr of Uc !. th�t c� rtcr of tje .'brth- east q�ter of Faid fccim; n" T t),ly, aluq Lhe :%s tes ly lire of Lhe Nar L`t-est Tit, of the 1 L`�n+st Grar , of said f,c im, 400 fc�t; 'l5� FastP ly, parallel -ith the Soot: sly lir of Lc Nr_ Est c.:artc of tic lkxtjcst cr rte of said Scctim, 321.15 fat; ^errs Swtl.sly, j ara lie] vith the w.'ter:ty lire of tle ib-th.cst muster of tic ::a .t y-.rirter of Said S�Lion C00 feet to a joint m the FoIticrly lire of Lhc ring. st quv of L`e Krtic t quarter of raid t,c 14•sterly along tlr S theily line,. 321.15 fat, to the Point of t gir iog. PafdII. 3: A rm xclusi se � -, t for vyrc. s a. -el ay,e o.� the test 25 f rt of el lbrtlr.est quarter of tc !'art 1v 1 quart... of Semi— 5, b :t 'h+p 6 Booth, { -qe 7 f t, sao A`SraIS11fU h'ld t iclan• J &v Ll y ttni Lej SL t,S r�ITT[Tt SlN ; � tt,mfrt. the 4t t 321.15 fat of tj% South 400 fat. 1'. J/ s�--_ ;� 1 t P f �'. .� J .ma's � ♦p �,�'. •1f ".y�':i ' " ism x.. .1 k ... I` Q n6i:UTT "A' 7 F_4S1 I1: Of U ^ie For J+_st q.:u ter se t:�rU�e-ast g.a+ter o`. S, ion 5, T. shrp 6 S,R:ir, Fa-ge 7 Fast, San i...,_'ir'° `y-"rrdi ate, in the Cr.-'.ty of Pi �•ssrde. State o! Cnh form a, acivrdr�g to Ur official plat thereof. fxczl,t Uc 3"+ 'Iy 400 fc t of U�c t'-`icr ly JP1. 15 fret U•-rtn!. „l v� ex�plir� any 1"urt i, jut .,iUdn 50th 5, Avc_ Fh S1 12: at lortim of Ue Cut`-"t c. ter of ltxt`�r t q.-vrter of v,tior c`Sp in Ue Co::''ty of 6 4.vtT, Fr ge 7 Fnst, .`ems w�r.Trrlirri r'�-ri di an, •,o rsurl., Stntr of �+liferni a, ear r9 to Ue offrcin] part Uer.of, ,�ti�AY7 as fc]lws: S_g irvivg at e hint m Ue t" h line of Sclr- st q,:,v to of P:r.t oast of said 4vm, 121. 15 f" Fast of Ue v�rU r.-i sl mrr•u t2"a f: Sw Uvly a.-d (.-,re 11e1 With Ue r- t Xly line of t_`c;)`r.-P ` tt sly y k,r ter of lUr U* t y-unrter of svd = - oo' UE./6 feet: aid F.un]]el r: t1 Ue 4uUcr ly ]ine of Ux `u'st gra:trr of t:cu t.`rast y-aartec of card 1000 feet, rcve or less, to a form m Uo Lvstes ly 1 i-x• t,`er.+of; a "� t%ortherly. nI" Ue caste ly 1iw of Ue S1aU*+'st S.artr of 1c110 vst q,artes of said Seftrrn, ll6.16 feet to the 1b.-li,evst Ucre' f: U.,ce ..estu ly, almg Use lire o! .4s�t•.-. sc .�- oe w; tTc nst 'panel of mid -ems ion, 1000 f"t, core or lrss, to ile lnrnc of tcy:nniry. J. 5 :l O {�tpfj+I tl a C W