LLA 1986-030WST Y OF L A Q III NIT A E INFORMATION REir1EiVE_U NOV 1, 1 ' CITY Cc LA QUIp`I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE^T Case No. ii.A e54-oio Application Received by Date -11-i9-�6 Application Checked by w w Date er- ts- N,6 Applicant. /?ram J Z� Phone: 5--Lse - >R� y C Address: i'. a. ho c 7t7 P4-p' �c CA. 92ZG(-D Street city State Zip Code Owner:. to Phone: Address: Street City State rpm Representative: _s c.:,a e p Phone: Address: Street city State Zip Code 1. Subject: ..& J_ 2. Location: 4 L..,a - o � �s+e 3. Environmental Information E.A. No. E.I.R.No. Notice of Declaration 4. Related Files: 5. Parcel Size/Acreage 7,-Z aoX5' 9. 6. General Plan Designation 10. 7. Zoning )2- 1 11. 8. Surrounding Zoning ram- 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Tentative Hearing Date _ Agency Deadline Date _ Plot Plan Checked Legal Description Transmittals n,.,...,,, rw Fee Informal Filing Fee E.A. Fee Total Additional Fees Receipts for Fees: Circulation Element Housing Element _ Council District Assessor's CC Nntira Aaenry Ex "A" Ha tiCe Genera al TeT—eIThone Road Department Cit of Cal Trans County Planning Water ua it CVCWD Home Owners Parks Bui ding Dept./ Health Be t. Fire / Cit n rneer Other Transmittals sent by: Public Hearing Notice Date: ' Notice Posted by: Entered in: Counter Book: Applicant Notified of Action: File Closed: 24. Additional Pertinent Information: Date: Notice Mailed by: Date: Page Parcel Agencies Notified: M Q� 0 itT 4 4a QUA& 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 December 4, 1986 Ms. Ruth Janetzky P. 0. Box 717 Palm Desert, CA 92260 RE: Lot Line Adjustment No.: LLA 86-030 Location: See Attached Legal Description for Lots A and B Assessor's Parcel Nos.: Lot A - 617-102-009-2 Lot B - 617-102-017-9 Dear Ms. Janetzky: This letter is to report approval of your application for a Lot Line Adjustment pursuant to Section 18.1 of the Municipal Land Division Ordinance No. 460, subject to compliance with Exhibit "A"„ This Lot Line Adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: 1) The adjustment involves adjacent parcel; 2) No new parcels are created; and 3) None of the parcels involved are reduced below the development standards currently applied by the I:and Use Ordinance No. 348. This approval is your authorization to have new deeds recorded reflecting this Lot Line Adjustment. These deeds should i-ndicate that a Lot Line Adjustment has been approved. Enclosed, for your files, is a copy of the recorded documents. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atch: Copy of Recorded Documents MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 Fitch Engineers Inc. R E 1 v E ' NOV . Dy: CITYOF YPM A COMMUNITY DEVtLbPMENT DF.'T �aaS3 LEGAL, DESCRIPTION FOR THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOT 32 and Lot 16 OF TRAC]' N0. 2667. nib 50 /1'`d'a 6 7 This description shall be excepted from Lot 16 and added as parcel 2', to Lot 32. That portion of Lot 16, Tract No. 2667 as shown by map on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 16; thence North 8° 07' 15" East 61.24 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 32 of Tract No. 2667 as shown by map on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records; thence South 10 38' 36" East 55.16 feet to the north line of Cortez Lane as shown on map of Tract 2667 on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records; thence along a curve concave to the north having a radius of 275 feet, through a central angle of 2° 25' 38" degreesand a curve length of 12 feet to the point of beginning. W. H. FITCH R.C.E., 12571 4�RVEY �� T No. 12571 BXP. f/! ENGI10�OF n2 00rn w Cd IL o a P LU w Ill d � o Al`loPOVE9 GY ?'J'TNING WISION --CASENO. 1_.mt,6iu AWj gG-o)o CIVIL ENGINEERING — PLANNING — SURVEYING — DESIGN P.O. BOX 455 I PALM DESERT, CA 92261 (619)345-7667 ----------- El Ll 0 ti a n � U RECEIVED -NOV 'A' v CITY OF LA r.";I;-,A i bEVEI_15PMENT, COMMUNITY DEIT 24 O 0 J 9D Om 4 �01 W Zc cr zgh oil L. z mti 41 lob p, 3TORm W ItL Mama 66-0 'h#S am —L=oo— !;rll�__ 'RECORDING REQUESTED BY htcoecuac III.0 U[STt-o eY f(POR TITLC INSURANCE AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL 70 ^'^'��of ocument„ tecorded ®319 Name Mrs. Ruth Janetzky aS i0 Np, Fd✓— treat P.o. sox 76 ared with en compAddress Indio, CA. 92201scat& ERIVE . CONER,. YcorderMAIL L J COUNTY, CALIFORNIA TAX STATEMENTS TO r 7 -• Name _ S CCr1t..Ti 7e'113 15 A Street same as above YINA(u.Y O1 "'RI�Cro�I 3 1"' r ur,,co- ° 71'P Address ) City & state L J SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE— , CAT. NO. i Individual Grant Deed TO 1923 CAA(2—(2-83) THIS FORM FURNISHED RV TICOR TITLE INSURERS The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): z Documentary transfer tax is $ a7.05 a ( X ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( X ) City of La Oni nt-a , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Donald E. Crager and Tanya R. Crager, husband and wife as joint tenants hereby GRANT(S) to Ruth M. Janetzky, a widow the following described real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside , State of California: Lot 16 of Tract No. 2667, as per map recorded in Book 50 Page 64 of Maps, in the office of the County recorder of said County EXCEPT one-half interest in and to all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the deed from Lec_nard A. Grenier and Mary Louise Grenier, husband and wife, recorded October ),1, 1955, in'Book 1805, Page 153, Official records Dated: November 14, 1986 CAT. NO. NNO0627 TO 1944 CA (7-82) (Individual) STATE OF CALiFORNiA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE On _ AUVh1'1bhK 14,19 said State, personally appeared Uolla�l ra rr,ax anya Z51rager }S before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for personally known to me or proved. to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person S whose name ARE subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that THEY exe- cuted the same. WITNESS my hand a d-o icial seal. Signature'/ 6?11 2� OFFICIAL SEAL RUTH A. FURST Notary Public-Calilornla RIVERSIDE COUNTI' My Comm. Exp. Apl. 3J, 1990 aocc ('this ar.a for official notarial seal) �CEIVEC NOV i`J' � a CITY OF ua u;rTa 2 h h COMMUNITY CEVE "S ENf CUT d � U qn 1 STONE sv.�<L 1 0. 1"? Im 1 Fo 1� a 0 u 0 AI Z 0 � n m 0 y � n N y o � EXHIBIT 9 APPROVED BY PLANNING DINISIO CASE NO. L L,-a3s m 11 icowma ■aouorm OF ; Transiarics Title Insurance L7 Order go. 14SS42a0 AMD Worm sxaoweso auu m, TO S W a. � }t • i� r Mrs. Muth M. Janetzky i •; P O lain 717 % J 3 Pala Desert, Ch 92660 ` — spec n W Uwr roa srcowxae use — _ MAIL, TAX sTATUNNINIra TO-- __ .-ae. v.•.Sr.e .. y 35.20 r sane as above XI e`-- .n -r •. r F 55 P.5 Title Ina - TransZ-,riea (� ``.: e._. GRANT DEED ,u _,145542,TU Br Ana mu,uvn, dazed December 150 1977 J.., ..nmlde,n.,.ko" a. JdiN N. CERVENKA AND RATHERINE G. CERVEN A. husband and wife IwnF GRANTS n, RIM N. JANETSRy, a widow rM IolFrwmf dewnbeJ 4a1 Pmu'er,y 'n , hr Noe ..i r.ln ooze. ,.inn d Riverside GOof ....1uninvorpRreW area Lot 32 of Tract No. 2667, as per map recorded in Book 50 Page., L4 in the office of the County Recorder of said county. Except one-half interest In and to all oil, gas, minerals, and other hydrocarbon substances as reserved In the deed from Leonard A. Grenier and Mary Louise Grenier, husband and wife, recorded October lle 1955 in Book 1805 Page 153 Official Records John w. Cervenka RL he Ceka .19 / �, bdnrt me.'he un.lre.fn..l. a Koury Puhhr in .nJ her uid STATE Or CALIFORNIA G.wn and Cum Krvnully arpraml. elesJohn W. Cervenka and Katherine G. Cervenkak„own ... me n.k1hr COUNW Of.. �..... .. w inure i. -��a.kReA'o r�r lha'� IrY a+eruuJ she umr. OFFIVAL SEAL Y �...�� Noon+9p„amrt / C JAN R. U11RiCH / low MISX • cuffa 1 � ios ANOELES COUNT w ree,r�m roe. Nee n.Im MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE i 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 November 20, 1986 Riverside County Recorder P. 0. Box 751 Riverside, CA 92502 SUBJECT: Lot Line Adjustment No. 86-030 Dear Sir: Enclosed please find documents to be recorded regarding the above mentioned lot line adjustment. Please record and return these documents to this office. Thank you. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR Gary W. Price Associate Planner GWP:dmv Atchs. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 W CITY OF LA QUINTA AC E i V E Department of Community Developmen'NOV 78-105 Calls Estado CITY (IF LA y�yUpNTA La Quints, CA 92253 commUNITV DEVEL Pp ENT DF'T Case No. 41-AB6-o30 Date Received 11-11- 4 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Applicant Instructions A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarized Application shall be submitted with thre,3))copies in 6 of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the 1ved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $ 12s,lao shall be submitted with this Application. t Dre he Ailic ictf on P a end- ') ecvfoRtderato e A ant ou Coet c/ APPLICANT: Name: Ruth M. Janetzky Address: P.O. Box 717 Palm Desert CA 92260 Phone: 619-398-2324 City State zip Shy, i88V PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner 'A' Name: Ruth M. Janetzky Address: P.O. Box 717 Palm Desert CA 92260 Phone: 619-398-2324 City State zip Owner 'B' Name: Ruth M. Janetzky Address: P.O. Box 717 Palm Desert CA 92260 Phone: 619-398-2324 City State zip PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel Number: Street Address: 79600 Cortez Lane , La Quints, CA. 92253 Lot 32 Tract2667 Assessor's Parcel Number: 617-102- 017-9 _ Street Address: vacant land Lot 16 Tract 2667 Book 50 Page 64 Lot B: 617-102-009-2 A 6 7 9 0 11 19 125,00 11 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, City of La Quinta Adjustment Requested: By Ruth M. Janetzky and William Fitch, engineer submitted for approval 11/18/86 Reason for Request: To adjust lot. line in order for Lot no. 32 to be sold without an encroachment onto the adjoining lot no. 16 AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (s) of said parcels and that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 13th day of November 1986 Not671y Public Cindy Borelli OFFICIAL SEAL r CINDY BORELLI !* �'• NOTA RV PU RLIGCA LIFO RNIA X�\,-7,- RIVERSIDE COUNTY MY COMt4. EXP. MAR. 9,1990 Fitch Engineers Inc. 0 RECWVED NOV . CITY OF LA (� YNTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OE?T LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT OF LOT 32 and Lot 16 OF TRACT NO. 2667. This description shall be excepted from Lot 16 and added as parcel 2 to j Lot 32. That portion of Lot 16, Tract No. 2667 as shown by map on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 16; thence North 80 07' 1.5" East 61.24 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 32 of Tract No. 2667 as shown by map on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records; thence South 10 38' 36" East 55.16 feet to the north line of Cortez Lane as shown on map of Tract 2667 on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Mips, Riverside County Records; thence along a curve concave to the north hiving a radius of 275 feet, through a central angle of 2° 25' 38" degreesand a curve length of 12 feet to the point of beginning. Wei. H. FITCH R.C.E. 12571 No. 12571 BXP• 3/3/�89 � co �� fNGIN�E04�RPPMED BY PLANNING DIVISION IF CL: GA,' il,A��aG -CASE N0-A * !NA ho% 86-o)O CIVIL ENGINEERING — PLANNING — SURVEYING — DESIGN P.O. BOX 455 1 PALM DESERT, CA 92261 (619)345.7667 NOMIA1 eee 4 E eoe..= f evmA®�n .. iI- m TrameorLse Title ieereon ' rider No. USS 2-M aE M $ t �1 { � • Q b+Jl bs i aao e® aQaeeoao ara UV m $ r y r .6 , ... rre. COO IL aoe>� 1 1' i i.Iowrc, to on" ®® J i L i e..ca aeolle 79e 1JMe .o..aconasn+ uee — Sam. Tar otargenum To I � .lea I r!K\..Er,,", fMon ' Wall eoreow.ncor.n.ee � aee AN Above II'e co..ronr ^•...,...�wE u\as c Flc — Tramaeariea Title I"( ' Sr GRANT DEED L..-NJ,6S+=-JU 1 Depembet 15. 1977 .hr..d.blram..b.rsQ JOB M. C01geLa Mon SATUMNE G. MWERKA, husband and rite 5555� k..*r GAAPM ICiiH M. JA7RTi[T. a vidov `A.Rw+A A.v,a.A W Pgeq r it 51.v � ..w,rnr.. E.+n ul Alvere ide � r..IJ......PA1�.AVQiIIR[IIiMi--MN.. ... _. Lot 32 of Tract No, 2"7# Y per eap recorded in Book SO Page„ 1,4 A I:u a in the office of the Conety Anoordor of said oamtY. MLcapt See -halt interest in and to all oil, gas, minerals, and other hydrocarbon eubetamoes u reserved in tb@ dead recordedfrom Ler 1rd A. Greater and Hatt My aremior, husband and rite. in Bock 190S Pa" 153 official Records �................. ........ ,lsl�uu ■. Grnnka /RA/ rine� rvanka ?n - . 19 7 Y. Mae ram. ,A. a. -V-d.. Navr Public in n.d Inc rr ` STAT9 OF CAURAPAA - SS. (nr,rr o n ., ,Cetlh .P9.aa - - b ... me n, br iM John W. G[vepka and [ether ne G. G[wnke i CGVN7Y p.._i!?e. �19��es .. ... .. p "a/__ �ko• ram.. ..l.:ri, _..._..wd�rJM urh �.1 //1 /, �LrtC.LF" .`+ dwicrt GOAL A [,ar, tua r... P. WekWL TAX &TAT[MaMT/ As DINRCTSo AMOVU i titlIEBY CEMT Y .- -_ jl:JE C' Y O-r Tha ORtG; RECORDING REQUESTED BY litCORDING RLQUESTED 15# 'f eOR TITLE INSURANCE AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r � Name Mrs. Ruth Janetzky P.O. Box 76 Street Address Indio, CA. 92201 Slav a Stets L J MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO r —1 Name Street same as above Address City a Stan L J Mal CAT. NO. NNO0582 TO 1923 CA (2-83) on• 1 e *was N( has not been Cornpar original. WILLIAME. I)N W Y Count R RIVERSIDE COUNTY, with CALIFORNIA I HEREBY CERTIr `d THis IS A TRUILCOPY O2)Dae r- THE (.�GINAL SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ 17.05 ( X ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( X ) City of La On; ntn , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Donald E. Crager and Tanya R. Crager, husband'and wife as joint tenants hereby GRANT(S) to Ruth M. Janetzky, a widow the following described real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California: Lot 16 of Tract No. 2667, as per map recorded in Book 50 Page 64 of Maps„ in the office of the County recorder of said County EXCEPT one-half interest in and to all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the deed from LeCnard A. Grenier and Mary Louise Grenier, husband and wife, recorded October il, 1955, in'Book 1805, Page 153, Official records Dated: November 14, 1986 CAT. NO. NNO0627 TO 1944 CA (7-82) (Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA RIVERSIDE COUNTY OF On NUVEMbLK 14.1c said State, personally appeared )before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person-! whose name ARE subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that THRY exe- cuted the same. WITNESS my ehanda icial seaSignature OFFICIAL SEAL�� RUTH A. FURST Notary Public-Callloanla RIVERSIDE COUNIY My Comm. EXP. Apr. 30, 1990 assac + (This area for official notarial seal) M', 4 I EIVEG NOV i5 t CITY OF LA QUINTA CDMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OUT s. E COR. L OT .32. -- STONE w-v�L \ N EXHIBIT B _ CASE NO. A-( p - 36 APPROVED BY PLANNING DIVISION BY D:ATZ 4i-i9-86 i Y W M W RECEIVED NOV CITY OF LA U!HTA *,,I YN b.I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEDT r L m If w J r • { _ .•.sr rr QI 24 i Ail a 0 17 I � 1 J � i 1 , i Z 0 9, A" N It K�k e ✓.nM " �ITCH O � A v U Soly Vol;w2 L) i <n w �1 me) W ;60 1 � I I y. 1 0 1, NL1 ✓•. Ire i.4 i oo•. l`, ��Y'+i c'r�rq•,n�RY CNAMMCL�'�.r.' R' 1 _ (�( QN aT c a:� y4"OSffi 1� ; a Tl YL) G91'1Jd •' C r,Y � m� ""sfY". ,. Jj '.. -. TQ OCAM"or 34 ai+ruOallrLm frK mvR MK ' zil r" As tl1f10 CI KMOIWI 7Mi OYIR REM M. Itr,`i; L-" •- k - .•a+r.r rrr r�wa I 1 Fitch Engineers Inc. RECEWED NOV CITY OF LA c(`UTJTA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DE'T LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR THE LOT LINE ADJUSIMENT OF LOT 32 and Lot 16 OF TRACT NO. 2667. This description shall be excepted from Lot 16 and added as parcel 2 to Lot 32. That portion of Lot 16, Tract No. 2667 as shown by map on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Lot 16; thence North 8° 07' 15" East 61.24 feet to the northeast corner of Lot 32 of Tract No. 2667 as shown by map on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records; thence South 1° 38' 3611 East 55.16 feet to the north line of Cortez lane as shown on map of Tract 2667 on file in book 50 pages 64 and 65 of Maps, Riverside County Records; thence along a curve concave to the north having a radius of 275 feet, through a central angle of 2° 25' 38" degrees and a curve length of 12 feet to the point of beginning. We'l. H. FITCH R.C.E. 12571 PRVEY A/ 3 No. 12571 BXP• 9/3/�89 tNGIN`�``Q� Of 400, RPPMED BY PLANNING DIVISION LXv otC*.T A — CASE NO. Le* i" /Wj 86-070 CIVIL ENGINEERING — PLANNING — SURVEYING — DESIGN P.O. BOX 4551 PALM DESERT, CA 92261 (619)345-7667 WWII RAntlr ;_�.� tRe � �.. •.....a t E 9Taaa®[lte riw laaaranw I••• �ies..Iv 11..>�.tk, r0 met 717 rain aftmart. CA Ow" L saaa TAX STATIRMUrIa 10 i r ' ae Ias. OR mat L =I i Z � J oro" Aaoaa 7w t,.la row, macomm m um — [IX�.uO.rYr t111 -•4+f. _ _ C.iYIUrfG ON {ou r...,f 0. MOfS.r. COryYf.1 D iXpeCOUWifC '•{••.rHbf SSofwi G FKt.uMn••Gl1. Wn^. e. rBul Ot l� TraeaaMe91G Tl tit 1M GRANT DEED I.n.r:4401:aG f F Oepumber 15, 1977 Ir..M.ik mwk roar s0871 V. ®VarA AXB WA72Mre G. CXWAR=o Mob kd and Wire h".h' GaAMf W am K..7Amrm' a Widow ae 1.11,.y Memos &W PAv..n r e< Warr .4 <.IJ•.w. S.wrr, d River* We .. . Lot 11 of Trert ISO. 2fd7, u per Map recorded in Book SO Page, p4 :a.,I „ 1A in the off Low of the Coo,ty Recorder of aald ofanty. mfoept doe -half interest In and to all oil. 9", Minerals, and other hydrocarbon auhetaooae u reatrved in tbt deed fro, Leonard A. Grainier and Mary Loff1N Oreniar, husband and rife, recorded October 11, 1955 In Book INS pa" 1S1 Official Records I/ J'0V. Cervenka �� riM� rvmk� ' [ blero r. lAr undrrroalrA . Na.n F-M- In .n1 for W.1 o rTAn Of C1rINMN1A SS. rd Sul. isumdb'PN'W John W. CeSvtaka and_ [atAeS.lne G. COVNSY p._.i!Ofl. �e�. _.. + to , .uMal.... roar rr.. !:r! .._.. wb WrA.d u, rM n mW r. •W uiro.� ro�,/yw� M y ej.r r=" U UM CH oousr7 Nrn . S•tn•i•f• ... M. V7s MAIL TAX mTATXMXM" AS DIN[CTCO AmOVX i rjk,JE'BY CERWY ':.... C-'Y O'r ThI- CrRtG: RECORDING REQUESTED By h LCORDINC RiQUESTLD 101 TILAR TITLE INSURANCE AND WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO r Name Mrs. Ruth Janetzky Street P.O. Box 76 Address Indio, CA. 92201 city & State L MAIL TAX r Name Street same as above Address City & State L CAT. NO. NNO0582 TO 1923 CA (2-83) 7 J TO on �� 11_910as No.0G_?I^a�.0 has not been compared with original. WILLIAM E. CONEW Y County Recorder RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALWORNIA HEREBY CERTM. THIS IS A TRU OPY OF THIE QRiGINAL SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE FOR RECORDER'S USE — Individual Grant Deed THIS FORM FURNISHED BY TICOR TITLE INSURERS The undersigned grantor(s) declare(s): Documentary transfer tax is $ J7.05 ( X ) computed on full value of property conveyed, or ( ) computed on full value less value of liens and encumbrances remaining at time of sale. ( ) Unincorporated area: ( X ) City of Ln On; nta , and FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Donald E. Crager and Tanya R. Crager, husband'and wife as joint tenants hereby GRANT(S) to Ruth M. Janetzky, a widow the following described real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside State of California: Lot 16 of Tract No. 2667, as per map recorded in Book 50 Page 64 of Maps, in the office of the County recorder of said County EXCEPT one-half interest in and to all oil, gas, minerals and other hydrocarbon substances, as reserved in the deed from Lec'lard A. Grenier and Mary Louise Grenier, husband and wife, recorded October J1, 1955, in'Book 1805, Page 153, Official records Dated: November 14, 1986 CAT. NO. NNO0627 TO 1944 CA 17-82) (Individual) STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE )) —1 SS On _ NUVEMBER 14.19 said State, personally appeared J before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for , personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person S whose name ARE subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged that THF,Y exe- cuted the same. WITNESS my hand a icial seal. Signature ems\ OFFICIAL SEAL RUTH A. FURST Notary Publie-Calllomia RIVERSIDE COUNIY ECOMy Comm. rap. Apr. 30, tfi90 .c•cc . (This area for official notarial seal) RAEAVED NOV 10 CjTV OF LA. By� DrZ Iln O I a 'I c� L 0 n rt z z k 1 u o <01P)e<it - .e ga a b go, 6 t� >. y CC, a -:c r o, U RECEIVED N NOV CITY D r!i�w COMMUNITY DEVEE LSqUOPMENMEN T DEBT 1= ------ -- -- ter[... __ ...r •[r[wuc M •rM I�r [ -LY'��I.rr4p r. !'o'•.rs rvti r � t r r I •rs 2' I .Y I: a is ry ---fl�fr )• Y . I � I » A _ . - < � � • .fir / �I ' .. sSt"'. fR P ••� . < F TiiRFCIA TY.�LNM _Y Lam. _ T �" y.} � rf • 'Y"_" 1 - ', TW KA 116�OyI�YaWWX-m ifK C[�tyR�1LNK Y E A6. m. O OLAq�N R[ SW YIIH 3