LLA 1987-032TY OF ASE INFORMATION L_A_ GO IN? A Case No. ser,Loi. Ail. Application Received'by Date 87-03-- Application Checked by Date Applicant: kwj- /Ass,;rfr$ /ter . one: "Z-,_•7_ 77Rr Address: i e N - �,ze, treet ty tate Zip Code �r Owner:. wasa;Hc;3 j7y" P/a7Asscci'atfec Phone: z,u_ Fgsg Address: 7isanu , -- i� i C,ertLZ ••�•��• V'%Y d6041C 4 1 p Looe Repres1wta": L-& c�?I;� Fx n p 5'i•„o,_ Z. f-�W Phone: Address: coo Moti�� e s�;fP jai P�/,Qeteri ; c''4'. 9-.�0 treet ty tate Zip— CT ode 1. Subject _ �e 5,r Fee Information 2. Location: ! A), -57`- Filing Fee $ 1 3. Environmental Information E.A. Fee $ E.A. No. £ne.w of E.I.R.No„ Total $ / z Notice of Declaration Additional Date Fees $ 4. Related Files: - oil S 7 Receipts for Fees: _ 5. Parcel Size/Acreage dl/A 9. Circulation Element A)II 6. General Plan Designation A/A 10. Housing Element %1% A 7. Zoning /V /' 11. Council District /�- 8. Surrounding Zoning 12. Assessor's 13. Tentative Hearing Date 14. Agency Deadline Date 15. Plot Plan Checked 16. Legal Description 17. Transmittals Aaencv Ex "A" Notice 2. 3. to CC i Aaencv Ex "A" Notice General TelephonelRoad De artment Cit o Ca Trans `ounty annin ZCVCUWA Water Qualit Home Owners Parks Building Dept. Health De t. ire it n ineer Other Transmittals sent by: Date: Public Hearing Notice Date: Notice Mailed by: _ Notice Posted by: Date: Entered in: Counter Book: �;', _ Page oZo Parcel By Gov �. Applicant Notified of Action: Agencies Notified: _ File Closed: Additional Pertinent Information: ® CITY OF LA QDINTA Department of Community Development 7£1-105 Calla Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Applicant Instructions MAR 91187 �IFY GF i4 ^•pl^lid 1;0!dMUI•il fY L•cV`:���'i"�' (icV Case No. LLA IVe.R7.C) Date Received 3 - 9 87 A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created, 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarized Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $ shall. be submitted with this Application. The Director of Community Development will review the Application, make a recommen- dation and schedule the case for City Council consideration. The Applicant should be present at the City Council hearing. APPLICANT: Name: /,/WZ L/590ClATES �✓G, Address: 712 uGE//E E'oao PAGM .SP.e/�/GS G4GlF 92264 Phone: 6) 9 - 3 27- 7786 City State) Zip) PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner, 'A' Name: hlAS!!!! ,97291 ' f! .4 z.4 y�SDG/FJTES Addreee: 74f04 Tti/9elsC GAGE cN0 GAF 92270 Phone: 6/9-2,E-4 88 City State Zip Owner, 'B' Name: Lq LTO. Addre se: -1444/GD /k:,t44�"v --TI15 2e / Phone: City State Zip PROPERTY DATA: Lot A.: Assessor's Parcel Number: 6/3-770- 003 613-770-004 Street Address: Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 617 - 020- 0/7 Street Address: APPLICATION FOR LABLIKE ADJUSTMENT, City of La Qta Adjustment Requested: pzcEL B To cE6D .674 ecEL A. ( SeC E�viai; Reason for Request: �� , Ale- �14ver7u4. � Gc�/7�m0/7 dr'iv��you occess of iTv/if o.�o/ �roc�o/� �o AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (a) of said parcels and that the information filed is true and correct to the beet of my (our) knowledge. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this 5' �h day of AIA2 L N , /9,F% . Notary Public 0 Owner 1A': Name G,ENEiZRL PA,arNe2 Date OWr IBIL,& iM14 CM5F-£�veu. L7n �� F✓ coNNSo� t `oF+E�y rjy� Name Dat r ��O L c SIP o is v o o o v' X u I <JPP,POdEO.' s--1 Jed y5o � cti cP ��, �• a y m � - Q�pFESS/0 E-''e IOHN A. 11 ALFORD No. 8638 CIVIL ' � ,lZCE 86' L O T L /NE 4D. ILU TMEiV T A P0,4-77'/0N CF TL/E S.Z,y OF SECT/on/ /9 41va .4 P027lolil o/= j.UE *z /4 0f 15EC116/•/ 30 77.5 5, ; 2, 7 KWL ASSOCIATES, INC; 712 Eugene Rd. PALM SPRINGS, CA 92264 (714) 327.7786 I m rIm A.P.N. 617-020-017 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BE lARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE CHANNEL DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED MARCH 23, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 24680 IN BOOK 2872 PAGE 509 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFOI3NIA AND LYING NORTHEASTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED DECEMBER 14, 1937'AS INSTRUMENT N0. 844 IN BOOK 352 PAGE 522 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. I M.M• • • Y •. • M• 1 •I• 1 • • •.M'JI • • .9111• • I _ � y :&F OFFICIAL PECORDS OF 1•COUNTY,1 ••a • •i71' 1 I 9 51. ••Y •'. 1 M• ••11• • • BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY I OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-0E-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 111 (100.00 FEET WIDE); THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE N. 89031135" E., 166.87 FEET; THENCE S. 45036'00" W., 117.43 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT -OF wAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 111, BEING A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2430.00 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS N. 45036'00" E.; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVED RIGHT-OF-`KAY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 2043'50" A DISTANCE OF 115.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AJGUST 21, 1986 ADJUSTED LEGAL DESCRIPTION A.P.N. 613-770-003 613-770-004 THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO AN OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID LAND FILED IN THE DISTRICT LAND OFFICE, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON THE SOUTH LINE.OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH- EAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES, BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 17, 1938 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1044, IN BOOK 363 ,PAGE 490, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; " , ' 1 THENCE NORTH 89031'35" EAST, 859.93 FEET ON THE SOUTHLINE OF SAID SECTION, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 17, 1960 AS INSTRUMENT.NO. 53916, IN BOOK 2715 PAGE 466, OF:OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE BEING ON A CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, WITH A RADIUS OF 4500 FEET, WITH A TANGENT WHICH BEARS NORTH 48020'1.2" WEST; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ON THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2015'52", FOR AN, ARC DISTANCE OF 177.85 FEET TO'A POINT OF 'TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 46004'20"WEST, 584.27 FEET ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF''2000 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, ON'THE.ARC:OF SAID"CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20044'21" FOR AN ,ARC DISTANCE OF 723.93 FEET, TO A POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF MARSHALL STREET (WASHINGTON STREET); THENCE SOUTH 00°19'30" EAST, 701.09 FEET'ON SAID EASTERLY LINE, TO THE NORTHEASTERLYLINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES, BY DEED HEREINABOVE REFERRED TO; SAID.NORTHEASTERLY LINE BEING ON A CURVE, CONCAVE TO`THE SOUTHWEST, HAVING A RADIUS OF 2550 FEET; A RADIAL LINE AT SAID POINT BEARS NORTH 34032'24" EAST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ON THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH.A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8016'52" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 368.56 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BY DEED RECORDED JULY 30, 1968 AS INSTRUMENT NO, 73496 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM THAT.FORTION CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, BY DEED RECORDED MARCH 19, 1975 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 31422 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, .A.P.N. 613-770-003 .A.P.N. 613-770-004 FWAP-45151 ALSO THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, T.SS., R.7E., DESCRIBED AS FOLICWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-4A1Y CF STATE HIGHWAY 111 (100.00 FEET WIDE); THENCE ALMG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE N. 89031'35" E., 166.87 FEET; THENCE S. 45°36'00" W., 117.43 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY'111, BEING A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2430.00 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS N. 45036'00" E.; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVED RIGHT-OFWAY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2043'50" A DISTANCE OF 115.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AUGUST 21, 1986 ® CITY OF LA QUINPA Department of Community Development 78-105 Calls Estado La Quints, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Applicant Instructions MAR 9 �0'=_' of Aqumia.. com�ee_J a.6y%! ,f DEPT87-03 Z Date Received A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarized Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the 'map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the :involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $ S shall be submitted with this Application. The Director of Community Development will review the Application, make a recommen- dation and schedule the case for City Council consideration. The Applicant should be present at the City Council hearing. APPLICANT: Name: A-1WL /VC. Address: 712 EuGENE 1G570.410 PALM JP2/n/GS C41-1, 92264 Phone: 619 -• 327- 77B6 City State Zip PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner 'A' Name: 1114SI//.VG7291V f GAZ,4 �%ssOG/%TES Address: 7/BO¢ %gv/Ae/se �9�E nNGs/O �,�GE . C,4zl�' __ 90070 Phone: 6 /9 - 3 Z4 -5498 (City) 7Sta't�—Zip)— Owner 'B' Name: LQ 4Q4//1V7q 0*✓ ESE✓ / LTO. Address: 4441/oG /nnrl4Z";4 2a/ Phone:�� City State Zip PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 6/3-770- 003 6/3-770-004 Street Address: Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 617-000-017 Street Address: 07476 3 9 12500 16 i APPLICATION FOR.L(OLINE ADJUSTMENT, City of La ata Adjustment Requested: PecEL fj To OEEaA,2Eq To P,eGEL % , Reason for Request:{r r�c ddcaor� o� 4f6l�yei�yc o Go�mar� dri��yau access o�rig/,� v.,% i-Q�„o/� �o ST4z-E H/GNGY,4Y //% Gs�/G G �g�' NE oE�O.e c90TiJ �gecEGS � eB. AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (a) of Paid parcels and that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge, Subscribed and Shorn to before me this 5y6 day of MArcN, IgS7 , dzdt"u t z, d z &;it� Notary Public Owner IAI: Nam--Z7 Date /deg H�(�� ( � ss 6E/J�j`�. B 7 4 7 6 Late 3 -S-7 4 125,00 16 i C4Z-,�E ; / = 4 00 9PP,20dE0,' JOHN A. ALFORD No. 8638 CIVIL ' Qkrlo 2CE B6: /2- LO7T LINE 4D./USTM,51y T A P02T'sON o.0 T</E S,E,% of S�"CT/O.V /9 A�vD !J P02jlO�J/ OF J/rE iC/E %¢ Of �SEGT/a.V 30 T 5 S, � Q, 7 E,11 25� /98 6 KWL ASSOCIATES, INC; 712 Eugene Rd. PALM SPRINGS, CA 92264 (714) 327.7786 20 29 ® ADJUSTED LEGAL DESCTION A.P.N. 613-770- 613-770-004 THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19, TOWNSHIPS SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, ACCORDING TO.AN OFFICIAL PLAT OF SAID LAND FILED IN THE DISTRICT LAND OFFICE, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING ON THE SOUTH LINE.OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTH- EAST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION AT THE POINT OF INTERSECTION WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES, BY DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 17, 1938 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1044, IN BOOK 363 ',PAGE 490, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA; THENCE NORTH 89031'35" EAST, 859.93 FEET ON THE SOUTHLINE OF SAID SECTION, TO A POINT ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE: COACHELLAVALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT, BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 17, 1960 AS INSTRUMENT.NO. 53916,.IN BOOK 2715 PAGE 466, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY., CALIFORNIA, SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE BEING ON A CURVE, CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY, WITH A RADBUS OF 4500 FEET, WITH A TANGENT WHICH BEARS NORTH' 48020'12" WEST; THENCE:NORTHWESTERLY ON THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH CENTRALANGLEOF 2015'52", FOR AN. ARC DISTANCE OF 177.85 FEET TO 'A POINT OF :'TANGENCY; THENCE NORTH 46004'20" WEST, '584.27 FEET ON SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE, TO THE BEGINNING OF A CURVE, CONCAVE TO THE SOUTHWEST HAVING A RADIUS OF'2000 BEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY, ON.THE. ARC: OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20044'21" FOR AN.ARC DISTANCE OF 723.93 FEET, TO A_POINT ON THE EASTERLY LINE OF MARSHALL STREET (WASHINGTON STREET); THENCE SOUTH 0001.9'30" EAST, 701.09 FEET'ON SAID EASTERLY LINE, TO THE NORTHEASTERLY' LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL.CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR HIGHWAY PURPOSES, L`J `-� ` BY DEED HEREINABOVE REFERRED TO; SAID„NORTHEASTERLY LINE BEING; ON A CURVE, CONCAVE TO'THR SOUTHWEST,.HAVING A RADIUS OF 2550 FEET;A RADIAL LINE AT SAID POINT BEARS _NORTH 34032'24" EAST; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY, ON THE ARC OF SAID CURVE, THROUGH;A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 8°16'52" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 368.56 FEET, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXCEPTING: THEREFROM THAT PORTION CONVEYED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA. BY DEED RECORDED JULY 30, 1968 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 73496 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ALSO EXCEPTING THEREFROM TRAT.PORTION CONVEYED TO THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, BY DEED RECORDED MARCH 19, 1975 AS INSTRUBENT NO. 31422 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. ADJUSTED LEGAL A.P.N. 613-770-003 A.P.N. 613-770-004 ALSO THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, T.5S., R.7E., DESCRIBED AS FOL1,OWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE NORITMASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 111 (100.00 FEET WIDE); THENCE ALONG SAID SO[iMERLY LINE N. 89031'35" E., 166.87 FEET; THENCE S. 45036'00" W., 117.43 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY'111, BEING A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2430.00 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS N. 45036'00" E.; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVED RIGHT-OF-WAY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2043'50" A DISTANCE OF 115.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AUGUST 21, 1986 075 O16-002 020-002 020-003 020-010 rq� ozO-ooi "6' / �y Ntle I C.VC.W.D. STORM 19, T. SS.,R.7E. 4/ It e U ` m - � •m) ♦ fNII) /f/Y � •.• W.�/.. .v.M7/:Jf�B ,e/�� Jr • ///l/ nmfN)H o 6K7 ' ASSESSOR/ • .. R/YEAS/DESL�MY.j�ys'r•R &M 1 MAR. /9BS - , C 4/F. 617-02 24 25 rR.A. 020-011 020-002 N112 Sk Ov, t5S, R. 7E 020-009 PM 60118 Porcal AAM 998 FM 115149-50 18418 DArA�RIS 18135,15143, Md 40I52-83, 4116-7 60'R4s. o" and CVCWD RIW, T1W XI-RIV- /OF- 0, MAP W-F 32692 4159 5156, 7/30, 7102, */74, 9/95 ARML 1967 MEMORANDUM CI•r OF LA QUINTA ,v{ TO: PLANNING DIVISION n ` ,i L7L�a FROM: ENGINEERING DIVISION DATE: full l k� I SUBJECT: SUBDIVISION OF LAND:_ '0. k PPII LOCATION: The following conditions of approval are deemed necessary: 'The Applicant shall dedicate all necessary public street and utility easements as required by the City Engineer. The Applicant shall vacate vehicle access rights, except at street intersections to the following streets_____________________ A common area lot shall be established for that area between the tract perimeter wall and street right-of-way for .......................... streets. Landscape maintenance responsibility of the total common lot and street landscape parkway shall be the responsibility of the 4� development. That the Applicant shall construct street improvements for ......... --- ----•-------------------------------------•---- to the re of the ------------------ uirements -Cit p q y En g sneer and the La uinta Munici Qal cja7 Code (LQMC). �c That the Applicant shall have prepared street improvement plans (for / public and private streets) that are prepared by a Registered Civil Engineer. Street improvements, including traffic signs and markings, and raised median islands (if required by the City General Plan) shall conform to City Standards as determined by the City Engineer and adopted by the LQMC. (3"AC over 4" Class 2 Base min. for residential streets). Street design shall take into account the subgrade soil strength, the anticipated traffic loading, and street design life. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND PAGE 2 The Applicant shall have a grading plan that is prepared by a —i Registered Civil Engineer, who will be required to certify that the constructed conditions at the rough grade stage are as per the appoved plans and grading permit. This is required prior to issuance of building permits. Certification at the final grade stage and verification of pad elevations is also requried prior to final approval of grading construction. y A thorough preliminary engineering geological and soils engineering I` investigation shall be done and the report submitted for review along with the grading plan. The reports recommendations shall be incorporated into the grading plan design prior to grading plan approval. The soils engineer and/or the engineering geologist must certify to the adequacy of the grading plan. Pursuant to Section 11568 of the Business and Professions Code, the soils report certification shall be indicated on the final subdivision map. XThe developer of this subdivision of land shall cause no easements to be granted or recorded over any portion of this property between the date of approval by the City Council and the date of recording of the final map without the approval of the City Engineer. / J[ Drainage disposal facilities shall be provided as required by the City Engineer. The Applicant shall comply with the provisions of / the City Master Plan of Drainage, including payment of any drainage i �j fees required therewith. All utilities will be installed and trenches compacted to City standards prior to construction of any streets. The soils engineer shall provide the necessary compaction test reports for review by the City Engineer. Prior to transmittal of the final map to the City Council by the 7 City Community Development Department, any existing structures which are to be removed from the property shall have been removed or there shall be an agreement for the removal which shall be secured by a faithful performance bond in a form satisfactory to the City and ,granting the City the right to cause any such structures to be removed. �( �( A Caltrans encroachment permit must be secured prior to construction (` V� of any improvements along State Hwy 111, and all Caltrans requirements --c—� shall be implemented. An encroachment permit for work in any abutting local jurisdiction shall be secured prior to constructing or joining improvements, 0 CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL SUBDIVISION OF LAND PAGE :I The Applicant shall pay the required processing, plan checking and inspection fees as are current at the time the work is being accomplished by City personnel or subcontractors for the Planning, Building or Engineering Divisions. The Applicant acknowledges that the City is considering a City-wide Landscape and Lighting District and by recording a subdivision map agrees to be included in the district. Any assessments will be done on a benefit basis as required by law. fOther Install Traffic Signals at:_________________________________________ Conditions: G Revised 9/86 To: �a�O [✓ From: S_:_.u✓ !7 Date: Subject: ; ^ > - 3S 7 MEMORANDUM CITY OF LA QUINTA 'e / G/s: fl, ��� r✓ ti c> J !- 2 T-ity 4 4(vQ" 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564-2246 January 9, 1986 Bob Lotito RWL Associates, Inc. 712 Eugene Road Palm Springs, CA 92262 b'UBJDCi: Commercial Building Highway 111 and Washington Street Dear Mr. Lotito: The Community Development Department has reviewed its relative to the above -referenced, partially completed per your request and has determined that the followin prior to allowing occupancy. Planner g requirements structure is necessary Obtain a new Plot Plan approval. Requires submittal of site plan, building elevations (with photos of existing building), floor plans and application fees ($75.00). Approval will be at Staff level and will be to clarify and resolve requirements (i.e. access, parking, landscaping) applicable to this building. (NOTE: Plot Plan No. 6258, approved by the County is null and void since the 12-month use requirement was not satisfied.) Complete any access requirements. The location of driveway improvements and access to any driveways needs to be reviewed. The only existinq curb -cut is on the unpaved portion of Avenue 46 and it would conflict with one-way flows for on -site parking. Curb -cuts and certain turning movements on Highway 111 are likely to be restricted and there is some question as to whether or not the Avenue 46 right-of-way is necessary. It seems best to have interim driveway -type paving improvements using the Avenue 46 right-of-way and resolve the other issues when the remainder of the site has a development proposal.. Install on -site parking. No on -site parking has been installed to date. A plan showing in compliance with City standards is needed. The number of spaces should be based on the following, depending on the proposed use: MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 January 9, 1986 Page 2 ° Bank - 5 spaces per teller window plus 3 spaces per service desk. ° Retail - 1 space per 150 sq. ft. of sales and display area. Office - 1 space per 250 sq. ft. of floor area excluding hallways. A trash storage area needs to be proveded. ° Install on -site landscaping. No landscaping has been installed nor has a landscape plan been approved although existing curbing (some of it appears to be damaged) does delineate some planter areas around the building. A landscape and irrigation plan is needed. Landscaping will be required in the parking area. Some planting for dust control around the site will also be necessary. ° Obtain approval of any proposed signing. No sign has been approved so any signing needs to co mly with City Standards. ° Payment of mitigation fee for Fringe -toed Lizard. At time of permit issuance this fee of $600 per acre (pro -rated based on the size of the site improvements) will have to be paid. Engineering ° Resolve status of street improvements. The City does not have improvement plans for existing improvements to Highway 111 and Avenue 46 (curb, gutter, sidewalk only). It will be necessary to provide these plans, to determine if inspections of existing work were made, to issue Encroachment Permits for additional. work (if any) to repair any damaged street improvements and to determine if any dedications and/or acceptances have been made. Any work on Highway 111 will have to be coordinated with Cal Trans. Determine compliance with Subdivision Map Act. The site on which this building is located appears to have been split from the remainder of the shopping center parcel but no parcel map has ever been recorded. A parcel map, parcel merger or some similar action may be necessary to resolve this situation but more information is needed to determine what, if any, action is needed. ° Drainage Plans. Plans demonstrating that adequate provision has been made for drainage will need to be submitted for review and approved. January 9, 1986 Page 3 Building Gas test. The gas system will have to be pressure tested at 15 lbs. for 10 minutes. ° Sewer connection. The building is to be connected to the public sewer system. Permits from the City and CVWD will be needed. ° Interior alterations. It is anticipated that additional improvements will be made inside of the building. Plans will have to be submitted for this work and permits obtained prior to beginning this work. Some minor requirements (i.e. handicapped grab bars, etc.) will be checked as part of this permit. ° Secure Fire Marshal approval. This can be done as part of final inspection for the above -referenced permit. I am hopeful that the above information will be helpful to you in :resolving this matter and working towards occupancy of this structure. Do not: hesitate to contact the Ccnuunity Development Department if you require further assistance or information on this project. I apologize for my delay in getting this response to you and we will in the future do our best to expedite further reviews. Very truly yours, COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTH= PLAIJNING DIVISIQN Lawrence L. Stevens, A.I.C.P. Community Development Department LLS/psn CC: Sandra Bonner, Principal Planner Tom Graham, Chief Building Inspector . .. patifiA lBl EKl, Di ppp Late 14& 1 WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: 1! ^L � I ... • i tl OD ADATSf OCR-ETZM ASWIC.. Ne/o RRS Deearal Corporation Palo j�Eee.rt•ralir. 92:61 r.w .Mvr noun m.I NI roe necol,wel+ Vee MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: //YV/ Q n CCOG�TMY 7RANOBR TAR 0. aaY addreesN olare _raltrals.eaa.ImaOer.Ye. MwMNmAatr.w opktcm ly t.rp•,ae M M...mlOaeelmeMmele.e�elelet t.Neeeaelal neNrlsa ass M.M �Pin�tt American mricen Title Insurance Company= GRANT DEED E FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, reempt of ankh 11 nmanr scknw'ladred. MADAMA (WE-ELEM ASSOCIATES, a limited partnership C trRly ORANT(51 To LA nOTRTA (W.-ELEVEN, LTD., a limited partnership The r.N Ixupwlr In th. City of County of Riverside Stn. of CNifornt. dsribd M Roe "Exhihit A" attached hereto and made • part hereof in its entirety f RURJECT Tat 1) All general and .pect.l t.ee. 2) Covenants, conditions, re.trlcticna, rlRhts of way, ea.emeits and reservations, if any ADAMS ONT.-ELFVFN ASSDCIATES. NY: HMS General Corporation, e Rpartner March 29,. 1952 RY saeL STATa Dr CALIPO IA 1 e Cat.1pRTY�Or la gv• �. ._.. -.. Arnold-Liets, general partner . i • IM M, M Madan aC • Notary read. M e4 W 4" _ a.ee, o,w.ynwaN .z,e"' /.i t 0 aDrAw rfine —�y!`nuld Z. MtemrM.wr Ms ,MMm ulaDiEa a,le IIIRIuIe.�n a,s Mee,erep Mr Mtr4M le me moot Fuels IL It.R e ._.�/1r �ayaa Moran.immaim Oran eat M Nbra �far I Elssrw .Y� ft All" G(A.l ,dL.,l�Rs y m! IT. w. w NIaY wY mall tRM II►.tt MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS 0111ECTE0 ASOVE "121111If7 A" PAYM 1: That portion of the Northrnnt quarter of the Northeast Quarter Of Section 30, Tbwmhhp 5 South, Range 7 Fast, Son Remxdlm kieridtan, in the tbunty of RSverglde, State of California. according to the Official plat tboswf, dimwibed m follows: Beginning at the Northeast owner of said Section; Thence Southerly 348.70 feet on the Fast line of said Section to the Intersection with the Northeasterly line of the Coachella valley County Water District Plood Control Channel, an described in Deed recorded March 23. 1961 as Instneoent No. 24M in Book 2972 page 509 of Official Records of Riverside Rannty, California, beUV a point on a curve concave Northeasterly having a radius of 4.000 feet Rd with a tangent hearing at this point of North 670 36' 32" West; thence Northwesterly on the arc of said curve through a central angle of 100 35' 53" for an am distance of 739.98 feet to a Point on the North line of mid Section; thence Easterly on said Northerly line 652.46 feet to the Point of Beginning. PARCT2, 2: That portion of the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Tbwnshln 5 South, Range 7 East, San Dernardim Meridian, in the County of Riverside, State of Califorrnha, according to the Official plat thereof, lying Southwesterly of the Oaonel described in Deed recorded 4arch 23, 1961 as lnntruttent No. 24680 in Book 2872 page 509 of Official Records of Riverside 0ounty, California, and lying Northeasterly of the Northeasterly line of that portion described In Deed to the State of California, recorded riecerber 14, 1937 ae Instrument No. 844 in Book 352 page 522 of Official RecoNs of Riverside County, California. F7= that portion described In Parcel 1 Of the Deed to the State of California, recorded October 0, 1967 an Instttangnt No. 88602 of Official Records of Riverside County;California. re AIM L<CE1rlW. a parcel of land in the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Township 5 South, Range 7 Fast, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, described m follows: RMINNING at a point on the North line of Section 10, Township 5 South. Range 7 East, San Bernardino Base and Meridian, 1465,1i5 feet peat of the Northeast corner; T7M4= Southeasterly along the arc of a curve concave to the left a om @' tangent bears South 480 20' 12" Enet having a radius of 4,1M.00 feet through a central angle of 100 59' 53" a distance of IM.79 fret; MO= North 710 20' 15" West, a distance of 1565.51 feet to the mid North lim of said Section 30; TH= North 890 31' 44" East, along said North line, a distance of 766.38 feet to the point of beginning. PARS. 3: A parcel of land 1n the Northeast quarter of Section 30, Toaiahip 5 South, Range 7 Fast, San Bernardino laeridian, described an follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of Section 30. Tomahip 5 Smith, Range 7 last, San Bernardino Meridian. 1.4ri5.95 feet Went of the Northeast corner; theme Southeasterly along the arc of n NnM concave to the left sense tangent beats South 480 20' 12" Fast having a radius of 4,W.lrh rust thrmigh a central ttagle of 100 50' 53" a distance of R63.79 fret; - MEM North 710 20' 15" West, a distance of 1,585.51 feet to the mid North line of mid Section 30; Th5aa73 North Roo 31' 44" East, Ileac mid North line, a distance of 788.38 feet to the Point of beghgnhng. . D I; Y N, io nl V:'l li /(e GRANT DEED (!ND(VmUAL) oe m �0cl „ 'j CCd W C p •►AC[ ADOV6 T 19 LIN[ FOR "ECONUCN 6 119[ D to IgAi IWtI WIIM MU+111 -- Ary7-- 11 Riv 1).1 33.1 15521-1, PROJECT 111, a General Purtrm!_r ' 1ad ItG U. u GRANT w Lim STATE OF GLIFOR 1A. in A st rrl ForM Is o(.-_---E ivara de sum of Wwob, drenbd at P.".41"A I."I M .wow ��Mtimw ,�ca�GD i a Sp',OTF r�/ Ocr. y/ If 67' �s ,/�sT, lo• F?6oZ o, le _ a_✓alw'. u.4L1� '.J t'..e%iiNaSaR i.... In ..•. x� •.�. c1 That portico of the Northeast gassier of Section 30, T. S 8., [t. 5 t. S.D.U., according to United States Goverm ent Survey approved July 1S, 'A56, as described in dead to David p. O#Halley7 at al recorded December 29, 1965 as -C Iastrumant No. 145125, lying Southmaterly of the follosing described linos Mairning at a point m the Cast lira of tho Southeast gqnnaarter�ofIthe North- aact quarter of said Section 30, distant alms said goat 11aa ti.0 17 23"Ut., 430.10 feet free o found 6-inch by 6-inch conerato Zion It set for the South- east corner of said Southeast quartor of the AOrtboast quarter; thencs (1) 1 from a tangent: which bears B.6 '28 30"0., al a curve to the right, with a radius of 2445.00 feet, through an emaaggle of 29-20'41" a distance of 1209.36 feet to a tamZ�ont line; thaoce 2) 8.41'08 09"U., 1774.68 loot; theaca (3) al tea a it cttrve to the left with a radius of 2430.00 feet through an aaglogqoaomf 5' 0°50", a distance of 153.64 foot to the Barth line-ok the Borth- lliim 1p.89'32112"B 1d333.91 feet from found Bail nob distant atmmast ! Cthe North ch quartos corner of said Section 30. containing 14,643 ogees+ Peet. Toopp��other with the undoslyin� foe iatascst, if any, apportesant to the above- dosorilbod property in and to the adjoisisg public ways# An opt for biQdwa�7 aiopa purposes in and to that postietl Of said Borth - cast Quarter of B*ct ca 90, S. 3 8., A. 7 B. 13.8,0- deaosdSlat to United SUzetos GOTMa-ttt approved July 1S, 15500 as b000libod i► sdid'doad to David !. C'M1107 at ai j4cerc�d laamba 29, 1963 as Us Bo. 145125, 171T4 Bouttseedtorjy of toes following described Uses .,__.�._.. .. ...,.4..0 wen !tom aaat lino of tttz Qatstt!fgsot_tjtldlter OL the North - accepting tbsa'e!!oo► Voteel 1 bmsinmbow described. the L+1 m a lauacao ev 4�.e.. 41 37 feOII to an 13onh Y'tr;t cog tactics 13` dibtmt a found Uail da® Yin sat. Bat 44 id goreb )forth CoatainSsVi 4e,333 sgamsa lief, tiecalvir�S mto pv�toss of ttttt abo®o"dacasid'paraol't';'t2ib1! owb000erm or aoo4�us, tt� lif;�''t at any Ci>;a t0 rczura oenh O1a�m0 o!-peltt ��aS,.�,a� r� tra e-.�oity for ciisstofmiz=^S � Obc;ao a3�'p�:ticao, psavid4ag i=a pierce et,�seof otbr ot�-mat® icatasal. ots,7+,7cea t "a� Qaoiig. end aaa- e `:Mica of e"lfah ot±all ba SilOC t�*�acaad b�7 C� Snits D%;rise of Yighvsys, tt3s ptbt�aotiDa and e�Ott of oaiat big2=076 . C'P�a tx.�ir�a 6t3d diotsaaos woad in tb aboc�s C*Oafrlpbase are on the CS�iL'ast�sis Ce�rdieata 0yyrr��tca,Ea= 0. Cs1t ly'all di0tai3oas wad is the above 6asnsipticns b 1.0000274 to abtaia grotmd�l disl:asaea4 . 11-Eiv-1}.1-33.1 pJv 19321.102 3/2/67 fi.u,.,.l .,. I. .L.�iv .,, nu.uui •nr �I .,J !f,1J6M^'ilI MF.Y h,iC:SA%i (A):AR7(S r , ;..," 1.� • , a „o n. l y i i Br i _ Illlil I By r( u.._.I_a. By_� 44 I'al't I.yl, Q nrtrtI ltl SUBSCRIBING WITNESS GRANTORS) STATE. OF CALIFORNIA S1A'1'1: OF CAI 11 ORNIA I w i n Cuvan or (:Doan or - t " _ 19 .bef.ri, me, On .. 19 hr6nt in" the undmiand, a Notary Pubbc in and Ina aid County and tM underuaned, a Notary rublic in and for m„ 1 t Muni, Muq iw.,nntllr .pp..rd I .nJ Sun, f ram.11y oppr.nd know-o Io mr to be the prr.m .Mat mna it n.banhd to tM .nhin murumnnt u a ♦itnen threw,." temR by not dull wwn, drp." and mdl that h Imdw in rht C'io"y of .. _.... __ ._... _ . Stow of California, that k wall known .o me to be nk per.m .I.." a.. mMenbd to the w,;hin inurvmrot and uSm,.IrJpeJ pmrm ad1 taw . _. __ .. _. _. _.—_ that nwutd (he tame. known to him to be (M pin deaer.bd in and WITNFSS my hand and oSci i nid. prr.on.11y .Mot n.me r.bwrA.d In th w,thm in.trument, eaetutt the am; oil that offi.at nbaribd ho namr therm, a. a whoma to mid "Kittle,. ®ITNESS my hand soul eS.dal anL Near tTn•t w y.... Nl Narwy AMM a, awl lw Wforh..I Sat. M•r.y ydbr in wJ l"W C•..Ir rl3wr (CERTIFICATE OF ACCEPTANCE, GOVERNMENT CODE, SEC. 27281) Tim I, Tn Gann, Tfwt the 5101 of Celi(oram. peat" Iwrn,,"Hieg by •.d fbrorhb tM DrMrlsral of P.hh, K'• .11. V....... of Ifilha,y. M"b) serrPn for Pab e P.r/o , fly I'll Projarrty, w f.l"nl dvrn., roa,vyd by IM .,fk. J"d e.4 rr.nran to /br "rordaltoa /berroJ. la mnarae mn9uor. I be.r III to art my head Ib+t.__L801 day _..� .� Drier Pahl,: R'wa. / isL cicL lii ht. t 1 tll Ulv. c,C II1 Yl,w:,yg Attorney 1n Yaw .a .... r r ..:n oanry, ,•"„. .lr yr. e. r,e Los r,.re ao........ • ..en,erit.a w to. f':.dat+r In•v,..:' ) ... n. w.1•114 tn.t "a, -.•seer •e tee. •nN. as 1'• r, t^ t t � ', b � t(p t�r•lp 1,, va' ' - iDil�..j i )_ 1 'tt ,,rd#✓'naiaY.a3.�srk „L, .. j .d ,Q. _1 [:: ,+HA*-ifLu• i `3iFYi''y1 is rt 4li [re•9t4 nA for . the DTID--ad®IT 6Nµw1 i tN1NN alute tE+ k toot I" wigs p. cV�al Datrl N, tsuy Nora No'ltm •'• r Y TO # DV q M1U le NOh 1, pu' Jr v a 16• N \ cmatnfea tea. or . 4 i1 r eTa!l Ot CaIIHP1PA 1 PaAC6 N y f "a .LL Ina a TIWt ". at 1, Wi t<.; Yiga P. OLPaa• Ovut01. er Ot14 10 Opf1,BP, 0•Y:f BT IYB inglM, • pH. S %tea MrU. •., tut. at Cyl fetla. rod.. of w he Wtbe par teayfaaa S.ae, 0■., ay. Wat acivif Non r1, of TOO W Iop9oaha - dl•. (Q0.p01. a or is Msa Valli"'d. tII as4 y " Ild 1., Norl.Sea ov the tr'tr+.. v ee to OlblT. H• H•Nft nB•voT Ie BOHtf safmrl•aifBr tB1 tD. 4e•tl4 4 d0 toe •Narl W of taw J•p'taA! eva<w to Mr by r'+•oe at be La con .BO o•NelleprN H She big Bt 001110 Fin zone w Id4u, Mel a-P31-w : a et A 1011. highway avoid . m, add uro.. ..It Will 1 43 Borrow y0otf BY scromml s g01pm.0a a 0014 •stet wild us,. a \ }'� 1^r #t or W oova«t to "a legtlaa. «talll•BB•al sYW �Sq4 b tL 11 T1 qTO�� �o qI � at lb hHew•[ an rn. Pi { •'. 1 .wi 1 N. by theN pHNpt. henOT gHel. omp r.i; 11ne, t.. tg• N' N• D., 13.a1 rest; 1 arNtN. tF rfOtt or sat N• le•ta.eto tn•Hte far '"it p»tt• BWtoBf .vs q+.t y a1K\ • Nn• ae taw rlmt.i.a �' .<te. the ar, law., herai.tae aq•rltoa, ir4g • ed idea L too gomV N tl r m' N•. • aal.e. of Ho.l. r.e eloaf • mod so the ,.It With . r•• �4 met. at CUltenfa, W Hrtlealarp N..rsw u taunt, M a s, a W��a of toL.If To to [n. Y tut ar a lefties at the aea{hwe't yuari•r at teHlsa 1t. 1. g t.. a I t., B.S. t b•t line, a. 0• A• 10• Ls 33 sea t 1a <� J'r� a YI.. M'• Wa1Hlv1/ aNarlDet N tol3aWI tBt•a a.10 Dtetlm aNH B. 0• la' i V iii �1 4tlee3a •t tea tetero•cttaa 0r too N¢ta it. ai . Ta S.u, allot tgttn D�D�D.1 was •t too gone IN[t.r ear a ' l With W NorthacLarlt Il¢. or the rapt tt wiT of the Cmoh•ua Tally slats feat pills Noca Slags g 0• la• 10• t.. u. tt �t baarint or BH•H1N Cass w dead. t y Ova•t or tee BOf.rla¢ avert. a oertl<1M A. y. a- B.. o1W a hen. to the ,� (. r oaf M No nNH•0 M.1 N. 1931 L posed; 1a. ". ITS at om.le M m H tlap. or la• lt• mos. o t1• e... of F .hive eels tauroNtfm WaH. t. Bo• oa• N• B.. aN.N T.Wt !p tl SqS: Pa. 01-. aims • ow" o la [Y l a..er•ta. ceNV. tr w Pa. 01•. trod pipe with tnN eN .N at tw BNt neat Nrvr aT 1� MI the Qam" q • aietas. of Je•At uu aorthwwetorlT rich% of vet line a. 414 la• 40a t.. Sore Bald North us. ■• y 20' at• the let{ 012 •Han. 0r 15" Twat, thr u% N •nQ' a of 'Sa'lt•, ' degodes ar•ytag teas the .ever, tact t• 4. emt.rlto• of th• •il•tle6 highway .• cocas m 1t•m.N IYl eta a•.. ut eelmealNBM .. pat11< ago -1 ar'a IYp ad file 1. lmt 1, To 30 of Howard. of f"". B .K. of aHn1M Cm.-i"i t 0.491 Acres. alood •Ala 'mar it. Or .x1.tt. hlginat. fret . aeNua Aid beard am N.A. A. Cl.ra, th, \Vy! Lail mlic is a. N' K' St• a...1mB . van. th too left with A gestic. of .m Al Mto thrwp a if: ac'ptlectnm felt .T Load All a.oq' '4 •� •Asia or w•01'li•. • al.te¢eo o[ tK.01 t'Itt town.. 1. 33. 00• we a3 .. w.N vmvtHotim of eoT: one e, V �` ++(( rest: [scam, elm, A '¢m to O. right with A 'Mi.. at n.n Mt, thHaO s w3l• awq a�yy lareai'{ w :'•t war �1 + 1° Of.eN•e er awls fact se 4rt¢••t•• Batt. Bea•N.x N tl. •c4r stye Laidrimt of NT. 1¢elveia of 01 le' 13' w•, lbu or the •rprtret " Ahlle f'rb' astir., fret la all.g hest of Seals 4 IY4r b w tee lode L Aatl •w®•r .. ' 1, „",y, •, seea II-yt.ehV. "Mad, emit." aleoa ..ad Nno .tag right With A rain" of wiadrol et ao•wv, th U. a.•tn M y 19 fact. Lh.,b .¢ a.he 'f 09' w•, • cut". of NAg Teatl thmwa, a m alloy. , yT A...... roil aa«e, .Iasi . sum to th. ri wit Wf.a A Hti. of a1o.w TNt, a nwm yBaW..r r� �iq A¢ wlo at a1• tea a'. A at.t.a. of 1'r9.31 Mt ':o IDBIe«rV et•ti. 1N116aa •t pa ty or Julh 1931• seet:•,a 4. 1 N1a .+u•tq; a.o., ao¢t1auL,{ A3'aa AAla mod b taw r11at w1•d a [eaus' It aY.01 *mr N W Dvwarlptle¢ 6 a• F1 Tact, treaty . Aadu If D•141IS'. a dlaatm. of 43A3 twato th.ea, t. N• br 1g' I 11iV1it wsi= a10/A1/N 19.54 rest; teme.. tley, A e•an. u the left Wlth A ,mlm o[ TaH. toH.at A DSmwa. 'ealwi .wi soli j I egt1A of a• 0- OL•, A a1.t.av If 20.10 Tagil tunes, leasing salt e.sa1}L" y LL 71Lr' .tLtlN eitpay, B. at' No De' W.• 313.34 Mti thee., B. aa• u, a0. 1.. Boston`,so Q to N feet the 3'ssicrlT al It.. of AASdirtpa tf AT 0: We CNeN1L Tllo� ." K' tl t e.tar Dtrtrlot Of alHnid. CamtYi th•nq•.10¢B uto awathgR.rlf It.. a aae4 line enaee.lNpAet Qh33.11 Mt 4 Law south It. or .all southel•t au+rt.a'i tt'eN. al. a. go- &A' ta• a., 311.01 Mt to the 'Let . f hepai.m. MCI y "UNLItIA, COmtT or u rreytla form the Aad' 4... flood p•n.I 0f good thwi wtti. %honer ft th1' 96U a., [ to te.lcaM whys the eo That right of door of tee orU40B "LAY m shwas A'Lta W1 a tmy "role goods. i'a f."I •nn• . m The in Wok 1, 111, 30 of L.H. at Suny, 4a0rE• of tl.niN 0••atf• Elea( therola• gull aemL.amN C.4tyng 1.N6 .re., boa11 to r u m the le-.m dowel at.{. Pe1Ca N lrLiabt, •va W also iL19•a u a MKla or the southweet OuartN at neetlm L. T. a ty a. 1 f., S• t• 11 sI . A whrl.r. 1 1 In wort "it. .r1, 6... old" A. r'llmat a'y, at elf eK/.. 1. W .Ala Cow P. l P., j] mSL gTyttNN [lHa •awa. grill' fl 4dm1. At the IvareeHilm Or the '.a Sea of fhe orlgtim el¢wy, J is �j A..Ode 1. L1aN.N load 9un.Ht'. WD . III. Q E.' 1. peg• 30 ¢f neNH• •T �Q {i , Beoorde of MterAlao Ce.tT. with the emaii}eo of the D.Wrta•at of Hell• St-'ty wilall u1a lM uiil 1i par", Buoy fr. 10 wiles link Of halo th '-alas "a a-Mt-N$ (��� p UJ+ ,' 1 l�'� anootlm to Illogically, etetim 196•07 of cold tlmT ud Lcorw t. a• N N• 7., 4 o•stuim •oplac. all wH.03 Mt fim . ire¢ pip. L1th area. 0.9 Act at the Bputhwef "my 9f oofa. Nt.wld0 D«ti Oth n it; ma...loLaid f dent.=a. or 'ri•lLtg k4wnt A B. »• t0, Is' t•• IN.N b feet to0., leaving wi gs At" Aid ..t. q. 9,a A tiN Nwa a. ant lg• 4, .1had, a eased a the right with a reatua Of SON TN t. thrmah ..-g1. of 1' w' a•' pg•fD or'"MA, Colds of lo' ^ 9 + • dl Atuao of m,10 fact to to iH line at paid Saitted OmrNr1 tamwi. gl'm i4N y1. wth I., Of Su a 0. Sao IV t., No" to'% to pypneawi gam IN•"Jo a wi!t wrm, reArl ind•nov, aid vet 1t.. ow tgfon• Aseyt thwi'•..dat4a114 wmg Aid Oat Ilne, a. 0• N'10• t.. g1.01 r•wii F.Hlca the.i., 6 NO nod a 4mmt mid kegre t. $A- No 01• f...•ima a sons b the loft alth •twins. peen th ne th ea ad, r.reA A«• H NN tN{, thraelaA . aagL at 11. 0]' N•. a alet'W .T ala,B1 fast b wild wa 1, Ntleam tNH4, wow. N44 y net It" 9f oA.Iul eitomll too.•, 'Saga 'ya amtojjya Bt Wgtlgg oldeYf t. � 4 the Oamir at lag •melac• 1%• rt6N to" to the Not of kegI.M.g. i IFFm'p. so...9i t t +.0 Cwp.r"I In ,.a a. maul arm'+'.,- •. Oaa•va. 1, ' 3 ��•q�p•PfGej 1 1. � 5 ,G t (, Jj p J 1_, J:� _r"•�.L a... _:.�.... .rr .afar ♦'.. ,. t II. _. .. ,, u, t rv".:; '➢+m• J,t}lee i", amity of fee aWd•1.., b.va., for od u ...trope epl N t➢. a"N st cellf.w.. .d;.d. " we tmNfu N rat of U4 hat. er C.Slf.tald I a. a.ray utetry AT •P:O, ral :raidee➢ a1W . or g..r %N"O' adieete u tN ¢card OF p ea full. alaawr mm. Weer We, I laled u W Cop Of O 1"rs. w'.Iat 1. It. r. a a.. l r 4, A. S. ! it. sf' Fla welNwt eY"R CeeN.11. Nler \Nee rarer %. amerlor coon, a ..Dino p' lid er Omael leper" er m' ld• ■., WAT fast tape We f eeid Deed. Ili tamer Oq Mr.d• feat{ taaae.. alaaW e N mil. at a•ae'la•. a LL•Nms p e. sttWa ee ueF•ed lead d •ilia.'. Seattle er tlr.eatla Dry). fro . ta.aat Oblm Nat. .LLa. of .®.Oa feet, taawp N M. M. N• ■., M." , of IL" feet, tartap We Odle I atetle. f 44.114 We W emter O .ell.. r..% et Iedls Se ladao, u ter rapt alu . Fdtte ar .• tr heir re.a; Neeee, a a 1 • Mi. a htd.N feet• msllw.I- !tastes awYla.lk •t to "Otrl.l u' • radio- er fMA Is rot. Deeo., a. W as, 11' ,Wd1Vp of 716.10 1.u, urwp . leerles sets .raN�uae Y lee. a. to^L• fp• 1.. SrfA Ob. C.iesalia hum sum souueeetMr LW, a at•u• a +a; taeeae. um/ Ira a.Na um r m. ,If Lw ura II AM,rti. We Wad :.y altewr tl maw m Wad 4 Im at nrWwlde 0- h y- Was 1t, t. a a., A. r S.. a, a• ua.puy (rtl the Na1. Y"n W lam. at leas tbt IMLO %,m, i l." W/lk1. tN N feet 10161 par of tee -da se ➢Sheer ae shape m FSd lO to mi. la bat V. Peel N eW Yb". er 0•nar. {hale", .f aa•FW OWatr, Oeet"aay Cd of .s law, ramp is y l pnlm If tN wamee" \rater at stars" W, P. a a., a. Per. Paruvow1f d... nt as N Nuer" i lylmiy \\ tN leNreae\tm at tN SeYt➢ uM If old a"aee N lOb tw emurllw of the ]rpartm.4 at plate Worth, \,nee free SO "1F aW at true so Ip119, a.0 II-Wa-". WWI Msa tatorwnm u sellaW't Maur M. War M sue w sor W teen 1. of it de• tie mi %be r. free da 1Fa KPi'�l0 M. War .N a' tN breaw.t .ener .f S, . t Y1 %Whig, slay a. 4le1- LLr.. a. N• a aa• the right Willi tree.. If SO Ireal. NSM Nara d. e.1 1 s,e d1.N o aerie to the right Will \ rYSm er Np0 .N taRap tl I�p1 .W .erasle f. m. N., a ha ua a of tIQ . real fte0 "M m N' 10. train 2. 0 M SS' shay • ralat ea tN Pile IQ . Seall er at Mt. U. m .ape Y W S P. . J'ap, eW u1W.1A 0- 1 H tN a.ap uw ht awed AMU. N{ 1Nwr aay .eps ,I lwe a. a• I.S. pears t., Nis' Nit N vs." . ltrelm NOaM.d0 et ", eereW . Oar at p arum a..n X. Y la• aa• ■of /aide WW treat a pa a a• eWeaN 1 We" M MW a, toe fief IV I., Fee.! eW MY ado, eattr NI tIVF• ALM appl al•y yr Fu w1 Sim, a a• 3a' SO• l., N.Wa WM1{ taeM. Were \ teyaft rslu Wro 8- IV Met lea M. t.. Nty a'IsIMN of 1Nlw.aa met taedap t ILIA 4 MI. It u M. a ,,llm u. MI, of p. la' N•, w r lk. 'J.,alma a was N tSe Lee u a l dswescri .i hem (age. ureeM m apols as d' P. Ol•, • dlktow. at Nf.Oa tut 4 .dps bur IW of t..tlm pl limier alml Was Seru us. r. no Nt a• a., "At rapt We the '"a v UyfeNas. 6FPtwa Ns tw shwa, awnws we" hf SW lkm PFar *NOW Me head sae tetaeal.d/N ee Padua md. CehlNaly dAtl W.rw. aea ten. S. Olem, the, aped P"tlse, A. herebyc .N'•e „u d1Nh ter Wegmd ura (w far .w au femur w ap~ et W ]ap.LLm, apN➢ulewee .ha W,amum a Walt ushrmt W lap• ha"sr (rtlt Y W dean at Ouuwrus elk part. am t IsMda, w Nat Wm ar raft" lw: aw eweetlum wNu W rltet girl. e•ld rlfat Wf rem. te.lealy'.Y arts ap Ode eel.', sershet late" ..mW 11 .am h®or •w .t WW M.0 a 'ai srmtee uR 1w !ream. NNNS m NFmFf L tlo gearotlo. rim araOled ma'"tee.. of W i fir• Y"W I. C_'Os, w Wet Nr hard •al d.ai luW a ntvma eosoor. Mn am of fitly. IYr. . a• Clem INNI I Named N " Np"ptaw t. L Muse, � O WObl.t SM � � N tad d•11wN is W Pura" to !. O. Md stal Ups Y eeW NHy NObape a.ww Y the.Aatlaa ullklre !M, a. Pate N It Maprao C Ifw tr era '.'.firm of Milo leas u-sir.af-p. Sera ..'a 0- ,y hid Neep N. a. Na N• L, ut Seutl►.at sorter N .Nl• rO aft Mla• Sa• tie taywt,hig.hh MOSS A. Ot' U• I. t. thma m addis of 1• da, 00, ataaeet aradrNWt tamer. Nam .Nn staura soo-fl D or We" D• an'10• s.. a1.01 (e.ti Oboe", . gun. u aN IWte silk • 1000 t tiam er dll.ht teet N raps low, 1" Of euNM .tus ot a• d tr t,ps II, 523 1aNta1•aOO•t Ot Selmer• 4Qa OI WUNlna, Omstf a N. a.Ma", Y.N w NeeaW WW amdtY Fd lNnl- 0. ul. Nu am er MY. tr the )• Map, We" he, fail Ya."o. a Setarf hell• !e and m Wd met) a. lYap. Wldlka uar.Q. Nll.aifueeY Me ran. Pareevllf era••^'tell 1. uam Napa ap w N be D.pew Ne.raaN to W wb• e,aa 1. wWnaN O W v1W W{iteemtl aW Ww eaYw.l.apd b Y lk" � atnW a fneW 1• nhems" a Mow. I wee "mu "1 m tl . dar Me Tee lh real, at m true. 1. the pal Oted"y N • Mae eW 0•astorol., 1W Nrunse" three ae.F al"I", mrl taaafaee. _ I, iw "Plea. Ste" hSte" �mms• ar "MLS"m etpl to a•r• a. it". M.M.,M.Me, at SeM•A13ss "raw of ifW W, "' weip" elk into lr aNtt a Ous/M u, Oth 1°a' dr w 0 too d 0• lk/a Mlk wf our ffib tr, true Y •ha ter Wa 6mMt tla OWN. Mm' War ad. f -' teta"w, • t.urr d. G Se:1eM1, Mlaiaa tw Nth, wit aemd'AM4 ul awtl. ,Jb1.Wv 11➢a�dW lamewa•t v _ Pip u wY"•IeM W .attt Ole aN NNW 'mWm Uprow a\a. b" b M as ft heat a lmarl, da 04 .N eel PM'eml ode ham': is tN fink/ at lie \ap1M. No" N spy(aallhi I V Y� �I , f !� rr It", a. o• •10- I„ 11.01 Mt: �n•°t" •thong•, eontiotlig � signs "to OatIr ttta • !! ...,,, . . :b • 4al.Nt H1.h l.si. Y. N• No 09. 6,.um6. Nno N tha Con pr' � 1p' tm.� t., n• t .. ar nM feet, Oro.M m .nel. at 1I• No It•, . el.tma of aa.ht foot N .LLe r a• H•m`u� P, 1. .itch.. t,+r.t,, :• lift of tHstlne htehou, tannage, .lane ame wtoWL" d anletiot useN7 t. it. C..ntt gf U. I.. ae.a toot to the plat at h•elmlas. 1 1!. 77 .� � .. 521 . ••,..i �•• F MN, *ormW u, 101. tale I. 03AM 1poe"a u► Bass N . b to.Ne *etrgy sewsthaa So.'sN tN eLLe Htete WtewNe m DaTt• Uenu)i elOti sat r&s buts7 Cot rtmil qx W "Is wits a. OIATha silly 4"Ninfued SO Me *swam N •eu• stripe, tort M Ian w New ud1 that e,e. as seta strut, shaaeoyw, tM& et tN sep.N 49 M s..wt tag. I •N.NN I. ouNe. NONHeN we al.N Y NmMn {saute, .. •.. .1�je�note pmya7. CoDS04 introt b. If nsnm resets. I Moss mt "sN q.6zd'*MAMMA a 4tndu :I MeW N Mth+wa Coati. "We'd owl, of By OHSN to 'Al Nu Cog" of Ire sOwlwt auto 111t eelu. dM e": ' raw. Gtow oft 7•at to W e owur& f. tleof stow snma. aotw PAU* in W NO 06 ...4 at",.. aftQeN-1 enr711t 0. ha ha 000M at g atsue• , 'u, ,,i'. 7,'. n • .. . sW.) wN N muttaOe... , iq O"Luse, rglM III-. &, 10M. .. ,• .Ig16iMax It saffiTO=, orm, 0001. 61102100 11101 c1J. e, . ffit IS TO 018IIn, Tat tha Ode" of ONutau, eestol It ham 1Mto4t Me O.Oa•leet of form RM, oltulm of melee711. ►Neat ".Mato of 413MOC Out "e" •. 4 oetsetsum at set Htsu eta, tN p000Dta M yNuo vwvos'nt tan test Maw.it ..''n�L No ISMS 8 $6 1 •ee W/N Lmoof, t oft o mjw t N.nm, testes "Qsla amOt. t ewha si oomto wt 1w \Net. tMs MN tll et OYWw. ^ f alga M AL 7 into I - attt7tm.t wn1NN Ronto t�iT..aewtw ItPIN"l •.,l.. "oM®Msna of tN. _'' 1. mM. air sue• to stogy post t oNrw .. Ma", as it. L. ews0al. w CNN thane•, ell that INI plea not atO" APO ette et7 In toot oNN toof a MNfollow •..,.... fOlMata. tstedtot ago return,notri.t Mstri.t n Bassoons. MHNm et Momw. W ON (1: tN tee ILL A eoswtN a poet 1. onw a of M MC aa.1.N M battle, No. la, love. N 11 r•oiwt Am. N suggest at ls natm Out etas rate M {ILL. 1-1407. OWN If e.N So' 1a N OM6141 iM . pow sM N On-, at•sa tJ.LJ.a• �1.M 0•eNi1M. N n1Nou. Nett. OLLltww. torn. a ass toot t. awe: awsNw. " s. brma, Dora" N"36w « �I ewe N osureela. 1 Mw" N MtwNN. 1 No a.e.hw, a.nlN o. sNNut ONe•w. s. *"Barn. a thew "I e: l..r team. Nftee be, W mGtNllntl. e WUSLU7'"an"" "she" C slow: i .. W _ AN aft. a .. 7 . that tMLNmW : . ai[I>m et We W -M ' ssnLLl Ntee tattN. Is to aossaOn 0o0M 07 m Mist Or 0siamot 0 ea FOR 113 OOMtt a nab/ was Wan• iraf 0017aonov, 1 s •atomsss. 1 s•. - nLLsun, ) n. 1 LIa *loans& a`Itaa X. treena and CAM A. ) (7rnesuset's of natwp) ^.Ms. sot awNN, secusnt ) T.= Inwt.00S asn asYMa ) CAMM, . wTN.etlm. N Taus. ) W. we tlteiaan a WWI ta- ) OMattw 00aaa, . mtNnuN, 1 w Isn•tr", 1 NhN that 1 ao170e u sum U. oo.arcs,o that N NtIN Ose was s Owes V /ha =.0 'Isn•e of W Clasp d nnnue. Mote U N11Ms1al, t7 tha show 0aN D1dtLLtt, rptwt W awn ehsN 44t a U. for the to lease N straw "of Me 124 04 rapt. 1sN. " mrtha 1. ►raotle sN Nfho 1. Itwae, hal hhahsl 0` to MA 0"I Left Gerpentlm, a wgsnuN. oft 104MN u to uttloe, of the Osaf7 hewem w oast, N anMb, seta .t Oallfotmla. N tot Ifn aq at owe*"., 1=4 ` in sass iq, N f•w sit, N oRiNN rafter". foeaNs or MOesetse Oeaff,.Pto d OLLltenui togs Of pmisw taro" wavow. sawritoe to us& momlot, u tee+ ses " Ws Nit, aft doessN to us sea" se 1af.nldt, qqs tf a111MWA44 rM wruNllNf tan t"d As fellow{ AU of Off oarom wall wrwfol slatted u soot neow"As taldfl *osutt/, 044wf of 811400110. auto hat Ceutevois, youssu * BasalM se JeUaN, t.+lte W a, fo, tl sN a N aahI'a Owtleas Bat Me ee t, Gas o/w&� sq w tl In Istseaa fop a, tl so IS 6Iteeb a w, tMsaw/q OMtlfl a (poustes. swJ it NNtowa swine 7W 17. 113% Mm," tN tti,r ton• an, Us. t OtN. N.. Cool" u M at atwLLs. Nall. Osllfetelt• 1 n. p.M *Npoeat o wl.t 0. a Mass" VAIM at AL Is MR Or AMR" ost. !0. f &Q • in ffie D� a togas, IN Wl'a hot tlsffi0' vatta. fit. Ht slat s e.tlew wsNltuN, • wu i".Apron a. xF3w ad gu4A 0 MrnNe".r"Tpx,=, tat ttwl taut. Na font N sole. slot or srN v me !••o (l am by so seNow Is "'S 1• M Iallt•sa1e. RESOLUTION rt � S, 1 It was Mowed by Director Ritchey, asoonded by Director • ro y:r „• Newman and carried unanimously that Barbara d. Schmid, Secretary ,�' fit" ,:. s•. of this Board, be and she is hereby authorised, on behalf of COACHELLA { PALLET COUNTT PATER DISTRICT, to accept and consent 1 +":: + s IN :i a*Yii to the recordation of all deeds or other written instrument& in S+rt favor of the District, or which may be necessar or convenient 7 y'. 1 ��r• t `, v�S ` to establish the record title of the District to real property, iy tr?�! and that the Secretary is directed to make a monthly report to said Board, itemising all such instruments accepted by her,14 STATE Ol CALIFORNIA ° +% COACHELLA PALLET COUNTT PATER DISTRICT J as. OTTICE OP THE SECRETART Z, Barbara L. Schmid, Secretary of the Board of Directors ;F 5yt of COACHELLA PALLET COUNTT ►ATER DISTRICT, do hereby certify fy ",• J, I (pJ. that the foregoing is a true co py resolution 1 y a said Board of a Regular Yeettng thereof duly convened and held e? o cony ned and he at its office at Coachella, California, On the Beth ' t -(1 day of October, 1849, at which meeting more than a quorum of said Board was present and acting throughout, •' ^.a,, {> I further certify that by authority sa'd reeolupn accept s ts„, and consent to the reaarding of the attoehed Grant Deeed a -T • �x1 �rl �� executed Ail E. Alan pet to d• Jock Tolen on February 2C 706I for > Portion o/ Section 27-4-5 (or starmwater works, l 'p (. fl Dated this 22nd day of March 18 61 4 Secretary of said Bo�ord��`a a e ^4,ar-,0 z3 147G Qs /�.sT. Alo . Z SG 68o -,97Z 507 o f o„e, �o o �T 7i14r MppT�r%. 7r'� A r. GRANT DEED 1 FOR A VALUAGLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowleoged, C. ALAN PETTY and JACK iOLEN, as Grantors, hereby grant and convey unto the COACHULA VALLEY cODNrY WATER D13TRICT, a public agency of the Kato of California, with its officr of Coachella, lalifornla, as ;rma , the foe title to the followinn ., :crlbcd real property: All th,t rgal property in the 'nounty o: 'j':'r-.jib•, OLALe o"2Jlifornia, mor, ntr'Inulariv doscrlbnrl as follows: 1 nlrcoI of Ianr.' jn the I•st half of Lh" 'Wrth'w,gt quorb=r (.I11) of kctlon twenty-one (:I), Township four (1) loutll, Vanno `Iv• (5) East of the ':an :ornardinn 'an` :Ind 7,,ridlan, mor` parti::ulgrly .- gcrlbl;d an follow:: -nMnnioq at Lh� 7ou Lh,-g1 (Ia) .'ore 'r •r. ih rLh w, •.. nu irt`r ( .) , ^.i'n .dn" a :, I' ( ) .uul,l, ,r'.In,. .Imt r. .:rinl.vl)•Lh..nml.,, I/r-rh ejrJlly- niq nr r. -i iv 1ar.•g Inl lwnt•• ;o I ! :; I I I c g.l i r 'or.h -a. *. nl. r: •r 'li q1..l n.• C. Lhr—, 4nn ir`J La..nI :- ..__._. n,r! .•.n hnq in-ith. ( i. .I1) thmnc• •%irth -,ro '`nrom te-nty�nlnuL. .I1n `i,'tv s•,:on (A � tar I . 3), 1 .i s,.lv. e' our ler, ' •,1 t'd y- ;i x �n.! :i xG -"I hun- , I;-,dt. PIMA) '1 r'.h 1, -I. J, r +ham Ir of curve arnr-.. 'o '.IY ,III'llr .I'1' Il _i jy � 11 .1..�, l •( I1• '.I irl. ,,-ern '1 '1' as 7"r . r�ll'1 1 '"I'I 11'1 • 1 ,11=I'1-, A•.] .,r"�` , ' Lflls '� _ 'i,y a July 3, 1987 City of La QUirita P.O. Box 1504 La Cluinta, CA. 92253 Gentlemen Subject Telephone Facilities Location Ave 46 RECEIVED J 0 L 0 7 1987 General Telephone Cornpany of California 83 793 Or. Carreon Boulevard Indio, California 92201-7099 619 347-2711 In Reply Refer To 3660G E3.2B4 Attached is a copy of the subject improvement plans. We have no GTE; Facilities on Ave 46 between Hwy 111 and White Water River Channel. If additional information is needed please contact John Davis at 619/342-0535• 30fiN DAMS NTWE. Eng Supv Fac JD: id A part of GTE Corporation ti V W n A. R.v. 6 /d - -770- 003 "11- 004 �Q�ps A, pk \1 Gp a's W.45MIM67-OM v 1 JTREET ARK 617-OtO-017 \, N 0 ti n 2 4 K W 1 W � W� a °�0 GT.F_.IN I�RFJ� soh °v E LARVE- N3 GAC\LlT1ES 1W� ON AVE— ItO T,_ "EXHIBIT B" VACATIOM OF ROAOK/AY EASEMENTS ON RECEIVED J U L U 7 10 .__. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA gqS COMPANY 3700 CENTRAL AVENUE • RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA MAILING ADDRESS. P. O. BOX 2200. RIVERSIDE, CALIFORNIA 925162200 July 1, 1987 City of ],a Quinta 78-105 Calle Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 ATTENTION: Planning Division RE: City Case No. SV 87-011 Avenue 46 Vacation any has 46, The Southern California Gas ComPmaintainsa aasman in 2inchmain within the (southern California Gas Company proposed vacation area and will require an easement reservation). ded from ese propose�iserve the tldevelopmentcowithout anybe ensignificantthimpactaonstheoenvironment. The service would be in accordance with the Company's policies and extension rules on file with the California Public Utilities Commission at the time contractual arrangements are made. n this The availability of natural gas service, as set forth and regulatorylpoliciesetl:eAs is based upon present conditions of gas supply is under the public utility, the Southern California Gas Company jurisdiction of the e can also actionsorofa federalPublic Utregulatory ilities mmW agencies. Should these be affected by agencles take any action which afasctsegas vicesupply willobe provideddiniaccordance which service is available, g with revised conditions. Typical demand use for: a. Residential (System Area Average/Use Per Meter) YearlY Single Family 799 therms/year dwelling unit Multi -Family 4 or less units 482 therms/year dwelling unit Multi -Family 5 or more units 483 therms/year dwelling unit in residential units These averages are based on total gas consumption served by Southern California Gas Company, and it should not be implied that any particular home, apartment or tract of homes will use these amounts of energy, b. Commercial Due to the fact that construction varies so widely (a glass building vs. a heavily insulated building) and there is such a wide variation in types of materials and equipment used, a typical demand figure is not available for this type of construction. Calculations would need to be made after the building bias been designed. We have developed several programs which are available, upon request, to provide assistance in selecting the most effective applications of energy conservation techniques for a particular project. If you desire further information on any of our energy conservation programs, please contact our Area Market Services Manager, P.O. Box 3003, Redlands, CA 92373-0306, phone (800) 624-2497. Sincerely, Roger aughman Technical Supervisor RLB:teb /�� Go.n.-,E..fr a,.� Pvo/�osrc. � 6-nr�r2 Tay /� Sc�crtsEs'r�p �+invt C�2,fS ti M� � L-�L�- 6x�ar/� sr5 — T��SE c,v,4+rc� S .ssv✓� SEE,✓ ir�f � Y S'r�T-� /UU CorlH�.✓T3 OfL (iV>'�GF/Ir✓S - No gavvzs,� s�i✓T3 /I/'�pvsrEO G�M7c�./ Cpwr,Yr�•r3 �S6uU�r� i3vT n-or//�� Y�r �fcE<vEo � =roof!!/rtz Z,¢/1i(„Prl�ry /✓/SrneGT _ � DEs�— .�vs U.✓,ry�v .Sc�� .Disr. Ore- � �/✓4/1SJ�Jf �-o%v,'7 .S✓"�•eii�i.S D.�ftG� rr .. CV i V ----- EXHIBIT "A" '® VACATION OF 46TH AVENUE ALL THOSE PORTIONS OF 46TH AVENUE LYING WITHIN SECTIONS 19 AND 30, T.5.S., S.B.M.; MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: PARCEL 1 THE SOUTHERLY 30.00 FEET OF SAID SECTION 19 AND THE NORTHERLY 30.00 FEET OF SAID SECTION 30 LYING BETWEEN THE EASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 111 (110 FEET WIDE) PER DEED RECORDED FEBRUARY 17, 1938 AS INSTRUMENT #1044, AND THE WESTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF COACHE;LLA VALLEY WATER DISTRICT STORMWATER CHANNEL, PER DEED RECORDED JUNE 17, 1960 AS INSTRUMENT #53916. PARCEL 2_ THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE -QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 15l DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTTER: THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE -QUARTER, N. 89° 31'35"E., 333.93 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE CONCENTRIC WITH AND 55.00 FEET NORTHERLY MEASURED RADIALLY FROM THE CENTER LINE OF SAID CALIFORNIA STATE HIGHWAY 111, SAID POINT BEING ALSO THE TRUE: POINT OF BEGINNING: A. THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, N. 89` 31'35"E., 594.37 FEET TO A POINT ON A NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 98.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS 11. 62- 50" 54"E..; B. THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 73' 10'25" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 125.16 FEET; C. THENCE SOUTH 79° 40'29"W., 41.38 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHERLY, HAVING A RADIUS OF 100.00 FEET; D. THENCE WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 09' 51'06" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 17.19 FEET TO A POINT ON A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 44.00 FEET NORTH, MEASURED AT RIGHT ANGLES, FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST ONE -QUARTER: E. THENCE ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE, S. 89° 31'35"W., 471.27 FEET; F. THENCE N. 69" 40'18"W., 16.34 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID CONCENTRIC LINE, BEING IN A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY HAVING A RADIUS OF 2430.00 FEET, A RADIAL LINE TO SAID POINT BEARS N. 410 O'7'49"E.; G. THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF O1' 44'20" AN ARC DISTANCE OF 73.75 FEET TO THE TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. 46THVACA 0 A. P.". 61J - .770- 00'3 ' _ 004 A.oAt. 617- OZO- 0 /7 1� ¢ m i W o o Y ti 'oh LL n^ofol°'-------------- / pr NO SUtE LK SS. WSSNINGTON V �'rReEr EXHIBIT "B" W ^ STREET VACATION '^ ^ #87-011 m J 2 APPLICANT J KWL ASSOCIATES 712 Eugene Road PALM SPRINGS. CA 92262 (611) 327.7786 a 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 June 23, 1987 Mr. Robert Lotito KWL Associates 712 Eugene Road Palm Springs, CA 92264 Subject: Street vacation 87-011 Lot Line Adjustment 87-032 Dear Mr. Lotitc: (619) 564-2246 This is to advise you that the Planning Department has made a determination regarding completeness of the subject applications: Street vacation 87-011: The application is complete as of this date. Processing will continue pursuant to Section 8300 et. seq., Part 3 of the Streets and Highways Code. Section 2.6 of the La Quinta Municipal Land Use Ordinance, requires the Planning Director to report on road abandonments relative to their conformance with the adopted General Plan.. Upon making a determination of conformance, you will be notified within 40 days from the date of this letter. Pending this determination, the resolution to vacate has been scheduled for Public. Hearing before the City Council on August 4, 1987. Lot Line Adjustment 87-032: This application requires additional information before being considered complete. The following items need to be submitted: Revised legal description: APN 617-020-017. The description submitted (dated 8/21/86) must be revised to describe the entire parcel to be created as it relates to the revised legal for APN 613-770-003. 2. Exhibits - Please provide three (3) sets of a revised exhibits similar to the 18" X 26" exhibit submitted earlier. This exhibit needs to reflect the revised parcel boundaries between APN's 613-770-003 and 617-020-017. i[t must also reflect the vacation of easements for Avenue 46. The exhibit needs to show all bearings and distances, curve data, etc. and should therefore be prepared and sealed by a registered professional engineer. MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. BOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 It should be pointed out that recordation of the Lot Line Adjustment cannot occur until the proposed street vacation is recorded. There are some additional points which you should also be aware of. Due to the fact that Parcel Map No. 16967 was never recorded, and has therefore expired, Parcel #4 (APN 613-770-004) is not a legal parcel and will be eliminated with the recording of the Lot Line Adjustment. Also, Plot Plan 86-357, currently on hold, will. have to be revised to incorporate the entire parcel which the Lot Line Adjustment application intends to create. In any event, prior to development permits of any kind being issued, one of the following must take place: 1. A Parcel Map is filed to legally divide the entire 12.6 acres (existing), at which time Plot Plan 86-357 processing may continue along with a completed Parcel Map application.. 2. A revised Plot Plan is submitted for the entire site, (observing the previously noted finding that the parcels shown on the original Parcel Map were never recorded, and are therefore invalid.) A Change of Zone will be needled should you wish to commercially develop the total property (refer to the enclosed zoning exhibit). Should you have any questions or concerns with regards to these matters„ please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR fJerr Herman Principal Planner JH:bja Encl: Zoning Exhibit cc: Files: VAC 87-011 LLA 87-032 PP 86-357 LTRWN.063 O In tr C—P-s C-P-S G'-P-S 04 R-3-2,000 W- 1 a0, L -p-s R-3-4,0 0 1, all R-1 R- 12,000 R-1 ... ... R-2-9600 (138.6 —) R-2-2500 (24.� R-5 (7.6 ac) (max. 894 du) cz 84-014 R-1 C 0 C-p- I R-Z'i ASSOCIATES INC. 41 t� Planning • Engineering - Surveys 712 Eugene Road Palm Springs, CA 92264 (714) 327-7786 TO: �LAt i✓�it/� �EPA2T/�f�T .J ATTN: Date //-4 % PROJECT c�zA RE: CoT ZA le 4J61s, ,,Vz5 /T JOB NO. _ S3 Gentlemen: We are forwarding ('.Enclosed ( ) Separate Cover ( ) By Blue Print Co. ( ) By mall ( ) By Messenger The following:_ /Gy Remarks: Very truly yours, K W LASSOCIATES, INC. M M ROBEKC T. LOTIT0 ADJUSTED LEGAL DESCRIPTION A.P.N. 613-770-003 A.P.N. 613-770-004 THAT PORTION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19 AND THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERNARDINO BASE AND MERIDIAN, DESCRIBED AS A WHOLE, AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE EASTERLY LINE OF WASHINGTON STREET (55.00 FEET EASTERLY OF THE WEST LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER) WITH THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF THAT CERTAIN PARCEL CONVEYED TO THE COACHELLA VALLEY COUNTY WATER DISTRICT BY DEED RECORDED JUNE 17, 1960 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 53916 IN BOOK 2715, PAGE 466 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, SAID SOUTHWESTERLY LINE BEING A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2000.00 FEET (A RADIAL TO SAID INTERSECTION BEARS S. 23040'03" W.); THENCE NORTHEASTERLY AND SOUTH- EASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 20015'28" A ARC DISTANCE OF 707.1.3 FEET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE, S. 46004'29" F., 584.27 FEET TO THE BE- GINNING OF A TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 4,500.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTHEASTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 2015'52" A ARC DISTANCE OF 177.85 FEET TO THE SOUTHERLY LINE OF SAID SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 19; THENCE ALONG SAID SOUTHERLY LINE, S. 89°31'35" W., 685.23 FEET; THENCE S. 45°36'00" W., 117.43 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF STATE HIGHWAY 111 (110.00 FEET WIDE) SAID NORTHEASTERLY LINE BEING ON A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2430.00 FEET, A .RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS N. 45°36'00" E., THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVED NORTHEASTERLY LINE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 10039'43" A ARC LENGTH OF 452.19 FEET; THENCE N. 29°12'27" W., 20.06 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A NON -TANGENT CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 1,555.00 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID BEGINNING OF CURVE BEARS N. 86038'49" E.; THENCE NORTH- WESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 1051'30" A ARC LENGTH OF 50.44 FEET TO THE BEGINNING OF A REVERSE CURVE CONCAVE NORTHEASTERLY AND HAVINv A RADIUS OF 1,445.00 FEET; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVE THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 4054'29" A ARC LENGTH OF 123.78 FEET TO THE AFOREMENTIONED EASTERLY LINE OF WASHINGTON STREET; THENCE TANGENT TO SAID CURVE AND ALONG SAID EASTERLY LINE N. 0018112" W., 522.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. A.P.N. 617-020-017 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 30, TOMSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BERSIARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFO]aIIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, LYING SUMBNESTERLY OF THE CHANNEL DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED MARCH 23, 1961 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 24680 IN BOOK 2872 PAGE 509 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA AND LYING NORTNEJASTELY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT PORTION DESCRIBED INDEED 7'O THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED DECEMBER 14, 1937 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 844 IN BOOK 352 PAGE 522 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. EYKEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 OF DEED TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA, RECORDED OCTOBER 9, 1967 AS INSTRUMENT No. 88602 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF .E COURFY, CALIFORUA. BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-0E-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 111 .(100.00 FEET WIDE); THENCE ALONG SAID NORTHERLY LINE N. 89031'35" E., 166.87 FEET; THENCE S. 45036'00" W., 117.43 FEET TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 111, BEING A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2430.00 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS N. 45036'00" E.; THENCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG SAID CURVED RIGHT-OF-WAY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 2043150" A DISTANCE OF 115.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AUGUST 21, 1986 ADJUSTED :LEGAL DESCRIPTION A.P.N. 617-020-017 THAT PORTION OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTICN 30, TUMSHIP 5 SUM, RANGE 7 EAST, SAN BE MARDINO MERIDIAN, IN THE COUNTY OF RIVERSIDE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF, LYING SOUTHWESTERLY OF THE CHANNEL DESCRIBED IN DEED RECORDED MARCH 23, 1961 AS INSTMIENT NO. 24680 IN BOOK 2872 PAZ 509 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF RIVERSIDE COUNTY, CALT_FORNIA AND LYING NORrMOTERLY OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LINE OF THAT •••� • r r• Isar I •aar I • • ••+ •� i•rar • ry I: a• 1 •� la • : • • 1 :•• ••I • •y Na�•u • ; �: _; a �rsi w �i�e`�•a�l��ir�1 EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIHM IN PARCELOF raar TO THE STATE OF 1 • 9 RECORDED OCTOBER 9, 1967 AS INSTRUMNT NO.88602 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS OF Ir CCQM, CALIFUUM. • ra' 1 I 9a •• '••� •. • r' I: ar • • BEGINNING AT THE INT'FRSECTION OF THE NORTHERLY LINE OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND WITH THE NORTHEASTERLY RIGHT'-W-WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 111'.(100.00 FAST WIDE); THENCE ALCNG SAID NORTHERLY T N. 89031135" E., 166.87 FEET; THENCE S. 45036100" W., 117.43 FEEL' TO A POINT ON SAID NORTHEASTERLY RIC33T-OF-WAY OF SPATE HIaKW 111, BEING A CURVE CONCAVE SOUTHWESTERLY AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2430.00 FEET, A RADIAL TO SAID POINT BEARS N. 45°36100" E.; THh3jCE NORTHWESTERLY ALONG :SAID CURVED RIGHT-OF-WAY THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGIE OF 2043'50" A DISTANCE OF 115.81 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. AUC9JST 21, 1986 April_ 29, 1987 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA GUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - Mr. Bob Lotito KWL Associates, Inc. 712 Eugene Road Palm Springs, CA 92264 SUBJECT: Street Vacation No. 87-011 and Lot Line Adjustment 87-•032 Dear Mr. Lotito: (619) 564-2246 The Planning Department has completed its initial review of the above referenced project applications and offers the following comments: Compliance with the Subdivision Map Act As mentioned in a letter to you dated January 9, 1986, the property has been subdivided without a parcel map being recorded. Prior to proceeding with processing of the Street Vacation or Lot Line Adjustment Applications this situation must be resolved with the submittal of a parcel map application to be processed simultaneously. An application has been enclosed for your convenience. Upon formal submittal, the subject application may then be processed. Thank you for your cooperation regarding this matter. Should need further assistance or have questions or comments regarding this matter, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR JERRY MERMAN PRINCIPAL PLANNER JH:bja Atch: Letter to Bob Lotito dated. January 9, 1986 CC: Washington Plaza Associates La Quinta One Eleven Ltd. File, PP86-357 STV87011 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. 80X 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253