June 15, 1992
The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called
to order at the hour of 3:11 P.M. by Acting Chairman Jerry Herman.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members John Walling, Meg Robertson,
Kay Wolff, Jerry Herman, Nancy Nard, .Associate
Planner Stan Sawa, Department Secretaries Kerry
Banks and Betty Anthony.
A. There being no changes to the Minutes it was moved by Committee
Member Robertson and seconded by Committee Member Walling to
approve the Minutes of May 4, 1992, as submitted. Unanimously
approved with Committee Member Herman abstaining.
A. Consultant Presentation
1. Department Secretary Kerry Banks stated she had beers in touch
with Mr. Allen relative to his presentation at an upcoming
Mayor's Breakfast and he had stated his fees would be $2,000
plus travel expenses for a two day visit. A one day visit would
be $1,000 plus travel expenses.
Committee Member Walling suggested that Mr. Allen's visit be
coordinated with another city in the Valley to see if the cost
could be shared.
Committee Member Robertson stated she had met with Ann
Thorne, an art consultant from Huntington Beach who would be
instrumental as a technical consultant to help the Committee set
up policies and procedures to follow. Her fee would bey $350 per
day. Discussion followed regarding Mr. Allen's ability to give
the Council a good overview of what the Art in Public: Places
constitutes .
Following the discussion, Committee Member Wolff suggested that
Staff contact the Chamber of Commerce in order to schedule Mr.
Allen to speak at a Mayor's Breakfast and later that day meet
with the Art in Public Places Committee for a study session. In
addition, Staff would contact the Finance Department to
determine what funds were available to the Committee.
Art in Public Places Minutes
June 15, 1992
A. Election of Officers
It was moved by Committee Member Wolff to nominate John Walling
as Chairman. Committee Member Robertson seconded the motion.
Committee Member Herman moved to close the nominations and
Mr. Walling was elected unanimously.
2. It was moved by Committee Member Robertson to nominate Kay
Wolff as Vice Chairman. As there were no other nominations,
nominations were closed and Mrs. Wolff was elected unanmously.
B. The Brown Act
Discussion followed relative to rules and procedures for the
Committee to follow. Jerry Herman to contact City Attorney to
obtain a condensed version of the Brown Act Policies "Rules of
Procedure" and subsequently compare with the City of Palm
Desert, who has an established Art in Public Places program.
Committee Member Herman reviewed the Brown Act with the
members and discussion followed as to what meetings of the
Committee needed to be agendized. Staff was asked to check
with other cities and the City Attorney's office to determine how
and when meetings were to be agendized.
C. Artists Selected for City Art Work
Due to the problems incurred with artists contacting the
individual committee members, it was moved by Committee Member
Wolff and seconded by Committee Member Robertson to establish
the following policy:
a. The Committee will refrain from meeting with artists
individually for the purpose of discussing further art
Further discussion included providing the top artists with a
"resource" representative from La Quinta whom they could
contact for any further information they would like regarding the
City, (in addition to the literature and information they were
3. It was moved by Committee Member Herman and sea~nded by
Committee Member Wolf to contact the following peoples to see if
they would be willing to have their names placed on a list of
resource people for these artists to contact regarding :reference
information. The motion was unanimously approvE~d. The
Art in Public Placea Minutes
June 15, 1992
following people would be contacted by phone at Staff's earliest
a. Fred Rice
b. Stan Sawa
c. Jean McKig
d. Peter Murray
Kerry Banks relayed to the committee that during a 1telephone
conversation with artist Lowell Jones he questioned whether
there would be any reimbursement of travel expenses. Member
Kay Wolff moved to decline any expenses incurred by 'the artist
(including travel expenses) for the purpose of providing a
presentation. It was seconded by Member Jerry Herman and was
approved unanimously.
5. A letter would be drafted to all the applicants informing them of
the Committee's policy with regard to reimbursement of expenses
and not meeting with members, and also the list of resource
people. In addition, the letter would notify them of the
extension of time to prepare their presentation. The new date
would be September 14, 1992 beginning at 2:00 P.IvI. Each
applicant would have 25 minutes to present and ~NOUld be
required to submit the following information:
a. Elevation drawing
b. Different concepts and images
c. Maintenance plan
C. Phoenix Conference Report
1. Committee members discussed and shared pictures taken at the
Phoenix Conference. It was determined that a final report would
be compiled for review by the Art in Public Places committee
members at their meeting of July 6, 1992 and subsequently
submitted to City Council at their meeting of July 21, 1992. It
was also suggested that these reports be kept in thee Art and
Public Places file for future reference.
D. Current Applicants Status
It was determined that Staff would draft a letter to all applicants
(other than the "top artist") apprising them as to the status of
their submittal. Letter to note the City would like to keep their
application on file for any future art selections by the City. The
applicants who had requested their slides be returned will be
asked if the City can duplicate them for file reference.
Art in Public Places Minutes
June 15, 1992
A draft letter was to be prepared for review by committee
members at their meeting of July 6th.
E. New Artists Applications
1. Department Secretary Banks passed out information pertaining
to new artists who had submitted applications to be accepted.
2. Members withdrew to the Council Chambers to review slides
submitted by new artists.
There being no further business, it was moved by Committee Member Wolff and
seconded by Committee Member Robertson to adjourn to a regular meeting of
the Art in Public Places Committee on July 13, 1992 at 2:00 P.M. Thus meeting
of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:41 P.M., June 15,
APP6-15 4