APPMIN 11 02 1992ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM November 2, 1992 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 3:09 P.M. by Chairman John Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Jerry Herman, Nancy Nard, Chairman Walling. STAFF PRESENT: Principal Planner Stan Sawa, Department Secretary Betty Anthony. I. CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of October 5, 1992, Committee Member Wolff moved and Committee Member Nazd seconded a motion to approve the Minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. H. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Review of Art Proposal for Painted Cove Entry a request of the Ministrelli Company for review of an art proposal. 1. Mr. Mike Fedderly, representing Ministrelli Construction Company, addressed the Committee regazding his proposed art work for the entrance to the Painted Cove project. In addition, he stated that the proposed CC & R's were to require the homeowners to provide an art sculpture for each homesite. 2. Mr. Bruce Thomas, the architect, described his art piece to the Committee. 3. Committee Member Wolff expressed her concern that the art v/ork needed to be accessible and visible to the public. She questioned whether the gates would be kept open to the public. Mr. Fedderly stated the gates would be kept open during business hours but once the project was sold out the gates would probably remain closed. Discussion followed regarding damage to the art work, traffic circulation, public accessibility, and placing the art work outside the gates. APP11-2 1 Art in Public Places November 2, 1992 4. Following discussion it was determined that the amount of the art work and the Art in Public Places fee required would be about the same. 5. Committee Member Nard asked if the art work could be made high enough so it could be seen from the street. 6. Mr. Thomas informed the members they needed to take into consideration [he problem of damage, or loss of the art work, by making it accessible to the public. 7. Discussion followed among the members regarding public acce:>sibility and visibility. Members felt such projects should be encouraged but felt it did not meet the intent of the Art in Public Places Ordinance. It 'was felt the City Attorney could provide an opinion as to the possibility of art work being considered public art when it is within a gated community, and whether or not this would meet the intent of the Art in Public Places Ordinance. 8. Following the discussion, it was moved by Chairman Walling and seconded by Committee Member Nard to recommend to the City Council that they accept this art project; that the applicant receive a credit in the amount equal to the cost of the sculpture including installation ($15,000); and further that once this amount is met, fees will be collected for the balance. VOTE: AYES: Committee Members Herman, Nard, Chairman Walling. NOES: Committee Members Robertson & Wolff. ABSENT: None. ABSTAIN: None. B. Discussion with Mr. Louis De Martino regarding his proposed art project; a request of the Committee for Mr. De Martino to supply more information on his proposed project for the, Civic Center. 1. Mr. De Martino discussed with the Committee ideas he had on how to educate the community regarding the art work. He further discussed the art piece itself as to its ability to move, being accessible to touch, and the location of the piece. 2. Committee Member Wolff expressed their concern that the public be made to feel they are a part of the project. Mr. De Martino felt he would be able to do this by interacting with the public during workshops. APPll-2 2 Art in Public Places November 2, 1992 3. Members expressed their desire to have the surface of the sure texturized with different images made by local school children or seniors to live on in perpetuity. Mr. De Maztino stated this could be accomplished in one of several different ways. Discussion followed regarding different methods that could be used as well as possible groups to bE; :invited to participate, and the need for a theme. 4. Chairman Walling asked Mr. De Martino if he was available Ua attend the meeting necessary to inform the Council and the community about the project. Mr. De Maztino stated he would be willing to work with the Committee and would follow the interest of the public. 5. Discussion followed regarding the different organizations to be contacted as well as different ideas to be used. 6. Chairman Walling asked if the moon beam could be lit. Mr.:De Martino stated it could be. 7. Committee Member Robertson asked if the added time would add to the cost. Mr. De Martino stated it would generate additional costs. 8. Committee Member Herman asked if Mr. De Martino woulii prepare a proposal to present to the City Council regarding the number of meetings, time line, costs, etc. 9. Committee Members discussed utilizing all the different organizations, obtaining an approval by Council before holding the workshops, concluding the workshops before Easter, and establishing a time line for completing the project. 10. Committee Member Herman asked if Mr. De Martino would prepare a written narrative to present to Council with all the necessary information regarding what they aze trying to achieve by allowing the public to participate with hands on workshops utilizing local children and the different organizations; having the project completed by fall of 1.993, and have this available for Staff by the end of November. Mr.:De Martino stated he would do this. APPll-2 3 Art in Public Places November 2, 1992 11. Committee Member Wolff stated she felt the Art in Public Places Committee should select several pieces from the different orgamizations but Mr. De Martino should make the final decision as to which art work was used on the art piece itself. Chairman Walling stated that after the selection was made a model should be presented to Council for their final approval. 12. Following discussion, it was moved by Committee Member Herman and seconded by Committee Member Wolff to move to have Mr. 1De Martino prepare for Council consideration, an outline of his project, the process he would be using, and reflect the cost on his proposal. The Committee would then present this information at the next Council meeting for their consideration and if Council concurred with their recommendation instruct Staff to prepare a contract to start the process for the art work. Finally, all other applicants would be notified of the Committee's selection. Unanimously approved. C. Discussion of Mc Jerry Allen's presentation; a request of the Committee to have Mr. Allen give a presentation to the La Quinta Chamber and various other boards and committees in December. 1. Chairman Walling asked if Council had been informed of the Committees intent to bring Mr. Allen in to educate the community. Committee Member Herman stated they had only received copies of the Minutes. 2. Committee Members reviewed Mr. Allen's itinerary and added a community tour and orientation to the itinerary. It was sugge:>t that other organizations be contacted to see if they would be interested in meeting with Mr. Allen. 3. Staff was instructed to send a letter to Mr. Allen informing him of the Committee's recommendation to the City Council and sending a copy of the revised schedule. 4. Following discussion it was moved by Committee Member Nard and seconded by Committee Member Wolff to enter into an agreement with Mr. Jerry Allen arriving on December 2-3, 1992, subject to the revised itinerary. Unanimously approved. Chairman Walling asked for a five minute break. APPll-2 4 Art in Public Places November 2, 1992 D. Desert Hospital Art Work; a request of Desert Hospital for review of their proposed art work. 1. Chairman Walling moved and Committee Member Robertson seconded a motion to continue the matter to the Committee's next meeting in December at the request of the Applicant. Unanimously approved. I:. Review of art work for site locations throughout the City; a request of the Committee to consider different locations for azt. 1. It was moved by Committee Member Herman and seconded by Committee Member Nard to continue this matter to the meeting of December. Unanimously approved. 2. Committee Member Nazd informed the members that another park had been approved by the Council and this should be added to thf; list. III. OTHER: A. Chairman Walling asked that the Staff have the original photographs and exhibits from the various artists available at the next meeting. R. Committee Member Wolff stated she found the list of Art in Public Places purchases and requested that this be added to the packet. C. Future agenda items: 1. Desert Hospital presentation. 2. Mr. De Maztino's proposal. 3. Other site locations for art work. 4. Correspondence from other artists (with originals). 5. Art in Public Places priority list. IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Committee Member Nard and seconded by Committee Member Walling to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on December 7, 1992 at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:45 P.M., November 2, 1992. APPll-2 5