APPMIN 12 03 1992ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA MIDDLE SCHOOL -MULTI-PURPOSE ROOM December 3, 1992 The special meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee in conjunction with the City Council, Planning Commission, Community Services Commission, Design Review Board, was called to order at the hour of '7:08 P.M. by Chairman Walling. ROLL CALL: Councilmembers Sniff and Bangerter. No quorum. Planning Commissioners Ellson and Mans (Commissioner Adolph arrived late). No quorum. Community Services Members Best, Nard, Sexton, and Chairwoman Kennedy. Commissioner Nard moved) to excuse Commissioner Dickens and Francis. Commissioner Best seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. Design Review Boazd Members Curtis, Anderson, Campbell, and Wright (Boazdmember Harbison arrived late). Boazdmember Curtis moved to excuse Boardmembers Rice and Hazbison. Boardmember Rice seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. Art in Public Places Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Jerry Herman, Nancy Nazd, and Chairman Walling. Councilman Sniff welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Chairman John Walling of the Art in Public Places Committee. Chairman Walling thanked everyone for attending the meeting and gave a brief explanation for the purpose of the meeting and gave an introduction of Mr. Jerry Allen. Mr. Allen gave a presentation and slide show on the various ways to incorporate art into the community. Following his presentation was a time of questions and answer. There being no further business, Councilman Sniff asked for the various Board, Commissions, and Committees to adjourns. Community Services Chairwoman Kennedy moved and Commissioner Best seconded a motion to adjourn. Design Review Board member Curtis moved and Boardmember Anderson seconded a motion to adjourn. APP12-3 1 Art in Public Places December 3, 1992 Chairman Walling thanked everyone for their time and attendance and moved to adjourn the meeting. Committee Member Wolff seconded the motion and this joint meeting ways adjourned at 9:07 P M. December 3, 1992. APP12-3 ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM December 3, 1992 The special meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was calIled to order at the hour of 9:38 P.M. by Committee Member Wolff. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Jerry Herman, & Nancy Nazd. Chairman Walling arrived at 10:05 P.M. STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Anthony. This meeting was for the purpose of discussing with Mr. Jerry Allen ways am9 means of expanding the Art in Public Places Committee involvement in the community. Ideas and suggestions that were presented by Mr. Allen were as follows: 1. Find an artist to be a part of the process and not just an art program. This will take some work to find the right artist/designer to work with Staff and developers. 2. Allow the construction of a project to include the attist in order to have access to additional money to produce the art projects. The artist is included in the complete project. 3. In order to get the small as well as large developer to work with the artist, put an artist on retainer by the City. He then becomes an additional resource. 4. There are several artist in the Los Angeles area especially who aze qualifiedl to do this. A list of names and addresses would be sent by Mr. Allen. Committee Member Wolff gave Mr. Allen a brief history of the Art in Public Places Committee and the various projects that they had been working on. In addition, the Committee discussed the Committee's list of priorities as well as art acquisitions the City had made to date. The Committee discussed with Mr. Allen ways of getting the attist in contact with the developer/architect before the project was designed. Also, the possibility of having an artist on the Design Review Board. Committee members discussed with Mr. Allen the Civic Center art work that was being proposed. Mr. Allen suggested that the Committee determine before hand what roll they would play in the selection of the art work to be incorporated into the art piece. He further suggested APP12-3 1 Art in Public Places December 3, 1992 that the Committee be awaze of the type of form to be used to tie the tiles together. 'They would want to be use they did not have a grid look. In addition, he suggested a walkway leading up to the piece be incorporated into the area where the art work would be placed. The Committee should oversee the design composition and articulate any concerns early on. Mr. Allen suggested that the Committee set up subcommittees to make selections thus allowing more people to be involved and giving the Committee a buffer between themselves and the Council. The Committee should not be responsible for the taste of the art work. They are not the curators. The subcommittee would eliminate the need for the Committee to defend the decisions of the art work chosen. The Committee should be the first level of appeal for art work that becomes contentious. This subcommittee should consist of a member of the Committee, an artist consultant, a local citizen, the developer and/or the azchitect. Committee members discussed with Mr. Allen the selection procedure for selecting an artist. Mr. Allen would send a list of artists for the Committee to contact as well as sample contracts. Members discussed topics for the evening meeting with Mr. Allen and the order of the; meeting. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Committee Member Herman azid seconded by Committee Member Robertson to adjourn to a special meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee December 3, 1992, at 7:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 11:50 A.M. APP12-3