APPMIN 01 04 1993~~
JANUARY 4, 1993
The regulaz meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order
at the hour of 3:08 P.M. by Chairman John Walling.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Jerry
Herman, Nancy Nard, & Chairman Walling.
STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of December 3, 1992 andf December
7, 1992, Committee Member Wolff moved and Committee Member Robertson
seconded a motion to accept the Minutes as submitted. Unanimousl}+ approved.
A. Presentation by Mr. Tom Doczi. TKD Associates; a request of the Committee
for review of the well site proposal.
1. Mr. Tom Doczi presented information regazding the construction of a well
site and surrounding facilities at the Civic Center site to the Committee.
2. Committee Member Wolff asked if the proposed restroom facility would
be increased in size. Mr. Doczi stated that it was a possibility.
3. Committee Member Robertson asked if the wall of the site was the only
site where an artwork could be utilized. Mr. Doczi stated there were a
number of different planes available. Discussion followed regarding the
opportunity to incorporate art into the project, phasing of the project, and
the cost of the different phases.
4. Committee Member Robertson asked what it would take to g;et an artist
involved with the project and how much time was available to find an
artist. Chairman Walling stated the Committee would have to conduct
interviews, obtain approval from Council, then put the artist. in contact
with Mr. Doczi.
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Art in Public Places
January 4, 1993
5. Mr. Doczi stated that their plans were to do the walkways, Landscaping,
and fountains first as the funding was available. They plan on starting the
landscaping in March of this year. Committee Member Herman stated
that the City Council would be doing a capital improvement review study
in February and all projects were on hold till this was completed and
Council determined which projects in the City had priority.
6. There being no further discussion, Chairman Walling thanked. Mr. Doczi
for his presentation and the Committee would look forward to working
with him in the future.
B. Art work proposed by Mr. Peter Bergmann and Andy Nelson for Desert Hospital;
a request of Desert Hospital for approval of an art piece to be placed at the
entrance to the new Desert Hospital on Washington Street.
L Mr. Peter Bergmann, Chief Financial Officer for Desert Hospital, gave
a history and description of the project, site location, and introduced Mr.
Andy Nelson, the artist for the project.
2. Mr. Andy Nelson addressed the Commission regarding the project. He
gave a description of the art piece along with the materials to be used.
3. Chairman Walling asked whose responsibility the maintenance of the art
piece would be. Mr. Nelson stated that Desert Hospital had incorporated
the maintenance into their budget for the project. Mr. Bergmann
4. Committee Member Robertson asked if this would be a one-of-a-kind art
piece. Mr. Nelson stated this would be the same art work that is
proposed for their facility in Palm Springs. Mr. Bergmann went on to
elaborate on the cost of the project and by using the same casting, they
were able to have a more elaborate art piece than what would be required
by their fees. Discussion followed regarding the cost and the City art
5. Committee Member Robertson asked if Palm Springs had given their
approval to the project. Mr. Bergmann stated they had met wi1:h them and
received favorable approval, but were waiting for formal approval.
6. Committee Member Robertson inquired if there would be any inscription.
Mr. Bergman stated this was being discussed by their committee.
Committee Member Robertson asked if this inscription could be different
than the one used in Palm Springs. Mr. Bergmann stated it <:ould be.
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Art in Public Places
January 4, 1993
7. Chairman Walling asked if the sculptor and artist would receive
recognition on the art piece. Mr. Bergmann stated that as. they were
utilizing a La Quinta artist and hoped to find a La Quinta sculptor, their
names would be inscribed on the piece. He further stated that they hoped
to have the azt piece in place by the completion date of March, 1994.
8. Committee Member Wolff asked the Committee if they felt there could be
any conflict with having the same azt piece in both Palm Springs and Ia
Quinta. Discussion followed regarding any possible conflicts.
9. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Committee; Member
Herman and seconded by Committee Member Nard to ;recommend
approval of the art piece to the City Council with the, following
a. That a different patina be used than used in Palm Springs.
b. That the inscription on the base be different than that used in Palm
c. That the base of the piece be different than that used in Palm
The motion was unanimously approved. The art piece would go to
Council on February 2, 1993.
C. Discussion re a~ rding Jerry Allen's Program Review report; a request of the
Committee for review of the report submitted by Mr. Allen following; his recent
survey of the City's Art Program.
1. Chairman Walling discussed with the Committee each of the
recommendations made by Mr. Allen. The following suggestions were
a. Staff to check and verify if the Council lifted the cap on art fees.
b. A letter to prospective artists to be mailed out as soon as possible
inviting them to an interview with the Committee.
o. Staff to check with other cities to see if they Levi. a tax on
themselves for public works projects such as strea~ts, public
buildings, etc.
d. Staff to start the process for the Committee to develop a Master
Art Plan/Program by securing information from other cities of
comparable size regarding their program.
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Art in Public Places
January 4, 1993
2. The Committee discussed Mr. Allen's bill and asked Staff to verify the
contract amount and verify time spent with the City of Indian Wells.
3. There being no further discussion, it was moved by Committee Member
Wolff and seconded by Committee Member Herman to authoriize payment
of Mr. Allen's bill upon verification of the contract amount. Unanimously
D. Review of Mr. Louis DeMartino's ~uosal to Council.
1. Committee members discussed comments that had been made regarding
the art proposal. It was suggested that a copy of Mr. DeMartino's
biography be given to Council prior to the meeting for their review.
E. Review of new artist submittals.
1. Committee members reviewed art work submitted by:
a. Mr. Raymond A. Baruth
b. Mr. Tom Askman
c. Mr. John Kennedy
d. Mr. Lester Wiese
A. Chairman Walling asked that the following items be placed on the nf;xt agenda:
1. Discussion of City's cap on Art fees.
2. Art in Public Places Master Plan.
3. Artist resource file.
There being no further business, it was moved by Committee Member Herman and seconded
by Committee Member Wolff to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places
Committee on February 1, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places
Committee was adjourned at 5:00 P.M., January 4, 1993.
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