FEBRUARY 8, 1993
A special meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order
at the hour of 3:16 P.M. by Chairman John Walling.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Nancy
Nard, Jerry Herman, & Chairman Walling.
STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Civic Center Art Piece; a request of the City Council for the Art in Public Places
Committee to meet with Mr. Louis DeMartino to discuss alternative sites for the
art piece.
1. Committee Member Wolff discussed the directive given them by the
2. Chairman Walling stated he felt there were only two alternative sites
available. One being the large circular node just west of ithe Council
Chambers or the triangular grass area just south of the library.
3. Committee members inquired where the five dancing figures were to be
placed. Committee Member Herman pointed out there location.
4. Committee members reviewed the landscaped rendering of 1;he site and
discussed the different locations.
5. Mr. DeMartino expressed his concern that the location be compatible with
the Council's desire to allow expansion. He further requested that the art
piece be located on grass and be a focal point for the community.
6. Committee Member Herman asked Mr. DeMartino to explain the process
of making the art piece freestanding. Mr. DeMartino explained his
discussion with the engineer.
7. Members expressed their concern that the art piece be as safe as possible
from vandalism and have as much visibility as possible for police patrol.
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Art in Public Places
February 1, 1993
8. Committee Member Wolff asked if there could be cost sharing with the
landscaping budget for such items as benches, lighting, etc. Mr. Tom
Dozci, TKD Associates, landscape architect for the project, felt this could
be accomplished.
9. Members reviewed the items they felt should be conveyed to the Council.
Those items were: expansion, vandalism, setting, and focal :point.
10. Mr. DeMartino stated he would make a plywood cutout of the art piece
in order to have a visual size of the project in place toy help with
determining the location.
11. Mr. Tom Dozci, TKD Associates, reviewed the updated rendering of the
Civic Center with the members.
12. Committee Member Wolff asked what the time line would be for the two
sites. It was determined that due to cost restraints, the location of the
circulatory node close to the Council Chambers would tie the first
13. Following discussion, it was moved by Committee Member Herman and
seconded by Committee Member Robertson to recommend to the City
Council the following two locations and their reasons for this selection.
a. The large circulation node just west of the Council Chambers.
b. The triangular grass areas just south of the library site;.
a. Expansion: The rather large area devoted to these segments of the
park would basically accommodate expansion of this or other
related art works.
b. Vandalism: Both sites, but especially the large node, a~:e relatively
open, and easily viewable from many directions.
c. Settine: It was felt by the artist and the Committee that the piece
would be most effective if it were set on grass. The large node
could easily be designed to accommodate this and the library site
is already grass.
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Art in Public Places
February 1, 1993
d. Focal Point: Both azeas are slightly off center of major circulation
axes which means that the eye will be attracted to them without
interfering with the directional integrity of these axes.
There being no further business, it was moved by Committee Member Wolff and seconded by
Committee Member Herman to adjourn this special meeting of the Art in Public Places
Committee to a regulaz meeting on Mazch 1, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in
Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:26 P.M., February 8, 1993.
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