APPMIN 02 01 1993ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM FEBRUARY 1, 1993 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 3:08 P.M. by Chairman John Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Nancy Nard, & Chairman Walling. Committee Member Jerry Herman arrived late. STAFF PRESENT: Principal Planner Stan Sawa and Department Secretary Betty Anthony arrived late. L CONSENT CALENDAR A. There being no corrections to the Minutes of January 4, 1993, Committee Member Robertson moved and Committee Member Nard seconded a motion to accept the Minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. Chairman Walling moved to reorganize the agenda to place Item B first amd Item A second. Committee Member Robertson seconded the motion and it passed unanimously. IL BUSINESS ITEMS A. Presentation by Mr. Louis DeMartino; a request of the Committee for an update on Mr. DeMartino's presentation to the City Council regarding the art proposal for the Civic Center. 1. Chairman Walling asked Mr. DeMartino if he had estimates on the lighting and engineering costs. Mr. DeMartino presented the cost figures to the Committee. Committee members discussed the engineering of the project if it were to be freestanding; the engineering costs involved which could range from 13,200 to 16,500; how tight the fit would be in the original location; the Council's desire to have the art work in a different location; alternative locations; and lighting costs. 2. Committee member Herman discussed the cost of the projiect. Mr. DeMartino stated that if the project were moved and with the additional cost of lighting the project, the cost would be an additional $13,500 over the $60,000 requested. APP2-1 1 Art in Public Places February 1, 1993 3. Chairman Walling stated they were looking for approval frorrr the City Council for the project and then at the APP March meeting the C;ommittee would make a recommendation for an alternative site, if they so desire. 4. Committee member Wolff asked Mr. De Martino how the workshops would be structured. Mr. DeMartino stated they would vary according to the different groups. 5. Committee members discussed with Mr. DeMartino his presentation of the art project to the City Council regarding the future expansion of the program, changing the location, and the community involvement. B. Kennedy Lights; pictures of standing lamps by John Kennedy. 1. Chairman Walling stated Mr. Kennedy presented the pictures as possible lighting for the Civic Center campus as street or park lighting. They could be done in color, black or bronze and fitted with HIV lighting. The cost would be approximately $1000 and they would stand ten feet tall. 2. Committee member Herman stated he did not believe they would stand up as a light source. Committee member Wolff felt they would be more appropriate for a children's park. Discussion followed regarding alternative sites/uses for the lights. It was decided to file the pictures in the APP bank for future reference. C. Discussion of Jerry Allen proposal. 1. Committee members were informed that Mr. Allen's bill had been verified and a check had been sent. 2. Committee member Wolff went over the recommendations made by Mr. Allen. Staff would contact the League of California Cities too obtain as much information as possible from cities of similar size regarding master art programs. Committee member Herman asked if the Committee members wanted to hire a consultant or do it themselves. The members felt the Committee should write the program. D. Discussion of City Art Fees; a recap of the financial statement submitted by Finance. 1. Committee member Herman explained the financial recap. After review by the members, a discrepancy was found in the APP bala,~ce. Staff would review the figures with the Finance Department. Discussion APP2-1 2 Art in Public Places February 1, 1993 followed regarding the original $50,000 as to whether it was given to the APP by the City Council as seed money or an endowment. Members felt the money was to be a permanent endowment to be utilized t>y the APP. Staff would check the Council minutes and see if they could get a more definitive answer as to how the funds were to be utilized. 2. Committee members continued to discuss the funds available and the expenditures. E. Artist Consultants; a discussion of prospective artist consultants. 1. Members discussed questions to be asked of the prospective artists: a. What their experience has been working with other cities. b. What their fee structure is. c. What the time tables are. d. Are they available. e. Are they willing to negotiate their fee in lieui of hotel accommodations. 2. Members discussed how the consultant would be utilized and al: what point they would be contacted to work with the developer. It was suggested that the artist be asked to bring anything (slides, etc.) that could help to educate the Committee on the process. The issue of a disclaimer was discussed. Staff to contact Mr. Jerry Allen for any information he has to offer regarding RFP's or a disclaimer. F. Master Art Program; a review of establishing a program for the City. 1. Committee member Wolff discussed with the members an outline she drafted from the Dallas Master Plan. 2. Following the discussion, it was determined that Staff woul~J copy the Dallas Master Plan and the Elements of the General Plan which relate to art and distribute a copy to the each of the members who would then draft ideas to incorporate into a master plan. III. OTHER: A. Chairman Walling asked that the following items be placed on the next. agenda: 1. Artist interviews 2. Civic Center art proposal 3. Discussion of APP funds. 4. Art in Public Places Master Plan. 5. Artist resource file. APP2-1 3 Art in Public Places February 1, 1993 IV. AD.iOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Committee Member Herman azid seconded by Committee Member Nard to adjourn to a regulaz meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on March 1, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:30 P. M., February 1, 1993. APP2-1 q