APPMIN 04 05 1993ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -COUNCIL CHAMBERS CONFERENCE ROOM APRIL 5, 1993 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 3:13 P.M. by Chairman John Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Nancy Nard, Jerry Herman & Chairman Walling. STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Anthony. I. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Committee Member Nard moved and Committee Member Wolff seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of March 1, 1993 as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Committee members discussed the monthly APP financial statement. Members asked for clarification on the amounts that had been encumbered. Fallowing the discussion Staff was to notify the Finance Department of the changes. Committee Member Wolff moved and Committee Member Robertson seconded a motion to accept the report as corrected. Unanimously approved. II. BUSINESS ITEMS A. Civic Center Art Project Committee Member Wolff informed the members that she had spoken with Mr. DeMartino and he had chosen to use clay models for the individual tiles. He would be reviewing the drawings on May 3rd and 4th, with a final. review on May 11th, and on May 18th he planned to invite 15-20 students to his studio in Anza to help prepare the final tiles. As so many students had chosen to draw Palm trees and cactus, he planned to incorporate the drawings into clusters and create a date grove and cactus patches. Committee Member Wolff also stated that Mr. DeMartino was preparing to contact the other organization for their participation. Committee Member Wolff suggested that a better response would be obtained if the Committee contacted the organizations and ask for their participation. Committee Member Wolff submitted a proposed flyer to the Committee. After reviewing the flyf:r Staff was directed to draft a cover letter and send both to all organizations listed in Mr. DeMartino's proposal. APP4-5 1 Art in Public Places April 5, 1993 B. Civic Center Art Purchases Members discussed the art pieces that had been purchased for the Civic Center (two small vessels by Cathra-Anne Barker and a painting by Mario Cespedes. Members discussed additional vessels to be purchased from Ms. Barker for the Civic Center. IC was determined that a tour of the City Hall was necessary to determine how many would be needed and then make a recommendation to the City Council. C. Conference Report Members discussed various topics that were covered in the report and praised Committee Member Nard on the detailed report. Committee Member Wolff suggested that in light of the report, members should keep in mind the La Fonda Park to recommend an art sculpture that is appropriate for children. Following the report members asked Staff to check into the date for the Nation Art Conference and report back to the Committee. D. Ordinance Amendment Staff reported that applications were being received to replace the Staff appointed member to the Committee by an "at-large" member from the community. Discussion followed relative to the members terms expiring and wh<rt method should be followed regarding reappointment. E. Interview - Mr. Mathieu Gregoire Staff introduced Mr. Mathieu Gregoire as a potential art consultant. Mr. Gregoire thanked the Committee for inviting him to speak and presented a slide presentation for his work as well as projects he had been involved with regarding "art in public places". Following the presentation members asked questions. 1. Chairman Walling informed Mr. Gregoire that the City's goal is to have the consultant work with the developer to include art in the proposed projects and to guide the City on City projects. He then asked Mr. Gregoire how he would accomplish this task. 2. Mr. Gregoire stated it would depend on the City's budget, and determining what direction the City would like to go, aesthetics of the site, and whether there was a functional need for that area. Mr. Gregoire asked the Committee whether there was a preference to have the City do the art or to have the developer. Members stated there was no preference. APP4-5 2 Art in Public Places April 5, 1993 3. Chairman Walling asked what Mr. Gregoire's fee would be ;and how he would prefer to work. Mr. Gregoire stated that it would be atr hourly fee based on the time spent with each developer. His charges would include travel expenses. 4. Members discussed Mr. Gregoire's work with the University of California at San Diego and asked what his background was in. Mr. Gregoire stated his degrees were in art, philosophy, and divinity. 5. Committee Member Wolff asked how Mr. Gregoire would match up the artist and developer. Mr. Gregoire stated he would not do this matching. He would present different options to the City and determine the City's desire for the particular site and then work with the developer to accomplish that goal. 6. Committee Member Nard asked if Mr. Gregoire would select the artist. Mr. Gregoire stated he would prefer that a committee make tlhe selection but he would make recommendations. 7. Following the discussion, Chairman Walling thanked Mr. Greā‚¬;oire for his time and presentation. The Committee would let him know of their selection. 8. Committee Members discussed their feelings regarding the interview. F. Continued discussion of Master Art Plan Committee Member Wolff presented the amended outline to the memt~ers. It was decided that the members would review the outline and at the May meeting sections 1.0-Introduction and 2.1-Purpose of Public Art Program would be discussed. III. OTHER: A. New Artist Submittals Members reviewed slides presented by Cathra-Anne Barker and a postcard received from Russell Jacques. B. Chairman Walling asked that the following items be placed on the next agenda: 1. Artist interview 2. Civic Center art project-DeMartino APP4-5 3 Art in Public Places April 5, 1993 3. City art purchases-vessels (Cathra-Anne Barker) 4. Discussion of APP funds. 5. Art in Public Places Master Plan. 6. Staff report of City projects. IV. AI).TOiJRNMENT There being no further business, it was moved by Committee Member Herman and seconded by Committee Member Nard to adjourn to a special meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on April 6, 1993 at 8:15 P.M. for a tour of the new City Hall. This me-eeng of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 5:20 P.M., April 5, 1993. APP4-5 4