MAY 3, 1993
The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order
at the hour of 3:09 P.M. by Chairman John Walling.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Nancy
Nard, Jerry Herman & Chairman Walling.
STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Anthony.
A. Committee Member Wolff moved and Committee Member Nard :seconded a
motion to approve the Minutes of April 5, 1993 as submitted. Unanimously
B. Committee members discussed the monthly APP financial statement.
Unanimously approved.
A. Review of alternate plan for Theme Plaza at One Eleven La Ouinta Center; a
request of Transpacific Development Company for review of a revised plan for
their art project.
1. Mr. Colm Macken, representing TDC, gave a brief overvic;w of their
request and presented a display of the proposed fountain to replace the
2. Committee Member Robertson asked Mr. Macken what had happened to
Mr. Hauser's sculpture. Mr. Macken stated that they had not purchased
Mr. Hawser's sculpture at this time. Committee Member Robertson stated
that the commission would be withdrawn. Mr. Macken stated yes.
Discussion followed between the members and Mr. Macken regarding the
original proposal, the size of the original sculpture, and the location.
3. Committee Member Herman suggested that the sculpture be placed in
front of the proposed theater. Mr. Macken stated this was a feasible
suggestion but it would exceed the total of the fees they aze required to
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Art in Public Places
May 3, 1993
4. Chairman Walling discussed with Mr. Macken the fees that had. been paid.
Paid by tenants $42,286.4~~
Prospective tenants to pay $75,309.0(1
TOTAL $118,595.45
TDC proposing to pay $35,000 plus $15,000 for the theater plus what is
collected totals $92,286.45. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Macken to
explain the difference. Mr. Macken stated they estimated the fees to be
$50,000 between the Theme Plaza and the theater site. Chairman Walling
suggested that Mr. Macken take the $50,000 and apply it to the Theme
Plaza and the theater site and the balance of $117,000 applied t:o the Art
in Public Places program. Mr. Macken stated this was an alterative.
5. Chairman Walling stated this was a concept drawing of a fountain and not
an actual proposal. Mr. Macken stated it was. Mr. Macken stated that
in reviewing the sculpture in light of the location, it became apparent that
the sculpture would be lost at this location due to its size. C'.ommittee
Member Robertson asked what happened to the concept of placing the
sculpture on a pedestal surrounded with benches with palm trees behind
it to create a presence in the location of the bus stop. Mr. Macken stated
there is an area for a bus stop in the area but if the statue is placed there
the mass and size of the statue would be out of place as most of the traffic
at this corner is vehicular. Committee Member Nard stated that with
there were to be lights shinning up on the sculpture as well. Mr. Macken
stated that even with the additional height of the pedestal, the s'.ize was still
lost at the corner.
6. Committee Member Wolff stated her concern with the quality of the new
proposed fountain in comparison to the original sculpture. H~°r concerns
were to have the same quality of art as was proposed in the beginning.
In addition, before the art work is selected it should be determined
whether the art is for vehicular or pedestrian traffic. Discussion followed
regarding location, fountains, and funding.
7. Committee Member Herman summarized the Committee's concerns in that
they did not want a common fountain at the corner, but an artist should
be commissioned to do a fountain at the corner and an additional art piece
at the plaza with a different artist and the Committee would supplement
the cost beyond the $88,000 originally determined. Discussion followed
regarding the fee amount.
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Art in Public Places
May 3, 1993
8. Committee Member Wolff questioned whether to put the emphasis on the
corner or at the theater location. Members felt that an emphasis should
be placed on both. Discussion followed as to suggestions that could
enhance an art piece at the corner.
9. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Macken when he expected to have
something to present to the Committee. Mr. Macken stated he hoped to
have something within a month. Committee Member Robertson asked if
this was for the corner only or the theater as well. Mr. Macken stated the
corner first then the theater shortly thereafter.
10. Committee Member Herman moved to have the applicant present to the
Committee an alternate design for the intersection of Washington and
Highway 111 art piece and also the theme plaza by the theaters for the
Committee consideration at which time the Committee would) determine
which funds would or would not be expended on the project. 1[n addition,
the applicant would consult with the City's artist bank for a possible artist.
Committee Member Wolff seconded the motion and it carried
B. Interviews - Mr. Marc Pally
1. Chairman Walling introduced Mr. Marc Pally who gave a presentation
with slides to the Committee as a possible candidate for the City artist
2. Following Mr. Pally's presentation, Chairman Walling asked. Mr. Pally
if he served as a consultant or what. Mr. Pally stated he 'was a staff
3. Committee Member Wolff asked Mr. Pally to explain how he would work
with a developer. Mr. Pally stated he would introduce the artist to the
City's ordinance to help gain a purpose and then give the City's history
to get the artists interest. Committee Member Wolff asked how Mr. Pally
would match up an artist with a developer. Mr. Pally stated he would
start by doing a slide presentation of artists who are available and let the
developer select his own.
4. Chairman Walling asked how available Mr. Pally's time was. Mr. Pally
stated that he works with all projects simultaneously.
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Art in Public Places
May 3, 1993
5. Committee Member Wolff asked how much time was needF;d to get a
developer working on his own with an artist. Mr. Pally statE:d this was
undeterminable. Committee members stated their desire to have the artist
involved with the developer/architect as early as possible.
6. Following discussion with Mr. Pally regarding how a consultant would
work with the City, Chairman Walling thanked Mr. Pally for his time and
stated the Committee would not be making any immediate determinations,
but would notify him when they did.
Chairman Walling excused himself due to another appointment he had to attend. Committee
Member Wolff took over as acting Chairman.
C. Interview Mr. Paul Gilbert
1. Chairman Wolff introduced Mr. Gilbert to the Committee and Mr. Gilbert
gave a presentation along with slides to the Committee.
2. Chairman Wolff asked Mr. Gilbert where his expertise was. 1vlr. Gilbert
stated he had worked the most with private developers and artist.
3. Chairman Wolff asked how Mr. Gilbert would work with a developer.
Mr. Gilbert stated he would offer suggestions as to ideas for tlhe area and
help the developer to find an artist to help him.
4. Committee Member Robertson asked how Mr. Gilbert worked with the La
Quinta Arts Foundation. Mr. Gilbert stated only by representing Mr.
Snake Jagger. Committee Robertson questioned Mr. Gilbert's resume.
5. Following the discussion with Mr. Gilbert, Chairman Wolff thanked Mr.
Gilbert for his time and presentation.
D. Continued Discussion of Civic Center Art Proposal
1. Mr. Louis DeMartino gave the Committee two display pictures of the
proposed piece to show the final sculptured form. Discussion followed
with the Committee regarding the placement of the Sun and Moonbeam.
2. Mr. DeMartino discussed with the Committee his experiences with the
different civic organization. It was suggested that members of the
Committee assist Mr. DeMartino by supplying names of local artists that
they or Mr. DeMartino could contact. Mr. DeMartino expressed his
desire to have more people involved, such as the artists in the community
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Art in Public Places
May 3, 1993
as well as City staff. Committee Member Robertson statE:d that the
architect for the Civic Center and the contractor should both do a tile.
Discussion followed regarding different people and groups to be: contacted.
3. Committee Member Robertson asked Mr. DeMartino what stage he was
at with the project. Mr. DeMartino stated that they had made two large
mocked faces of the sun in plaster the faces of the sun they will lay out
the plasters and will do a map to help serve as a jig to put these back
together. The engineering on the cone was starting this week:.
4. Committee Member Robertson asked if the tiles would have any
identification on it as to made it. Mr. DeMartino stated they would not.
5. Committee Member Robertson asked what the time schedule was. Mr.
DeMartino stated that he planned the first review for the first of August.
All tiles should be completed by then and in order to stay on line to have
the project completed in a year this should be the time schedule. Mr.
DeMartino went on to explain the process of completing the art piece.
6. Committee members discussed with Mr. DeMartino the process of
selection and how the tiles would be prepared and a method of getting
tiles from City staff.
E. Master Art Plan
L It was suggested that due to the lateness of the day, this would be
continued to the next meeting. Members were to write their ideas for the
Introduction, Mission Statement, History of Public Art in La Quinta, and
the Purpose of the Public Art Program using the Dallas plan as an
example. Members were to have this to Staff no later than Mary 24, 1993.
A. Committee Member Wolff presented her report on the "Temporary Art" project.
Staff was to submit the report to the City Council as an item of information.
B. Committee members reviewed art applications from new artists. The} were:
Russell Jacques, Sculptor
Snake Jagger, Artist
Sydney Hamburger, Sculptor
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Art in Public Places
May 3, 1993
C. Committee Member Wolff asked what was happening with the Cathra-Anne
Barker vessels. Staff had spoken with her regarding the vessels and explained the
process the City would be taking. Members asked that a letter be sent to Ms.
Barker thanking her for her slides and asking her if she is able to produce
something on a larger scale. If so let us know what the potential price would be
and send us an example. It was suggested that if she was in the area the
Committee would be happy to meet with her.
D. Future agenda item:
1. Cathra-Anne Barker -Vessels for City Hall
2. Louis DeMartino -Civic Center Art report
3. Jerry Herman -Staff report
4. Continued work on Master Art Plan
5. New artist submittals
There being no further business, it was moved by Committee Member Herman and seconded
by Committee Member Robertson to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places
Committee on June 7, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee
was adjourned at 5:31 P.M., May 3, 1993.
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