JUNE 7, 1993
The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order
at the hour of 3:05 P.M. by Chairman John Walling.
Chairman Walling introduced new Committee Member Kathryn Smith-Schooley and welcomed
her to the Committee.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Nancy
Nard, Kathryn Smith-Schooley, & Chairman P/alling.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning & Development Director Jerry Herman and
Department Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Committee Members Wolff/Nard moved and seconded a motion to approve the
Minutes of May 3, 1993 as submitted. Unanimously approved.
13. Committee members discussed the monthly APP financial statement. Committee
Member Wolff asked that the Financial Statement reflect the previous months
activity. This would include what payments had been made during tlhe previous
month and to whom they were made as well as the income showing what had
come in and from what source. There being no further comment, the report was
unanimously approved.
A. Cathra-Ann Barker -Civic Center Art Pieces; a request of the Committee to
discuss additional purchases for the new City Hall.
1. Committee Member Wolff stated she understood thaC the initial purchase
was to be only the first of other purchases to be determined aftisr the move
into the new City Hall.
2. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members
Wolff/Robertson to postpone the discussion until September to allow time
to view the original purchases at the new City Hall. Unanimously
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Art in Public Places
June 7, 1993
B. Report of Civic Center Art Proposal Progress; a report by Louis DeMartino.
1. Mr. DeMartino stated the work was progressing, but he was finding it
difficult to obtain tiles from the different groups. He stated 1:his process
will set its own time schedule. Mr. DeMartino stated he was'. in need of
a IOCaUOn in the City for people to obtain the materials to m~~ke the tiles
as well as a place for them to return them to. Committee Member
Robertson stated the Arts Foundation could be used for this purpose.
Discussion followed as to how many tiles were needed, how they would
be fitted together, and how the "moon" and "sun" would be constructed.
2. Following the discussion, Chairman Walling thanked Mr. DeMartino for
his report.
C. Staff Report.
1. Planning and Development Director Jerry Herman informed the members
that the Council had appointed Kathryn Smith-Schooley as the new
"Member At-Large" to fill the vacant position. In addition, they increased
the Committee to a total of seven members with two additional members
to be appointed in July. Committee Member Kay Wolff would be up for
reappointment at that time also.
2. Planning and Development Director Jerry Herman informed ttie members
that the Committee had $6,000 in administrative costs to allocate.
Discussion followed as to how and what purposes this money could be
used for. Members needed to identify what conferences they would like
to attend and who would be attending.
C. Master Art Plan; review and writing of a City Art Plan.
1. Members discussed Sections:
a. 1.0 -Introduction
b. 2.0 -Guidelines for Handbook/Manual
c. 3.0 - Administering a Public Art Program
d. 4.0 -Art Committee Selection
e. 5.0 - Funding a Public Art Program
2. Following the discussion, the Members set the following to be rewritten
before the next meeting:
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Art in Public Places
June 7, 1993
a. Rewrite Section 1.1, paragraph 9
b. Rewrite Section 1.3, enhance on paragraph 1
c. Rewrite Section 2.2, paragraph 1
d. Start work on Section 2.4
ll. Future agenda item:
1. Election of Chair and Vice Chair.
2. Presentation by TDC on La Quinta Center art piece.
3. Louis DeMartino -Civic Center Art report.
3. Staff report -set date for Civic Center walk through.
4. Discussion of any further artist consultants.
5. Determination of August meeting.
6. Continued work on Master Art Plan
5. New artist submittals
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee; Members
Herman/Robertson to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on
July 12, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee wa~~s adjourned
at 4:57 P.M., May 3, 1993.
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