APPMIN 07 12 1993
JULY 12, 1993
The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order
at the hour of 3:09 P.M. by Chairman John Walling.
Chairman Walling introduced new Committee Member Lia Gilbert and welcomed her to the
Committee. She would officially begin her appointment in August.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Meg Robertson, Nancy
Nard, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, & Chairman Walling.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning & Development Director Jerry Herman and
Department Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Committee Member Smith-Schooley asked that the minutes be amended to show
the spelling of her name as "Kathleen". There being no further corrections
Members Nard/Smith-Schooley moved and seconded a motion to approve the
Minutes of June 7, 1993 as corrected. Unanimously approved.
B. Committee members discussed the monthly APP financial statement. Committee
Member Wolff asked for clarification of the monies expended throul;h 5/29/94.
Staff explained. There being no further comment, Committee Members
Wolff/Nard moved and seconded to approve the report as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Election of Chair and Vice Chair.
1. Chairman Walling asked for nominations for Chair. Committee Members
Wolff/Smith-Schooley nominated/seconded Nancy Nard. After discussion
Committee Member Nard declined the nomination.
2. Committee Members Nard/Smith-Schooley nominated John Walling for
Chair. There being no further nominations, Committee. Members
Robertson/Wolff moved and seconded a motion to close the nominations.
Committee Member Walling was elected Chairman unanimously.
Art in Public Places
July 12, 1993
3. Chairman Walling opened the nominations for Vice Chair. Committee
Members Wolff/Smith-Schooley nominated Nancy Nard. There being no
further nominations Committee Members Robertson/Wolff moved to close
the elections. Committee Member Nard was elected unanimously.
I3. Report of Civic Center art work progress.
1. Mr. Louis DeMartino briefly explained the project and status to the new
Committee members.
2. Committee Member Smith-Schooley asked Mr. DeMartino where the art
work would be cast. Mr. DeMartino stated it would be done in Mexico
with a company he had been using for 15 years.
3. Mr. DeMartino stated he was still having difficulty in getting local artist
participation. Members stated they would assist in any way possible and
asked if there would be any problem in completing the project on time.
Staff was directed to check the contract for the possibility of granting a
time extension.
4. Members discussed with Mr. DeMartino the tiles that had been received,
the quantity and the designs. Discussion followed as to how to get better
public participation. It was suggested that the La Quinta Chamber should
be contacted for an article in the Newsletter.
Chairman Walling asked that the agenda be reorganized to exchange Item E and Iterrt C. It was
unanimously approved.
C. Determination of August meeting
Following discussion, it was moved by Committee Members
Nard/Robertson that the Art in Public Places Committee to go dark in
Augus[. Following discussion i[ was unanimously approved.
D. Discussion of Artist Consultants
1. Committee Member Smith-Schooley stated she had been in contact with
an artist in San Diego and she may have additional names for the
Committee to contact for interviews. It was suggested that staff supply
Committee Member Smith Schooley with a copy of the letter sent to the
other artists who had been interviewed. Chairman Walling explained to
the new members where the Committee was in the process of selecting an
artist consultant.
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Art in Public Places
July 12, 1993
2. Chairman Walling asked staff to write a letter to the artists who had been
interviewed informing them of the status of the selection process.
3. Members discussed how to get the developers involved with thf; consultant
at the onset of the project.
E. Staff Report
1. Planning and Development Director Jerry Herman informed the members
that the Committee would need to be selecting locations at the City Hall
for the City owned art work. The City Manager had inquired about
having an expert hang the art work.
2. Chairman Walling asked that staff supply the members with a floor plan
of the building, pictures of the art work, and a list of the airt work for
their next meeting. Committee Member Robertson stated she; had Lucite
name plates for each of the pieces. Members briefly discussed different
locations for the different pieces.
3. Chairman Walling directed staff to give the Committee a tour of the
F. Continued work on the Master Art Plan
1. The members discussed the work that had been done so far and a
suggestion was made that the sections be divided up between ttie members
and then work on them collectively at the next meeting. The Plan was
divided as follows:
a. Committee Member Wolff - Artist Righrts
b. Committee Member Robertson - History of Public Art
and Arts Committee
a. Committee Member Nazd - Administering Public
Art Programs
d. Committee Member Smith-Schooley - D e: f i n i n g
Public Art
e. Committee Member Walling - MissionSL~tementand
A. Future agenda items: Chairman Walling asked that the Committee meet for a
special meeting to determine the location of the City art work.
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Art in Public Places
July 12, 1993
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committees Members
Robertson/Walling to adjourn to a special meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on July
2Q 1993 a[ 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at
4:57 P.M., July 12, 1993.