APPMIN 11 01 1993ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM NOVEMBER 1, 1993 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 3:08 A.M. by Chairman John Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Nancy Nardi, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Lia Gilbert, Kathryn Hull, & Chairman Walling. Committee Member Smith-School moved to excuse Committee Member Robertson. Committee Member Wolf seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. STAFF PRESENT: Planning & Development Director Jerry Herman and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. I. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Committee Member Wolff moved to approve the Minutes of October 4, 1993, as submitted. Committee Member Hull seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. B. Committee Member Wolff asked what the rate of interest was on the APP fund. Staff explained the financial report and answered questions of the. members. Committee Member Wolff asked if the Committee could receive a report on the average monthly income for the APP fund. Staff stated it would be available at the Committee's next meeting. II. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Report of Civic Center art work project: Chairman Walling read a :report from Mr. Louis DeMartino regarding the status of the project. B. Discussion of art consultant 1. Members discussed the type of questions they wanted to ask of the consultants and what the purpose of the meeting would be. Some areas of interest the Committee wanted to discuss were: a. Did the consultants have a stable of artists they would draw from or were they open to any and all artists. APPll-1 1 Art in Public Places November 1, 1993 b. Would there be any problem in first utilizing the City's bank of artists. c. What their process was for selecting an artist. d. Their fee schedule. e. Their experience working with developers in respect to city projects. f. How they approach community involvement. 2. Members went on to discuss the City's involvement in supporting such a program by: a. Funding the program. b. Integrating the art work with the projects c. Becoming involved with City projects - finding a way to include funds in the bid package for City projects. D. Master Art Plan -Continued 1. Members discussed shortening and editing the plan as it exists. It was felt the plan needed to be condensed. Members were to review the document and make any suggestions and it would be discussed at the next meeting. III. OTHER A. Discussion of the Capital Improvement Program 1. Chairman Walling asked staff to review the Capital Improvement list with the Committee. Staff explained which projects aze/would be completed in 1993. 2. Committee members discussed alternatives to involve in City projects. It was suggested that when the new City Engineer was on board, he be invited to meet with the Committee to discuss the issue. 3. Members asked staff if the Rancho La Quinta project would have any art work. Staff explained the project was approved prior to the art requirement, however, staff would check the conditions of the development agreement. The developer indicated that he w<rs receptive to providing art. APP11-1 2 Art in Public Places November 1, 1993 B. Status of the Parks and Recreation Plan/Community Service Commission 1. Pazks and Recreation Director Clint Bohlen showed the Cornrnittee the Cultural Tourism brochure and gave an explanation. He went on to report on the Pazks and Recreation Department Master Plan and review of the different parks and their status. 2. Members asked about incorporating art into the different park plans. Staff explained how art had been integrated into some of the plans, and asked for ideas to incorporate into the remainder. Funding of the project was discussed. It was decided that more information was needed. 3. Staff reminded the Committee that there was a public meeting held by the Community Services Commission to offer four different scenarios and asked that the Committee attend to give their input. 4. Committee members asked Mr. Bohlen to return and give the Committee additional information regarding the Fritz Burns Pazk program regarding the use of art in the plan. C. Discussion of Youth Program 1. Members discussed prospective projects that could utilize the youth of the City. Committee Member Hull asked if there would be any problem in painting the fire hydrants and incorporating the project into a contest for the youth. It was suggested that the Fire Marshal be contacted and perhaps the program would best be handled through the I'azks and Recreation Department. 2. Members discussed the funding of the program as to whether the APP would have any funds to contribute. 3. It was suggested that Committee Member Hull work with the Parks and Recreation Department to see if a program could be implemented. D. Future Agenda Items 1. Members asked that a representative of the Sunline be asked to speak with the Committee in January/February, 1994. 2. Further discussion regazding the Fritz Burns Park - a wish/punch list for azchitects and selecting an APP representative to meet with the Pazks and Recreation Department and architect to help give input into tlhe design. APPll-1 3 Art in Public Places November 1, 1993 3. A report of the Community Services Commission public meetting. 4. Discussion with the new City Engineer sometime in Januar}~/February, 1994. 5. Continued work on the Master Art Plan. IV. AD.TOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Smith- Schooley/Gilbert [o adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on December 6, 1993 at 3:00 P.M. in the Planning and Development Department Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at :i:00 P.M., November 1, 1993. APPll-1 4