APPMIN 12 06 1993ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM DECEMBER 6, 1993 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 3:11 A.M. by Chairman John Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Nancy Nazd, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Lia Gilbert, Kathryn Hull, &: Chairman Walling. Committee Member Wolff moved to excuse Committee Member Robertson. Committee Member Hull seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. I. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Committee Member Hull asked if the Minutes of November 1, 1993 could be expanded on Page 2, Item A.2. to state that the issue the Committee would be discussing with the new City Engineer would be involving art in City projects at the earliest point. There being no other corrections, Committee Members Wolff/Nard moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of November 1, 1993, and November 9, 1993, as corrected. The motion carried urnanimously. B. Committee Member Wolff asked what the rate of interest was on the APP fund. Staff informed the Committee how the interest was earned and what the percent of interest was. There being no further questions, the financial statement was accepted unanimously. II. BUSIlVESS ITEMS: A. Presentation of Parks and Recreation Director re ag rding the Fritz Bums Park 1. Clint Bohlen, Pazks and Recreation Director gave a report of the status of the park. Following discussion it was suggested that the Mr. Bohlen and the representative of BSI (consultants contracted with to design the pazk) and the Committee at the Committee's meeting in January to discuss the possible inclusion of art in the park design. Mr. Bohlen encouraged the members to attend the public input meeting of January 10, 1994 regarding the park. APP12-6 1 Art in Public Places November 1, 1993 2. Committee Members asked Mr. Bohlen to review the options that had been presented to Council, the public, and the reviewed by the Committee regarding a possible Cultural Arts Commission. Discussion followed regarding the options. B. Continued work on the Master Art Plan 1. Members reviewed the document page by page and made changes as needed. III. OTHER A. On-going Issues 1. Chairman Walling informed the members that at the present time, further discussion with art consultants would be placed on hold until a decision was made by the City Council regarding a Cultural Arts Commission. B. Future Agenda Items 1. It was recommended that a representative of the Sunline be asked to speak with the Committee in January/Februazy, 1994. 2. Further discussion regarding the Fritz Burns Pazk -BSI representative to meet with the Committee and the Pazks and Recreation Department to discuss the park design. 3. Discussion with the new City Engineer sometime in January/February, 1994. 5. Continued work on the Master Art Plan. IV. AD.TOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hull/Smith-Schooley to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on January 3, 1994 at 3:00 P.M. in the Planning and Development Department Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 5:00 P.M., December 6, 1993. APP12-6 2