APPMIN 01 03 1994ART IN PUBLIC PLACES ME;EYING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -STUDY SESSION ROOM JANUARY 3, 1994 The regular meeting of the La Quinta A.rt in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 3:15 A.M. by Chairman John Walling and Committee Member Nard led the flag salute. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Nancy Nard, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Lia Gilbert, Kathryn Hull, &. Chairman Walling. Committee Member Smith-Schooley moved to excuse Committee Member Robertson. Committee Member Nard seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Jerry Herman and Department Secretary Beatty Sawyer. I. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Committee Members Hull/Gilbert moved to approve the Minutes of December 6, 1993, as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Committee Member Nard and Smith-Schooley asked staff to clarify the amount of funds available as the. available funds and unexpended deposits did not agree. Staff explained. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Smith-Schooley/Wolff to approve the report as submitted. H. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Presentation by Parks and Recreation Director regarding the Fritz Burns Park 1. Clint Bohlen, Parks and Recreation Director apologized for not being able to have the consultant present. He went on to present three scenarios to the Committee regarding where art could be incorporated into the Park. He suggested thc; Committee work with the architect to help design the aquatic/tennis building. Ideas were discussed as to how anti where art could be integral:ed into the design and be functional. It was felt that if the Committee was able to incorporate art into the design that art could be a part of the project with the least amount of additional funds expended. APP1-3 1 Art in Public Places January 3, 1994 2. Committee members discussed utilizing money from the APP account to supplement these costs. 3. Following the discussion, Committee Members Wolff/Smith-Schooley moved and seconded a motion to instruct staff to prepare a report for Council asking for authorization to meet and work with the .architect to help design the aquatic/tennis building in the Park and to help incorporate art into the Park by the utilization of APP funds. Following the meeting with the architect, the Committee would prepare a report 1'or Council asking authorization for specific expenditures for the building design. Chairman Walling asked that the agenda be reorganized to place Other Business before discussion of the Master Plan. Unanirnously approved. III. OTHER A. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Louis DeMartino to present his progress report to the Committee. 1. Mr. DeMartino informed the Committee that the completion date for the project should be June, 1994. The sculptor will be placed on a small mound 18-inches high with decomposed granite and in a circillar rim. 2. Mr. DeMartino asked that the area be graded up to a radius of 5,000 square feet to connect the piece with the City Hall. It was suggested that the dedication be. put off until fall. 3. Members asked i',f the rim would be cast. He stated it would be. 4. Members asked how the project was going for the One Eleven La Quinta Center. Mr. DeMartino stated it should be completed in about nine months. B. Discussion of APP files. Committee Members discussed the file library of the APP. New members stated they had no idea what the file consisted of and would like to be able to review the contents. I[ was suggested that the members jointly review the different artists with the Fritz Burns Park in mind. 2. Members reviewed slides and pictures submitted by new artists. APPl-3 z Art in Public Places January 3, 1994 II. BUSINESS ITEMS -CONTINUED B. Continued work on the blaster Plan: 1. Members continued to go through the document page by page and made changes. 2. Education would be discussed at the next meeting. Members were to prepare something and bring it with them to the meeting. III. OTHER A. Future Agenda Items 1. It was recommended that a representative of the Sunline be asked to speak with the Committee in March/April, 1994. 2. Further discussion regarding the Fritz Burns Park -BSI representative to meet with the Committee along with the Parks and Recreation Director to discuss the park design, if approved by Council. 3. Discussion with the new City Engineer sometime in March/April, 1994. 4. It was suggested that the new director of the I.a Quinta Arts Foundation be asked to speal: with the group. It would be placed on a future agenda. 5. Staff was asked to bring the ordinance dealing with how APP members are appointed to the next meeting. 6. Members asked if the City Attorney could meet with them and discuss the Brown Act. Staff would look into the matter. 7. Continued work on the Master Art Plan. IV. AD,TOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hard/Hull to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on Februar}~ "7, 1994 at 3:00 P.M. in the Planning and Development Department Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 5:10 P.M., January 3, 1994. APP1-3 3