FEBRUARY 7, 1994
The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order
at the hour of 3:08 A.M. by Vice Chair Nancy Nazd.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Lia
Gilbert, 6~ Vice Chair Nancy Nazd.
Committee Member Wolff moved to excuse Committee Member Kathryin Hull and
Chairman Walling. Committee Member Smith-Schooley seconded the motion and it
carried unanimously.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Jerry Herman and Department Secretary
Beatty Sawyer.
A. Committee Members Gilbert/Wolff moved to approve the Minutes of January 3,
1994, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. After reviewing the financial recap of the Art in Public Places funds, the report
was accepted as presented.
Committee Members Smith-Schooley/Wolff moved to reorganize the agenda plaa:s Business
Item B as Item A and Item A as Item B. Unanimously approved.
A. Undate by Louis DeMartino on the City Hall Sculpture: Mr. DeMartino
discussed with the Commission tiles that had been submitted as well. as the last
minute details that were being applied. He further discussed the arrangement of
the tiles and what the patina would look like.
Committee Member Wolff asked if the Committee was to view the final
composition before the piece was finished. It was determined the Committee
would review the piece at the next APP meeting in March.
B. Presentation by the Parks and Recreation Department of the Fritz Burns Park
Plans: Parks and Recreation Director Clint Bohlen presented Mr. R:eith Rattay
of BSI Consultants, Inc. and Mr. Peter Pitassi of Dalmau Architects, Inc.,
APP2-7 1
Art in Public Placed Minutes
February 7, 1994
architect and pazk designer, to the Committee. Mr. Rattay explained the pazk
design to the Committee and Mr. Pitassi explained the layout of the aquatic/tennis
building. Following their presentation Committee Members aske,i questions
concerning the entrance to the building, shade structures, deck cooling, the main
entrance to the park, and whether picnicking would be allowed.
Mr. Rattay presented idE;as to the Committee that he felt would add some artistic
features to the azea. Committee Members Wolff/Smith-Schooley discussed ways
of utilizing an artist to design different features of the water towers and kiddie
pool and what funds were allocated for the these items.
Members discussed with the azchitect/pazk designer and staff other azeas where
art could be incorporated into the design. Those areas were:
1. Entrance to the building gates
2. Water towers at the kiddie pool area
3. Entrance to the park pavement azea
4. Seating structures
5. The block wall at the back of the bleachers
6. The bottom of the kiddie pool
7. The file rim arouind the larger pool
8. Shade structures
Following the discussion it was determined that the Committee selecit four areas
that would be lend themselves to artistic consideration and submit that list to the
City Council for their approval. Once the approval is given, the Committee
would review the "Artist Pool" for artists that could submit a proposal for the
four areas. The four areas selected were:
1. The water towers at the kiddie pool
2. The front entrance gate
3. The walkway aze~a
4. The kiddie pool
Discussion followed with the architect/pazk designer as to how the work would
be coordinated with their work so as to have a completely integrated plan that
followed the same theme. The Committee explained that whatever artist was
selected he/she would be asked to work with the architect/park designer to
integrate the work into 1:he plan. Discussion followed as to the cost breakdown
of the azezs chosen and the timeline of the architect/pazk designer. Fallowing the
discussion, it was determined that the architect/park designer would have the cost
breakdown and timeline to the Committee within one week in order t:o allow the
Committee to meet the architect/pazk designers deadlines.
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Art in Public Placed Minutes
February 7, 1994
C. Discussion Regarding-a Joint Meeting with Other Art in Public Places
Committees in the Valley. Vice Chair Nancy Nard informed the Committee that
she had been contacted by Chazlene Helprin of Indian Wells who was in the
process of setting up art Art in Public Places program for Indian Wells. Ms.
Helprin stated that she and Diane Morgan of the Palm Springs Art in Public
Places felt it would be beneficial for all the Committees/Commissions to meet and
discuss items that were of interest to all. Discussion followed as to the content
of the meeting, the location, and time to meet. Following the discussion, staff
was instructed to write a letter to Ms. Helprin stating the Committees interest in
such a meeting and offering to hold the meeting in Ia Quinta. It was further
suggested that representatives from each of the Committees/Commissions meet
and determine the day, time, and agenda of the meeting. This could be
accomplished by a meeting, phone calls, etc.
D. Continued Work on Master Plan: Vice Chair Nard asked that this item be
continued to the Committees meeting of April 4, 1994, to allow all the members
to be present.
A. Staff discussed with the Committee the City entry sign that was being presented
to the City Council for their consideration.
B. Future Agenda Items:
1. Special meeting to review artists for Fritz Burns Park as well as cost
breakdowns and timeline.
2. Meeting in Anza to review final composition of art work.
3. Meeting with City Engineer.
4. Joint meeting with other Art in Public Places Committees/Commissions
in the Valley.
5. Meeting with Sunline.
6. Meeting with the: City Attorney regarding Brown Act.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committees Members
Wolff/Gilbert to adjourn to a special meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on February
17, 1994 at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Piublic Places
Committee was adjourned at 5:10 P.NL, February 7, 1994.
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