FEBRUARY 17, 1994
The special meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order
at the hour of 3:08 A.M. by Chairman. Walling.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Lia
Gilbert, Nancy Nard, Carolyn Lair, and Chairman W~dling.
STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Jerry Herman and Department Secretary
Betty Sawyer.
A. Discussion re ag rding Df°~n Perimeters for the Fritz Burns Park: a. request of
the Committee to incorporate art into the park plan.
1. Members reviewed the presentation given by the architect and landscape
architect in regards to what azeas the Committee requested to add art.
Further discussion followed regazding the cost breakdown supplied by the
architects and thE; materials to be used.
2. At the conclusion of the discussion, members asked staff to prepare a
report to Council asking that $30,000 be used to incorporate art into the
Fritz Burns Park in the following three areas:
a. The water towers
b. The entry gate into the pool
c. The walkway between the tennis courts and the aquatic/tennis
3. Following Council approval a Request for Proposals would be sent to
prospective artists and a deadline of March 14th would be given for them
to submit an outlline of their proposal along with a sketch.
4. Items to be included in the Request for Proposals would be:
a. Context describing the purpose of the park, the goals of the
Committez, history of the azea/pazk, history of the Cove: area, the
demographics of the azea, and how art could enhance the
enjoyment of the community.
APP2-17 1
Art in Public Placed Minutes
February 17, 1994
b. Materials to be used: must be durable, of low mainteinance, cool
to touch (in an environment where the temperature reaches 120°),
and safe for child/public use. The gate would have correlate with
the aquatic/tennis building.
a Specifications as called out by the architects would be included.
d. Perimeters as to what area of the circulation elememt should be
addressed for art to be included in the walkway, excludiing the pool
area. This could also include landscaping.
e. Notice to all applicants that the project must meet the: Parks and
Recreatioin Department timeline for the completion of the project.
5. Members then went through the artist pool and set aside those artists most
qualified to receive the Request for Proposals. Members were to give
staff any additional names, addresses, phone numbers, of any other artists
they felt should be included in the mailing.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committef: Members
Wolff/Smith-Schooley to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on
March 7, 1994 at 2:00 P.M. The Committee would meet in the parking lot and travel to Anza
where the meeting would be held. Tlhis meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was
adjourned at 5:10 P.M., February 17, 1994.
APP2-17 z