APPMIN 04 04 1994ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MIiETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM APRIL 4, 1994 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 1:10 P.M, by Chairman Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Lia Gilbert, Kathryn Hull, Carolyn Lair, and Chairman Walling. STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Jerry Herman and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. Committee Member Smith-Schooley moved to excuse Committee Member Nard Committee Member Wolff seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. I. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Committee Member Wolff asked that the Minutes of March 14 and 16, 1994, be amended to show [he time the meeting was called to order w:is "P.M.". Committee Member Hull asked that the Minutes of March 16th, under Business Items, paragraph B, last sentence be amended to add the word "...would be available for further...". There being no further corrections, Committee Members Wolff/Gilbert moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. II. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Chairman Walling informed the members that this meeting was for the purpose of interviewing prospective artists. Staff introduced Mr. Jim Swank and Ms. Carrie Waldman who presented their proposal. Snrav Towers a. Tile column for the spray towers, tiles to form desert scene on each towf;r. b. Will provide hole for spray nozzles. c. Will provide the tiles to be applied to the tower structure built by the building contractor. d. Project is labor intensive rather than material costs. d. Product would take 1 to 1'/z months to complete. APP4-4 1 Art in Public Placed Minutes April 4, 1994 Gate a. Geometric in design, can be any color. b. Tiles to be welded and applied with construction adhesive. c. Committee suggested that 8" or 12" tiles be used and. there be a front and back view on the tiles. d. The material of the gate would depend on the budget, but it would be either wrought iron or tubular steel. e. Regardinl; maintenance, wrought iron would be easier. Sidewalk a. Fossil design was their preferred proposal. b. Felt it was something for the kids to play with while waiting. c. It would create an environment to make people think of their past. Discussion relative to the applicants a. Discussion regarding the possibility of adding lattice work to the towers. b. The gate design was too serious. c. The sidewalk design was not practical for this site. d. The towers were simple, historical and unique, but not thought through,:needs a top to finish the look. e. The tiles on the gate were attractive but the bars made: it feel like a prison. f. Gate needed to be a different color with larger tiles. 2. Staff informed the members that Mr. James Campbell, architect (former Design Review Board Member) had asked to make a short presentation to the Committee. a. Mr. Campbell stated that he had been involved with .a project at Fashion Island in Newport Beach to create a sidewalk with as much public participation as possible. He went on to di°scribe how the project was formulated and what its purpose was. b. Members asked questions regarding the work and stated that this was similar to what the APP had done for the Civic Center art work. c. Chairman. Walling thanked Mr. Campbell for his presentation and time. APP4-4 2 Art in Public Placed Minutes April 4, 1994 2. Staff introduced Mr. Alber DeMatteis and Ms. Kim Emerson who presented their proposal. Snray Towers a. Mr. DeN[atteis stated that the architectural element of the tower was to ke-ep its massive size but open it up with an indentation in the middle. b. It would !be made up of hand-made tiles with rocks indigenous to the azea and relate to the outside environment. c. The towers would be a geological exploration of the earth as you progressed up the tile. d. There would be fossil and animal imprints with venetian glass. e. Each tower would be a different scene. f. There wou]d be a copper scroll on the top that would meander between the three towers and would be welded to the beam. The amount of scrolling depended on the budget. g. If the beam was not provided by the building contractor, an element would be added to shape the top of the tower. Sidewalk a. The animal shapes would be put into the concrete as wooden forms until the concrete dried and then the tiles would be added. b. The animals could be interspersed rather than located in one area. c. If the amount of coverage for the sidewalks was decreased then additional. monies could be added to the towers for added shade. Gate a. Gate to be constructed of wrought iron and could be painted any color. b. Would be' constructed to utilize the entire entry space. to prevent climbing over. c. No problem with time availability to do the project. d. Reviewed. a large fence drawings and selected several areas of the fence as possible gate designs. Discussion relative to the applicants a. Important: to have a design review period with Committee then with artist to formulate final designs. b. Impressed with amount of research for the project. APP4-4 3 Art in Public Placed Minutes April 4, 1994 c. Very easy to work with as demonstrated by their willingness to soften the; tower top. d. Tower very likeable, but needed to be reduced in size. e. Need to spread the animals out over the entire sidewalk. area. f. The gate needs to be more playful. g. Color of the gate should be in contrast to the building and coordinate with the towers. h. Artists very creative and enthusiastic. i. Literal designs will attract the public. j. Gate is too busy and needs to be rethought. k. Questioned the need for the indentation on the towers.. 1. Like the ;gates to show history. m. Liked [he copper over the towers to add shade. 3. Staff informed the Committee that the third applicant was unable to get a flight out and the interview would be conducted by telephone. Chairman Walling spoke with Mr. Tom Askman regarding his gate design. 4. Following the interviews and discussion regarding the applicants, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hull/Wolff to instruct staff to prepare a rf:commendation to the City Council that Mr. Alber DeMatteis and Dds. Kim Emerson be awarded the contract for all three elements of the art proposal for the Fritz Burns Park. Unanimously approved. Staff was instructed to notify all the applicants of the Committee's decision. B. Discussion regarding Civic Center Art purchases. 1. Members walked through the Civic Center and discussed possible locations for the art purchases. 2. It was suggested that the selection be continued to the next regular meeting of the A,PP. III. OTHER -None IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committea° Members Wolff/Smith-Schooley to adjourn to a special meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on April 25, 1994 at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:28 P.M., April 4, 1994. APP4-4 4