APPMIN 05 02 1994ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM MAY 2, 1994 The regular meeting of the La Quinta A,rt in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at the hour of 3:09 P.M. by Chairman Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Nancy Nard, Lia Gilbert, k:athryn Hull, Carolyn Lair, and Chairman Walling. STAFF PRESENT: Planning Director Jerry Herman and Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. Committee Members Nard/Smiirh-Schooley moved to excuse Committee Member Wolff and it carried unanimously. L CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Committee Members Gilbert/Lair moved to approve the Minutes of April 4 and 25, 1994, and the Financial Recap for April. Unanimously approved. II. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Youth Art Works Public Art Project - La Ouinta Arts Foundation: Committee Member Lair informed the Committee of a pilot program the La Quinta Arts Foundation was looking to initiate this summer. The Foundation ha.d written a grant for a Youth Art Works program. The program would be targeted at youth between the ages of 11-20 years and those who were "at risk" and presidents of La Quinta. The youth would work with the Community Service groups as well as the artist hired by the Foundation to do the public art. $3,500 had been received for this pilot program and the Foundation was looking to the Committee to recommend and prioritized prospective sites. Each project would :run six to eight weeks. The murals would be mosaic to lend themselves to a more permanent type of art. The subject matter for each site would be pre;-approved. The Foundation was seeking companies to sponsor the project with materials and hopefully Alber DeMatteis and Kim Emerson would be the artists who would be working with the program. Committee members discussed possible sites (Coachella Valley Water District sites, the mini park on Eisenhower Drive, and the wall on Washington Stree[ were mentioned) and other sources of funding. Committee Member Lair pointed out the importance of having the APP and Council approval before the project was instrumented. Following discussion, Committee Member Lair asked that the members submit suggestions for possible sites and the Committee could make a recommendation to the City Council at its next meeting. APPS-2 1 Art in Public Placed Minutes May 2, 1994 B. Discussion with the Director of Public Works on Possible Public Art Projects: Staff introduced Director of Public Works, Dave Cosper to the Committee and stated the purpose of this discussion was to open the door for future communication between the Committee and the Department regarding implementing art into the City funded projects at the earliest possible. time. Mr. Cosper stated that he would like to see this take place at the "Scoping" meeting process. Mr. Cosper went on to explain that process and how that would be integrated into the Fritz Burns Park project. He further informed the. group of the Palm Royale Park, the planned Amphitheater for the Civic Center site, the bridge at Eisenhower and Washington, and the medians throughout tha; City. Mr. Cosper explained the Capital Improvements Program and the projects that were planned for the next two years. Committee members asked Mr. Cosper to explain the Civic Center blaster Plan. Chairman Walling asked what had happened to the well site. Mr. Cosper stated he had found a source for the water and had eliminated the well site by pumping canal water from the north side of Calle Tampico. Following discussion, Mr. Cosper explained that at. present the Amphitheater was budgeted for the 1994-95 Fiscal Year, but until 'the final budget was prepared it would not be known whether the funds were available. Chairman Walling asked if the Engineering Department could update the Committee on projects. Mr. Cosper suggested he attend each meeting to keep the Committee informed. He thanked the group for their suggestions for manhole covers, fire hydrants, and light poles as possible art projects. Chairman Walling than]<ed Mr. Cosper for his time and the Commiittee looked forward to his monthly reports. C. Further Discussion of a Joint Meeting with all Valley Art in Public Places Committee/Commissions: Staff informed the group that the City of Indian Wells would be initiating the meeting. D. Fritz Burns Park Public Art Proposal: This item was continued to the next regular meeting after the; decision of the City Council at its meeting o:F May 17th. III. OTHER A. Future Agenda Items: 1. City Engineer report 2. Fritz Burns Park project -discussion with recommended artists. 3. Discussion with representative from Sunline Transit Agency ~- :fuly. APP5-2 Z Art in Public Placed Minutes May 2, 1994 IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Smith- Schooley/Nard to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on June 6, 1994 at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:17 P.NL, May 23, 1994. APPS-2 3