APPMIN 09 20 1994ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM SEPTEMBER 20, 1994 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Act in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at 3:15 P.M. by Chairman Walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Nancy Nard, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, Kay Wolff, Kathryn Hull, Carolyn Lair and Chair John Walling. STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. Committee Members Wolff/Nardl moved to excuse Committee Member Lia Gillbert. The motion carried unanhmously. I. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR: A. Chairman Walling opened the nominations for election of Chair. Committee Member Smith-Schooley asked what the duties of the Chair entailed. Discussion followed regarding the responsibilities of the Chair and Vice Chair. Committee Member Wolff ask how many terms a memlber could serve as Chair. Following discussion it was determined that a member could serve as many terms as they were elected to. B. Committee Member Wolff nominated John Walling as Chair. Committee Member Hull seconded the motion and it carried unanhnously. C. Chairman Walling nominated Nancy Nard as Vice Chair. Committee Member Lair seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. II. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Committee Members Nard/Smith-Schooley moved to approve the Minutes of July 11, 1994, as submitted. 1:Jnanicnously approved. III. BUSIlVESS SESSION: A. Discussion of "Youth Art Works Public Art Proiect". Committee Member Lair addressed the Committee regarding the purpose of the project and asked if the Committee would like to be involved in continuing the program. She stated the project was started to utilize the -youth of La Quinta in various areas of the City to create art work in their own area of the conununity. APPS-12 1 Art in Public Placed Minutes July 11, 1994 Members discussed starting the program at the Eisenhower/Colima Mini Park. It was also felt that other civic organizations as well as the La Quinta Arts Foundation should be contacted to utilize their involvement for monitary support in such a program. The possibility of the City, from the APP Fund., matching funds that were donatedl was discussed. It was felt this would educate the community to the program and build support as well as utilizing and educating the youth in the community. Community Member Lair stressed the need to utilize local community youth as well as artists to be involved in the project. This would create an impact on the youth as well as the artists to the need for public art. Following discussion it was moved to send a recommendation to the City Council asking that they: 1. Support [he concept of the program "Youth Art Works on Public Lands"; 2. Approve the Eisenhower/Colima Mini Park as the first location to start the program; and 3. Allow the Art in Public Places to utilize funds to match donations received from other civic organizations. It was further stated that each program would be sent to Council for their approval of the specific art to be installed as well as the specific amount of money. Committee Member Lair stated the Committee needed to know whether the Council would be supportive of the program before work began to create the different projects. The Iisenhower/Colima Mini Park would be a pilot project and the project could be re-evaluated upon completion of the work. B. Continued work on the Master Art Plan. Members discussed the topics of Public Contacts and Involvement and Education. Following the discussion, it was determined that Committee Member Wolff would edit the entire document and merge the sections on Education along with Committee Member Lair. Committee Member Hull would write a section on Art Committee Selection and Funding a Public Art Program from the Arl: in Public Places Ordinance. C. Future Agenda Items. 1. Update by the Engineering Department on projects. 2. Update by Louis :DeMartino on the TDC project. APPS-12 2 Art in Public Placed Minutes July 11, 1994 3. Status of the Ralph's Center artwork. 4. Discussion regarding a brochure to be handed out to Developers. 5. Discussion of a Central Bulletin Board. 6. Financial Recap. 7. Continued work on the Master Art Plan. IV. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Smith- Schooley/Hull to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on October 3, 1994, at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Pulblic Places Committee was adjourned at 4:53 P.M., September 12, 1994. APPS-12 3