APPMIN 10 03 1994ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM O(:TOBER 3, 1994 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at 3:10 P.M. by Vice Chair Nard.. ROLL CALL: Committee. Members Kay Wolff, Kathryn Hull, Carolyn Lair, Rosita Shamis and Vice Chair Nancy Nard. STAFF PRESENT: Jerry Herman, Planning & Development Director, Department Secretary Betty Sawyer. Vice Chair Nard informed the members of the resignation of Lia Gilbert and the appointment by the City Council. of Rosita Shamis. Ms. Shamis was welcomed to the Committee. Committee Members Wolff/Hull moved to excuse Committee Members Kathleen Smith-Schooley and Chairman John Walling. The motion carried unanimously. I. CONSENT CALENDAR/TREASURERS REPORT: A. Planning Director Jerry Herman explained that members had not received the monthly financial report due to lack of staffing in the Fiscal Services (Finance Department). B. Committee Member Wolff asked if staff had asked the Council for the commitment of a specific amount of funds for the Youth Art Works project. Staff stated that the request was for matching funds and that all future requests would be brought before the Council on a case-by-case basis. Followittg discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hull/Wolff to approve the Minutes of S'~eptember 12, 1994, as submitted. Unanimously approved. C. Committee Member Hull moved to approve the commitment of $5,000 from the APP Fund for the Youth Art Works project. Committee Member Wolff seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. II. BUSINESS SESSION: A. Discussion Regarding a Joint Meeting with the Cultural Affairs Commission (CAC): 1. Committee Member Hull informed the members of the items the CAC was working on, mainly to establish short term goals and put together a working plan. APP10-3 1 Art in Public Placed Minutes October 3, 1994 2. Committee Member Hull asked for a clarification from the Committee regarding a liaison between the Commission and Committee. Staff clarified that the purpose for the discussion was to open a means of communication between the two. Members stated they felt the sharing of minutes would be beneficial thereby each would be inf6rmed as to what each is doin;;. It was also determined that Committee Member Hull could serve srs a liaison between the two. 3. Committee Member Lair suggested that a Committee Member attend the next CAC to provide history of the Committee. Vice Chair Nard asked if anyone would like to attend the next meeting that would be held on October 2,4th. I[ was determined at Committee Member Wolff would attend. Committee Member Lair offered to attend as well and present a visual demonstration. 4. Staff suggested the Committee consider a rotation of the Committee Members attending both the CAC and Parks and Recreation Commission (PR('). Members felt it was better to attend for a specific purpose. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hull/Shamis to continue the topic to next regular meeting. 5. Committee Member Lair stated she would attend the next PRC' meeting and would contact the Chairman of the PRC. Staff would notify Committee Member Lair of the date and time.. 6. Following discussion, it was determined that the minutes of berth meetings would be distributed to the Chair of the Art in Public, Places Committee. B. Continued Discussion of the Master Art Plan: 1. Committee Member Wolff gave a review of the changes to the Master Plan. She stated there needed to be a clarification as to where: the Committee wanted to use paragraph numbers for reference ratlher than a bullet to point out: an issue. 2. Discussion as to whether numbering or bullets were needed. Following discussion, it was determined that the members would review the document as revised and make determination at the next meeting. APP10-3 2 Art in Public Placed Minutes October 3. 1994 3. Committee Members Wolff/Hull would meet and edit the two Education sections of the document for distribution to the members for the next meeting. 4. The reference to a consultant to work with developers was discussed as a method to see that art was incorporated at the beginning of a project and not "plop art'''. Staff explained the process of how developers currently first contact the City. 5. A suggestion was made that a statement in the handouts to developers telling the developer what the APP encourages. Further discussion ensued on how to get the information out to the developer in time before the project is designed. 6. Suggestions were made to have a visual presentation (video) made to be shown to staff anti developers as to what the APP expects. 7. Committee Member Lair suggested that the APP present the idea of the APP members meeting with developers on what the project is and the budget and make suggestions as to how to integrate art into the project at little or no extra cost. 8. Committee Members stated the developer needs to be brought into contact with the APP before the application process begins. T'he developer needs to be given three options to chose from: install their own art work, pa:y a fee in-lieu, or ask the APP to function as a consultant and find the artist and art work for the developer. 9. Staff informed thc; Committee [hat the Eisenhower Medical Center had asked staff for a list of artists to work with them on their new building It was decided that the Committee would extend an invitation to have the Eisenhower K[edical Center developers meet with the APP prior to giving any lists. 10. Following the discussion, it was determined that the Master Plan should include a statement requiring the developer to meet with the A.PP prior to submitting any application for planning processing. 11. Committee Member Lair would present a slide show for staff and the Committee to demonstrate the philosophy of the APP Committee.. APP10-3 3 Art in Public Placed Minutes October 3, 1994 12. Committee Member Wolff suggested that key staff be invited to the next APP meeting; to discuss the issue of developers meeting with APP before applications are submitted. Staff would contact the Engineering, Parks and Recreation, and Community Development Departments.. 13. Members determined that an appendix and acquisitions needed to be added to the Plan as well as a map of the existing art work showing the location of each piece. III. OTHER A. Joint meeting with Valley Art in Public Places Committees/Commissions. Vice Chair Nard stated slhe met with Corrie Gates, Planning Director for the City of Indian Wells. He had met with Don Thomas, Chairman of APP for Indian Wells, and they asked that La Quinta host the first meeting due to the newness of their members and staff. Committee Member Lair informed the group that Indian Wells had spoken with her regarding the two cities doing a joint project. B. Following discussion, it 'was decided to place the item on the next AI'P agenda and determine a date to Bold a joint meeting and formulate an agenda. Each city should be invited to bring any visuals and make a presentation on what their city's program is about. It would be helpful to share artist registries IV. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Wolff/Hull to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on November 7, 1994, at 3:00 P.M. in the: North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:41 P.M., October 3, 1994. APP10-3 4