APPMIN 12 05 1994ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM DECEMBER 5, 1994 The regular meeting of the La Quinta Art in Public Places Committee (APP) was called to order at 3:08 P.M. by Chairman walling. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Kay Wolff, Nancy Nand, Kathryn Hull, and Chairman walling ABSENT: Committee Members Kathy Smith-Schooley, Carolyn Lair, Rosita Shamis STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Department Secretary Betty Sawyer I. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Committee Member HuD asked that the minutes of November 7, 1994, be corrected on Page 5 to change the last sentence to read, "Each city should bring one packet for each city attending." There being no further corrections it was moved and seconded by Committee Members HulllNard to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Community Development Director Jerry Herman went over the Financial Statement with the members. Members discussed with staff proposed projects. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members >11ardlHull to approve the financial report as submitted. Unanimously approved. a A. Joint Meeting with aH Coachella Valley Art in Public Places Cc~mmissionsl Committees. 1. Members discussed plans Por the meeting. The meeting would be held on February 13, 1995 and each city would g[ve a 10.15 minute presentation. 2. The agenda would consist of an overview of each city's program, a tour of City Hall, refreshments and mingling, and a time for discussion regarding some common projects the agencies could share. Some sugestions were shar[ng an artists bank, speakers, publicizing tours of each city's art acquisitions, etc. Each city would be asked to bring a handout regarding their program to be given out. APP12-5 Art to Pa611e Places 9ecemher 5, 1994 3. It was suggested that a letter be sent as soon as possible to glue the cities enough time to place the meeting on their agendas and to get back to staff with the number of people attending. 4. It was determined that the presentation would last ten minutes with a five minute question and answer time. 5. Members discussed potential issues that could be discussed and items that could be included in the handout packets. It was suggested that a list of each city's Art in Public Places Members be included. 6. Members discussed what they wanted to present about La Quanta at the meeting. Committee Member Wolff informed the members she knew someone who would be willing to put a video together. It wouldl be a voice over slides and pictures could be taken of the various sites where art is placed and proposed to be placed. The video should address those topics that would be beneficial to prospective developers explaining our prospective hopes to have art integrated into the projects. 7. Committee Member Wolff and staff would check with prospective sources to have a video made and report back at the next meeting. B. Discussion Relative to Selective Art Work for the Senior Center. 1. Chairman Walling explained that each year the Committee selects art work for the City Hall and he was proposing that this year the selection be for the Senior Center. Staff stated the budget for this year was 53,000. 2. If Council approves, the Committee would meet to tour the facility and look for places to place art. The Arts Festival would be held March 16.18, 1994. 3. Discussion followed regarding the possibiDty of rotating art in the City Hall and the Senior Center. Members stated they would like to see some of the seniors involved in the selection of the art. Chairman Wailing would contact the director if approved by the City Council. 4. It was determined that there would be flares APP members, two CouncH members, and one senior representative for a committee of six. C. Discussion of Artist Survey Form. 1. Chairman Walling asked the members to review the Survey form. Members suggested the form contain: APP12~5 Arl in Puhiic Placea Decemher 5, 1994 a. Price range for their art work. b. Name, address (malDng and physical), phone number, representatives phone number. It was suggested that it be renamed the Artist Bank Application. c. List oP locations where public art could be seen. 2. Committee Member Hull suggested that staff draft the application and submit it to the Committee for their approval. D. Continued work on the Master Art Plan.. 1. Members discussed the Plan and came to a consensus that it still needed to be reduced and the numbering should be changed. 2. Members went through the Plan and made changes to the numbering and context. HL OTHSR: A. Items for the January agenda: 1. Presentation by John Koenig on the La Quanta ViDage Center-Ralphs art project. 2. Continued discussion with Eisenhower Medical Center. 3. Discussion regarding the Joint Meeting of the Art in Public Places CommissionslCommittees. 4. Discussion regarding a video about the Art in Public Places Peogram. 5. Review of the Art Bank Form. 6. Tour of the Senior Center. 7. Continued work on the Master Art Plan. Iv. There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members NardlHull to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art In Public Places Committee on January 9, 1995, at 3:00 P.M., in the Narth Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:35 P.M., December 5, 1994. APPt2-5