FEBRUARY 6, 1995
The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was called to order by Chairman Walling
at 3:15 P.M.
ROLL CALL: Committee Members Hull, Lair, Nazd, Shamis, Wolff, Chairman Walling.
Committee Member Smith-Schooley arrived late
STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Department Secretary
Betty Sawyer
Chairman Walling asked that the agenda be reorganized to move the Business Session before the
Consent Calendar. Unanimously approved.
A. Presentation of proposed artwork for the La Ouinta Village Shopping Center; Mr.
Mike Horton representing The Koenig Companies presented the information. He
stated the plan would add mosaic the work to the fountain for color. Mr. Horton
introduced Mr. Bill Waze, a local artist who had worked with the City of Palm
Desert, as the artist that would be working with the developer to design the artwork.
Mr. Waze gave a detailed explanation of the project. Mr. Waze stated the outside of
the lower portion (overflow area) of the pool would be in glass tiles in blue shades.
The purpose of the colored tiles was to have a cool feeling at the center leading out
to the orange/yellow shades representing a sun burst or feeling of heat. From there
it would blend in with the stucco.
Committee Member Shamis asked if Mr. Waze had any artwork locally where
they could see a sample of his work. Mr. Ware explained a project that was
located at Trader Joes in Palm Desert. He further stated he was primarily
doing relief work in homes.
2. Committee Member Lair asked if the Trader Joes project was his first public
art. Mr. Ware stated it was. Mr. Waze stated he would send samples of his
work for APP files.
Committee Member Lair asked if the object of the artwork was the
concentration on the water and coolness. Mr. Ware stated it was, something
fairly simple.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
4. Committee Member Wolff inquired if there was to be seating in the area. Mr.
Horton stated the rim would accommodate the only seating as it wordd be 14-
16-inches in width..
5. Committee Member Nazd asked if there were plans to incorporate the design
on the seating. Mr. Horton stated they had not planned on it. :Mr. John
Koenig, The Koenig Companies stated it would be constructed of the same
material that was to be used on the building. Mr. Horton reiterated that the
project was somewhat limited with the funds.
6. Committee Member Nard asked if Mr. Reegan had designed the fountain
itself. Mr. Horton stated that he and Mr. Reegan had collaborated. together
to work on the idea. The idea of the ball suspended by water was Mr.
Horton's. When the artwork no longer included stone work, Mr. Reegan no
longer worked on the project.
7. Mr. Horton explained the ball would be metallic looking,. There would be
no mosaic on the ball itself, but would hopefully tie in with mosaic.
8. Committee Member Lair explained that she understood this was to be a stone
ball that appeared to be a trick with the water holding up the ball. Mr. Horton
stated the difficulty of using a real stone ball and that the engineering would
be impossible. Mr. Horton went on to explain how the ball would be
suspended. He further stated that the materials to be used had not been
determined as of yet. They would submit the final design for the APP
review. Mr. Horton went onto describe the proportion of the fountain to the
9. Committee Member Hull stated she like the concept of the ball being held up
by water, but what would it look like when the water was off. Mr. Koenig
stated they hadn't really addressed the issue of the fountain being off. They
did propose the water to be off only during the night. At night the artwork
would have lights and these would be turned off as well. Mr. Horl:on stated
their desire was to have the artwork as simplistic mechanically as possible
which should keep the fountain running most of the time.
10. Committee Member Lair asked who was responsible for maintaining the
pool. Mr. Koenig stated they were. Chairman Walling asked wlho would
maintain the the work in the water. Mr. Horton stated it would be maintained
in the same manner as a swimming pool. He went on to explain the
procedure to be used. Mr. Koenig stated their business was to maintain the
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
11. Chairman Walling asked the applicant when they would want to bring the
final design back to the APP. Mr. Horton stated they should be ready for the
APP March meeting. What they would like is a general approval of the
concept of the design. Mr. Koenig stated he was planning to start
construction on the restaurant and would like to start the fountain at the same
12. Committee Member Shamis asked about the location of the seating.
Discussion followed as to where the seating would be located.
13. Chairman Walling asked if members were satisfied with the drawings as
submitted. Committee Member Wolff asked what artists' name would be
attributed to the artwork. Mr. Horton stated Mr. Ware was the artist
designing the project. Discussion followed regarding what involvement Mr.
Reegan had had with the project.
14. Mr. Horton explained the budget for the project vas only $13,000 and they
were limited to what they could do. Mr. Ware stated the fountain was the
base for his mural.
15. Committee Member Nard asked what was planned for the bottom of the
retention basin where the pipe is that sticks out. iVlr. Horton stated their
intention was to move the pipe and have it hidden by boulders and shrubs so
it would not be seen.
16. Community Development Director Jerry Herman reminded the applicant that
whatever recommendation the APP gives, it would still have to l;o to the
City Council for their approval.
17. Committee Member Wolff asked if the mural would have a name. 1NIr. Ware
stated it would.
18. Committee Member Wolff asked if the part that suspends the ball will also
be tit as well as at the base. Mr. Horton stated it would be lit. and no
hardware would be visible.
19. Committee Member Lair stated her concern that the seating was not
pedestrian oriented and was more visually driven. Mr. Horton stated that was
20. Committee Member Wolff stated it would be nice if there could be seating
at the base and the public could hear the water. Discussion followed
regarding the fountain.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
21. Committee Member Hull stated her concern that there was no pedestrian
movement around the front of the fountain. Mr. Koenig stated the only
walkway was at the north end of the restaurant where the sidewalk surrounds
the restaurant and the pedestrian walkway that goes around the center.
22. Committee Member Lair stated her concern that the art work did not: meet the
goals of what the APP was looking for in regards to public art. Shf; realized
the problem in starting the artwork so late in the project but, it could have
been integrated more into the project and even utilized the retention basin.
23. Committee Member Hull stated it did not meet the philosophy of what APP
was trying to achieve. She questioned whether the artwork was a piece of art
or just a fountain. Yet it was understood that when a budget is limited it is
difficult to meet the objective.
24. Chairman Walling asked what the difference was between this and the water
towers at the Fritz Burns Park. Committee Member Lair stated she felt it
was because it was not driven by an artist. Mr. Waze explained. it was a
contemporary piece because of the limitations. He felt this location called for
a contemporary piece. The fountain is one thing and the artwork is done to
or added on to a fountain. It is after the effect but, with the budget it would
still be the same feature.
25. Mr. Koenig stated he did not want to give up a pazking stall just to place a
piece of artwork. He wanted the artwork integrated into the project and still
be a distinctive statement of itself. Committee Member Nard stated she liked
the abstract idea but, it did need to be integrated with the rest of the shopping
center. She suggested that mosaic work be added into the seating area or
allow the mosaic work to spill over onto the concrete area in the northwest
portion of the fountain so it appears to be integrated with the pazk:ing azea.
This would give an appeazance of being a piece of artwork. Mir. Horton
stated it could be as little as fourteen inches or as much as 16-18 inches for
the seating. Committee Member Nazd stated the mosaic needed to be
dropped into the cement walkway and not just on the face of the fountain.
Mr. Waze stated he did not know how the tiles would hold up to the
pedestrian traffic. Discussion followed as to the location of the the work.
26. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Ware if the the work could be added to the
front area. Mr. Ware stated the color would be lost as the area was so small.
Chairman Walling asked if some other Type of the could be used to integrate
the work. Committee Member Nazd asked if some type of abstract artwork
could be applied that would tie the two together. Discussion followed as to
possible ideas.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
27. Mr. Horton asked if they could get a basic approval for the design concept so
they could get started. Chairman Walling asked if the Committee had any
objections. There being no further comment, the Committee approved the
idea in concept. Mr. Ware asked if the Committee had a brochure to hand out
on what the Committee was doing. Staff stated it was in the process of being
28. Mr. Horton asked what the City Council would want to see in way of their
presentation. Staff stated they would need to see a cost breakdown to see that
funds aze expended for artwork.
29. Committee Member Lair informed the members what the City of Pallm Desert
requires of their developers. La Quinta should be sending a formal letter to
the developers as soon as they submit an application. Discussion followed
regarding when the letter should be sent. Staff stated it should be a1: the time
of contact not when the application is submitted.
B. Pro rg ess report from the Engineering_Denartment City Engineer Dave Cosper
updated the Committee on the projects in City.
The Fritz Burns Pazk was scheduled for three public meetings to educate the
public on the costs and operation of the project and allow the pub;~ic a time
for questions and answers. The intent following the public meetings was to
turn the comments over to the Parks and Recreation Commission. They
would then get a prospective from the public and make a recommendation to
the City Council as to what the public wants. Council should then act on
those recommendations. Nothing has changed on the project, it was the same
Phase I of the Master Plan. Staff was able to reduce the cost by $1 million
from the original costs. Two bids were received under the engineers
estimates. Council had awarded the contract but, question arose regarding
the legality of the vote. Then due to the controversy, Council decided to
have staff get public input.
2. Committee Member Lair asked for the cost breakdown on the construction
and maintenance. City Engineer Cosper went over the costs andl the bids
submitted. Discussion followed regarding the pool size and what was
desirable. He further stated they had eliminate the slide.
3. Committee Member Wolff asked if the misconception was in tYte annual
maintenance costs. City Engineer Cosper explained the originall costs of
operating the pool, what programs were expected to be running, and the
structure of the pool program.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
4. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked if the pool was not
built, would the park still go forward. City Engineer Cosper stated it was up
to the City Council. He-went on to state that if the Park was left as it was
designed, construction could start by summer. If any changes were: made to
the design it would add a month or more to the time.
5. Committee Member Smith-Schooley asked if the pool were used in summer
months only and drained the remainder of the year, would that cut the
maintenance costs. City Engineer Cosper explained that since the water table
was so high, draining the pool could cause it to float. In addition, the pool
surface would be affected by the sun. It wasn't practical to drain tlhe pool.
6. Committee Member Wolff asked if solar heating had been considered. City
Engineer Cosper explained there was not enough roof space. Discussion
followed as to options that were available. City Engineer Cosper explained
that since gas was so cheap it didn't make sense to use solar. Committee
Member Lair asked if the two could be combined. City Engineer Cosper
stated this may cut operating but would not cut construction costs.
Committee Member Smith-Schooley asked if staff had considered
maintaining the pool without chemicals. City Engineer Cosper expL~ined that
the technology was not sufficient for large pools. He went on to explain that
the design of the pool was for the most cost effective maintenance possible.
8. Committee Member Wolff asked about the heating costs. City Engineer
Cosper went over the costs with the Committee. Discussion followed
regarding the maintenance costs of the pool.
9. City Engineer Cosper discussed projects that the Engineering Department
was working on. In addition, he explained the construction of the Adams
Street crossing. Committee Member Lair asked why all public projects were
exempt from the Art in Public Places program. She stated this'. was the
opposite of what most other cities required. She felt the City needed to
reconsider the purpose of public art and have Council understand that public
art refers to City public projects as well.
C. Discussion relative to relocating the Civic Center Artwork -Louis DeMartino.
Community Development Director Jeny Herman explained to the Committee that
the Louis DeMartino sculpture needed to be installed and the City had two choices:
1) construct a pad in the dirt to the west of City Hall and locate the sculpttrre; or 2)
find an alternative location. He stated that staff had been looking at the l;rass azea
to the south of City Hall but, after speaking with Mr. DeMartino and the process of
installing and relocating the sculpture due to the amount of engineering in the
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
footings, the cost of relocating would be prohibitive. He stated that if the Committee
wants the sculpture installed permanently, then bids would need to be taken for the
planting and irrigation installation for the water and grass.
Community Development Jerry Herman stated that staff would take the
initiative and get the cost estimates to install the artwork at the; original
location. Discussion followed regarding what was to be designed to go
around the sculpture.
2. Mr. Herman further stated that Mr. DeMartino had the contract for the One
Eleven La Quinta Center artwork. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman explained the site work that needed to be done and that they planned
construction to begin in March. Committee members stated that when a
contract is issued, a date specific for completion of the artwork should be
D. Discussion regarding a joint meeting with the Art in Public: Places
Commissions/Committees in the Valley
Following discussion regarding possible dates for the meeting, the
Committee appointed Committee Member Nard to meet with other cities and
determine a date and time for the joint meeting. Dates suggested were April
5, 6, 7 or April 19, 20, 21. Members suggested that some topics to be
discussed at the meeting might include the percentages dedicated to art, staff
appointed to work exclusively with art, and the inclusion of Civic; projects
in the program.
2. Committee Member Lair Suggested that the Committee should make a
recommendation to the City Council about including Civic projects in the art
program and the possibility of increasing the percentage charged. Members
felt that the joint meeting might offer suggestions as to how the Committee
would approach Council regarding these issues.
E. Discussion regarding promotional material. Members discussed ideas regarding the
brochure for developers.
Committee Member Lair shared what the City of Palm Desert had. done for
a brochure. She suggested that staff draft up a sample for the Committee.
Discussion followed regarding the comparison of the City of Palm Desert's
philosophy and La Quinta.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
2. Committee Member Wolff explained the proposal she had received :regarding
having a video made for a presentation to developers. Discussion followed
regarding the length of time for the video and what the Committee would
provide in the way of slides. It was decided that a 12-minute tape was the
average length of time.
3. Committee Member Lair asked if Committee Member Wolff could obtain a
copy of his work to compare the quality. Members suggested that one other
bid be obtained and have Mr. Scott rebid the same proposal but for 15
minutes and compare them. Committee Member Wolff was appointed to
obtain a bid from two additional companies (Thane Productions and Oliphant
Productions). Two hundred slides would be provided for the final tape.
F. Continued discussion regarding the Master Art Plan.
1. Members discussed changes with staff.
2. Committee Member Lair to elaborate on Section 5.0 for the next rneeting.
A. Committee Members asked that the Minutes of January 6, 1995 be amended as
Page 1, Item C, reword the sentence to state that "Committee Member Lair informed
the Committee about a recent conference and asked if the Committee...."
Page 2, Item 3, complete the sentence ending with but.
Page 2, Item 4, delete the first sentence.
Page 3 Item 7, delete "or three dimension shape" from the first sentence.
Page 3, Item 10, change the word "stating" to "starting".
Page 4, Item 11, reword "Committee Member Wolff stated of same problems" to
"some of the same problems".
Page 6, Item 10, Committee Member Wolff stated she would be on call.
Page 7 D, delete "to discuss".
B. There being no further corrections to the minutes, it was moved and seconded by
Committee Members Wolff/Shamis to approve the minutes as corrected.
Unanimously approved.
C. There being no corrections to the financial statement, Committee Members
Nard/Hull moved to approve the statement as submitted. Unanimously approved.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
1. Conference attendance.
2. La Quinta Village Shopping Center artwork.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Na,•d/Lair to
adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on Mazch 6, 1995, at 3:00 P.M.
in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned
at 5:41 P.M., February 6, 1995.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 6, 1995
Page 4 -guidelines fora . Call guidelines only
Page 5 developing a master plan delete.
2.1.2 and 2.1.3 should say public art program.
2.1.3 eliminate involving the public and helping to determine the visual environment
Page 6 2.3 bottom of page, third line should be shall.
Page 7 middle of page 2.4 "open process shall - so that no surprises shall occur.
Page 8 -fourth bullet -the arrangement for participation
3.2 does the APP do this? should the APP make the determination. Possibly so leave in.
Page 12 -Displays of urban archaeological objects -take out the word urban.
Page 13 - a list of other successful public art to understand the process and goals.
spell out the APP
Page 14.0 -three members from the LQ Arts Foundation not of the Foundation.
5.0 funding is brief and vague and should be added to. discussion as to what to add.
Carolyn to elaborate on funding.
Take out conclusion