APPMIN 03 06 1995ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM MARCH 6, 1995 The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was called to order at 3:Oti P.M. by Acting Chairperson Kay Wolff (appointed by the Committee). ROLL CALL: Committee Members Hull, Lair, Shamis, Acting Chairperson Wolff. Committee Member Smith-Schooley arrived late. Committee Members Hull/Wolff moved and seconded a motion to excuse Committee Members Nancy Nard and John Walling. Unanimously approved. STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Department Secretary Betty Sawyer I. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Committee Members Hull/Shamis moved and seconded a motion to approve the Minutes of February 6, 1995, as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Committee Members Hull/Lair moved and seconded a motion to approve the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. II BUSINESS SESSION A. Pro reg ss report from Kim Emerson and Alber DeMatteis 1. Acting Chairperson Wolff gave a summary as to the status of the Fritz Burns Park project. Staff clarified that at the present time, there would be no swimming pool nor a community building. Members discussed the building. 2. Committee Member Hull asked the artists what art pieces had been completed. Ms. Emerson stated that the sidewalk design was complete and ready for installation and all the materials for the remainder of the artwork had been purchased. Ms. Emerson stated they were looking to the Committee to determine where to place the artwork if the pool and building were not going to be built. 3. Committee Member Lair questioned whether or not the artwork would have to go to the Fritz Burns Park. Staff stated it would have to go back to Council for their approval but, it could be moved. APP3~s 1 Art in Public Places Minutes March 6,1995 4. Ms. Emerson asked what the date would be if it were taken to Council . Staff stated the next available meeting would be April 4th. Ms. Emerson distributed their proposal for the redesign of the artwork and stated that due to the extreme summer heat, they would not be able to install the artwork until the fall; sometime between October -February, 1996. 5. Committee Member Shamis asked what was holding up the decision. Acting Chairperson Wolff explained the controversy regarding the cost and maintenance of the pool. Discussion followed regazding the swirnrning pool and the park. 6. Committee Member Lair asked if the tennis courts would be kept. Staff stated they would remain and at some point additional courts would be installed. 7. Committee Shamis asked if the spray towers would include a spray of some sort. Mr. DeMatteis stated the original design called for spray towers. He went on to state the artwork could be installed independent of the building. 8. Staff explained to the Committee that they had asked the artists to submit a design that would change the spray towers into a shade structwre for the Committee to consider as an alternative. 9. Mr. DeMatteis discussed different ideas with the Committee regarding the spray towers, such as a misting system. 10. Ms. Emerson explained to Public Works Director Dave Cosper what problems they were experiencing with their contract and the contractor. The artists understanding was that: 1. The contractor for the site had $18,000 to build the framework for the towers, and they would like to locate the artwork on the site independent of the pool and building, utilizing this money. 2. The City had paid half of their contract to date and they were waiting to install the artwork. 11. Acting Chairperson Wolff stated she would like to see the artwork installed as soon as possible. Members asked if the plumbing could be in=ā€˛tailed for the spray towers, to be installed in the future, and use spray misters at present. APP3~6 2 Art in Public Places Minutes March 6, 1995 12. Committee Member Shamis asked staff if Phase I of the park was going to be built. Staff stated Phase I would be built without the pool or building. Committee Member Shamis asked why the artwork could not proceed and be installed. Members discussed possible sites for the artwork and Public Works Director Cosper displayed the site plans. 13. Public Works Director Cosper explained what Phase I would be and the work to be completed. Committee Member Lair asked if the gate artwork could go to the tennis courts. 14. Ms. Emerson explained the proposed artwork to the new committee members. 15. Public Works Director Cosper explained the problem of drainage that would result from installing the towers where they are proposed to be and how they would be turned on and off. In addition the area is now planned For open space play area. 16. Mr. DeMatteis stated that after reviewing the contractors plans for construction of the towers, they would prefer to contract for the construction utilizing the money from the park funds. The towers proposed by the contractor would not be adequate. 17. Public Works Director Cosper stated his concern as to how effective a mister would be. He went on to propose an alternate site for the towers in the front of the park. Discussion followed as to whether a shade structure or spray towers would be more appropriate. 18. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked Public Works Director Cosper if there was $18,000 to build the towers. Public Works Director Cosper stated Council had authorized the construction of the infrastructure of the conduit, etc. He went on to explain that there wasn't $18,000 dedicated to build the columns. 19. Committee Members discussed with staff what part of the park would be built. Public Works Director Cosper stated he would be willing to cut back on the number of trees or something in order to build the tower structure. 20. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked if the contractor's money included the funds for the towers with the water. Public Works Director Cosper stated it probably would. APP36 3 Art in Publle Places Mtnutes March 6, 1995 22. Acting Chairperson Wolff suggested Mr. DeMatteis and Ms. Emerson submit to the City an addendum to their contract stating what the cost would be for the construction of the entire towers with the cost of the new design. The Committee would then make a recommendation to the Council for their approval. 23. Committee Members discussed the proposal in detail and possible locations. 24. Acting Chairperson Wolff stated she felt they should go ahead with the sidewalk installation and when the gate was finished, if there was no place to install it, the City would store it till such time as a location could be found. In addition, the towers should be converted to a shade structure. Following discussion, Mr. DeMatteis stated he would submit an addendum giving costs for constructing and installing four towers, with misters and without, and for three towers with misters and without. 25. It was moved and seconded by Committee Members Shamis/Lair to instruct Ms. Emerson and Mr. DeMatteis to submit the addendum as stated above. Unanimously approved. 26. Committee Member Lair expressed the Committees appreciation to Mr. DeMatteis and Ms. Emerson for their patience and willingness to work out these changes with the Committee and staff. Mr. DeMatteis was to have the addendum back to staff by March 13th. Committee Member Lair asked that the Agenda be reorganized taking Item H before Item B. There being no objection, Committee Members Smith-School/Wolff moved and seconded a rnotion to reorganize the agenda as stated. Unanimously approved. H. Youth Art Work; Acting Chairperson Wolff explained what the proposal. was that had been approved by Council. Committee member Lair explained that additional funds had been accumulated and the Foundation would like to see the project changed from Eisenhower Park to the bike path. The idea was to create rest stops around the cove. She would like to take the idea to Council of doing the first project along the bike path using local teenagers to do the work and local artist Judy Bocca to instruct. Examples of Ms. Bocca's art work and a history of her work with the community and kids programs was shown and discussed. 2. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked what: type of structure would be used. Committee Member Lair stated it would be three dimensional and provide shade. She went on to explain projects that had been done in other cities. Aegis-s 4 Art in Public Places Minutes March 6, 1995 Committee Member Lair went on to explain the proposal to the Members. The community would be invited to a meeting, high school students would do a historical and geographical research about the town and bring artifacts in, and Ms. Bocca would take the research material and work with a group from the community for a design that would be three dimensional then work with the students to fabricate and install the artwork. 4. Committee Member Lair stated she felt the idea should be presern:ed to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their input and information. She asked if there were any other committees/commissions that would need i:o review the proposal. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that recommendations of the APP were taken directly to Council for their action. Public Works Director Dave Cosper explained that the Engineering Department would like to have this approved by the Bear Creek Path people. Committee Member Lair asked if water was available anywhere ;along the bike path. Public Works Director Cosper stated that when the street improvements were installed water was piped to the area. 6. Committee Member Lair stated they wanted to change the site because of the additional funds and it was felt this would create more of a community interest to keep the project going. Public Works Director Cosper stated the bus stop at the top of the Cove would be a good location and they could possibly get Sunline involved. Public Works Director Cosper stated that the problem Public Works had with the projects was the cost of maintaining the project which became an added cost for budgeting. 8. The Committee discussed the plans for the bike path vrd its location. Public Works Director Cosper stated they supported the idea. 9. Following discussion, the Committee Members Lair/Hull moved to recommend to the City Council changing the location of the "Fouth Art Project" based on the following reasons: a. Added money gives opportunity to do more. a. Park difficult with allotted money to do something magical. b. Very visual place for community as well as visitors The motion was to change the location of the youth project to construct a piece of public art utilizing local youth and professional artists from Eisenhower Park to the Bear Creek Bike Path. In addition, the Committee APP3-6 Art In Public Plaees Mlnutea March 6,1995 would work with the Parks and Recreation Commission to deterniine site. Unanimously approved. B. Discussion regarding the proposed artwork for the La Ouinta Village Center; staff informed the Committee that they had spoken with Mr. Koenig regarding the proposed artwork for the southeast corner of the project. During the conversation, Mr. Koenig agreed to see what the APP could propose for artwork for the corner. 1. Committee Member Smith-Schooley suggested that the artwork utilize the entire area including the retention basin. 2. Committee Member Lair stated she knew of an artist in Seattle who has done work with retention basins. 3. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained what the purpose of the retention basin was and why the developer was relocating the drainage pipes. 4. Committee Member Hull asked if the retention basin could have a covering placed over it and the artwork placed on top. 5. Acting Chairperson Wolff suggested the Committee advertise to find the best artist for the ugly site. 6. Committee Member Smith stated they would need someone with the experience to work with this special site. 7. It was suggested that staff obtain the dimensions of retention basin along with pictures and/or drawings to send to artists for a preliminary concept drawing. This would need to be back to staff within two weeks. In addition, staff would need to figure out a budget for the artwork. C. Continued discussion regarding a joint meeting with Art in Public Places Commissions/Committees in the Vallev. 1. Staff informed the Committee that April 5th had been set as the da4e for the Joint Meeting. The Committee would have one more meeting on April 3rd prior to the joint meeting. 2. Committee Member Lair stated she would be available to help with the brochure, if her Board approved. 3. Members discussed they would like to have ready for a handout at the meeting: APP3-6 6 Att in Public Places Minutes March 6,1995 a.) The brochure for developers, if it is ready. b.) An introduction. c.) A step by step process for a public art plan. d.) A synopsis of the Draft Master Plan. e.) A cataloging of the City's existing artwork showing locations. £) Staff would write up funding sources. D. Discussion Relative to Promotional Material 1. Acting Chairperson Wolff stated she had received bids from several individuals to prepare a video for the City. The Committee woulii provide the slides and script, and the consultant would provide the voice-over. The Committee would need to select one of the bids and contact them regarding timing. 2. Following discussion, it was moved to table the issue until after the joint meeting and the Arts Festival. Unanimously approved. E. Continued work on the Master Art Plan 1. It was moved to table the issue until after the La Quinta Arts Festival. 2. Acting Chairperson Wolff and Committee Member Hull would do a summary of the Plan to be included in the handout for the joint meeting. F. Annointment of Civic Center Art Selection Committee Following discussion regarding the art selection, Committee Members Shamis, Smith-Schooley, Walling, and Nard were selected. G. National Assembly of Local Arts Agencies Preconference Workshop Committee Member Lair stated that she has attended and would normally recommend attending the conference, but after reviewing the material for the Art in Public Places portion she felt it would b0 better for the Committee to choose a different conference that would be more beneficial. 2. Following discussion, it was determined that the Committee would join C.ALAA. The La Quinta Arts Foundation belonged to NALAA and each could keep the other informed as to activities. 3. Committee Member Hull would attend the conference for the Cultural Affairs Commission and Committee Member Lair would attend for the Foundation. APP3-6 ~ Art ht Pabllc Plaees Minutes March 6,1995 4. Committee Member Lair stressed that the Committee should encourage the Council to attend the conferences to help keep them informed and to educate them regarding art in public places. III. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS A. Artwork for the La Quinta Village Center B. Joint Meeting of the Valley APP Committees/Commissions C. Promotional Material D. Master Art Plan E. Potential conferences IV. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Smith- Schooley/Shamis to adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on April 3, 1995, at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 5:20 P.M., Mazch 6, 1995. APP3~6 8