APPMIN 05 01 1995ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM MAY 1,1995 The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was called to order at 3:08 P.M. by Vice Chairman Nard. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Hull Lair, Shamis, Wolff, Smith-Schooley, Vice Chairman Nard ABSENT: Chairman Walling STAFF PRESENT: Department Secretary Betty Sawyer Committee Members Wolf/Hall moved to excuse Committee Members Lair/Walling. Unanimously approved. CONSENT CALENDAR: Committee Member Hull asked that the Minutes of Apri13, 1995, be revised on page 2, fyl to state whether Mr. Pekar has sufficient time to do the project In addition, page 4, #25 change the word "he" to "him". Committee Member Wolff asked that Page 4, #23 change the word "thing" to "think". There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hull/Wolff to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. There being no correctlons or questions of the Financial Statement, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hull/Nard to approve the statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. BUSINESS SESSION: It was moved and seconded to reorganize the agenda placing Item" C" at the end of the agenda. Unanimously approved. A. Discussion regardin¢ the prouosed artwork for the La Quinta Village Shopping Center. Staff informed the Committee that the developer had informed them that the project would start construction within two weeks and he was going ahead with the fountain as originaDy designed w(thout the balancing ball. He had no objection to the Committee installing any additional artwork as long as he had prior approval. AeeS-i Art In Public Places May 1,1995 2. Members discussed the various optlons that were available to them and what should be done regarding the three artists that had been contacted and had submitted a concept drawing. 3. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Hull/Shamis to invite the artiste to submit drawings for Committee approval that would be within the APP budget, whatever it is determined to be. 4. Discussion followed the moton regarding whether to limit the submittal to Just the three artists or open it up to additional artists. [t was determined that since the Committee was not under the time pressure it had been, it would be to the Committee's advantage to open the protect up and see what submittal would be received. Committee Members Hull/Shamis withdrew their motion. 5. Committee Members Smith-Schooley, Shamis, and Hull would meet on Frlday morning to select the prospective artists to send a Request for Proposal (RFP) to. In addition, it was suggested that the RFP be placed in the Desert Sun to attract local artists. The deadline for submitting the RFP would be June 26th. 6. In addition, it was determined that the budget xhould be increased by $7,000 to make a total budget of $20,000 as this was a very important corner and should have an outatanding art piece. Committee Member Wolff stated she felt the art piece should mitigate the actual basin and be made a part of the basin. Discussion followed as to what areas of the retention basin should be included in the art piece. 8. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Wolf/Hull to recommend to Councll a total budget for the l,a 4uinta Village Shopping Center retention basin of $20,000 and that a Request for Proposals be sent out as soon as possible with a deadline date of June 26. Unanimously approved. B. Contlnued discussion regardine the joint meeting with the Art in Public Places Commissions l Committee in the Coachella Vallev. 1. Members expressed their agreement that it was a beneficial meeting and brought out several good ideas for the group to work on. APP5~1 Art in Public Places May 1, 1995 2. Vice Chairman Nard stated that she had been in contact with Diane Morgan of Palm Springs and she had stated that they were proposing to have the next meeting in September with Palm Springs hosting. 3. More information would be given as it is received. C. Emerson/DeMatteis artwork 1. Staff informed the Committee that they had received communications from the artists and they would like to complete their work by November or December, 1995. Staff further informed the Committee that the Engineering Department had stated that they would be willing to install a drain and water line to the site for the fountains in cogjunction with the construction of the Fritz Burns Park. They would work with the Committee to determine a site for the spray towers and sidewalk. 2. Committee membees discussed whether they would like to have the fourth tower or stay with the or[ginal design of three. Following discussion it was determined that a fourth tower would be beneficial for the Park if there wasn't going to be a pool. 3. Committee Members Hull/Smith-Schooley moved to recommend to the City Council that an additlonai $21,000 be added to the budgetlcontract to pay for the fourth tower as well as the actual construction of aD four towers. Unanimously approved. D. Uodate on Civic Center Artwork placement 1. Staff informed the Committee that they had been in commuNcation with artist Louis DeMartino regarding the installation of the Civic Center art piece. 2. Mr. DeMartino had been working with the Engineering staff on a landscaping plan for the area where the artwork would be installed. The idea presented to staff was to leach the entire artwork area and see what natural vegetation would grow. Mr. DeMartlno would install the baselfoundation for the art piece as the ground is prepared so that when the area was ready all he would need to do is install the actual act pieces. Maintenance crews would then mow paths up to the art piece to draw the public to the site. APP5~1 Art in Public Places May 1,1995 3. Staff further informed the Committee that there were enough funds in the account to cover the cost of this work. 4. Discussion followed regarding the actual location of the art piece and what vegetation might grow in the area. E. Discussion regarding the placement of the art purchases from the La Ouinta Arts Festival Staft reviewed the art pieces that were purchased with members who had not seen them The Committee then walked around City Hall to determine the best location for the art work. 2. Following the tour, it was determined that staff would contact artist Dan Cautrell and ask that the frames be redone in a shinny black finish.. 3. The four parable paintings by Dan Cautrell would be placed on the north side of the building an the south wall across from the Community Development and Engineering Departments. 4. The two pastel paintings by Robert Tohm would be placed in the Administration entrance on the south waD between the Library door and Council Member Bangerter's office and on the west wall between the Caucus Room and Mayor Pena's office. 5. The wilderness Totem by Steve Rieman would be placed in ti1e center courtyard at the southeast corner. 6. Staff informed the Committee that their recommendations would be given to the Council. Future Agenda Items 1. Final copy of the Master Plan 2. Continued discussion an the La Quanta Village Shopping Center artwork 3. Update on the Emerson/DeMatteis contract amendment There being no furWer business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members HuDlShamis adjourn to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on June 5,1995, at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conference Room. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:24 P.M., May 1,1995. APP5-1