A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, CA
June 5, 1995
3:00 P.M.
A. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was called to order by Vice Chairperson Nancy
Nard at 3:48 P.M.
A. Vice Chairperson Nard asked for the roll call. Present: Committee Members Wolff, Shamis, Hull,
Lair, Vice Chairperson Nard.
B. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Department Seeretary Betty
A. There being no corrections to the minutes of May 1, 1995, Committee Members HuII/Nard moved
and seconded a motion to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Community Development Director stated that the statement did not reflect the expenditure of the
Bear Creek Path commitment. Staff stated the request was being processed anti the next
statement would reflect the adjustment. There being no further corrections regarding the Financial
Statement, Committee Members LairlShamis approved the statement as corrected. Unanimously
Committee Member Lair asked to add the Bear Creek Path project to the agenda as Item D.
Committee Member Wolff asked that the following be added to the agenda as Item:
E. Fritz Burns Park Contract
F. Procedures with the Parks and Recreation Commission
G. Art in Public Places Priorities List
H. Civic Center Artwork
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Art in Public Places Minutes
June 5, 1995
It was moved by Committee Members WoIfflShamis to adjust the agenda as requested. Community Development
Director pointed out these items came up after the posting of the agenda.
A. Discussion regarding the proposed artwork for the La Quinta Village Shopping Center.
Vice Chairperson Nard asked staff if the Request for Proposals (RFP) had been sent out,
but following a discussion with Chairman Walling the deadline date had been changed to
July 27, 1995.
2. Discussion followed regarding who was sent the RFP, the reason for changing the date,
and who should review the RFP's. Following the discussion, it was determined that the
new Committee members should review the RFP's. The item would 6e agendized for the
July meeting and an August meeting would be held to review the RFP's.
B. Continued discussion regarding~oint meeting with the Art in Public Places CommissionlCommittees
in the Vallev.
1. Staff stated they had not received any additional information from the other r:ities. Vice
Chairperson Nard stated she had received none. Members discussed the need to invite
Council members to attend the next meeting.
2. Committee Member Lair asked if the purpose of the next meeting had been determined.
3. Chairperson Nard stated that the last communication she had was that Palm Springs would
be hosting the next meeting in September. Following discussion it was determined that
Chairperson Nard would contact both Palm Springs and Palm Desert to determine the
agenda and location for the next meeting. Members encouraged holding the meeting in
Palm Desert and having a tour and inviting City Council members to attend.
C. Final review of the Master Art Plan
Committee Member Lair asked for the Committee feelings about requesting the Council
make the APP Committee a Commission, increasing the percentage of developer fees, and
having a balance of 520,000 in the fund before doing any art project. She stated her
concern about the City excluding itself from the requirements it requires of ol:hers in the
Ordinance. She went on to state the City of Palm Desert not only pays into the fund, but
pays more than it requires of the developers. She felt the City needed to take the
leadership roll regarding the art requirement. She suggested that when the Master Art
Plan is sent to Council, the Committee have an attachment requesting these changes to
the Ordinance.
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Art in Public Places Minutes
June 5, 1995
2. Committee Member Shamis stated she did not feel the Council was aware of what APP
projects were being discussed. She suggested inviting them to a meeting so they would be
aware of the APP projects. There needs to be a collaboration between the two bodies to
work together. Vice Chairperson Nard stated that if a tour was given at thr~ next joint
meeting of the artwork in Palm Desert, then the Council should be invited to j~ain.
3. Discussion followed regarding proposed amendments to the ordinance to improve its
effectiveness. Members stated there would be many benefits gained by changing the
Committee to a Commission. These benefits should be clarified and identified when
requesting Council consideration. It was further stated this should be done before the
adoption of the Master Plan so the Plan could be changed to reflect the amendments.
4. Committee Member Lair suggested a slide presentation he given to the Council as well as
the tour. She felt that after the completion of the Bear Creek Path, they would have
something to show Council to create interest.
5. Committee Member Wolff asked what the current fees were that other cities were
6. Committee Member Shamis stated that from Council's reaction at the last meeting, she felt
they were aware that important art should be placed at important sites.
7. Following discussion, staff was directed to contact other cities and send a survey
regarding what percentage they require their developers to pay for residential, r:ommercial
and city APP fees. Suggested cities were: Santa Barbara, Phoenix, San Diego, Escondido,
Los Angeles, all the Valley cities, Brea, Ojai, Carmel, and Monterey.
8. Committee Member Wolff stated she would like to see an artistic image of onr: of the art
pieces put on the front of the plan.
9. Following the discussion, members reviewed the Master Plan for final corrections. The
corrections were as follows:
Page 4: 1.2 • Change the wording to "The natural beauty of La Duinta typifies the goals
of an APP program."
Page 5: 2.2 -Fill in page number or remove the reference.
Page 6: 2.2.4 -Eliminate it.
2.2.8 -APP Fund
2.2.3 -capitalize the word Non-Local
2.4 - Place a period at the end of the first sentence
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Art in Puhlic Places Minutes
June 5, 1995
Page 7 -Change the first sentence to read "In order to manage controversy, prcgrams and
projects shall be developed which give communities ownership of their public art program
such as:"
3.1 -Change the fourth dot to end with "...display and disposition of artworks." and
include "repair, maintenance or serving of artwork" with the second dot.
Page 8: 3.2 -Change the last paragraph to read, "In naming a jury, the Art in Priblic Places
Committee shall create a jury with a positive personality."
Page 9: Eliminate the extra space in 3.4.2.
3.4.2 -Change the title to "Artist Bank" and start a new section of 3.4.3 with "A
publication program..." and renumber accordingly.
Page 10: 3.4.5 -Eliminate the word "the".
3.4.6. Need to put into implement.
3.4.7 Change the work "is" to "in" ("public art programs has keen useful 'in'
Page 11: 3.5- Eliminate the words "communities through" in the first paragraph.
Place periods at the end of the dots sentences.
Page 12: 3.6 -Correct the wording in the second paragraph to reflect "if 'helshe' provides
'hislher' own work."
Change the wording in the fourth dot to eliminate the word "political" .
Page 13 • Eliminate the underlining in the titles of 4.0 and 5.0
Page 14 • Committee members to elaborate on Section 5.0.
D. Bear Creek Path
Committee Member Lair explained the project to the Committee. The first site was to be
at Calle Tecate and Avenida Montezuma. Each of the rest stops would hav~a the same
components: shade, water, and landscaping.
2. The funds to complete the project would come from the APP, donations, as well as grant
money applied for by the Parks and Recreation Department. Artist Judy Bocca would be
the first artist.
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Art in Public Places Minutes
June 5, 1995
3. The project would begin with a Public Meeting on June 22nd at Senior Center fi:00 - 8:00
P.M. The meeting would consist of a series of presentations 6y different individuals talking
about the different aspects of the project. This would be followed by questions and
answers from the community.
4. It was hoped to have the project proposal to the Council in June and the actual work
started by July. Forms had been distributed to the school for the students to fill out. From
the applications filled out, they would prioritize the selection of students by a screening
process by the artist.
The project coordinator was to be Xavier Cortez Cazares. Discussion followedi regarding
the Public Meeting agenda, who should be notified, and how to notify the property owners
in the area.
6. Committee Member Lair went on to inform the Committee of the results of her meeting
with the Engineering Department. She explained Artist Alan Sonfist would be hired by the
Engineering Department to do a Landscaping Master Plan for the site. Committee Member
Lair stated how privileged she felt the City was to have artists of such world recognition
willing to work with the City, for whatever the budget is, just for the exposure. Committee
Member Wolffe suggested that while these renowned artists are in town, the Committee
should put on a lecture as well.
E. Fritz Burns Park Contract.
Staff explained that the project was on hold until the Council meeting of ,June 20th.
Depending upon the outcome of that meeting, staff would inform the artist of thie Council's
Procedure with Parks and Recreation Commission
Committee Member Wolffe read a portion of the minutes of the Parks and Recreation
Commission regarding miscommunications between the two committeeslcommissions. She
felt the Committee needed to build a relationship between the two in order to have support
for each's projects.
2. Committee Member Lair stated she would speak with the Chairperson of the Parks and
Recreation Commissions to inform them of the APP projects. It was suggested that the
Parks and Recreation Commission receive copies of the APP minutes. Staff stated they
did receive them.
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Art in Public Places Minutes
June 5, 1995
3. Community Development Director Jerry Herman reminded the Committee that 1:hey report
to the Council only and their function was different than the other Commissions.
G. APP List of Priorities
Committee Memher Wolffe distributed the original List of Priorities that had been compiled
by the Committee. Staff stated they would see that the Council received a copy and
would give background information on the list.
2. Members discussed the list.
H. Progress of Civic Center Artwork.
Staff informed the Committee that artist Louis DeMartino was in the process of obtaining
hills for the landscaping necessary to install the artwork.
2. Committee memhers stated they would like to find a way to have the Council visit the
artist and see the completed artwork. They felt it was necessary for the Council to see
work that had been completed since none had been placed in the City, to date. Staff
stated they would write a letter to Council inviting them to visit the artwork and contact
the artist to arrange a time that would be convenient if Council so desired 4o visit the
3. Members discussed ways of obtaining donations to add to the landscaping. It was
suggested that trees would add a lot to the site. Members suggested that West Coast
Turf and Arid Zone both be contacted to see if donations were possible.
4. Committee members discussed the need to publicize the artwork installation. Discussion
followed regarding when the artwork would be installed.
5. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the proposed irrigation system.
It was proposed to water the site and see what would grow naturally.
There being no further husiness, it was moved and seconded by Committee Memhers WoIfflShamis to adjourn to a
regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee on July 10, 1995, at 3:00 P.M. in the North Conferr~nce Room.
This meeting of the Art in Puhlic Places was adjourned at 5:55 P.M., June 5, 1995.
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