APPMIN 09 11 1995ART IN PUBLIC PLACES MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM SEPTEMBER ll, 1995 The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was called to order at 3:24 P.M. by Chairman Nard. I. ROLL CALL: Committee Members Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Carolyn Lair, Rosita Shamis, John Walling, and Chairman Nard Committee Members Walling/Shamis moved and seconded a motion to excuse Committee Member Elaine Reynolds. Unanimously approved. Guests present: Paul Berber, Ron Silva, Patrick Welch, Preston. Staff present: Community Development Director Jerry Heenan and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. PUBLIC COMMENT -None II. CONSENT CALENDAR: Committee Member Shamis asked that the Minutes of August 7, 1995, be corrected, as her name had been misspelled. Committee Member Lair asked that the minutes be corrected to state it was the Los Angeles Redevelopment Agency art projects she reviewed. There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Klein/Shamis to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. III. FINANCIAL STATEMENT: 1. Committee Member Shamis asked that the statement be corrected by adding the $20,000 to the Balance of Commitment column as well. There being rio further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Kenne~dy/Klein. Unanimously approved. IV. BUSINESS SESSION: A. Review -joint meeting with the Art in Public Places Commissions/Committees in the Vallev. 1. As no one had received any additional information, staff was instructed to contact the Cities of Palm Springs and Palm Desert as to the date and time for the next joint meeting. Chairman Nard and staff would meet with the Cities to determine the agenda. APP9- I 1 1 Art in Public Places Committee Meeting September l 1, 1995 B. Discussion relative to attending an art tour. Committee Member Lair reported the art tour of the Los Angeles Redevelopment Agency artwork was not appropriate for what the Committee was trying to accomplish. She and other members of the Arts Foundation were checking on the Stuart Collection in San Diego. She would continue to look for cities where the Committee could go to see public art, while attending the PAC Southern California Meeting. Following discussion, it was determined that Thursdays were the best days and October 19th and 26th, would be available for everyone. 2. Committee Member Lair asked if any member wished to attend the PAC Meeting, please contact her. The meeting would be in Escondido and she could make the necessary registrations. C. Orientation process for new Committee Members/Jury Committee. Chairman Nard discussed briefly the purpose of having an orientation process. Following discussion, it was determined that a workshop would be the most beneficial. 2. Committee Member Lair stated she would be presenting a slide presentation which would be an overview about the variety of works. She would have the presentation ready at the next meeting. 3. Committee Member Lair went on to state she had met with a lot of people on vacation regarding ideas for the RFP for the La Quinta Shopping Center artwork. From those meetings, she thought it would be a good idea for not only the Committee members to attend the orientation, but also for the artists as well. 4. It was suggested that the funds set aside for the Committee to attend conferences, be used for this purpose. This would be beneficial to everyone. The Committee could bring a couple of artists, qualified to teach public art, in and hold a one or two day workshop. These artists could be identified at a later date. A nominal fee could be charged of about $20.00 or $30.00. 5. Committee Member Walling suggested the City Council be: invited. Committee Member Lair stated she would like to have the Council members attend the slide presentation as well as the workshop. APP9-11 Art in Public Places Committee Meeting September 11, 1995 6. Chairman Nard asked how many consultants would be needed fox a two or three day workshop. Committee Member Lair recommended the Committee set up a committee including staff, to see what funds, location, etc., were available and report back. 7. Committee Member Shamis stated that she had read several books loaned to her on public art by Committee Member Lair and she felt there was a need for the City to have the books of this nature on file for new members, as well as local artists, to read and obtain an understanding the purpose of public art. She felt the City should have a library of books for check-out purposes for new members and artists. Following discussion, it was determined that Committee Members would supply a list of books to staff and staff would purchase the books and have them at City Hall. Committee Member Lair suggested that a list of the books be available for artists for them to purchase the books, if they are interested. 8. Committee Member Kennedy stated she had attend a conference in San Diego for the Community Services Commission and she though it might have been put on by the League of California Cities. The presenters had shown slides and talked about how the public art had been presentecl to their community. She felt it was very informative and requested staff look into the League of California Cities conferences and see what is being offered. In addition, she felt the workshop should be more than one artist instructing. Committee Members discussed different conferences they had attended, which might be available. 8. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Shamis/Wallling to set up a committee to check on the feasibility of a conference and report back to the Committee. Committee Member:; Lair and Shamis, with staff, were selected to serve as the committee to look into the feasibility. Unanimously approved. D. Budget allotment for consultants. 1. Same as above. E. Jury Committee selection. 1. Chairman Nard stated the Committee had suggested setting up a Jury Committee to review the proposals for the La Quinta Shopping Center. APPS-I l 3 Art in Public Places Committee Meeting September I I, 1995 2. Discussion followed relative to when and how the Jury Selection Committee would be selected. It was determined the Committee should consist of three APP members with an alternate; each member would take two or three of the proposals and review them in detail and report back to the Jury Selection Committee. The members would contact the artists and get to ]rnow the proposal in detail and report that information to the Jury Selection Committee. This Committee would short list the proposals and report the results to the APP Committee for selection and presentation to Council. Following the discussion, it was determined the Jury Selection Committee would be discussed in more detail at the October APP meeting. . Committee Member Kennedy asked if the guidelines used for judging would be set up as a grading system. Committee Member Lair felt this was necessary to make a selection. The APP should Identify the steps for the selection of artwork as well as the artists. 4. Chairman Nard asked if the APP Committee would be able to review all the submitted artwork. It was felt that if a Jury Selection Committee was selected they should review everything and make a recommendation. Staff would have all the proposals available for the Committee to review prior to the Jury Selection Committee meeting. 5. Committee Member Lair reported she had spoken with Mr. Watling, one of the artists who submitted a proposal for the La Quinta Shopping Center, and gave a report on that meeting. She felt that following that meeting, the artist was more enthusiastic about the project and had a better understanding of what the City was looking for. In addition, she had also spoken with Buster Simpson when she was in Seattle, and saw his studio. He too is more enthusiastic about the project. 6. Committee Member Lair informed the APP that the Bear Creek project had been nominated for the League of California Cities James C. Howland Award for Urban Enrichment sponsored by the League of California Cities. Committee Members requested staff see that all the APP Committee members receive the Brown Act packet. V. ADJOURNMENT: There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Committee Members Kennedy/Shamis to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee to a regular meeting on October 2, 1995, at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was adjourned at 4:20 P.M. Unanimously approved. nrr9-a ~ 4