NOVEMBER 6, 1995
The regular meeting of the Art in Public; Places Commission was called to order at 3:11 P.M. by
Chairman Nard.
Commissioners Michele Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, John Walling, and
Chairman Nard. (Commissioners Cazolyn Lair and Shazon Kennedy arrived late.
Mayor Pro Tem Glenda Bangerter and Council Member Stan Sawa were present as
Council representation for the art selection.
STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, and
Executive Director Betty Sawyer
A. Meeting Minutes. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Reynolds/Klein to approve the minutes of October 2, 1995, and
October 19, 1995, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Financial Statement: Commissioner Reynolds asked if any development had occurred
as there had been no change in the Financial Statement. Community Development
Jerry Herman clarified haw this appeazed on the Financial Statement. There being
no further comment, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis
to approve the statement as submitted.
A. Ms. Susan Benay, 53-68Ei Avenida Velasco shared comments that had been shazed
with her from applicant Michael Kleinschmidt. She stated that when he was
contacted by the Jury Conunittee member, he was questioned about his first proposal
not his second proposal. Commissioner Walling clarified that during his
conversation with Mr. Kleinschmidt he had his first proposal in front of him. After
clarification by Mr. Kleiinschmidt, Commissioner Walling discussed the second
proposal and felt he had obtained sufficient information to make his review.
Commissioners Kennedy and Lair joined the meeting.
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Art in Public Places Minutes
November 6, 1995
A. Review and Discussion Re ag rding. Artist Selection for the La Quinta Village
Shoppine Center.
1. Chairman Nard explained how the meeting would be conducted and asked
Commissioner Walling to give the report of the Jury Committee.
2. Commissioner Walling gave a review of each of the artist submittals while
staff gave a slide presentation of each artists work:
a. The Watling Company -Commissioner Klein asked if the artwork
consisted of stone. Chairman Nard explained the project. further.
b. James Allen Preston -Commissioner Klein asked if the artist had
submitted an actual proposal. Commissioner Shamis explained that
he did not make a proposal as he felt his work was not within the
c. Susan Cooper -Chairman Nard explained that the cement castings
would be made in different forms and explained the proposal further.
d. Jon Barlow Hudson -Chairman Nard explained the proposal.
e. Lester Wiese & Charles Martin -Questions were raised about a
walkway down to the art piece and if the landscaping was part of the
proposal. Chairman Nard gave more detail on the project.
Commissioner Shamis explained the problem of utilizing water as it
had been. explained to by the Public Works Department.
Commissioner Lair asked who would maintain the landscaping.
Commissioner Shamis stated it would be maintained by the City.
Council Member Sniff stated the use of the water was an opinion and
not necessarily a decision. Discussion followed regarding the use of
water at the site (other than the retained water).
f Michael Kleinschmidt -Council Member Sniff asked if the azch
would span the basin. Commissioner Walling explained) the height
and span of the proposal.
g. Bill Ware - Commissioner Walling explained the proposal.
Commissioner Lair asked how the pieces would rotate.
Commissioner Klein asked the height of the mobile. Cormnissioner
Walling stated the height was 20-feet.
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Art in Public Places Minutes
November 6, 1995
h. Paul J. Berlier/Silva -Commissioner Walling explained that the use
of water should be changed to acrylic and lights. Commissioner
Kennedy asked about the size of the pots. Commissioner Walling
explained they would be 13-feet high. Discussion followed regarding
the height in relation to the depth of the basin and height of'the pots.
I. Barbara Grygutis - It was explained that no actual submittal was
made, but an expression of interest. Commissioner Lair skated it was
not necessary to have a submittal for consideration.
j. Buster Simpson - No actual theme was submitted, but ea;plained an
idea he would like the Commission to consider. Commnissioner
Shamis stated she had spoken with the artist and he was interested in
working with the City. His national reputation and ability to work
with a city to develop an idea to fit into the site is well known.
Commissioner Lair stated it was a normal procedure for artists to
show examples of their work and then work with a city t:o chose an
art piece to be integrated into a site.
k. Ron Pekar -Commissioner Shamis stated the artist's proposal was
designed to be a garden with sculptures that would be made in images
of the local plants. Mr. Pekar has shown his eagerness and desire to
work with the City.
1. Steven R. Rieman -Commissioners discussed the height of the
structure ~md what the public would see from the street level as
driving by. Commissioner Shamis explained that the artist stressed
the educational element of the design and the overall use of the site.
He was aniother local artist who would be willing to work. with the
3. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Commission's selection would be taken
to a public forum. Staff explained the Commission was to make a choice and
a recommendation to the Council.
4. Commissioner Kennedy stated she loved anything that has to do with the
Village and was impressed with Susan Cooper's furniture. The Berlier/Silva
art piece is very attractive and appealing, especially the idea of the piece
being light at night. She would however, like to see the scale of the pots.
Ms. Grygutis slides were very impressive. It appears to be landscape art and
the retention basin lends itself to this. Mr. Rieman's artwork, consisting of
concrete, would be hot during the summer and she would want to be sure it
was attractive from the street.
Art in Public Places Minutes
November 6, 1995
5. Commissioner Lair stated she agreed with the Commission's
recommendation. The Commission needs to make sure the Berlier/Silva art
piece works from all direction; all view sides. Need to make sure the metal
structure is engaging and not so austere. The site needs something that is
original and unique to La Quinta. The smaller pot needs to be finished and
asked how will it would be grounded to the earth. She was impressed that so
many artists had put a lot more into the thinking process of their submittals.
6. Commissioner Reynolds stated she would like to see the pot designed by
Berlier/Silva elevated higher. Shining the light on the water would be very
effective. She would like to see a maquette of Mr. Rieman's proposal.
Barbara Grygutis's work is beautiful and of quality, but the Commission
needs to see an actual design.
7. Council Member Bangerter stated she could agree with both the
Commission's recommendation as she felt both the proposals were equal.
She would however, prefer Barbara Grygutis over Buster Simpson.
8. Commissioner Shamis stated she liked Ms. Grygutis' work, but she too
would like to see zm actual submittal. Mr. Rieman's work is impressive and
he produced work unique to the site. She had no objection to the
representational artwork, but Rieman's art piece would be unique.
9. Commissioner Klein felt the Committee's selection was very good. Mr.
Rieman was an excellent choice and his artwork was not only artistic, but
would serve an educational purpose. Classes could be conducted on site.
The Wiess/Martitr idea is unique, but she could see a problem with the
terracing as well as the water feature. The Berlier/Silva piece needs to carve
out the bottom of the pot to make it more appealing from the restaurant view.
10. Chairman Nard stated that after reviewing the slides, she felt Barbara
Grygutis was very impressive. The incorporation of the landscaping with the
artwork is impressive. Mr. Rieman draws the community in and it is
functional as well as user friendly. The Berlier/Silva selection was an
excellent job of representational artwork.
I1. Commissioner Walling stated he agreed with Mr. Rieman's proposal as it
was educational and the only proposal that utilizes the entire basin. The
Berlier/Silva piece has a lot of charm and an opportunity of displaying
symbolic artwork indigenous to the local Indian culture. Mr. Klei.nschmidt's
submittal is a nice piece, but he has a concern with the abstractness being
accepted by the public. Ms. Grygutis' work is nice, but Cormmissioner
Walling was concerned that she did not submit an actual proposal and
Art in Public Places Minutes
November 6, 1995
whether she could meet the budget.
12. Council Member Sniff stated he was concerned about this being a retention
basin. It must retain water and contain a pumping system designed to remove
that water. It will however, have water at times. Therefore, he was
concerned about artwork that would sit in the basin and whether or not the
water would affeclt it. This needs to be given serious thought. Anything that
is in the basin, must be prepared to deal with the potential damage to it. He
stated he would like to have something that contains plant life in the basin
and have something rise above it that will not be affected by the nmoff water.
He felt Mr. Rieman's piece had commonality with the Louis De Martino
work prepared fo:r the Civic Center. Both pieces aze very similar to each
other. He had concerns as to whether or not the piece that stands up would
be significant enough and not block the view into or out of the Center. The
developer and development need to be considered as well. Need to consider
the visibility of the corner that nothing obscures vehicular visibility. He
would like to see something stand out of the retention basin more. The
Berlier/Silva art piece needs to reduce the glistening look. They need to tone
it down as it is excessively metallic. The pedestal does however, lift it up out
of the basin. If the Commission wants something that is unique and utilizes
the basin then Bal•baza Grygutis should be seriously considered. Her work
is very impressive.
13. Commissioners asked to review Barbara Grygutis slides and discussed her
work. Commissioners discussed short-listing the favored choices. Following
discussion it was determined that Mr. Rieman, Berlier/Silva and Ms.
Grygutis would be invited to come back and do a presentavion to the
Commission. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Kennedy/Shamis to send an invitation to three artists to present at. the APP
meeting in December.
14. Commissioner Lair suggested that staff contact Ms. Grygutis to see if she
would be able to design a proposal for the budget by their December meeting.
Commissioner Kennedy asked that her motion be amended to include staff
contacting Ms. Gtygutis.
15. Commissioner Lair asked if the subcommittee would conduct the review.
Discussion follov~ed as to whether the subcommittee should short list and
make a recommendation or let the entire Commission review and make a
16. Commissioners asked that their suggests/concerns regarding each of the
proposals be expressed to the artists. Mr. Berlier's piece should address the
north view to the restaurant as well as the scale; check with the developer to
Art in Public Places Minutes
November 6, 1995
see what has been set aside for landscaping/lighting; would Mr.:[Zieman's
structure be able to withstand the runoff water.
B. Potential Workshop
Commissioner Lair stated she had been discussing with staff an idea for a
workshop. They had researched the budget to see if funds would be available
and there was rrioney for conferences that could be utilized to hold a
workshop in January. It would consist of an evening orientation meeting and
a one day workshop; maybe a Saturday. Depending on fimds, three
presenters would be contacted to conduct the workshop with one presenter
conducting the evening overall subject. Comtzrissioner Lair stated this was
being presented to see if the Commission would be interested in conducting
such a workshop.
2. Commissioner Sl amis stated she had attended a symposium put on by the
City of Indio. It was presented for the purpose of discussing thc; economic
structure of a city .and the use of art to bring life back to the city. Ms. Susan
Benay went on to state that art was being used to resuscitate the city. People
who understood history, were using art as the dynamics to move the
economic base forward. Local speakers addressed the demographics of the
area and a need to come together to share information. A group of artists,
who had put a Cultural Plan together for the City, stated this ideas was about
sharing information to incorporate cultural arts and expand an economic base.
Indio, who was stripped down to its skeletal base, was hoping to revive the
City through the use of cultural arts. The local government w;as working
hand in hand with the artists to change the flavor of the communiity to make
it economically viiable. This was happening in a lot of communities State-
3. It was suggested staff check with the City of Indio to find out what their
entire symposium would address.
4. Commissioner Lair stated the purpose of our workshop was educational. The
Commission needs to educate the City staff, members of other boards and
commissions, and local artists as to what "Public Art" is all about. The
Commission needs to bring ideas to those who are in the decision making
process to motivate them to integrate art into all aspects of development. In
addition, Commissioners need to create incentives to encourage attendance.
She suggested appointing a subcommittee to review and prepare an agenda.
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Art in Public Places Minutes
November 6, ] 995
Following discussion, Commissioners Carolyn Lair, Michelle Kllein, Rosita
Shamis, and staff were asked to prepare ideas for the workshop.
There being no further business it was moved and seconded by Committee Members
Walling;/Reynolds to adjourn this meeting; ofthe Art in Public Places Committee to a regular meeting
on December 4, 1995, at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Committee was
adjourned at 5:18 P.M. Unanimously approved.