APPMIN 12 04 1995ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -SESSION ROOM DECEMBER 4, 1995 The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order at 3 aJR P.M. by Chairman Nard. I. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Michelle Klein, Elaine Keynolds, Rosita Shamis, Carolyn Lair, and Chairman Nancy Nard and Council Member Stan Sniff. Co~runissioner Walling arrived late. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Lair/Klein to excuse Commissioner Kennedy. Unanimously approved. STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes: Chairman Nard asked that the Minutes of November 6, be corrected to show Council Member Stan "Sniff' was in attendance. There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds./Klein to approve ttre minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement: Commissioner Lair asked staff to review the statement. There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Lair to approve the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. III. PUBLIC COMMENT -None IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Chairman Nard informed the Commission that the three finalists for the: La Quinta Village Retention Basin Project would be presenting their proposals. Steve Rieman - La Ouinta's Solar Sculpture. "A Season Tracker". Mr. Rieman gave a presentation of his proposed artwork. He stated the project is like a sun dial in that it tells the time of year. The element casts a shadow at the various times of the year. His first design had a series of berms for the APPl2-4 1 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 grass surrounding the basin. This design has more concrete at the bottom of the basin. Volcanic stone, surrounding the pad, will collect thie nuisance water. The 36-foot colored concrete pad is to resemble the native terrain. Markers are made of steel and bolted into place. The sculpture is a 20-foot tall oxidized and coated with steel structured. There will also be six areas for planting of indigenous plants. The second proposal would not be terraced but would have concrete curbing. The elements as proposed are t:o imply to others that we are sensitive to our environment by symbolizing the desert. The sculpture provides an educational opportunity for local students as well as reminding the community of those who lived in this area in tlhe past and that these people used the "season time" and not the "clock time". Mr. Rieman went on to address the areas the Commission asked questions about. * The height of the structure is 20-feet. The piece will be visible from the north bound lane of Washington and west bound lane of'Tampico. * The art piece will draw attention to itself as it stands alone; and apart. The difference from the current streetscape would make it stand out. * It is a unique and individual piece that was designed specifically for this area and should not be confused with any other work. * The water run-off would not cause any damage to the piece. The piece may be submerged, but in speaking to the Public Works Department, the pump to be installed would begin to eliiminate the water immediately and there should be no standing water. a. Commissioner Reynolds asked if mud did cover the pad could it be washed off. Mr. Rieman stated it could be washed off and would probably add to the aging process b. Commissioner Shamis asked if the platform could be raised so that the water would not disturb the platform. Mr. Rieman stated it could be raised but he would refer the question to staff. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the platform cocdd not be raised as it would displace the retention water. Discussion followed regarding the problems with raising the platform. APP12-4 Art in Public Places Minu[es December 4, 1995 c. Commissioner Shamis asked why Mr. Rieman had submitted a second option showing no terracing of the basin sides. 1\Qr. Rieman stated this was only presented as an option. The terracing oi'the sides of the basin could be a consideration in the cost. d. Commissioner Lair asked if the storm drain pipe would be designed or left as designed. Mr. Rieman stated he had discussed tkcis with the Public Works Department and there was a possibility of lowering the pipe and making it less obtrusive. e. Commissioner Klein asked how hot the sculpture would get in the summer. Mr. Rieman stated it would get hot. f Commissioner Lair asked if the plant material were specific and indigenous to the area and having some meaning. Mr. Rieman stated he would use the indigenous plant material to symbolize the untouched desert to bring the plants to the public's attention. g. Commissioner Shamis asked if a plaque could be installed to explain the purpose of the structure. Mr. Rieman stated this was possible and it could be made a part of the project to explain the piece and how it works. h. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the tiers would be constructed in such a way as to allow gatherings and seating. Mr. Rieman stated this was possible and it could be used as a place to have lunch. I. Commissioner Lair asked Mr. Rieman to explain what could be learned from this piece. Mr. Rieman stated he felt it would cause people to think of the people that were here originally. T:he diagram on the structure would show how the angle of the sun does change and seasons can be determined from this. It would be sirnilar to a short hike into the foothills to see the elements that exist d~ create the hills/mountains. j. Commissioner Shamis asked how the restaurant additions could be balanced between the two. Mr Rieman stated he felt the two could be integrated into the site. APP l z-a 3 Art in Public Places Mirmtes December 4, 1995 k. Commissioner Shamir asked what the colors of the concrete would be. Mr. Rieman stated the colors would be shades of tan. and beige. He was considering adding a colored aggregate that would be sandblast at a later date to expose the colored aggregate. 1. Commissioner Lair asked if the current budget would cover all the costs. Mr. Rieman stated the current budget would cover the cost of the sculpture only. Commissioner Lair asked what Mr. Rieman thought the estimates would be for the platform and terracing. Mr. Rieman stated he did not have those figures at this time, however he would be willing to make quotes if he were given the contract. m. Commissioner Reynolds asked what the terracing would cost. Mr. Rieman stated that was unknown at this time. Cormnissioner Reynolds asked Mr. Rieman if he had done this type of project before. Mr. Rieman stated he had not done this exact sculpture before, but he had done all the elements in one way or another before. n. Commissioner Shamir asked if the design he was submitting was an original and Mr. Rieman stated it was and it was designed specific to this site. o. Commissioner Reynolds asked if Mr. Rieman had any estimates as to the costs. Mr. Rieman stated that the proposal before the Commission was a conceptual design only. If selected he would come back to the Commission at a later date with the exact figures. o. Commissioner Klein asked Mr. Rieman if a person was driving by, where would the artwork catch their eye. Mr. Rieman stated they would be able to see the base of the sculpture from the centerline of the street. p. Council Member Stan Sniff stated his concern about the budget creep. If the sculpture is the only part of that budget, then the remainder is a concem as it would have to go back to Council at some risk. Will the excess water damage or stain the concrete? Runoff water is very dirty with numerous residues that could be harmful. Those viewing from the street should not have to strain to see the artwork:. It should be seen easily. Mr. Rieman commented that he felt the artwork would be easily seen. Twenty feet is a substantial height :md being APPl2-4 4 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 that the art piece is so different the piece itself will make it stand out. q. Council Member Stan Sniff asked where the plants would be planted. Mr. Rieman stated they would be planted at several locations in the basin. Council Member Sniff asked how additional plants could be planted at a later date. Mr. Rieman stated he had not anticipated any additional plants. r. Council Member Sniff asked if it would be easier to lower tkte ground around the platform to raise it out of any potential water. 'Phis would maintain the maximum amount of volume that would be required. Mr. Rieman stated that some of that would happen naturally. s. Council Member Sniff asked if there would be any lighting as it does get dark and the artwork should be seen. He felt the lighting would enhance the structure to give it visibility at night so it would not appear to be so stark and bright. The height of the structure will make it 14-feet above the ground level. Color is an important aspect of the artwork and he would suggest color be used in the terracing that would draw to the center piece. The sculpture needs to be framed to set it apart. t. Council Member Sniff asked how well it would function with the pump. There needs to be a collection portion that the water can flow into and be pumped out of Mr. Rieman stated he had spoken with the Public Works Department regarding the placement of the pumping equipment and they stated there would be various channels to allow the water to flow through to reach the pump. u. Council Member Sniff asked what the sculpture would be made of - what materials would be used. Mr. Rieman stated it would be constructed of 1/4-inch oxidized steel. v. Commissioner Shamis asked how the sculpture would. age. Mr. Rieman stated it would age to a color similar to the natural landscaping -orange. w. Council Member Sniff asked how eye catching the piece would be from the street. It needs to grab the eye and color does this. Mr. Rieman stated color is a powerful tool to be used and he could add color in the outside area. x. Commissioner Shamis asked what color would be used :in the rock. APP12-4 S Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 Commissioner Lair stated it was intended to be black. Mr. Rieman stated it was to be volcanic rock, which is black. Discussion continued regarding the different rock materials. y. Commissioner Lair asked if Mr. Rieman expected the residents to walk into the basin. Mr. Rieman stated he envisioned this. z. Council Member Sniff stated there needed to be a pathway to the platform for people to walk on so there would be no injuries. Mr. Rieman stated stepping stones would be effective. aa. There being no further questions, Chairman Nard thanked Mr. Rieman for his presentation and stated the Commission would inform him of their decision. Ruth Rieman asked if she could address the Commission. She stated the art piece could be a dynamic situation if the City had historical dates that could be placed into the sculpture to act as a historical record. There could also be an interpretive brochure in the City Hall to invite participation with the sculpture. A teacher could use several elements to address the piece. Interpretive value grows with time. bb. Commissioner Lair stated the piece, without any interpretation, is stark. Would you consider having any texture or relief to soften the look? Mr. Rieman stated there were several options that could be considered without any difficulty and he would be open to any suggestions. cc. Commissioner Shamir asked if there would be any community involvement. Mr. Rieman stated he had worked with the employees from the City of Palm Desert and utilized objects from the City to create a 16-foot design. A similar idea could be done here to help with the costs. dd. Mr. Rieman went on to state that the proposal called for three markers, but others could be added to mark the City's historical dates. ee. Council Member Sniff asked if the metal structure could have a base of tile. Mr. Rieman stated this could work. Council Member Sniff asked if there was a possibility of the arch having file at the base, about 3-4 feet, where tiles could be placed having other significant dates, such as historical dates. f£ Commissioner Klein asked if colored file could be used on the base. APPl2-4 6 Art in Public Places Minu[es December 4, 1995 The tiles could be sold to the public. Commissioner Shamis suggested they might be installed on the steps and consist of children's artwork. Mr. Rieman stated tiles were a good point, but there could be a layout problem as the sculpture does taper. If silken bronze could be used it would eliminate the layout problem. gg. Commissioner Shamis commented that the beauty of the sculpture was its simplicity. Mr. Rieman stated he was trying to sa}~ this was a very special place. hh. Commissioner Lair asked if Mr. Rieman had worked on any other city projects. Mr. Rieman stated that besides the City of Palm Desert, he was working with Copper Mountain, as well as Joshua Tree Monument. ii. Chairman Nazd thanked Mr. Rieman for his time. Commissioners took a ten minute break. 2. Barbara Grygutis -Land Massing. a. The applicant was unable to attend the meeting so a conference telephone call was made to her studio. Staff introduced M .Grygutis to the Commission and asked her to present her proposal. b. Ms. Grygutis stated her proposal was to put grass in the whole area to hold the dirt. The bottom would irrigate itself and the grass would take care of the dirt. Aland mass consisting of a bridge constructed out of stone would be built extending out into the basin from the fountain at the restaurant. It would allow seating and serve as a visual element. It is more of a horizontal piece rather than a vertical. c. Commissioner Lair asked if the concept for the stone work design was to come off Calle Tampico side of the basin. Ms. Grygutis stated the drawings she received of the site, did not clearly define all of the site locations and this was a concept design utilizing lard massing concepts. d. Commissioner Lair asked if the stonework was to create ;seating and a viewing room. Ms. Grygutis stated the colors in the stone would go from light on the wall to a darker and darker color. APPl2-4 ~ Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 e. Commissioner Lair asked what type of stones would be used. Ms. Grygutis stated she anticipated sandstone until she was able to see what is natural to the area. A lot of the proposal depends on the budget. Sandstone is comfortable and doesn't get as hot and therefore could be used to sit on. d. Commissioner Reynolds asked where the pump would be placed. Ms. Grygutis stated she understood the pump could be moved and those details could be worked out at a later date. e. Chairman Nard asked if the proposal included any lighting. Ms. Grygutis stated the budget at this point is prohibitive of I:hose kinds of expenses. f Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked Ms. Grygutis what she would do if Funds were available. Ms. Grygutis; stated she would place them on the perimeter of the wall to give arl outline of the wall. They would shine from the bottom up. g. Commissioner Lair asked if the stone work would be textured. Ms. Grygutis stated it would be. Again, the budget is very limited. h. Staff asked what would the lighting would cost. Ms. Grylutis stated that was unknown at this point. 1. Council Member Stan Sniff commented that in order to produce something substantial for this major corner that would be meaningful, the object should include lighting. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms. Grygutis had a concept of what should be done with the basin. Ms. Grygutis stated that her initial approach was to work with the restaurant since she had not seen the sight. The site needs a land mass that connected with the corner; vertical off the peninsula with columns of light perhaps. A steel mesh that could be seen through; verticals made out of the transparent material with light shinning up. j. Council Member Sniff suggested the columns have varying colors. Ms. Grygutis stated this was possible, but she would riot want to commit to such a design until she had seen the site. Public; art is built into the context of the site. The project could include shaped columns with lights built in. Council Member Sniff suggested the colors come from within. Ms. Grygutis suggested that the basin be made deeper to accommodate the land massing. Council Member Sniff suggested a center landmass with a bridge leading over to it. This would retain APP12-4 g Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 the retention basin's purpose to hold the water. Ms. Grygutis stated the bridge would need to be connected to the vertical piece to keep from being so busy. The City wants simplicity. Council Member Sniff stated land massing was a possibility with a vertical structure. Ms. Grygutis stated it all comes down to budget. k. Commissioner Lair asked how the artist would pull the community into what is significant. Ms. Grygutis stated it all depended on what direction the Commission wanted to go. There are certain things about La Quinta that are known and other things unknown to her. She would try to go into the community and gain an idea ttlat would work and solicit ideas on what is available to work with. Council Member Sniff stated there were foothills to the west and south with varying colors that embrace this area that are extremely attractive. Ms. Grygutis stated the natural environment is a good element to work with as it is not political. Council Member Sniff asked what it would take to get Ms. Grygutis to see the site. Ms. Grygutis stated she could come fcrr one day. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms. Grygutis would you be willing to do this. Ms. Grygutis asked if the City would pay for tlhe airplane ticket. Council Member Sniff stated this was a possibility, but the Commission would first need to discuss and determine what they wanted. m. Commissioner Lair asked what Ms. Grygutis' availability was. Ms. Grygutis stated she would be able to take one day to visit the site. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms Grygutis was currently working on a project. Ms. Grygutis stated she was working on several. n. Chairman Nard asked if the mesh wiring was to be on the base, would sandstone still be used for seating? Ms. Grygutis stated she would be unable to say without seeing the site. o. Council Member Sniff asked if Ms. Grygutis ever went over budget. Ms. Grygutis stated she had never exceeded a budget. She went on to state that on projects with smaller budgets, some of the entities involved, help with the work to keep the cost down. p. There being no further questions, Chairman Nard thanked Ms. Grygutis for her time and said staff would be getting back with her. 3. Paul Berlier/Silva -An Olla Vessel APP12-4 Art in Public Places Miuu[es December 4, 1995 a. Mr. Berlier distributed written answers to the questions raised by the Commission at the previous meeting. Mr. Berlier stated he had spoken with the developer of the site, Mr. Koenig, and he had agreed to supply the water and electricity needed for the project at no cost to the City. A licensed pool contractor would be hired to install the water and electrical. Mr. Berlier stated the developer expressed his concern that the drainage not be interfered with. He would therefore offset his art piece so 'it would not be in the way of the drain. If necessary he would plant oleanders. The unfinished smaller jug would be finished to the ground and made of fiberglass.. The base would be changed to a 12-inch steel pole sitting in a cradle and the bottom of the lazge Olla would be at ground level. All the electrical and water components would be hidden in the jug and t:he controls would be installed by the restaurant. b. Commissioner Walling asked if all this could be done within the budget. Mr. Berlier stated the primary structures could and he went on to show slides of the proposed changes. Commissioner Lair asked why the artist had changed from using the acrylic instead of real water. Commissioner Walling explained this was a request of the Commission. d. Mr. Berlier asked if additional funding would be available for fiberoptic lighting ($3600-$3800). He went on to describe the lighting details. In addition, in speaking with the developer he had stated lights would be important. The water system would be on a timer with a check valve to control the water and two filters would be utilized to filter out debris. e. Council Member Stan Sniff asked how many gallons of water would be pumped through. Mr. Berlier stated it would depend on the size of the pump; whatever is needed to maintain the appropriate level of the water. Council Member Sniff asked if the water would be colored. Mr. Berlier stated they would be using water and would add the lights if additional funds were available. f Commissioner Lair asked Mr. Berlier to explain how the piping for the water would not affect the look of the pot. Mr. Berlier explained it would be installed on the inside of the pot the same slhape as the pot. Council Member Sniff asked if the basin was to be grass lined. Mr. APPl2-4 l O Art in Public Places Minu[es December 4, 1995 Berlier stated it was the intention of the developer to plant grass. The pump to be installed would be submersible and noiseless; once a year the pump would need to be replaced. If a swimming pool pump was used, it would last approximately 10-years. h. Commissioner Walling asked if the center post holding the pots, would be surrounded by oleanders. Mr. Berlier stated the post could be given a powder coat and colored to blend into the surroundings. Commissioner Lair asked how this project would relate 1:o the other fountain located approximately ten feet away. Mr. Berlier stated he thought it would blend very well. He then went on to explain the filtering system. j. Mr. Berlier stated the bottom end of the large pot that .faced the restaurant was not intended to be solid. The design was Ito continue down and be the entire pot. k. Commissioner Klein asked how the fiberglass would be colored. Mr. Berlier stated the fiberglass would be blown on, in an Indian design. Commissioner Walling asked Mr. Berlier to explain what part of the proposal was not included in the budget. Mr. Silva stated everything in the proposal would be done for the budget amount except the fiberoptic lighting. m. Commissioner Walling asked if that included the foundation and base. Mr. Berlier stated it was included, but he did not knew what the powder coating cost would be. n. Commissioner Lair stated she had not see any examples o f either Mr. Berlier's or Mr. Silva's work that was of this size. Mr. Berlier stated this was a site specific project. Mr. Silva further stated there were no examples as this was the first time they had collaborated 1:ogether on any project. o. Commissioner Lair asked who would be doing the fabricating. Mr. Berlier stated the actual cutting would be done by a specialist who would be working from his design. p. Commissioner Reynolds asked if children would be able 1:o climb on the piece. Mr. Berlier explained they would have to shimmy up a 6- APP~z-a 11 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 foot 3-inch pole just to get to the bottom of the pot. In addition all the access doors to the equipment would be locked. q. Commissioner Klein asked what the designs were on the pot. Mr. Berlier stated they were all authentic designs taken from the local Indians. They were designs from thunderbirds, Indian arrows, and designs from other pots. Commissioner Shamis questioned some of the lines in the pots and discussion followed. Mr. Berlier stated the pots waufd be all aluminum with a thin sheet of copper set on with epoxy to eliminate any electrical problems. It would be brushed aluminum and would age very well. s. Commissioner Shamis asked if this process had been used before; the epoxy with the copper and silver. She was concerned about maintenance. Mr. Berlier stated it had been used several times over the years, and would cause no maintenance problems. It would also be patina treated. t. Commissioner Walling asked if Mr. Berlier had considered electrolysis. Mr. Berlier stated he had, but the epoxy was better. u. Commissioner Lair stated she was concerned that there was an art piece very similaz to this piece installed for the City of Pahn Desert. Mr. Berlier stated he had no knowledge of Mr. Watling';s piece and when he heard this he went to see the art piece. It was a basket, but the design did not consist of any Indian designs. Mr. Watling had not used any negative designs to create his design and he was. Mr. Berlier then discussed the process of how his design had come to be and the difference between the two pieces. v. Chairman Nard thanked Mr. Berlier and Silva for their time and presentation and informed them that staff would inform thern of their decision. 4 Council Member Stan Sniff stated he would like to give Barbara Grygutis the opportunity to see what she can do with the site before any final decision was made. Her ideas and concepts need to be expanded. He felt it would be to the City's advantage to pay for her plane fare to have her see the site. 5. Commissioner Reynolds stated she liked the way Ms. Grygutis arlchored her piece to the restaurant to tie the project together. APPl2-4 12 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 6. Council Member Sniff stated there was no way to do this within the budget proposed. A quality project would require additional funds. Discussion followed regarding the budget. Commissioner Klein stated her concern about having a fountain when the backdrop would be another fountain. Discussion followed regardinl; possible design alternatives. 8. Commissioner Reynolds stated she thought it would be nice to place an Olla somewhere in the City to resemble the City's Indian heritage. 9. Chairman Nard asked if all the members were in agreement to pay for Ms. Grygutis to see the site firsthand and submit additional ideas based on her original proposal. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Walling/Reynolds to pay the air fare for Barbara Grygutis to visit the site to further explore her proposal. The trip was to be during the month of December, 1995. B. Authorization to spend up to $9,000 from the APP Fund for the insl:allation of landscaping in the area surrounding the Civic Center art piece by Louis DeMartino. Community Development Director Jerry Herman presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Walling asked staff to clarify what expense vas for the sprinkler system and what the landscaping costs were. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Walling to recommend to the City Council the expenditure of up to $9,000 to landscape the site for the Louis DeMartino sculpture for the Civic Center. C. Request from Harry S. Truman Elementary School for a location at the Civic Center to display Children's Artwork. Staff reviewed the request that had been received with the Conunission. Members discussed possible location for the display. 2. Staff reminded the Commission of the problems that were faced before regarding private individuals wanting to place art in the Civic Certter and the Commission reviewed the comments made by the City Attorney. APPl2-4 13 Art in Public Places Minutes December 4, 1995 3. Following the discussion, it was determined that the west wall of the south entrance across from the "Permanent Children's Artwork" within the City Hall would be an appropriate site. 4. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated this would have to be approved by the City Council, subject to an opinion by legal counsel. 5. Commissioner Klein asked if this would be open to all schools. Staff stated it would have to be. 6. Commissioner Walling asked if the school would determine which artwork would be displayed. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the City could open the wall up to each school for a certain period of time. Discussion followed as to the method of determining what artwork, could be selected. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Reynolds and seconded by Chairman Nard to recommend to the City Council approval of a student art wall to be located on the west wall in the City Hall, opposite the "Permanent Children's Art", to be utilized by all public schools, on a rotating basis, for the display of Children's artwork, subject to approval by the individual schools. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting on January 8, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 5:18 P.M. Unanimously approved. APPl2-4 14