APPMIN 01 08 1996ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -SESSION ROOM JANUARY 8, 1996 The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order at 3:05 P.M. by Community Development Director Jerry Heenan. As the Chair was absent and the Cornrnission is without a Vice Chair, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Klein to appoint Commissioner Walling Acting Chair. I. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Acting Chairman John Walling. Council Member Stan Sniff was also in attendance. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis to excuse Commissioner Sharon Kennedy (who arrived late) and Chairran Nancy Nard. Unanimously approved. STAFF PRESENT: Community Development DirecCor.Terry Herman, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer II. CONSENT CALENllAR A. Minutes: Acting Chairman Walling asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of December 4, 1995. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Shamis to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement: There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to approve the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. III. PUBLIC COMMENT -None IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Review and selection of artwork/artist for the La Quinta Village Retention Basin Project. ANPI-R Art in Public Places Minutes Junuarv R, 1996 1. Acting Chairman Walling reminded the Commission of the three proposals that were before them for consideration. The proposals were: a. Steve Rieman - La Ouinta's Solar Sculpture "A Season Tracker". b. Barbara Grygutis -Land Massing. c. Paul Berber/Silva -An Olla Vessel 2. Community Development Director Jerry Herman reviewed each of the three proposals for the Commissioners. 3. Acting Chairman Walling asked if the drain would be removed. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the drain and pump would remain as they are. 4. Acting Chairman Walling asked if each of the artists would need additional funds to enhance their projects. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated each of the artists had submitted a basic proposal that could be completed with the proposed budget, each identified additional treatments which would require additional funding. 5. Commissioner Klein stated that the proposal by Mr. Berber and iVlr. Silva was the closest to the budget. Council Member Sniff reminded the Commission that their proposal needed additional funding for the landscaping and lighting. Commissioner Klein stated she thought all three proposals were original in concept, but the purpose or creation of what goes into 'the basin is what helped her make her selection. The proposal submitted by Barbara Grygutis makes the retention basin a place and does not fill up a space. 6. Acting Chairman Walling stated that Steve Rieman also had a similar piece in that he was trying to create a place. Council Member Sniff added that most of the proposal was in the basin and did not raise out of the basin. 7. Council member Sniff stated he felt there were two planes -the basin itself and whatever rises above the basin in the line of sight It was important that whatever is done addresses not only the basin but the public passing by as well. He thought the Commission needed to look at the basin itself and what could rise above the basin to give a complete comprehensive look. In his opinion, the most comprehensive proposal was the one submitted by Ms. Grygutis. The terracing of the basin and the primary work wouad not be in the basin. The land bridge stretching out from the fountain ties the restaurant and the basin together. The pillars of light would complement the work at the restaurant. Of the three, the most amactive and comprehensive was the proposal submitted by Ms. Grygutis. aPPI-R 2 Art in Public Places Minutes January 8, 1996 8. Commissioner Klein agreed that of the three proposals, Ms Grygutis met all the necessary criteria. 9. Commissioner Shamir stated she preferred the proposal by Barbara Grygutis as she has done a great deal of site specific artwork. She was concerned, however that the $20,000 budget would not cover the cost of the bridge and the terracing and she did not want the work to be done in stages. The City needed to work with the community to have this piece completed. Commissioner Shamir asked staff if additional funds were available. Community Development Director Jerry Herman suggested that if the Commission selected Ms. Grygutis, a motion should be made and cn~ntain the recommendation to the City Council that additional funds be added to increase the amount of the budget. 10. Acting Chairman Walling asked if the proposal by Ms. Grygutis would stand on its own without the terracing. The general consensus of the Commission was that it would not. 11. Commissioner Shamir asked what materials would be used by Ms. Grygutis. Community Development Director ,Terry Herman stated that the Commission should not design the project at this stage. The Commission should select an artist based on the concept submitted and then work with them to reach a design suitable to everyone. 12. Commissioner Shamis asked if the APP could work with other departments to help cut costs. She also asked if it was known how high the pillars would be. Council Member Stan Sniff stated he had spoken with Ms. Grygutis and she indicated it would not be terrible high; maybe five, six, or seven feet and it would be able to be seen as you drive by. The pillars are to be translucent with light shinning through, different sizes, and heights with very soft colors. 13. Commissioner Shamir asked if the boulders were to be used. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated it would depends on the rock treatment used by Ms. Grygutis. Commissioner Shamir stated the amphitheater needed to be a part of the design. Council Member Sniff stated that Ms. Grygutis thought she could do a comprehensive job for $50,000 or less. Commissioner Kennedy joined the meeting at 3:25 P.M. 14. Acting Chairman Walling recapped the discussion for Cormissioner Kennedy and stated there was a general consensus of the Corrmrission to award Barbara Grygutis the contract. Council Member Sniff stated staff APP I -8 Art in Public Nlaces Minutes January 8. 1996 should write up a staff report for Council consideration stating the Commission's recommendation was to award the contract to Ms. Grygutis and ask for an additional $30,000 for the budget. 15. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the developer, Mr. Koenig, would pays for part of the landscaping. Staff stated he would participate. 16. Mr. Alibaba, the restaurant owner, asked that the project be completed prior to his grand opening in May, 1996. He will be having several celebrities at the opening and he did not want to have construction going on during the opening. Additionally, he asked who would be responsible for the carrying the insurance. Staff stated they would investigate the matter. 17. Commissioner Reynolds asked if Mr. Alibaba would be willing to invest in the construction of the piece. Mr. Alibaba stated that his restaurant was being built by donations and he would not be utilizing any of his own funds. He went on to explain how the name "Sesame's" came to be. In addition, he would be moving the art piece by Mr. John Duncan, that was on display in front of his restaurant in Palm Desert, to the entrance of the restaurant. His concern about the basin artwork, was that the projecC be completed prior to his opening. 18. Council Member Sniff asked if the public should have access to the art piece, and if so, then security should be a part of the proposal. Some type of railing should be made a part of the design. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the slope should determine what will be needed. A lot of factors would need to be considered. 19. Commissioner Reynolds asked if this could be a meeting place for small gatherings. Staff reminded everyone that an amphitheater would be constructed at the Civic Center. 20. Commissioner Kennedy asked about the maintenance of the grass. Council Member Sniff stated it would always be green whether it was the developers or the City's responsibility. 21. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Cotnmissioners Reynold/Klein to recommend to the City Council awarding the Retention Basin contract to Ms. Barbara Grygutis, that additional monies not to exceed $30,000 be added to the budget, and if the additional funds were not approved by the Council, another artist would be selected. Unanimously approved. nrt~i-s 4 Art in Public Places Minutes January 8, 1996 22. Discussion followed regarding the use of the rocks and their placement. Mr. Alibaba stated he would ask the contractor to not install the rocks until the final approval by Council. B. Request from the Public Works Department for additional funds for the Fritz Burns Park. 1. Associate Engineer John Freeland presented the information contained in the staff report, a copy of which is on file in the Community Development Department. 2. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the Commission should ai~nend their contract so that in the future there was a stipulation regarding additional funds for engineering costs that were not a part of the proposal Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the history of the project. 3. Commissioner Klein asked if any of the funds needed could come from the pool fund. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained where the funds were coming from and this was the amount still needed. Discussion followed regarding an alternative source for the fundls. 4. Commissioner Shamis asked about the costs associated with the installation of the sidewalk. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that the extra cost associated with the sidewalk was caused when the City put the construction of the pool and the artwork would not be included in the pool plans. 5. Commissioner Klein asked if the towers had been placed. Associate Engineer John Freeland stated the contractor was proceeding with the foundation work and the artists had not been on site as of yet. They anticipate being completed with the foundation work by the end of this week. He went on to describe where the artwork would be located and the reason for the additional costs. 6. Commissioner Klein asked where the pool would be constructed if approved. Associate Engineer John Freeland clarified that if the pool wire to be installed in the future, the artwork would be in the same location. This way it would not be included in the pool area. Discussion followed regarding the proposed site and the installation time for the artwork. 7. Associate Engineer John Freeland explained thesurface matting material and how it functioned. APP I -8 S nrt in Public Places Minutes January K, 1996 8. Acting Chairman Walling asked what would happen if the APP did not approve the allocation of the funds. Associated Engineer John Freeland stated there would be no other source to fund the work from. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the expendiUtres to the Commissioners. 9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Walling/Shamis to approve the expenditure as requested. Unanimously approved. 10. Commission Klein asked when the park would be completed. Associate Engineer John Freeland stated the park should be completed by the first of February and the artwork completed by the end of March. C. Commissioner Items Community Development Director Jerry Herman briefly went over the correspondence contained in the Commissioner's packets. 2. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained that staff would no longer be delivering packets and would be making arrangements with the Commissioners to have the packets picked-up. 3. Staff informed the Commission that the City Council had approved the Student Art Wall and would be contacting the La Quinta schools regarding placement of the childrens's artwork. D. Future Agenda Items 1. Workshop 2. Dedication of DeMartino and DeMatteis/Emerson artwork. V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting on February 5, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:11 P.M., January 8, 1996. Unanimously approved. nPPi-s 6