February 16, 1996
This special meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order at 3:05 P.M. by
Acting Chair John Walling. .
COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Johna Davis, Sharon Kennedy, Elaine
Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Acting Chairman John
Walling. It was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to excuse
Commissioner Klein. Unanimously approved.
STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to nominate John
Walling as Chair. There being no further nominations, the vote was taken and was
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to nominate
Rosita Shamis as Vice Chair. There being no further nominations, the vote was
taken and was unanimous.
C. Chairman Walling welcomed Commissioner Johna Davis to the Commiission.
A. Nicholas G. Spirtos, 44-489 Town Center Way, Suite D404, Palm Desert, California
stated he was an attorney representing the local artists concerning a possible breach
of contract between the artists and the City regarding the La Quinta Village Shopping
Center Retention Basin.
A. Minutes: Acting Chairman Walling asked if there were any changes to the Minutes
of January 8, 1996. There being no corrections, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously
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Art in Public Places Minutes
February 16, 1996
B. Financial Statement: There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to approve the Financial Statement as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Request of the Public Works Department for review of a conceptual design of
the landscape improvements for Eisenhower Drive from 50th Avenue to
Coachella Drive that will contain art pads for future artwork.
1. Senior Engineer John Freeland stated the Public Works Department is asking
for conceptual approval for the landscaping plan as presented containing
pads for future public art display. Water and power would be provided to the
locations. This landscaping plan is a conceptual design alyd will be
constructed in conjunction with the La Quinta Resort and Club hotel. When
the Hotel expansion was approved by the City, Conditions of Approval were
placed on the construction of the ballroom requiring the applicant to
participate in the design and maintenance of the median.
2. Senior Engineer Freeland introduced Mr. Forrest Haag, representing KSL
Resort, who stated the resort theme of the hotel was to be maintauned in the
median. There would be semi-desert plantings leading up to a resort feeling
the closer you got to the hotel. The median would run from Avenida
Fernando to Coachella Drive and the artwork would be placed in areas of
high visibility where there was a signal to slow passengers dowl~ to see the
art. From the nose of the median back there will be stamped concrete; as it
widens annual color, and then the art pads which will be provided with
utilities. There would be a variety of plant materials with some blending of
3. Chairman Walling asked how ofren these art sites would occur. Mr. Haag
stated they could be at all of the intersections except the entrance to the hotel.
4. Senior Engineer Freeland stated the pads would be at the beginning and end
of each median. Chairman Walling asked if the APP should review some
safety factors for putting the art in the medians. Senior Engineer Freeland
stated that height would be a major factor.
5. Mr. Ray Lopez asked what the costs would be to maintain the lush plants.
Mr. Haag stated the hotel landscaping does require more water and the
owners of the hotel would assume the additional costs. The hotel will
reimburse, or pay, some portion of the costs to the City. Senior Engineer
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An in Public Places Minutes
February 16, 1996
Freeland explained the City has a system in place whereby they can monitor
the normal costs of maintaining the landscaping and any costs that in addition
to that, the hotel would pay. He went onto explain how the imgation system
is monitored in regard to usage.
6. Commissioner Shamir asked if there was an agreement in place for the
maintenance or was it a verbal agreement. Mr. Haag stated no contractual
agreement had been signed at this time, but the Conditions of Approval
placed on the Hotel development outlines the responsibility of the Hotel to
maintain this.
7. Commissioner Kennedy asked if this included the replanting. Mr. Haag
stated it did.
8. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the Cypress tree was to be used in the
landscaping. She was concerned they would be difficult to maintain. Mr.
Haag stated the tree does have a specific maintenance aspect associated with
it and it would be addressed. If the maintenance is over and above the normal,
then that portion would be attributed to the hotel. He went onto explain their
9. Commissioner Reynolds asked if staff thought the hotel should buy the trees
and maintain them. Mr. Haag stated that in affect the hotel is buying a
portion of the plants. Senior Engineer Freeland stated th.e hotel is
conditioned to contribute $25,000 for design and construction of the median
and the City will administer the landscaping contract. The Hote] will do all
the maintenance. In essence it would be a public facility maintained by the
10. Commissioner Shamir asked if Mr. Haag thought the hotel would be
interested in having artwork placed at the hotel. Mr. Haag stated he would
not know. He went on to explain that the medians will serve to give
identification to the Hotel.
11. Commissioner Reynolds stated it would be beneficial if the hotel would
contribute funds toward the installation of artwork. Senior Engineer Freeland
stated that the conditions are already set as to what is required by the Hotel.
Chairman Walling stated agreements were already in place and it would not
be possible to add extra conditions.
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Art in Public Places Minutes
February 16, 1996
12. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to approve the conceptual drawings as
submitted by the Public Works Department. Senior Engineer Freeland stated
that weatherproof electrical outlets would also be provided for the holiday
B. Request of the Public Works Department for review of environmental artwork
contained within the conceptual design of the Cove area Urban Forestry Project
Senior Engineer John Freeland oriented the project as being on the western
side of the Cove, traveling the length of the Cove north and south and pazallel
with the Bear Creek Bike Path or about 15,000 lineal feet long. In
coordination with the Landscape Architect, Ray Lopez and Environmental
Artist, Allan Sonfest, a plan was put together to plant trees under. the Urban
Forest Grant. He went on to explain the plan and how it came to be. The
landscaping design, which begins at the south end of the Cove and extend to
the northern end, would start with plantings from prehistory times and
progress through time till the present at the northern end. It would contain
plantings indigenous to that time and place with plants sparsely planted with
a watering hole for the local animals. The program was in conjunction with
the La Quinta Arts Foundation for the placement of artwork along the path.
Water will be brought to the site for the watering hole. The path would move
on to agricultural planting from the 1950's- 60's style of evergreens, palms
and cactus with green rock. Next would be the ornamental plants with
evergreens and mass plantings followed with an ornamental design that was
a back to nature design, a duplication of the habitat area, with drought
tolerant plants. Ornamental, native, lush landscaping would lead up to the
north end flanked on either side by Avenida Montezuma. The tannazisk trees
that were removed, will be replaced as soon as possible with swale shrubs.
The path would include sites for shade structure, drinking fountains with four
areas to provide relief from the heat. The Forestry Grant provides for 2,700
trees to be planted. The Grant however, does not provide for any labor. The
City will therefore use volunteers and City employees to construct the path.
It will take a while to get the whole project done as the weather is beginning
to change and it will be hard to get volunteers.
Mr. Ray Lopez, landscape architect for the project, stated the artis't's concept
is to walk through the progression of time.
Chairman Walling asked what the pallet of trees would consist of. Mr. Lopez
stated it would contain the Palo Verde and Mesquite trees, in addition to
others as the artist wanted historical native trees, which enlarged the list.
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 16, 1996
4. Commissioner Shamis asked if there would be any benches provided. Senior
Engineer Freeland stated there would be benches, as well as shade structures,
drinking fountains, and trash receptacles He went on to show their locations
on the path.
5. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the trees would be planted adjacent to the
path. Senior Engineer Freeland stated that even though 90% the trees would
have to be planted on the eastern side of the path, they would still provide
6. Commissioner Reynolds asked if art would fit into the path. Senior Engineer
Freeland stated the path would include art, but at present there were no funds.
The only artwork would be at the southern beginning point where the Arts
Foundation, in conjunction with artist Judy Bocca, had started a Youth Art
Program to place art on the path. It was hoped that the Arts Foundation in
conjunction with local artists, would continue the Youth Artwork program to
produce additional artwork.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if the trees and bushes clustered together,
would cause any concern for safety. Senior Engineer Freeland went over the
density of the planting and explained there should be no problems as the
planting was not that dense.
8. Commissioner Davis asked if the remaining rest stations could have youth
artworks. Senior Engineer Freeland stated yes, this was only a conceptual
design and the sites lend themselves to art. The only concern was trying to
keep with the theme of the chronological order of the path. Verbiage could
also be added on the sidewalk to give a walking tour.
9. Commissioner Kennedy asked if display cards would be installed to describe
the planting. Senior Engineer Freeland stated the plans called for some type
of identification.
10. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the other vegetation could also be identified,
especially the native. Senior Engineer Freeland stated they were trying to
keep the amount of things that could be vandalized down.
11. Commissioner Shamis asked if the City would continue to include the
children with the artwork to keep them involved and not vandalizing?
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 16, 1996
12. Commissioner Kennedy stated that during the community planning meetings,
it was discussed that this vegetation might block the mountain view. Senior
Engineer Freeland stated this should not be a problem as the trees were
planted every 600 feet.
13. Commissioner Kennedy expressed her concern that the Tamarisk trees that
had been removed be replaced with something as soon as possible.
14. Senior Engineer Freeland explained the original list of trees that were to be
15. Commissioner Kennedy stated she was not sure about the use of the green
rock. Senior Engineer Freeland stated this would not be a large a~:ea, and the
artist wanted the rock as it was representational of the 1950's.
16. Chairman Walling asked if there was a consensus among the Conmtissioners
regarding the conceptual design. The Commission unanimously approved
the design.
Chairman Walling called a break at 3:48 and reconvened at 3:53 P.M.
C. Review maquette submitted by Barbara Grygutis for the La Ouinta Villaee
Retention Basin Project.
Chairman Walling explained that the Commissioner's purpose was to judge
the artistic element of the design and make a recommendation to City
2. Community Development Director Jerry Herman showed the slides
submitted by Ms. Grygutis of her work. He then explained the maquette she
submitted and stated this was the maquette that would be submitted to the
City Council at their next meeting. Discussion followed as to orientating the
artwork to its location at Calle Tampico and Washington Street.
Chairman Walling asked if terracing wasn't to be included. Staff stated it was
discussed, but it was not included in this design. Commissioner Shamis
stated this should reduce the price.
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February 16, 1996
5. Commissioner Shamis stated she thought the addition was interesting and
added to the art piece.
6. Commissioner Reynolds asked where the pump would be located. Staff
stated that at this time it is located in the center of the drain. Mr. Alibaba
Fazzaneh, the owner of Sesame restaurant, stated the pump was installed, but
the electrical had not been hooked up as of yet.
7. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the pump worked during the last. rain. Staff
stated water did accumulate as the pump had no electrical power to run it.
8. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the restaurant fountain would be finished
with natural stone. Mr. Fazzaneh stated it would be finished with the similar
to the the at City Hall.
9. Staff discussed access to the site with Commissioner Members and the
materials to be used.
10. Mr. Ed Kibbey, representing the Building Industry Association stated his
concern about the displacement of the dirt. Community De;velopment
Director Jerry Herman explained that the basin would be reshaped to
accommodate the bridge so as not to change the purpose of the basin.
11. Commissioner Shamis asked what the height of the art feature would be.
Staff stated it would be approximately 15-feet. Discussion followed as to the
width of the walkway and whether it would be adequate for handicap access.
Commissioner Shamis asked if the cost would be reduced as the terracing
was not included. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated
the APP request before the City Council was for additional foods up to
$50,000. Costs would not be determined until a contract was negotiated with
the artist following Council approval.
12. Chairman Walling read Commissioner Klein's response to reviewing the
maquette. Her comments were to recommend the design to the City Council.
13. Chairman Walling asked if Mr. Farzaneh would like to make a. statement.
Mr. Fazzaneh stated it was a beautiful design. Discussion followed regarding
the size of the structure. He stated he was not interested in making the basin
a park. He had talked with three of his attorneys, regarding the au-twork and
he would like a letter from the City stating that he was not legally obligated
for anyone falling off the artwork. He was concerned that roller skaters
and/or children would find it an interesting place to play. In addition, there
was no ramp for the handicapped. He stated he wanted clarificati~orl from the
City that this would not be his responsibility or liability. He would also want
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Art in Public Places Minutes
rcbniary I6, 1996
an estimate as to when the construction would be completed se it will not
conflict with his opening. Staff stated there would be no construction during
his opening. Mr. Farzaneh further stated he would prefer not to Iiave this art
piece, but it is ok.
14. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioner Shamis/Reynolds to make a recommendation iA the City
Council that the maquette submitted by Barbara Grygutis be approved as
15. Mr. Ed Kibbey, BIA, stated that given this type of atmosphere, as this is a
mud hole, does the APP want to produce a feature that is to sit around and
look at a mud hole. Chairman Walling explained that Public Works
Department stated the water would only be there for a short period of time.
Staff explained that the basin had been seeded and would continue to be
seeded. Mr. Kibbey stated his concern that if this was to be a maintenance
problem, that the funds not come from the APP fund. The APP fluids should
go toward new art to make the City beautiful. Chairman Walling stated the
maintenance of the basin is the problem of the developer or the Public Works
16. Mr. Paul Berlier, one of the three finalists, stated he thought the artwork
would be a part of the maintenance, as the basin is a part of the design and
anything washed away would require maintenance. Chairman Wz~lling stated
he agreed that the design was a part of the basin, but the maintenance of the
basin was not a part. It was the responsibility of the developer or the City
and the Public Works Department has stated the design was manageable.
17. Mr. Roger Barr, 55-720 Avenida Carranza, and a professional sculptor by
trade, stated he did not like the design. He did not believe it gave life to the
City; it resembles a mortuary and the Commission should think lo~ag and hard
before approving such a design. It does not have life and it is not inviting. In
contrast to the beauty of the mountains it is a mechanical looking project.
Chairman Walling thanked Mr. Barr for his comments and suggested that if
he had any thoughts regarding the piece, he should make them at the City
Council meeting.
D. Commissioner Items
Commissioners asked that the following items be placed on the next APP
Art in Public Places Minutes
February 16, 1996
a. Temporary art
b. Fritz Burns artwork
c. Medians on Jefferson Street
d. Dedication of the DeMartino and DeMatteis/Emerson an: pieces
e. Workshop
There being no further business it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/1Ce;nnedy to
adjourn this special meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting on March
4, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:25
P.M., February 16, 1996. Unanimously approved.