MAY 29, 1996
11:00 A.M.
This special meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman
Walling at 10:15 p.m. who asked for the roll call.
ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Johna Davis, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynollds, Rosita
Shamis. Absent: Commissioners Judi Cothrun and Sharon Kennedy.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis to excuse
Commissioners Cothrun and Kennedy. Unanimously approved.
Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer.
Commissioner Reynolds stated she had spoken with artist Snake Jagger who expressed his apology
for not appearing personally, but did want to inform the Commission he would like to participate in
a temporary art program if the City were to have one.
A. Financial Statement -Staff informed the Commission that the $70,000 appropriated for the
Rancho La Quinta project was not reflected in the Statement. Commissioner Kle~iri asked if
the art piece at the corner of Highway 111 and Washington Street by artist Louis DeMartino
was reflected in the Statement. Staff stated yes, as approved by Council. There being no
further questions or changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioner Klein/Davis to
accept the Financial Statement as submitted.
A. Temporary Art Prog urun: Chairman Walling stated that one of the reasons for 1:his special
meeting was to have a discussion with City Attorney Dawn Honeywell regarding potential
problems with a Temporary Art Program.
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated there was no "legal prohibition" against
having a Temporary Art Program. Her concern was the extra exposure that falls on
the City by having a program. There were two different issues of primary concern:
creating a public forum by providing a space where people are allowed to display
their art. Once you establish such a program, it is hard to regulate what is displayed
because regulating the artwork could interfere with an artist's right to free speech.
Art in Public Places
May 29, 1996
2. Chairman Walling asked what in the program triggers the public forum. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the forum was created when you provide a space
in the public that is for display of public art. Chairman Walling asked wlhy the City
did not have the right to control what was displayed. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated that art was an expression of speech and the City cannot prevent
someone from speaking once the door is open. If an individual decides to challenge
the City, they will argue that the City has denied him a public forum. Chairman
Walling asked how museums that are run by cities are able to have such. programs.
City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that potentially they do have the problem, but
they usually have a set of criteria in plane to determine what will be allowed to be
3. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the second issue she was concerned with was
discrimination. In the process of deciding who would be allowed to display,
problems occur. Contractual problems that cause the public to say that as a public
entity the City did not conduct the process correctly. If someone wants to challenge
the program it would be in one, or both, of these issues. Chairman Walling asked
if there was a way to minimize the two problem areas. City Attorney Dawn
Honeywell stated the best way was to allow the temporary art and minimize the
problems. She would want to insulate the City from making the decision of what
artwork would be allowed. Some type of leasing procedure where by the City leases
an art piece for a temporary purpose. Space is made available for 1:he leasing
program. The advantage with leasing is that it eliminates the restrictions, because no
public forum is being created.
4. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell asked if people would be allowed to display their
artwork for sale. Commissioner Shamir stated that by not being involved in the sale
of the artwork, the City would not create a market for the artists to sell their product
thereby eliminating a problem for the City. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
it lessens the risk where by the City could be challenged if the artist is n.ot allowed
to "advertise" the artwork while it is on lease to the City. A program could also be
put into place whereby a percentage of the sale price would be paid back into the
APP fund if piece were sold while on display.
5. Chairman Walling asked if it would help to limit the space to be used for temporary
art, would an individual still be able to accuse the City of discriminatiing against
them? City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the City could not make a decision
based on content. It is difficult to determine an objective criteria whereby artwork
is chosen for display.
6. Commissioner Shamir stated she had been very moved by the APP Master Art Plan
and while writing the program, the Commission felt strongly about having a
Temporary Art Program included in the Plan. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
Art in Public Places
May 29, 1996
there was no problem with the APP having the program. There just needs to be a
method in place whereby the City is not exposed to litigation. She suggested adding
a section to the APP Ordinance to allow temporary art displays.
7. Chairman Walling asked if the City owned the art, would the City still be exposing
itself to a problem? City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated the City does not create
a public forum by just purchasing art. Chairman Walling asked if the City could
purchase the art piece and then offer the artist the opportunity to purchase the piece
back at the end of a designated time period. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated
this was an alternative.
8. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the APP needed to structure
a program for temporary art using the comments made at this meeting. Staff would
research programs from other cities as to how they were structured including the
possibility of creating a revenue source.
9. Chairman Walling asked the City Attorney if the program could be anywhere in the
City. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated it could be any place they wanted.
Chairman Walling asked if there were any specific laws the APP should be
reviewing. City Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated that if the City Council directed
her, she could do another review to further determine the City's exposure. Chairman
Walling asked if the APP should ask Council for their direction regarding the
program. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Reynolds/Shamis to recommend to the City Council that a review by the City
Attorney be conducted to further review the Temporary Art Program. Unanimously
B. Discussion Regarding the Renovation of the Historic Obelisks Landmark Street Siens
1. Council Member Terry Henderson stated that although she was a member o f the City
Council she was appearing before the APP as a resident and member of the La Quinta
Historical Society to show support for this project. The Historical Society was
supporting the program and was requesting the support of the APP as well.
2. Chairman Walling asked if the Historical Society had a list of people who were
interested in supporting the program. Ms. Henderson stated she did not have a list,
but could get a list of those who had expressed an interest. Chairman Walling stated
that contacting those interested in the program would give the APP an impetus to
start the program.
3. Commissioner Reynolds stated it was her understanding that the City had a supply
of the Obelisks stored at the City yard. She further stated that the City should have
either the obelisks or the street sign, but not both.
Art in Public Places
May 29, 1996
4. Commissioner Shamis asked if the Obelisks were the responsibility of the APP or the
Public Works Department. Whose responsibility was it to see that the prol;ram was
5. Ms. Henderson stated they had no desire to change the Obelisk, but rather to expand
their installation to include the entire City, north and south and at the major points
for the streets entering the City. She felt there would still be a need for the standard
street sign. The Obelisks would only be placed on one corner of an intersection to
bring a feeling of unity to the City. The APP may consider having an artist create a
design to add to the Obelisk to give them a new look.
6. Chairman Walling asked if there were any legal issues they should consider. City
Attorney Dawn Honeywell stated they would need to make a findings that the
program fit within the criteria for art. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman asked if the program was to just the restoration of the Obelisks or with some
artistic enhancement. Chairman Walling stated that with the enhancement it would
make the Obelisks more visible.
Commissioner Reynolds stated she would like to see local students involved in the
program. Chairman Walling asked if the APP would run the program or let the La
Quinta Arts Foundation.
8. Commissioner Davis asked if anyone knew what the Historical Society wanted the
program to do. Commissioner Reynolds stated she understood they wanted to
preserve the Obelisks as a historic feature.
9. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked if the APP was
recommending to the City Council, the expenditure of funds to create a youth
program to design and install the Obelisks? Chairman Walling stated the APP
needed to decide what they would want the program to consist of and present the
whole program to the Council. Local developers should be contacted to determine
what financial support is available. A Program needed to be designed anal figures
researched as to the costs involved.
10. Chairman Walling asked Commissioner Davis if the Arts Foundation could want to
create a youth program around the Obelisks. Commissioner Davis stated she would
speak with the Historical Society to see what they are wanting to do. Commissioner
Reynolds asked staff to prepare a report as to the number of Obelisks that were left
in storage and what was installed on local streets.
11. Commissioner Shamis stated she felt the Public Works Department should be
included from onset so they are aware of what is happening.
Art in Public Places
May 29, 1996
12. Commissioner Klein stated she was not sure the design should be changed as the
Obelisks were historic landmarks and should remain as they were originally
constmcted. Commissioner Reynolds stated her concern was that the Obelisks were
difficult to read. Chairman Walling stated the APP needed to determine how far they
would like to take this program.
A. Staff informed the Commission that a location needed to be determined as to where to place
this years selection of artwork purchased at the La Quinta Arts Festival. After reviewing
different locations within the City Hall, the Commission determined the art piece should be
placed on the west wall of the north entrance to the Session Room. The art piece currently
on this wall, by artist Lori Slater, would be moved to the north wall on the west side of the
south entrance to the Session Room. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Klein/Davis to recommend this location to the City Council for their
B. The Commission then discussed possible locations to place the entry gate designed by Alber
DeMatteis. After viewing the gate where it was on display in the Administration waiting
area, the Commission determined to leave it in this location until the park area to the west
of City Hall was completed and then install it in the last arch on the west walkway leading
to the north parking lot. Fallowing discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Davis/Reynolds to recommend to the City Council leaving the gate in its
present location.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/F:eynolds to
adjourn this special meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art
in Public Places Commission on June 10, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This special
meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 12:15 P.M.