APPMIN 04 01 1996ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES LA QUINTA CITY HALL -SESSION ROOM April 1 1996 The regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order at 3:08 P.M. by Community Development Director Jerry Herman who informed the Commission that the Chair and Vice Chair were both absent and the Commission would need to appoint an acting Chair. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to appoint Michelle Klein to act as Acting Chair. I. ROLL CALL COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Johna Davis, Sharon Kennedy, Elaine Reynolds, Acting Chair Michelle Klein. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to excuse Commissioners Shamis and Walling. Unanimously approved. STAFF PRESENT: Community Development Director Jerry Herman andl Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer II. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Minutes: Acting Chair Michelle Klein asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of Mazch 4,1996. There being no changes to the minutes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement: There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Davis to approve the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. Commissioner Kennedy asked what the contract amount was for the Highway 111 artwork. Staff stated this was a contract between the developer and artist. Discussion followed regazding the funds allocated. III. PUBLIC COMMENT - A. Mrs. Kay Wolff, representing the Human Services Commission, stated the Commission was in the process of a needs assessment for the community at lazge. The meeting was to be held April 18, 1996, at the Senior Center at 7:00 P.M. Each member of the Human Services Commission was to visit each of the different Commissions to invite the Commission to attend the meeting. Some of![he topics to be discussed were health services, services needed for youth, gang problems, and APP4-1 i Art in Public Places Minutes April 1, 1996 disaster prepazedness. The entire community was to be invited as well as the Commissions. B. Ms. Cazol Manettes, from the City of Indio, requested to speak to the Commission regazding a Youth Art Project and asked to be added to the Agenda. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Davis/Reynolds to add the discussion of a Youth Art Project to the Agenda as Item C. The emergency was based on the need to make a decision as soon as possible to put the program in place before the school yeaz ended. Based on this finding, it was unanimously approved to add the item to the agenda. C. Mr. Louis DeMartino, artist for the Civic Center and Highway 111 artwork stated he would like to address the Commission regazding a change in the funding for the One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center artwork. Community Development Director Jerry Herman introduced Mr. DeMartino to the new Commissioners and. previewed his two commissioned art pieces for the new members. Mr. DeMartino went onto give a more detailed explanation of the project. Mr. DeMartino stateci that since working at the comer he had become especially aware of the site location and deternned this would be the most viewed artwork in the desert due to this location. When he was negotiating the contract with the developer, they determined that 60% of the available funds would be for the artwork on the corner and 40% for the pazking lot. However, since working on the comer for the last two months, and knowing the importance of this corner, he felt the artwork needed to be representational of the view that could be seen from this location. He would like to create a reflection of the mountains and palm trees in the metal to be used. He was therefore, proposing to change the stainless steel to plate bronze to reflect the mountains and give a glow to the artwork. This would require utilizing part of the parking lot/theal:er funds to make the change. The plate bronze would cost four times more than the stainless steel or a total of an additional $28,000. He felt he should speak with the APP first before speaking with the developer. In addition, he would like to add a leans between the pyramid and concrete to elevate the pyramid above the concrete to give an appeazance of levitating. Staff informed Mr. DeMartino and the Comrnission that no action could be taken at this time. The item would need to be agendis:ed for their next meeting for discussion and action. Mr. DeMartino stated he would'be available to attend the next meeting of the APP. IV. BUSINESS SESSION A. Rancho La Quinta Art Proposal. 1. Acting Chair Michelle Klein introduced Mr. Tom Cullinan, representing Rancho La Quinta and Community Development Director Jerry Herman reviewed the art proposal for the Commission. Mr. Cullinan stated he was APP4-1 Art in Public Places Minutes April 1, 1996 seeking direction from the APP regarding funding for the art piece. He was requesting to split the cost of the art piece ($70,000) with the Cit}. He was requesting $35,000 of what had been paid into the Fund be reimbursed and they would front the remaining $35,000 for which the City would receive credits on their building permits as they continue to build. 2. Staff explained that the developer had paid into the APP Funcl and Mr. Cullinan was proposing that the APP commit $35,000 and Rancho La Quinta would put up out of pocket funds in the amount of $35,000 (of which the developer would receive building credits until the sum was reached) to construct the art piece. Commissioner Kennedy asked if this arrangement would allow the artist to begin. Mr. Cullinan stated it would and they thought the art piece would make a difference at that location and would make a nice addition to the Washington Corridor. 4. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the art piece would be lil;hted. Mr. Cullinan stated it would have lighting. Acting Chair Klein asked if the completed piece would be 24-fe;et high and where it would be located. Mr. Cullinan stated it was to serve as a comer monument sign and would sit on top of the hill at the comer of'Washington Street and 48th Avenue. Some of the trees and rocks would be removed, or relocated, to accommodate the art piece. 6. There being no further questions, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to approve the expenditure .and allocate the funds as requested. Staff stated the APP recommendation would be presented to the City Council for their approval. Staff requested that Mr. Cullinan and Mr. Ware, the artist, be present at the Council meeting to make a presentation. B. Discussions with Artist Art Femandez Regazding an Art Proposal. Staff introduced Mr. Art Femandez who gave a presentation of t{NO proposed art pieces for the City. One proposal was for the design of a Pimrta stand for the City pazks. He stated his artwork was functional art that would be useful to the cities who purchased it. His second proposal was for a City entry sign. He stated this was a different type of sign that would bring attention to the City as well as serving as a functional piece of art. APP4-1 Art in Public Places Minutes April I, 1996 2. Acting Chair Michelle Klein, asked if the basket and ba]',loon were constructed out of metal. Mr. Fernandez stated it was with the exception of the La Quinta sign which would be constructed out of wood. Staff asked Mr. Fernandez if the art piece would be coated due to the heat. Mr. Fernandez stated it would be treated so the metal would not be hot to the touch. 4. Commissioner Reynolds asked if Mr. Fernandez's artwork was temporary or where could his artwork be seen. Mr. Fernandez explained that to date he had been working with other artists, in particulaz Gwen Hughes who had contracted with him to do several of their pieces. Currently there were several art benches in Palm Springs and Palm Desert that he had constructed and Ms. Hughes had painted. He stated that the different cities were contracting with developers to construct the benches. Discussion followed as to how the art pieces were being constructed. 5. Mr. Fernandez asked if the APP thought the City would be interested in purchasing the design for placement in City parks. He stated each of the Pinata designs would cost approximately $22,000 to construct and each piece was three dimensional. They would be painted with a cleaz coat to handle the heat and anchored with three foot anchors to a concrete slab of'700 pounds to hold it in place. It would stand nine feet. Commissioner Kennedy stated she liked the design and would like to see this design on file until funds were available. The entry sign was a unique idea, but she did not know if the City was ready for an entry sign. 7. Staff explained that the City Council had approved an entry sign to be installed at two locations within the City. He asked if the Commission would like to submit this proposal to the Council for their consideratiort. In regazd to the Pinata design, staff asked if the APP would like to see the design installed in the City parks. They could look into the possibility of installing them or put the idea on file till a later date. 8. Acting Chair Michelle Klein asked staff if it was proper for the APP to make a decision without holding a competition. Staff explained it was an option of the Commission. 9. Commissioner Davis asked ifthe design should be presented to the Pazks and Recreation Commission. Staff stated they would give the infotm~ation to the Parks and Recreation Department for their review and recommendation. APP4-1 Art in Public Places Minutes April I, 1996 10. Staff went on to discuss the history of the proved entry sign with the Commission. Staff stated they had been talking with Caltrans regarding installing the sign within theirright-of--way at the west entry to the City. The property owners on the east side had been contacted to see if the entry signs could be installed. Staff displayed a replica of the sign. 11. Commissioner Reynolds asked Mr. Fernandez what the sign would cost. Mr. Fernandez stated it would cost $62,000 which included the entire structure including the lighting. The City would need to provide the power to the site and the sign would be light at night and landscaping would be included. 12. Commissioner Cothrun stated La Quinta was a special place and needed an art piece to identify itself The APP should have some input into the design. 13. Acting Chair Klein asked how the APP would approach the City Council. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated the APP would make a request to Council to spend APP Funds on a City entry sign by selection or by open competition. 14. Commissioner Kennedy stated this design should be considered, but their should be additional input from other APP members. She suggested that a recommendation be made to the City Council that the City entry signs become an art proposal. 15. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Cothrun to continue this item to the next meeting. Unanimously approved. 16. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Cothtun to refer the Pinata design to the Parks and Recreation Commission for their recommendation. 17. Commissioner Kennedy asked if Mr. Fernandez would be available to meet with the Parks and Recreation Commission to present the Pinata design. Mr. Fernandez stated he would be available. 18. Mr. Fernandez asked what the Commission thought of the Pinata design. Acting Chair Michelle Klein stated it would be a good idea. 19. Commissioner Reynolds asked how often Mr. Fernandez thought the Pinata. design would be used. Mr. Fernandez stated the Pinata was used by all nationalities for all occasions and should be used a great deal. nPPa-t 5 Art in Public Places Minutes April I, 1996 20. Commissioner Davis stated she thought the design was delightful and the fact that the art piece was functional art made it even better. Commissioners thanked Mr. Fernandez for his time and presentation and looked forward to seeing him at their next meeting. C. Earth Day Art Project Mr. Carol Manettes presented the idea of Earth Day to the Commission. She stated that the Desert Sands Unified School District and Waste Management had agreed to work together to have an Earth Week high school art project. The date would be April 22-26, 1996. She was present to requests the Commission's approval to have two representatives of the Al?P sit on a subcommittee to meet with the four schools and judge the contest to pick two winners. The winners art piece would be made into placemats that would be placed in local restaurants in the azea to advertise the schools, students, and the cities they came from. The student's drawings would be ready within the next two weeks and they were approaching each of the cities for support. She was asking the Commission to review the contest rules to see if~ there were any problems they could foresee. 2. Commissioner Reynolds asked why they were only including the high school. Ms. Manettes stated due to time constraints this year would only be open to the high school. Next year they would like to include all the schools. The awazds would be given to the top five contestants. There would then be a public display of the art pieces at the local cities and the winners would be given tickets to the theater and dinner. Acting Chair Michelle Klein asked if there was a rating sheet to pick the winners. Ms. Manettes stated not at this time. The subcommittee would form the rating scale. The'logistics would be up to the subcomrittee. 4. Commissioner Kennedy informed Ms. Manettes that DSUSD holds an annual art contest and would be able to give her some judgicig criteria. Commissioners asked if DSUSD was the only school district to tre involved. Ms. Manettes stated they were working with the Desert Sands Unified School District and therefore the schools would be the high schools in Palm Desert, La Quinta, Indio, part of Rancho Mirage, and Amistad Continuation. 5. Ms. Manettes stated they were looking to expand the program fir next yeaz and hopefully involve more businesses. APP4-1 Art in Public Places Minutes April 1, 1996 Commissioner Reynolds asked where the funds would come from. Ms. Manettes stated the program would be funded through AB 939 program and the remainder would be donated. They were currently negotiating with Waste Management to provide the funding for the printing of the placemats. Commissioner Kennedy volunteered to serve along with Commissioner Reynolds. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners DavisiCathmn to appoint Commissioners Kennedy and Reynolds to work with the Earth Day Committee. Unanimously approved. D. Discussion Regarding the Dedication Procedures for Public Artwork. Commissioners discussed the art pieces to be completed by summer and directed staff to prepaze the dedication in conjunction with the ]?ritz Bums Pazk dedication in June. E. Commissioner Items Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission that the City Council had been reviewing the different Etoazds and Commissions as to their function and amount of staff time utilized. The Assistant City Manager had been directed to attend the various Commission meeting and ask them for their input. 2. Commissioner Reynolds asked why the Temporary Art Program had not been placed on the agenda. Community Development Director Jerr}~ Herman stated the City Attorney had previously rendered an opinion regarding the display of public art. In that opinion, she stated that if the City provided a place for the display of art, they would not be able to control the content of the artwork displayed. Based on this infoanation, the City Council had made a decision not to allow the public display of art. Staff had submitted a program to the City Attomey regazding a temporary art program and the City Attorney was reviewing it and staff would bring the matter back to the APP following her review Staff reminded the Commission that the Public Works Department was designing street medians to contain temporary art and the City Attorney had no problem with this. Commissioner Reynolds stated she had spoken with artist Colin Webster Watson regarding a piece of art that he was removing from the Sculpture Park and he was willing to place the art piece in the City's temmporary art program as a demonstration. Discussion followed regazding problems with public art displays.. APPa-1 ~ Art in Public Places Minutes April I, 1996 Commissioner Reynolds stated that the artists who designed and constructed the fountain art piece in front of City Hall was upset that the five dancing figures were not being maintained. Staff stated this particular piece of artwork was not a responsibility of the APP and suggested a letter be sent to the City Council to have the artwork reviewed. Members stated ~{e water has to be maintained and the art piece waxed each month. F. Future Agenda Items Continued discussion with artists Art Fernandes. 2. Dedication of public art pieces. 3. Discussions with the Assistant City Manager on the purpose and number of members of the APP Commissions. Temporary artwork Obelisks street signs placed in North La Quinta V. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynollds/Cothrun to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regulaz meeting on May 6, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:54 P.M., April 1, 1996. Unanimously approved. APP4-1