July 8, 1996
3:00 P.M.
This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman
Walling at 3:08 p.m., who asked for the roll call.
ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Elaine
Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. Absent: Commissioner Johna
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Kennedy to excuse
Commissioner Davis. Unanimously approved.
Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary
Betty Sawyer.
A. Minutes -There being no changes to the Minutes of June 10, 1996, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to approve the minutes as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
B. Financial Statement -There being no further questions or changes, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioner Klein/Cothrun to accept the Financial Statement as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
A. Proposed artwork for City Parks:
1. Chairman Walling recapped the events of the previous meeting. Staff informed the
Commission that the applicant was unable to attend. Following discussion, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to continue the item to the
next meeting. Unanimously approved.
B. Proposed Artwork for the La Ouinta Car Wash
Chairman Walling reminded the Commissioners of the project. Commissioner
Reynolds explained that she had seen the work of artist/teacher Marcia Gibbons at
Jefferson School and was impressed. She then passed around pictures of her work.
Chairman Walling asked if Ms. Gibbons would want to do a student project using La
Quinta students. Commissioner Reynolds stated she would.
Art in Public Places
July 8, 1996
2. Commissioner Kennedy asked staff if all the money collected from the :Fees for the
La Quinta Center had been allocated. Community Development Director Jerry
Herman stated that he could not say with certainty that all the funds have been spent.
Staff was in the process of doing an evaluation to determine how much money was
Chairman Walling stated the Commission would need to have an idea of what the
cost would be to determine what was needed. It would be a good idea bo have Ms.
Gibbons present a proposal to the Commission.
4. Commissioner Kennedy stated she would like the project to use La Quinta students.
Currently, the Arts Foundation had no art program with the La Quinta Middle
School. Staff stated they would contact Ms Gibbons to see if she could attend the
next APP meeting with a proposal.
4. Commissioner Kennedy stated she would like staff to research the Artist Bank to see
if there were other local artists who could do file work in conjunction with the local
5. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Kennedy/Shamis to invite Ms. Gibbons to present a proposal for the project. In
addition, staff was to invite any other local artists, from the Artist Bank, that may do
file work. Unanimously approved.
C. Renovation and Placement of City Obelisk Street Signs .
Commissioner Kennedy informed the Commission that the La Quinta Arts
Foundation had determined they would be willing to work with youth on the project,
but they had no money to put into the project, as the proposal had not been budgeted
2. Commissioner Shamis stated she thought the project would be a good community
effort. She was concerned however, that the APP Ordinance would not allow the
Commission to allocate any funds as the Ordinance stated the artwork must be
unique and mass produced. She too would be willing to be involved in ~[he project,
but was hesitant to commit funds. She suggested the La Quinta Historical Society
contact Ms. Tern Triviso, Education Director for the La Quinta Arts Foundation, as
they had a procedure in place to involve the youth. The Commission would not have
to duplicate work that had already been done.
3. Commissioner Kennedy explained that Ms. Triviso would need to be contracted to see
what the Foundation's program consisted of.
Art in Public Places
Juh~ 8. 199(>
4. Commissioner Shamis stated that she too had spoken with Ms. Triviso, and she was
impressed with her ideas. She suggested that financial backers be found to do some
of the obelisks. Discussion followed as to what extent the Commission should be
5. Chairman Walling stated the Commission would need to recommend a program to
the Historical Society on how this project could be done without taking on the
responsibility of the project. He asked if the Foundation had anyone who would be
willing to coordinate the project. Commissioner Kennedy explained that the project
would have to follow the normal channels. She had spoken with a member from the
Historical Society and they indicated they were looking for financial support only.
The Society suggested the APP wait till the Society is able to get the funding before
getting involved.
6. Chairman Walling suggested the APP inform the Historical Society of their support
for the project and ask the Society to present a proposal to the APP. Following
discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Cothnrn to direct
staff to write a letter to the Historical Society stating the APP's support for the
project, but would like to ask the Society to present a proposal to the APP' as to what
the project would consist of In addition, any decision of the APP to become
financially involved would require Council authorization. If the Commission
approved of the project, a recommendation may be made for an expendih~re of APP
funds. Unanimously approved
7. Commissioner Klein stated she had seen a recently painted Obelisk neaz the corner
of Eisenhower Drive and Calle Durango and it was a poor job.
8. Commissioner Shamis stated that if the APP approved the project, they should invite
a member of the Historical Society and a Historical Preservation Commission
member along with Terri Triviso from Arts Foundation to discuss the project and
make a joint proposal. Chairman Walling directed staff to address a letter to the
Society informing them of the Commission's decision.
9. Commissioner Cothran stated she agreed with the APP participatio~a, but was
concerned with the number of projects the Commission was currently involved with.
D. La Quinta Art in Public Places Major Event Plan
Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the Plan was created to
help the original APP Committee determine locations and budget amounts for
proposed artwork. Staff had brought the Plan back to the APP as it was now
outdated and the Commission would need to. make a determination as to whether they
should update the Plan or discontinue it.
Art in Public Places
July 8, 1996
2. Chairman Walling discussed the Plan with the Commissioners and reviewed each
item for its validity. The following suggestions were made:
Civic Center/Senior Center/Library - combined as the Civic Center Complex.
Bear Creek Channel - in process, staff working on the forestry grant to
purchase and plant trees. Artist Judy Boca is completing the
drawings for the artwork and the Arts Foundation will implement the
plan. Staff to report back on the status of the project.
Fritz Burns Pazk -artwork completed, Commission evaluating Pinata artwork
Sports Complex - no artwork currently proposed.
North Park -located at Westward Ho Drive and Adams Avenue, no artwork
proposed at present.
Adams Park - to be added to the list.
Community Park - no artwork proposed at present.
Schools -Middle School, Adams and Truman Elementary, High School - no
artwork proposed at present
Child Care Facility - no artwork proposed at present.
Boys and Girls Club - no artwork proposed at present.
La Quinta Village Shopping Center - no artwork proposed at present
One Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center -two sculptures have been approved
by artist Louis DeMartino. Commission evaluating children's
artwork project for the La Quinta Car Wash.
Plaza La Quinta - to be added to the list
Post Office - no artwork proposed at present
Landscape medians pads -designed and to be constructed with artwork pads
for future installation.
Country clubs -Rancho La Quinta only project with proposed artwork under
Perimeter walls -Commission to make suggestions on how to implement
artwork into the walls,
Downtown La Quinta -Commission to make suggestions on how to
implement artwork.
Painting of light standards and stop signs -add to the list as a proposed
project to have the light standards and stop signs match the mountains.
Commission to evaluate validity of combining this project with the Obelisks
program. Both projects will require a funding source. Staff to contact the
City of Sedona and ask for information on their light painting program.
Chairman Walling asked staff to prepare a list for the Commission of all the
current projects that are proposed or planned for the City.
Ari in Public Places
July 8, 1996
Commissioner Klein asked that the list show what artwork is currently installed and
the costs. Further, the list should not be prioritized.
4. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Kennedy/Shamis to request staff revise the Public Art Plan per the recormnendations
listed above. Unanimously approved.
A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program
B. Discussion on the proposed Workshop
C. Presentation by artist Art Fernandez on his proposed Pinata artwork design
D. Discussion on books accumulated for the Art Library
E. Major Event Plan review
F. Car Wash artwork presentation
G. Update on the Bear Creek Channel project
H. Discussion regarding the Obelisks (if any correspondence has been received from the
Historical Society.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/R;eynolds to
adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public
Places Commission on August 5, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting
of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:04 P.M.