August 12, 1996
3:00 P.M.
This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman
Walling at 3:07 p.m., who asked Commissioner Shamis to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling
asked for the roll call:
ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Johnna Davis, Sharon Kennedy,
Michelle Klein, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. Absent:
Commissioner Elaine Reynolds.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedv to excuse
Commissioner Reynolds. Unanimously approved.
Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and F,xecutive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
ELECTIONS: It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedy bo nominate
John Walling as Chairman. There being no further nominations, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedy to close the
nominations. John Walling was elected Chairman unanimously.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Walling to nominate
Rosita Shamis for Vice Chair. There being no further nominations, it was
moved and seconded by Commissioners Davis/Klein to close the
nominations. Rosita Shamis was elected as Vice Chair unanimously.
A. Minutes -Commissioner Shamis asked that the Minutes of July 8, 1996, be amend'~ed on Page
2, Item C.2. to read: "She was concerned however, that the APP Ordinance would not allow
the Commission to allocate any funds as the Ordinance stated the artwork must be unique
and not mass produced." There being no further changes to the Minutes, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to approve the minutes as corrected.
Unanimously approved.
B. Financial Statement -There being no further questions or changes, it was moved and
seconded by Commissioners Klein/Kennedy to accept the Financial Statement as submitted.
Unanimously approved.
Art in Public Places
August 12, 1996
A. Proposed artwork for City Parks:
Chairman Walling introduced Mr. Fernandez who presented his design for a piece
of artwork that would hold a Pinata (as well as other objects) for the City parks. He
stated there had been some concern raised about children being injured on the design.
Based on this concern he had developed the tongue of the giraffe which wild hold the
ring for the Pinata to have a breakaway release at 40 or 60-pounds. He stated he had
talked with several companies that made Pinatas and they stated the average weight
of a Pinata was 15-pounds. If the Commission felt the breakaway weight should be
lighter, he could reduce it further.
2. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Fernandez how long would it take to construct the
artwork. Mr. Fernandez stated it would take approximately three weeks. He had
been working on a design for three weeks and it was almost complete.
Chairman Walling asked if the price of $17,000 included all aspects of constructing
and installing the artwork. Mr. Fernandez stated it did and went on to discuss the
construction of the footings for the artwork.
4. Commissioner Klein asked if the exterior metal work would be open. Mr. Fernandez
stated it would be covered with anl/8-inch steel covering forming a three
dimensional object.
Commissioner Shamir asked how hot the metal would get. Mr. Fernandez explained
the purpose of the Pinata holder and the other purposes it could be used for. He
stated it was nine feet in height with a latch to hang the Pinata. To date, he has been
unable to find a coating to protect the metal against heat.
6. Commissioner Davis asked if this was the same metal that was used to construct the
benches for the City of Palm Desert. Mr. Fernandez stated it was and to his
knowledge, there were no problems.
Commissioner Shamir stated that each piece of art would have to be different in color
and design. Mr. Fernandez stated one would be a Giraffe and the second one could
be a free-form. Both would have the same arch and use.
8. Commissioner Cothrun stated she thought the design was unique and asked if any
other city had the same design. Mr. Fernandez stated he had contacted several cities
as well as recreation/park departments to see if the design existed and he could find
no one that had such a piece. To his knowledge this would be the only one in
Art in Public Places
August 12, 1996
9. Chairman Walling asked what the price of both art pieces would be. Mr. Fernandez
stated the Giraffe would be $12,000 and the second feature $5,000 for a total of
$17,000 for both. He would like to receive a release from the City that would allow
him to use a photograph of the art piece for publicity purposes. The art piece itself
would not be duplicated.
10. Commissioner Kennedy asked what the design of the second art piece would be. Mr.
Fernandez stated he did not have a design at present. He had considered a rainbow,
and other free forms, but no decision had been made. He would work with the City
to determine the form.
11. Commissioner Shamis asked if the design could be of one of the indigenous animals.
Different animals were discussed.
12. Chairman Walling stated the Commission needed to determine whether or not the
project fits within the parameters of public art; determine which park(:;). if any it
should be placed in; and determine the price.
13. Commissioner Shamis stated she preferred the giraffe as one design and an animal
that is indigenous to the desert as the second form.
14. Commissioners discussed the value of the project, functional art, and how the project
would fall within the parameters of public art in that it is a unique piece of artwork,
designed and constructed by a local artist.
15. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Cothrun
to request that Mr. Fernandez design an art piece specifically for the Fritz Burns and
Adams Avenue Parks that the APP could recommend to the City Council For their
approval. Mr. Fernandez would present the giraffe as one design along with two
additional designs of indigenous animals.
16. Commissioners suggested that additional designs may include a snake, rabbit, quail,
free form, and other indigenous animals. Commissioner Kennedy asked that the
second model be of a snake as it is indigenous. One would be an animal and other
a snake. Following discussion regarding the designs, Commissioners Klein/Cothrun
withdrew their motion.
17. Commissioners Klein/Kennedy moved and seconded a motion that Mr. Fernandez
present to the APP Commission at their next meeting, a design of a giraffe, snake or
other free form figure for their, review and potential recommendation to the City
Council for the Fritz Burns and Adams Avenue Parks in an amount not m exceed
$17,000. Unanimously approved.
Art in Public Places
August 12, 1996
B. Proposed Artwork for the La Ouinta Car Wash
Chairman Walling briefly explained the project and introduced Paul Gilbert,
President of ARTEACH who would be making a presentation of an art idea for the
Car Wash located at the northwest corner of Highway 111 and Adams Sltreet.
a. Mr. Paul Gilbert, ARTEACH, addressed the Commission regarding local
artists who were capable of doing the file work. He stated that NIr. Michael
Teague was presently doing a small painting for the interior of the Car Wash
and displayed slides of his file work. Regarding a design for the parapet, they
were considering a desert theme. In order to have an estimate of t:he cost, he
had asked a local file setter to estimate the cost of laying plain white file on
the site and his cost estimate was $2,500. He then went on to describe the
design they were proposing. As he was the president of ARTEEACH, his
plans were to incorporate local students to watch and see how the file process
b. Commissioner Kennedy suggested holding an art contest that would involve
local students.
Chairman Walling asked Mr. Gilbert what the price range was estimated to
be. Mr. Gilbert stated it would be approximately $10,000 to cover the entire
area of the parapet or 800 square feet.
d. Chairman Walling thanked Mr. Gilbert for his presentation.
2. Chairman Walling .introduced Marcia Gibbons who would also make a presentation
on an art idea for the Car Wash.
a. Ms. Gibbons stated that four murals had been completed by her students
during the last school year and this was the type of project she would love to
be involved with. She went on to give her artwork background. She then
asked the Commission what size they intended the artwork to be; would it
cover the entire parapet? Did the Commission have a work space available
for the students to do the work? As she is presently teaching in Indio she may
be able to use her school and some of her students, but would this be
acceptable to the Commission? She has a team of students who are
accustomed to working regularly with her. If she were to use L,a Quinta
students she would only want students from the 8th grade and above. In
regard to the cost of the project, it would depend a lot on the size. The
installation, however, would not be included in the cost.
Art in Public Places
August 12, 1996
b. Commissioner Shamis stated the Commission did want the project to remain
with La Quinta students. Local art teachers could be involved by selecting
the students. Ms. Gibbons would, however, have control over the students.
c. Commissioner Shamis asked Ms. Gibbons if she would prefer to create her
own design for the project or involve the community. Ms. Gibbons stated she
has worked on all types of projects. She has designed projects that included
working with the entire age span. This project would depend on what the
Commission would want, as she was not restricted on what type of format
would be used.
d. Ms. Gibbons asked about the liability of the students involved; who would
be responsible? She also stated that if the students were to be im~olved, she
would like to see them receive payment for their work. She then went onto
show some designs of what she was currently working on. If she was to
submit a design for this project, she would need the specifics of what the
Commission wanted, including the exact dimensions. How much of her
involvement would be teaching, or designing? She estimated the cost to be
in the range of $20,000. She would enjoy doing a design of her overt with the
assistance of the students creating the tiles.
e. Commissioner Kennedy asked Ms. Gibbons if she designed and fired the tiles
herself. Ms. Gibbons stated she did as she has three kilns. However, she
would subcontract the installation work. Commissioner Kennedy asked what
her time involvement in the project would be. Ms. Gibbons stated. she would
need assistance from adult artists to aid in the construction.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if it was a professional design, would she be
able to use school time to design it. Ms. Gibbons stated she would need to
coordinate the time with the other teachers.
g. Mr. Paul Gilbert asked if the students would be allowed to work at the site,
rather than at the school. His project anticipated the students being able to
watch, but not be physically involved in the construction.
h. Ms. Gibbons stated the materials would need to be centrally located rather
than spread out. A limited number of students would be involved to produce
the work.
I. Commissioner Cothrun asked if the students had been paid before for their
work. Ms. Gibbons stated they had not been paid for a school project, but if
she involved them in one of her own artworks, yes they were paid. She
Art in Public Places
August 12, 1996
believes it is important fox the students to have the experience of being paid
for their work. She also understands the importance of community pride and
involvement. Discussion followed regarding how students had been utilized
in various projects.
j. Commissioner Klein asked Ms. Gibbons approximately how many hours she
thought the project would take and how many students would be needed. Ms.
Gibbons stated she had no idea of the time involvement. She would need to
know the design and the medium to be used first. She would prefer to submit
a price with the design. This way she would be able to pay the students
involved from the contract price. This would give the students thl; feeling of
doing a professionaljob.
k. Commissioner Davis asked Mr. Gilbert how much time would be involved
with his project. Mr. Gilbert stated about two months.
3. Chairman Walling thanked Ms. Gibbons and Mr. Gilbert for their time and
presentations and asked for Commission discussion.
4. Commissioner Kennedy stated there was a need to dress up the shopping center.
5. Commissioner Klein asked if funds were available for the project. She suggested the
project could be structured so that the public and both artists were involved.
6. Chairman Walling stated he was in favor of the project as it would place cut in a very
noticeable area of the town as well as serving to educate the public The negative
side could be the use of the City's money to enhance a commercial site. The
Commission needs to determine if this is a good use of APP funds. Does this project
'meet the philosophy of the art program. The Commission needs to determine if they
want to use funds for the smaller projects as they come up, or let the account
accumulate for a large project. The Commission needs to make this decision first.
7. Commissioner Klein asked if it was necessary to use tile? Would there be; a problem
having a painted mural instead. Chairman Walling stated the the was a better
medium and a mural would not be able to utilize the students.
8. Commissioner Cothrun stated she would like to pursue the project.. but the
Commission needs to establish a realistic budget.
9. Commissioner Davis stated she did not want the project to commercially benefit the
Car Wash. There is a need to do something to the site with a limited amount of
money. She agreed that it was a good idea to pay students for their work, :is well as
teach them the value of community involvement. Would it be possible to get an
Art in Public Places
August 12, 1996
educational grant to assist in the funding? Could the Commission ask VVaI-Mart or
some other local company, for a grant? This would enable the City to put money
back into the community.
10. Staff would check into what grants are available, even for reimbursement purposes.
In addition, they would check with the La Quinta teachers to see if space was
available and if there was student talent to do the project.
11. Commissioner Shamis stated she was uncomfortable with spending; $20,000.
Commissioner Kennedy stated Mr. Gilbert could do the whole parapet for $10,000.
It was again suggested that the project be opened up to both artists to see, what they
collaborate on.
12. Commissioner Klein stated her concern about the amount of public involvement.
13. Commissioner Cothrun asked how a workshop could be set up to accomplish this.
14. Chairman Walling stated the Commission needed to establish a price. Following
discussion, the Commission determined that a budget of $10,000 was sufficient for
the purpose of discussing the project. This figure would include installation. The
Commission could re-evaluate the cost after- staff provided the additional
15. Following the discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners 1<aein/Davis
to continue this item to the next meeting.
1. Temporary Art Program -Staff informed the Commission that the City Attorney
would have a report in October.
2. Student Art Wall -Commissioners directed staff to contact Mike Teague, who had
displayed the artwork at the La Quinta Arts Foundation building, to see if' he could
provide staff with an idea.
3. Workshop -Commissioner Shamis stated her concern that the Commission not drop
the plans to hold a training workshop. She felt the Commission needed to be
thinking of ways to educate the City Council, the community, as well as themselves
and developers regarding public art. Commissioners discussed the need for the
workshop, but stated it needed to be done with the prepazation and publicity that
would allow for a well planned workshop. Commissioners should to be thinking of
planning ideas to create a comprehensive workshop. The Car Wash project may be
a beginning.
4. Art Library -staff displayed the books that had been purchased to date.
5. Bear Creek Channel -staff reviewed the report from the Public Works Department
and Commissioners discussed the development of the path.
Art in Public Places
August 12, 1996
A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program
B. Discussion on the proposed Workshop
C. Presentation by artist Art Fernandez on his proposed Pinata artwork design
D. Discussion on books accumulated for the Art Library
E. Major Event Plan review
F. Car Wash artwork presentation
G. Update on the Bear Creek Channel project
H. Discussion regarding the Obelisks (if any correspondence has been received from the
Historical Society).
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners to
adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public
Places Commission on August 5, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting
of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 5:00 P.M.