APPMIN 10 07 1996REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM October 7, 1996 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:14 p.m., who asked Commissioner Cothran to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothran, Johna Davis, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. Staff: Planning Manager Christine di Iorio and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed PUBLIC COMMENT: None CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes -There being no changes to the Minutes of September 9, 1996, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Davis to approve the minutes as submitted. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement -There being no questions or changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Klein to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Proposed artwork for City Parks: 1. Chairman Walling introduced Mr. Art Femandez who was present to update the Commission on his proposal. Staff informed the Commission that Mr. Fernande had changed the design of his proposal due to the complexity of obtaining an engineer's calculations. Mr. Femandez stated that due to the design change of the the art piece, he would have to increase the price to $24,000. 2. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the new design would function as well as the first design.. Mr. Fernandez stated it would be able to hold any object and acbually might have additional uses. 3. Commissioner Klein asked what the distance was between the two arches. Mr. Femandez stated is was 18-feet and the arch would make it more difi6c:ult to be climbed. Art in Public Places October 7, 1996 4. Commissioner Shamis asked about the depth of the poles . Mr. Fernandez stated it was between six and eight inches, but it would depend on what the engineer would require. The structure would taper from the bottom to the top. HE: had been discussing the project with some of the local students and he was surprised how many were into the snake design. 5. Commissioner Shamis asked Mr. Fernandez what materials were to be used to construct the base. Mr. Fernandez stated it would be concrete with grass planted between the two arches. He further explained that the finish on the snake design would have a flourescent finish that would shimmer at night and look like it is moving. 6. Chairman Walling suggested Mr. Fernandez know exactly what materials would be used in the construction of the art piece along with the dimensions and be ready to answer any questions the City Council may have. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Comissioners Klein/Cothrun to recommend to the City Council approval of the two <nt pieces designed by Mr Art Fernandez in an amount not to exceed $24,000. Unanimously approved. 8. Acting Public Works Director Steve Speer stated Mr. Fernandez would need to have an engineer establish a weight load for the structure. Chairman Wallinl; stated the footings would be determined by the engineer as well as the loading capacity. Acting Public Works Director Steve Speer stated that as a single cantolever it was difficult to determine the weight load, but as a complete arch the structure should be able to hold 200 pounds. An engineer needs to determine the weight load in order to establish a safety factor. As it is currently designed, the Public Works Department had no problem as long as it was engineered properly. 9. Commissioner Shamis asked if the proposed six inch width would be; adequate. Chairman Walling stated that six inches of solid steel was very adequate. B. City Obelisks Chairman Walling reviewed the project with the Commissioners. 2. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she had spoken with some of the C ity Council Members regarding the project and it was her understanding that they were wanting the Commission to endorese the concept and submited the design back to the Council for their consideration. 3. Commissioner Reynolds introduced Mr.Mike Smith who stated that Council Member Terry Henderson had asked him to research the obelisks and make a scale drawing. He went on to explain the condition of the exist obelisks. The obelisks censist of 7.5 Art in Pnblic Places October 7, 1996 cubic feet of concrete and rebaz totalling about $20-30 in materials, not including labor. Commissioners discussed the history of the obelisks. Mr.Smith stated that the existing ones obelisks that are stored in the City Yard are all different size;s and his drawing was based on the average size. The street names were originally painted on. 4. Acting Public Works Director Steve Speer stated his understanding was that one obelisk would be placed at each intersection throughout the City extending out to include the northern portion of La Quinta. In the Department's opinion the biggest problem would probably be graffiti. If the obelishs were to be the only street name sign, some people may have a problem reading the sign vertically and they would be difficult to see at night. Chairman Walling stated it was his understandiing that the obelisks were meant to be supplemental to the existing signs. Commissioner Reynolds stated she thought they would be reflective. Ivor. Smith stated he understood they were to be solor powered to eluminate them at night. 6. Chairman Walling reiterated that the Commission did not believe this was a project for the Commission as the obelisks themselves did not meet the parameters of a piece of artwork as defined by the Master Plan. They considered it to be more of a historical element than an art project. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio informed the Commission that the; Historical Preservation Commission had discussed this project and their recommendation to the La Quinta Historical Society was to encourage the project, but restrict the obelisks to the Cove only as they were a historical part of the Cove. They agreed that it was a unique idea, but only the original design should only be placed in the Cove. If they were to be used throughout the City, another design should be used. 8. Commissioner Reynolds stated her understanding was that the APP was only being asked to endoreee the project and make a recommendation to the City Council. It was up to the City Council to determine the funding source. 9. Chairman Walling stated he did not believe the project was within the purview of APP. Commissioners discussed the recommendations that had been made by the other Commissions. 10. Staff informed the Commission that the City Council at their last meeting had directed staff to review the issue and report back to the City Council. Based on their direction, staff recommended the Commission place the issue on hold un1:i1 direction had been given by the City Council. 1 L Commissioner Cothran stated her concern that if the APP endorsed the project, they would be requested to contribute funds to the project and she did not believe the APP should fund this project. She asked that the letter be written to the Historical Society stating the APP's definition of an art project based on the Master Plan. Art in Public Places October 7, 1996 12. There being no further discussion, the issue was tabled until further direction had been received from the City Council. C. Cit~Quinta Art Brochure Chairman Walling asked staff to inform the Commission about the Arl: Brochure. Staff stated that they had been working with five firms who had submitted proposals for a brochure on the Civic Center Artwork. Upon reviewing the final selections, staff was asked to include the Public Art artwork as well. Before submitting the changes to the firms, staff was asking the APP to review the proposals submitted. 2. Council Member Sniff stated he had a concern that certain areas that contain public art might not always be available. Commissioner Klein stated this might be an opportunity to include other entities in La Quinta who have art projects. Discussion followed as to how inclusive you should make the brochure. Should a City brochure support private enterprise. If one is included they all must be. 3. Commissioners asked staff how the brochures would be distributed. Staff'szated they would be given out at conventions, as well as handed out by the Chamber and other organiations. 4. Council Member Sniff suggested they be given out to the students when tours are given of the City Hall. The artwork itself could be given as a tour. 3. Staff asked the Comrissioners for their recomendation . Commissioners discussed the advantages of the different brochure designs. 4. Council Member Sniff encourage the Commissioners to have art events at City Hall. Perhaps once a month. Have several different kinds of art events. Events that could be for the the children as well as involveing the children. 5. Chairman Walling asked the Commissioner why they preferred the poster design. Commissioner Shamis stated it gave the children something put it up and always look at it as well as being a good exchange with other cities. Posters are out there to be appreciated. It would be out there to show off La Quinta. As the artwork. grows, the poster could be expanded and posters have been successful. 6. Commissioner Klein suggested making the poster foldable as well tmd have it function as both. Chairman Walling stated the poster would be a good way to make the public aware of the art program. The poster would get it out more than the brochure; would. It could be posted in a lot of places. APP10-7 4 Art in Public Places October 7. 1996 8. Commissioner Kennedy stated the Commission needed to make the public aware of the artwork. She was concerned that money would be taken from the fund to advertise instead of paying to have the art. She preferred the brochure to the poster. She did not like the black poster but the idea was worth a redesign. 9. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Cormnissioner Klein/Cothrun to recommend to the City Council the expenditure of $8,000 from the APP fund to produce the brochure. VI. CORRESPONDENSE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL Staff explained to the mail that had been received by the Commissioners. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: Staff informed the Commission that the City Attorney could hold a spec al meeting with the Commission to discuss a temporary art program. Once a date artd tiem had been determined, staff would inform the Commission. 2. Planning Manager Christine di Iorio informed the Commisison of the Historical Preservation Commission Workshop that was to take place on November 2, 1996. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program B. Brochure on the Civic Center Art purchases as well as the public art purchases. C. Continued discussion on the proposed Workshop D. Major Event Plan review ADJOURNMENT There being no Further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Sharrtis/Klein to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the A.rt in Public Places Commission on November 4, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:23 P.M. APP 10-7