APPMIN 11 04 1996REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM November 4, 1996 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:10 p.m., who asked Commissioner Shamis to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothran, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein 1:o excuse Commissioner Davis. The motion carried unanimously Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes -Commissioner Shamis asked that the Minutes of October 7, 1996, be amended. Staff stated the minutes were being withdrawn, as they had not been edited. They would be resubmitted at the next meeting of the APP. Commissioner Kennedy/Shamis moved and seconded that the minutes be held over to the next meeting. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement -There being no questions or changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Shamis to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. C. Department Report -Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained why the Agenda format had changed. He further explained that the City Council was restructuring the all the City Commissions. Discussion followed rel;arding the restructuring of the Commissions. APP l 1-4 1 Art in Public Places November 4, 1996 V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Proposed Artwork for the La Ouinta Carwash: Chairman Walling gave the background of the project and introduced artists Marcia Gibbons and Mike Teague who were present to explain their proposals for the Carwash. a. Ms. Gibbons explained her design was a the mural that would take up the majority of the parapet (336 sq. ft.) She would leave a. one foot border around the parapet and may enlarge it to a 1.5 foot border. The mural is currently 28 feet by 12-feet. She would like to have the La Quina High School and Middle School art teachers recommend students to work with her. She would start with the High School students who would do the transferring of the design onto the grid. Then she would bring in the Middle School students to work on the design and allow the High School students to teach them. She had no predetermined number of students that could work on the project. It would be whoever the teachers would want to send. They would be involved in the actual process from the beginning up the firing of preparing the tiles. b. Ms. Gibbons stated she would like to be in control of the pt•oject and the design. As to the drawing itself, it would be a black. and white picture that depicts man striving to make a place in the desert and the natural elements he would be confronted with. This is depicted in the mural by the use of cars and tumbleweeds. The project would cost approximately $10,000 and would not include the installation. The length of time it would take to complete the artwork would depend on when the project was started. The time period depends on whether or not it is during school or summer. Commissioner Reynolds asked if any of the students summer vacations would cause any problems. Commissioners stated most students stay for the summer. c. Ms. Gibbons stated that in order to do the project she would need a retail building that would have enough space with lightiing. Water was not necessary, but would be nice to have. d. Commissioner Shamis stated she preferred the pencil drawing, but would like the cars to not dominate the picture. She asked why Ms. Gibbons had chosen black and white rather than doing it in color. APP l 1-4 2 Art in Public Places November 4, 1996 Ms. Gibbons stated .that she currently was working witli black and white and thought there was so much color at the Shopping Center that this would be a departure causing it to stand out. Color may make it appear to be a billboard instead of artwork. Commissioner Shamis stated she was glad to see that students would be involved in the project. e. Chairman Walling asked what the installation costs would be. Mike Teague stated about $3,000. Discussion followed regarding the costs of installation. Commissioner Kennedy asked whether the students would be receiving any payment for their work. Ms. Gibbons stated. that it was her impression that the Commission would like to have it be an educational process and due to the costs involved, students would not be paid for their work. g. Commissioner Shamis asked that the final design be submitted to the Commission for approval. Ms. Gibbons stated that was no problem. h. Chairman Walling stressed that the picture/design not denote the Carwash or advertise the business. If this became an issue would she be able to convince the City Council that the design had nothing to do with the business. Ms. Gibbons stated there would be no way of determining the model or make of the cars in the drawing. The cars would be generic in a sense and the artwork itself dealt with contrast; black and white, the natural and the man-made, and the ~var to tame the desert, but, most important, it would be the common experience we have all have with living in the desert -the attack of the tumbleweeds. I. Commissioner Kennedy asked about the issue of liability when the students are involved. Ms. Gibbons stated this was a c;oncem for anybody involved in the process. The City would have to see that insurance was provided. Commissioner Shamis asked if the School District would have a building suitable for Ms. Gibbons to use. Staff would research the issues. k. Chairman Walling asked Ms. Gibbons when she be able to give the Commission a definite cost for the project, including the installation. Ms. Gibbons stated about two weeks. APPn-a Art in Public Places November 4, 7996 1. Mr Mike Teague presented his proposal consisting of two colored drawings. Mr. Teague stated he proposal would not involve as many students in the design or construction of the artwork. The dimensions of the mural would be 10-feet by 20-feet using 6-inch tiles. He would use his students from Amistad High School as they were students from all over the Valley including La Quinta. He went on to explain that the students at Amistad were the "at risk" students from all the schools in the Valley. He would use no more than 12 students. Regarding the artwork, he determined that the site ~/as a busy highway and therefore there was no ability to tell a story or draw attention to it. Therefore, he wanted to do an art piece that was big and bold and easily recognized. m. Commissioner Shamis asked if the color would be the background and the object drawn in black. Mr. Teague stated that was correct. It would blend with the surrounding colors. n. Commissioner Cothrun questioned the students involvement in the research. Mr. Teague stated they would be instructed on the use of tile. o. Commissioner Klein asked if the picture was true to size. Mr. Teague stated it was. p. Commissioner Kennedy asked if staff had researched the artbank for other artists who also worked in tile. Staff stated the only names that were found were of those represented. q. Mr. Teague stated he may use the students in the creation of a the border for the design. r. Chairman Walling thanked both artists for their time and. designs. s. Commissioners discussed whether or not the location was worthy of artwork. t. Commissioner Shamis stated she thought having students involved in the project was important. She preferred Ms. Gibbons's design as it appeared to be more artistic. APPI ~-a 4 Art in Public Places November 4, 1996 u. Commissioner Klein stated_her concern that Ms. Gibbons's design may be viewed as a commercial design. In dollars and cents the Carwash's contribution to the APP Fund was a small amount and she was concerned with singleing out a particular business for the placement of artwork. Would other businesses want the same treatment? v. Chairman Walling stated he thought this was a good motivation to have other businesses want the same. If they want art we' 11. do it for them as well. Any person can offer a building site. What is interesting is the multitude of art all over the City. If enough of this is done, it will cause a conscienceness throughout the Ci1:y. w. Commissioner Reynolds stated that publicity will be goodl for the art program. The Carwash is a visible site and it might bring a new attitude toward art. x. Commissioners discussed with staff suggestions on how they could present the design to the City Council without going Chrough the formal process. It was thought that by giving the City Council the opportunity to view the artwork over a period of time might be more beneficial. Following discussion, staff was directed to hang the two pictures, along with an explanation of what the designs, in the Council waiting area. y. Commissioner Kennedy stated she liked the idea that there would be artwork at both ends of the shopping center. z. Chairman Walling asked if the Commission was in favor of the project. Commissioner Klein stated she thought it was a good idea and the involvement of the students important. However, she felt that Mr. Teague's artwork was is too commercial and not original in its design. aa. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Conmiissioners Shamis/Cothrun to continue this item to the next meeting. Unanimously approved. APPI 1-4 Art in Public Places November 4, 1996 B. La Ouinta Art in Public Places List of Community Art Sites Staff explained that in formulating a list of sites for artwork throughout the City, it became apparent that a budget was needed to give priority to the different locations. a. Commissioner Cothrun asked if the original list of sites was available. Following discussion, staff was directed to prepare and update the old list and continue this subject to the nerd meeting. Members would receive the old list with their next agenda and they were to Formulate a program where artwork should be placed along with a proposed budget. C. Student Creative Recycle Art Program Gallery Staff informed the Commission that the project had been brought to staff for consideration by t]re Commission. Based on the criteria for the expenditure of APP Funds, it was determined that the project would not qualify. 2. Following discussion, the Commission recommended the program. to the City Council for their review and consideration. D. Video on the City of Brea's Artwork Commissioner Shamis explained that she had spoken with the City of Brea regarding their art program and had asked that they send a copy of their video on their artwork. Staff explained that the video had not arrived and they would try to have it for the next meeting. VI. CORRESPONDENSE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Student Gallery -Staff explained that they had met with the art teachers from the three schools in La Quinta. In that meeting Mr. Mike Teague explained the "Student Gallery" design as recommended by the Commission. He then ini.°ormed the Commission that the teachers had requested that the wall not contain the: individual art frames, but leave the wall plain. Therefore, he was submitting a design for a corner treatment utilizing a fabric on the wall. He explained that the corner design would be constructed out of/z" birch to create a very subtle effect. The; teachers preferred the raised and painted lettering for the "Student Gallery". The border was to be made out of birch wood that would be sanded and painted a wash color. nPP l t -a Art in Nublic Maces November 4, 7996 B. Temporay Art -Staff stated that the Commission would need to meet with the City Attorney to discuss the newest information regarding court cases on terporary art. Discussion followed regarding temporary art programs. Commissioners determined that a special meeting could be held on Wednesday, December 4th at 2:00 P.M. Staff was to see if this date was convenient for the City Attorney. VIII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program 1X. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission on December 9, 1996, at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:43 P.M. APP I 1-4