APPMIN 12 09 1996REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM December 9, 1996 3:00 P.M. This regulaz meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Vice; Chairman Rosita Shamis at 3:18 p.m., who asked Commissioner Reynolds to lead the flag salute. Vice Chairman Shamis asked for the roll call: ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Sharon Kennedy, Elaine Reynolds, and Vice Chairman Rosita Shamis. (Chairman Walling arrived late.) It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to excuse Commissioners Davis and Klein. The motion carried unanimously. Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes -Commissioner Shamis asked that the Minutes of October ., 1996, be amended on Page 4, Item 5 to restate the Commissioners comment. There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners CothrunlShamis to approve the minutes as amended. Unanimously approved. Commissioner Shamis asked that the Minutes of November 4, 1996, be amended on Page 1, Item C to eliminate the word "the". There being no further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Cothrun/Shamis to approve the minutes as amended. B. Financial Statement -Commissioner Kennedy asked why there was still money owed to artists Kim Emerson and Alber DeMatteis. Following discussion, it was determined that it was a retainer to be held until the gate was installed. There being no further questions nor any changes, it was moved and seconded by Conmiissioners Shamis/Cothrun to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. APP12-9 Art in Public Places December 9, 1996 C. Department Report - Staff discussed the responsibilities of the Art in Public Places Commission and the Cultural Affairs Commission. Commissioners were reminded to review the Cultural Commission minutes when they are received to keep themselves informed. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Proposed Artwork for Fritz Burns Park Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that this item had been returned to the Commission for a reconsideration of the design of the project to make it more functional. 2. Commissioner Shamir stated she did not agree with the redesign as submitted as it did not appear to be "unique" and therefore, could not be considered art. Staff stated it was similar to the functional art the Commission had seen at the City of Escondido. The Commission can accept Council's recommendation or submit the same design and state their reasons. 3. Mr. Art Fernandez, stated he had met with each of the Council members individually as to what they wanted to see in the City. It was his interpretation that the Council wanted a unique jungle-gym that would be tied into a piece of artwork. This was difficult on a limited budget. Mr. Fernandez further stated that he believed the redesign was a unique design as the artwork could not be found anywhere else. During discussions with each of the Council Members it was stated that they wanted animals incorporated into the design, for the piece to be more functional, and to concentrate only on the Fritz Burns Park. 4. Commissioner Shamir asked why the art piece would have to be relocated at a later date. Staff explained that the area within the Park that was designated as the "Children's Play Area", would not be constructed until a later date. 5. Commissioner Reynolds stated she liked the artwork and she believed it to be an appropriate piece of artwork for the Park. 6. Commissioner Kennedy asked how the redesign was different than the original Pinata design? Commissioner Shamir stated the original design of the giraffe was a piece of artwork with grace and beauty. This design is an arch that even if the animals are cut-outs, they are added to the pierce and this is not art. She then asked how much depth there would be to the animals? APP12-9 Art in Public Places December 9, 1996 Mr. Fernandez stated they would be approximately 18-inches. He; would not have the exact specifications until it comes back from the engineer, but it will be a minimum of 10-inches wide. The commissioners asked how the animals would be supported. Mr. Fernandez stated they would be welded. onto the frame. He went on to explain that from the top of the arch to the grass it would be 13-feet; to the top of the swing it would be 11-1/2 feet. The width would be about 25-feet. The swings will be attached to the smaller quails at the top of the arch. The colors to be used will be those used in the water spray tower. The actual swing structure will be constructed of steel, painted with aclear-coated sealer. The animals are to be "life-like" in appearance. Commissioner Cothrun asked if the palm trees would be metal. Mr. Fernandez stated they would be and the pinata holder would be located at the end of the leaf Commissioner Cothran asked if there would be any problem with incorporating the artwork into the play equipment. She preferred the design of the palm trees and animals. 8. Commissioner Shamir asked what the cost of the redesign would be. Mr. Fernandez stated it would be $35,000 to build and install. Cormissioner Shamir asked if the palm trees could be replaced with animal figrses. Mr. Fernandez stated that would be done. Commissioner Shamir stated she was not in favor of the new design. Discussion followed regarding animals that could be used to make the structure appear more like a piece of art. 9. Commissioner Kennedy stated the redesign was user friendly. Mr. Fernandez stated the palm trees would have a textured appearance. He went on to state that the tree trunks would be 12-inches in diameter, painted the same as a palm tree. A small rabbit, approximately three feet in height, would be a part of the base. 10. Commissioner Reynolds asked if both ideas presented by Mr. Fernandez could be presented to the City Council; the palm trees and the animals. Mr. Fernandez stated that numerous people from all over the Valley and in the Los Angeles area have told him what a good idea this is and they .are anxious to see it completed. 11. Commissioner Cothran stated she supported a design that incorporated art into a swing set that would be a functional part of the Park. 12. Mr. Fernandez stated he would present both maquettes to the Council for their consideration. 13. Commissioner Reynolds asked if the public could be informed of the Council meeting, to bring some public support. APP 12-9 Art in Public Places December 9, 1996 Chairman Walling joined the meeting. 15. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Reynolds/Kennedy to recommend to the City Council both maquettes submitted by Mr Fernandez; the palm trees and/or indigenous animals (not frightening to children) for a price not to include $3',000 along with a structure that is atwo-sided slide. If palm trees aze to be used, then the slide would be the pinata holder. 16. Chairman Walling asked Mr. Fernandez if the slide were to be purchased, would he build the artwork around it. Mr. Fernandez stated he would buy the slide and add the artwork. He went on to state that he would create an art piece around four swings, either the palm trees or the animals fi;gt~res. The same design would be used for the slide. If the palm trees are used, the pinata design would be incorporated into the palm fronds. If the design of the two rams is used, it will not have the animals on the top of the swing set. The swing set design along with the slide would be constructed for a price not to exceed $35,000. Following discussion, the motion was tuianimously approved. B. Proposed Artwork for the La Ouinta Carwash: Staff explained to the Commission why the project had not been displayed for Council discussion and was being brought back to the Commission. Following discussion staff stated they would take the project to the Council for presentation during a study session to give Council an opportunity to review and make comment. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Walling to instruct staff to present the project to the City Council during a study session for their review and direction. C. La Ouinta Art in Public Places List of Community Art Sites Staff informed the Commission that there were several sites throughout the City were artwork could be placed. Commissioner Shamir asked if the Commission could take a tour with staff of the locations It was determined that a tour would be scheduled for the Commission at the beginning of their next meeting. APPI2-9 4 Art in Public Places December 9, 1996 VL CORRESPONDENSE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None A. Video on the City of Brea's Artwork 1. Commissioner Shamir explained how the tape had been obtained. Staff stated the Commission would view the video at the conclusion of the business items. VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: A. Temporary art I. Commissioner Shamis stated that she had spoken with Mr. W'idenhymer regarding the loan of his art piece. Mr. Widenhymer had stated that he would sign any agreement with the City that the City Attorney would like him to enable the City to have the artwork. The City would not be responsible for any damage or theft to the art piece. 2. Chairman Walling asked staff if Mr. Widenhymer could call the City Attorney directly. Staff suggested an appointment be made for Mr. Widenhymer to meet with the City Attorney to discuss the issue.. Staff was directed to arrange a meeting with the City Attorney and Mr. W:idenhymer. 3. Commissioner Shamir stressed the importance of having a community workshop on the importance of art in public places. The workshop would educate the public as well as the City Council and staff as to how artwork could be incorporated into the City. VIII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Progress on the Temporary Art Program B. Discussion relative to the City of Brea art program. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners CothrurJShamis to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the A rt in Public Places Commission on January 6, 1997 at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:38 P.M. APP 12-9 $