APPMIN 02 03 1997REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM February 3 1997 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman John Walling at 3:12 p.m., who asked Commissioner Klein to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothran, Johna Davis, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to excuse Commissioners Cothran and Davis. The motion carried unanimously. Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. IL CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes -The Minutes of January 6, 1997. Commissioner Shamis asked that the minutes be amended to add the discussion with John Nagus regarding the Cities of La Quinta and Palm Desert hosting a joint workshop regarding public art. She also asked that Item A uner Business Items be changed to relfect that Mr. John Nagus gave the presentation. There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to approve the minutes as amended. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement -There being no further questions nor any changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Reynolds to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. C. Department Report -Community Development Director Jerry Herman introduced Assistant City Manager Mark Weiss who explained the purpose of the Cultural Commission Workshop to be held February 6, 1997. Commissioner Shamis asked if there were any written information on the meeting. Staff stated the only information distributed was a questionnaire that had been mailed out. APP2-3-97 Art In Public Places Commission Pebmary 3, 1997 2. Commissioner Kennedy asked what the response had been to the questionnaire. Staff stated that 18 had been received to date. 3. Commissioner Shamis asked that a thank you note be sent to the City Council for all the work that was done to create the Boards and Commission Notebook. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Tour and Discussion of Potential Art Locations within the City L Community Development Director Jerry Herman gave a brief overview of the development that is occurring within the City. He explained that the road improvements at the intersection of Highway 111 and Washington Street are anticipated to be completed by middle of March which would allow the DeMartino art piece to be completed. 2. Chairman Walling asked if landscaping was planned for the centEx mediums on Highway 111. Staff stated the medians would be constmcte;d from the Cliffllouse Restaurant at the west entrance, to Jefferson Street on the east. Staff was currently reviewing the landscaping drawings and they should be presented to Council in March or April. Washington Street and Eisenhower Drive medians and landscaping had been approved by the City Cozulcil. All mediums are being designed to contain art pads. 3. Staff went on to explain that the City campus would be turfed and a road constructed from the Senior Center to Avenida La Fonda with curb and gutter improvements planned for La Fonda. In addition, the City Campus would be turfed and accominodate the DeMartino's artwork. 4. Staff explained that Home Depot had been required to dedicate the northwest corner of Jefferson and Highway 111 to the City for an entry sign that would include landscaping and possible artwork. In regards to potential sites for artwork, the proposed retail center at Highway 111 and Dune P;rlms Road may be a potential site. Also, the commercial project at Fred Waring and Washington Street as well as the southeast comer-Palm Royale could potentially be developed for art. 5. Commissioners discussed with staff the plans for the City Campus in regards to the La Quinta Arts Foundation building their offices on-site. 6. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Corrunissioners Walling/Shamis to direct staff to create a City map identifying potential sites APP2-3-97 2 Art In Public Places Commission February 3, 1999 for artwork to be presented and discussed at the next meeting. Unanimously approved. B. Civic Center Art Purchase Committee - La Ouinta Arts Festival Staff informed the Commission that Council Members Sniff and Adolph had been appointed to serve on the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee. The Commission would need to determine who from the Commission would also be on the Committee. If four or more are on the Committee the meeting most be posted. Following discussion, Commissioners Klein, Davis, and Shamis were appointed. Unanimously approved 2. Commissioner Davis asked when and how the arrangements had been made that the City would not pay the commission on the artwork selected. Staff stated this was established when the program was first started. Commissioner Davis stated she would research the issue with the Foundation. VL CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: VIII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Commissioners asked staff about the progress on the Temporary Art Pro€;r<rm. Staff stated they were waiting to meet with the City Attorney to redraft the program. IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the A.rt in Public Places Commission on March 3, 1997 at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned 4:18 at P.M. APP23-97