APPMIN 03 03 1997REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION NORTH CONFERENCE ROOM March 3, 1997 3:00 P.M. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman John Walling at 3:05 p.m., who asked Commissioner Shamis to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: L ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Judi Cothrun, Johna Davis, Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Elaine Reynolds, Rosita Shamis, and Chairman Walling. Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. II. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed III. PUBLIC COMMENT: None IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. Minutes -Chairman Walling asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of February 3, 1997. Commissioner Cothrun asked that the minutes be amend to show that she was in attendance. There being no further changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Kennedy to approve the minutes as amended. Unanimously approved. B. Financial Statement -There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to accept the Financial Statement as submitted. Unanimously approved. C. Department Report -None V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Art Proposal for the La Ouinta Car Wash by Marcia Gibbons 1. Chairman Walling introduced artist Marcia Gibbons who presented her drawings for the carwash. Ms. Gibbons stated she was resubmiting her design due to the controversy of the subject of the painting. In regards to the cost of installation of the artwork, she had no objection to overseeing the installation, but she did not want to be in charge of the installation; she did not want to subcontract the installation. APP33-97 1 Art In Public Places Commission March 3, 1997 2. Ms. Gibbons went on to explain her drawings. She stated she understood the Commission's concern that the car motif was the wrong subject for this location. It could appear to be advertising and this is not the intent of the Commission or public art. What she was submitting were two alternative landscape themes for the Commission's consideration.. 3. Chairman Walling asked Ms. Gibbons if her bid and the installation costs would be within the $10,000 budget. Ms. Gibbons stated they v~ould. 4. Commissioner Kennedy asked what size tiles would be used. M[s. Gibbons stated she would be using six inch tiles as they were the easiest to work with. Commissioner Kennedy asked how many tiles it would take. N[s. Gibbons stated she was unsure of the exact number, but it would be a lot. 5. Commissioner Shamis asked how many students would be involved. Ms. Gibbons stated she would want the teachers from the La Quinta Middle and High School to make recommendations. She would be able to use as many as they recommend. The number was not important as she teaches 200 students a day and most classes have 35 students. As long as the leachers are recommending the students, they will be motivated and there should be no problem. 6. Commissioner Kennedy asked where the students would be working. Ms. Gibbons stated it would need to be a building that was empty but had lights, water, air conditioning, and someplace on site to store all the supplies. The high school may be a possibility, but she was unfamiliar with the facility. 7. Following discussion, it was determined that Ms. Gibbons would check with the high school and staff would check with the owners of the One: Eleven La Quinta Shopping Center. 8. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to recommend to the City Council that a Contract for Services be entered into with Ms. Marcia Gibbons for the design, construction, and overseeing of the installation of an art piece to be located on the south-facing parapet of the La Quinta Car Wash, contingent upon the approval of middle and high school students being involved; the total cost not to exceed $10,000; and the subject to be determined by the City Council from a selection of four designs to be submitted by Ms. Gibbons. The four designs would be subject to the Commission's review prior to being taken to City Council on April 1st. Unanimously approved. APP33-97 2 Art In Public Places Commission March 3, 1997 B. Discussion of Potential Art Locations within the City Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the problems that had been incurred by the City due to the passing of Proposition 218. He stated that before temporary art could be considered for installation in the City medians, the medians would need to be constructed and a determination made as to the effects of Proposition 218 on the City's ability to nnaintain the medians. Commissioners discussed potential artists who had. expressed interest in displaying artwork. They included John Weidenhamer, Snake Jagger, John Kennedy, as well as art pieces from the Sculpture Garden/Open Art Museum. 2. Commissioner Klein asked if the medians would have lighting. (:ommunity Development Director Jerry Herman stated staff anticipated lighting would be installed, but it was still uncertain. 3. Commissioner Cothran stated it was her understanding that the medians had been approved and budgeted a long time ago. Staff stated that was true, but with the passing of Proposition 218 everything was being reconsidered. 4. Chairman Walling asked if the installation of the pads would be clone with the use of Art in Public Places funds? Staff stated the cost of the pads should have been included in the cost of the medians. 5. Staff informed the Commission that the City would be constructing, Avenida La Fonda and the grass seeding of the Civic Center Campus should be done at the same time. This would allow the installation of the Louis DeMartino art piece. A time frame was yet to be determined; it would depend upon when the funds could be allocated. 6. Commissioners reminded staff that Mr. Bernardo, of the Sculpture Garden had volunteered artwork from this Sculpture Garden to be installed in the medians as part of the temporary program. Staff was directed to obtain a list of artists that are on display at the Sculpture Garden as well as a list of other artists who would be available from other areas. Commissioner Shamis asked if the Commission was to be involved in the selection of an entry sign for Highway 111. Staff stated it was up to the City Council and explained that an entry sign was being considered for the east and west ends of Highway 111. The City Council had reviewed four designs at a recent study session. APP3-3-97 Art In Public Places Commission March 3, 1997 8. Commissioner Klein asked if the sign being considered was anything like the entry sign for Indian Wells. Staff stated that should the Commission want to be involved in the design of the entry sign, it would probably mean the use of APP funds. 9. Commissioner Shamis asked if the Commission shouldn't be inl:rusted to lend some expertise to the design of the sign. Discussion followed regarding how or if the Commission would like to be involved in the selection of a City entry sign. 10. Commissioner Cothrun stated that due to the limited APP funds and time commitment involved, she believed it would be best not to get involved. 11. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the entry signs for Palm Desert had been determined by their Art Commission. She would like to think that as a Commission they represented the City. She would like to approach the City Council and see if they would allow them to be involved in the selection of an entry sign. Staff reiterated that if the Commission wanted to be involved, it would probably require a financial commitment. 12. Commissioner Cothrun asked if the decision was entirely up to the City Council or could each member of the Commission offer their suggestion as a resident of the City. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that they were certainly entitled to offer their opinion to the Council. 13. Chairman Walling stated his concern that this could expose the Commission to a lot of areas that the Commission does not want to be involved in and in his opinion it would be better to keep the art separate. 14. Commissioner Shamis stated it was hard to make any decisions or plans when they have no direction from the Council as to what they are planning. I5. Commissioner Klein stated she would like to think the Commission had a plan in mind as to how the City was developing. The streetscape is a large part of the City's development and the Commission should be involved. 16. Commissioner Kennedy stated that the City of Palm Desert is a~ very "user friendly" City as you enter from either entrance. The Commission needs to offer its expertise and services to the City Council and see if they accept. APP33-97 4 Ar[ In Public Places Commission March 3, 1997 17. Chairman Walling stated the Commission obviously wants to be involved and in his opinion, they could do this one of two ways. Either by helping to design the entry sign or by involvement in the streetscape. Should the Council not want to be involved in the entry sign, they could be'.involved in the enhancement of the area where the signs are installed. 18. Commissioner Shamir stated the Council should be notified of their interest early enough to allow time for the Commission and Council to work together on the entire design. Staff stated that if Council agrees to the Commission's request, would the Commission want to design the sign or would they retain an artist. Commissioners determined that a competition would probable be the best method. 19. Commissioner Klein asked staff how far along the Council was on the designing of the sign. Staff stated that four signs had been considered by the Council in addition to the original sign recommended by the Planning Commission. To date, no decision had been made and Council had directed that additional designs be submitted. 20. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Walling/Shamir that staff inform the City Council that the Commission would like to be involved either directly, or as an advisor, with the Council to assist with the design and installation of the City entry sign. 21. Commissioners informed staff that they would still like to take a tour of the City to review locations for artwork. Staff was to make arrangements for the tour at the next meeting of the Commission. B. Civic Center Art Purchase -Potential sites Commissioners took a ten minute recess to review possible locations for artwork to be purchased at the La Quinta Arts Festival for the City Hall. It was determined that the artwork should be a sculpture for either the courtyard or Council Chambers. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: A. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission that they were invited to participate in the "Road Map to the Future" Workshop to be held on March 7, 1997, at the Palm Desert City Hall regarding Enhancement Opportunities for the Interstate 10 & State Route 86 Interchange. APP33-97 Art In Public Places Commission March 3, 1997 VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS: None. VIII. FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS: A. Field trip IX. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Ari in Public Places Commission on April 7, 1997 at 3:00 P.M. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was adjourned 4:20 at P.M. APP33-97 6