June 2, 1997
3:00 P.M.
This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman
Walling at 3:10 p.m., who asked Community Development Director Jerry Herman to lead the flag
salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call:
L ROLL CALL: Present: Commissioners Sharon Kennedy, Michelle Klein, Rosita Shamis,
and Chairman Walling.
It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis to excuse
Commissioners Cothrun, Davis and Reynolds. Unanimously approved
Staff: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Staff asked that the Agenda be reorganized placing Item B first and Item A second.
Commissioners agreed unanimously
A. Minutes -Chairman Walling asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of May
5, 1997. Commissioner Kennedy asked that Page 4, Item 6 be expanded to explain
how much money was for permanent art and show that the $2,000 was for the
construction of the pads to hold the temporary artwork. There being no other
changes, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedy to approve
the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved.
B. Financial Statement -There being no changes, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to accept the Financial Statement as submitted.
Unanimously approved..
C. Department Report: None
APP6-2-97 1
Art In Public Places Commission
June 2, 1997
A. Request of Artist Marcia Gibbons - La Ouinta Car Wash Artwork
Artist Marcia Gibbons explained that she had anticipated requesting
additional funding to cover the cost of insurance for the project based on the
initial insurance information she had received. After further study and
research she was able to obtain an insurance policy, as required t>y the City,
for $285.00 down and a total of approximately $800.00 for the year. As the
estimate for installing the the was lower than anticipated, she ways now able
to absorb the cost of the insurance and would not need to request additional
2. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the insurance would cover the students
involved in the program. Ms. Gibbons stated the policy was fox $1 million
dollars and went on to explain the policy coverage.
3. Commissioners asked if Ms. Gibbons had a location to construct the artwork.
Ms. Gibbons stated she had received permission from the La Q~uinta High
School to use the school facility. As stated in their letter, they- were very
much ,in support of the project. In addition, she had spoken with the art
teachers at the two schools and they were assembling students to participate
in the project.
4. Commissioner Kennedy asked what the time frame was for the ploject. Ms.
Gibbons stated the project would start as soon as the the was received. Once
the the was received, and depending upon the number of students involved
in the project, she hoped to have the artwork installed by August.
5. Commissioners discussed the project and presentation to the City Council
with Ms. Gibbons. Following the discussion, it was determined that
Community Development Director Jerry Herman would give the staff report
to the City Council regarding the project and Ms. Gibbons would make a
presentation on the art design to be installed. Council Members Shamis and
Chairman Walling stated they would be in attendance at the Council meeting.
B. Presentation by Landscape Architect John Vogley on Proposed Artwork fir the Eagle
Hardware Project
Mr. Vogley introduced himself and explained the proposed project. Mr.
Vogle stated the artist was yet to be determined, but he had received a
APP6-2-97 Z
Art In Public Places Commission
Tune 2, 1997
tremendous response from the artists he had spoken with to date. Currently,
they was considering three artists. The final determination would be made
by the owner of Eagle Hardware. After the artist was selected alid the final
design determined, the artist would make a presentation to the Conunission.
2. Commissioner Shamis asked if the artists were from the Coachella Valley.
Mr. Vogle stated one of the artists, John Fowler, who was working with Eric
Thoresen, were from the desert and currently working on a project for the
City of Palm Springs. Mr. Vogley then displayed a drawing of the proposed
2. Community Development Director Jerry Herman reminded Mr. `Jogley that
the artwork must be an original and not duplicated elsewhere. Chairman
Walling stated this was true, but if the artwork was duplicated by someone
other than the artist, they had no way of preventing the duplication.
Community Development Director Jeny Herman informed the Commission
that the Eagle Hardware and Garden application would be before the
Planning Commission on June 10th and the City Council in July for approval.
The project would generate approximately $53,000 in Art in Public Places
fees. The applicant stated he would use his fees for the project and any
additional funds that were needed would be paid by him. No other funds
were expected to be requested from the Art in Public Places Fund. There will
be other stores constructed on this site, so additional art fees will be
4. Mr. Vogley stated his responsibility was for the landscaping surrounding the
artwork and went on to describe the proposed landscaping.
5. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the eagle design had any similarity to the
Eagle Hardware and Garden logo. Mr. Vogley stated the two were not
similar as the store's logo was a very graphic design and the proposed
artwork was representational.
6. Chairman Walling asked staff what action was needed by the Commission.
Staff stated that as the applicant had submitted a design concept, the
Commission would need to make a determination whether or not they wanted
to submit the design concept to the Council or wait until the actual design
was submitted.
Commissioner Klein asked if the estimated fee amount of $53,0(10 included
the landscaping. Mr. Vogley stated it did not.
Art In Public Places Commission
June 2, 1997
8. Chairman Walling asked if the applicant could proceed with just an approval
of the design concept? Staff stated it was a decision of the Commission.
Discussion followed regarding the options available to the Commission.
9. Commissioner Shamis stated she did not feel comfortable sending; a design
concept to the Council. Commissioner Kennedy stated she would prefer the
Council review the design concept in order to not waste the applicant's time.
If the Council did not want the eagle design, the process would have to start
over. Staff stated the design concept could be recommended to the Council
for their approval and the applicant required to submit the final design to the
Commission for their approval.
10. Commissioner Kennedy stated that if an eagle was to be used, she would
prefer it be a species that was indigenous to the desert. Mr. Vogley stated it
was the desire of the owner to have the National eagle. He would, however
present the request to the owner.
15. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to accept the concept design as submitted,
subject to the final design and configuration being brought back to the
Commission by the artist for final approval; the cost not to exceed $53,000
and any additional cost to be paid by the applicant and any less would be paid
into the APP fund. This recommendation to be presented to the City Council
for their approval.
C. Review of Temporal Art Donation Requests
Chairman Walling stated that four proposals for temporary artwork had been
submitted to the City; artists John Kennedy, John Weidenhalner, Snake
Jagger, Colin Webster, and Kathleen Smith-Schooley. He asked for
comments from the Commission.
Commissioner Kennedy stated that artist Snake Jagger stated in his request
he would need to take his work to a show in Saucilito in September and
inquired how long the temporary art show would be when it had to be
removed in September.
Commissioner Shamis stated she thought each of the exhibits would run for
a year. Staff stated that each contract would be made with each artist
separately and determined at that time.
APP64-97 4
Art In Public Places Commission
Jane 2, 1997
4. Discussion followed regarding the artists and the different style off artwork to
be represented.
5. Commissioner Klein asked how the City would get the information out to
other artists. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated these
four would be taken to the City Council and proceed from there. Other artists
would be informed as the program progressed.
D. Art in Public Places Commission Work Plan
Chairman Walling asked staff to explain the Work Plan. Staff stated that the
Plan was organized according to programs that were currently in process or
had been discussed by the Commission.
2. Commissioner discussed each area of the Work Plan with staff.
3. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Canmissioner
Kennedy/Klein to recommend approval of the Work Plan to the Ciity Council.
A. Reviewing the Master Plan
B. Reviewing of the Art in Public Places Ordinance.
C. Discussion with Landscape Architect Ray Lopez regarding artwork for the Bear
Creek Bikepath.
D. Discussion with representatives from the La Quinta Hotel and Resort regarding
artwork in their median.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Klein to
adjourn this meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Arl: in Public
Places Commission on July 7, 1997. Unanimously approved. This regular meeting of the Art in
Public Places Commission was adjourned at 4:35 p.m.
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