A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta
September 8, 1997
This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at
3:11 p.m., who asked Commissioner Reynolds to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for
the roll call:
A. Present: Commissioners Chappie, Kennedy, Reynolds, Shamis, and Chairman
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds t:o excuse
Commissioner Klein. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Staff asked that the approval of the Minutes of July 7, 1997 and July ..Q 1997 be
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Kennedy to approve the
financial statement as presented.
A. Discussion with Ray Lopez regarding the landscaping of the Bear Creek Channel
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the C'.o:mmission
that Mr. Lopez was unable to attend the meeting, but Ms. Terrie Traviso of
the La Quinta Arts Foundation was in attendance to discus the proposed art
piece for the Bear Creek Channel.
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
September 8, 1997
Ms. Traviso passed out a brief summary of the Youth Artworks Program,
information on their first project Shadow Walk, and the current project, Bear
Creek Channel. Ms. Traviso reminded the Commission that the City Council
had given the Foundation $5,000, based on the Commission's
recommendation, for these programs. The Foundation still has this money
and she was requesting that the Commission allow the money to remain in
their fund so that the project can be brought to fruition. She went on to
explain that since the departure of the director of the Foundation at that time,
the artist also withdrew from the project. They are working to make use of
the research that was done by the students in 1995. They have formed a new
committee to select a new artist for the project. Once that has been done, a
recommendation will be made to the City.
Chairman Walling asked if the first project was site specific. Ms. Traviso
stated it was for the art piece at the top of the Bear Creek Channel Bike Path
at the top of the Cove. Discussion followed regarding the history of the work
that had been completed so far.
Community Development Director Jerry Herman clarified that the
Foundation was before the Commission at this time to ask that the funds be
kept with the Foundation. When an artist is selected, they will bring their
recommendation, design, and request for any additional funds.. if needed,
back to the Commission.
Commissioner Shamis asked if there was a time frame for the art piece. Ms.
Traviso stated they hoped to have this completed by the end of this school
Chairman Walling stated that the Commission was to speak with Mr. Ray
Lopez regarding additional art pieces on the Channel. Staff suggested that
Mr. Lopez be contacted to make a recommendation for additional. sites. Ms.
Traviso stated it was her understanding that when the project was first
formed, there were to be eight sites under this Youth Art Works program.
7. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to approve the extension of the $.5,000 and
the project. Unanimously approved. Ms. Traviso stated she would see that
progress reports were sent to the Commission.
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
September 8, 1997
B. Discussion with Lapis Energy about their proposed Artwork;
Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission
that representatives from Lapis Energy were unable to attend and staff would
be rescheduling for a future meeting. They were to make a presentation on
their proposed artwork.
2. Commissioner Kennedy asked staff if this would be in conflict with the City
sign that was proposd for this location. Staff stated that the Lapis project was
located at Highway 111 and Dune Palms. The City sign would be at the
corner of Jefferson Street and Highway 111.
Commissioner Kennedy asked if they were presenting their idea for an art
piece rather than paying into the fund. Community Dvelopme:nt Director
Jerry Herman stated the site is currently being graded and they are: planning
to work with an artist to design a piece for their site.
C. Discussion regarding National Art and Humanities Month-October
Staff informed the Commission that it had been recommended that the month
of October be declared as National Art and Humanities Month. Chairman
Walling read the suggestions that had been provided by the Americans for the
2. Chairman Walling read the proposed proclamation to be used to request the
Mayor's signature. Staff stated the proclamation would be presented by the
Mayor, in conjunction with the Cultural Commission.
Mr. Britt Wilson, speaking for the Cultural Commission, statf;d they did
request the City Council adopt the proclamaion declaring thE; month of
October as National Arts and Humanities Month. Other than this they were
intending to do some press releases and maybe some activities.
4. Chairman Walling asked if the Commission wanted to plan any activities for
the month. Commissioner Shamir stated the Commission should do
something, as it was their goal to hold a workshop to educate the public.
Discussion followed regarding what funds were available for publicity and/or
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
September 8, 1997
5. Staff suggested that articles be prepared regarding activities the A1PP has been
involved in and maybe discussion regarding a potential workshop.
Discussion followed regarding how the Commission could get publicity out
regarding the Commission's activities.
6. Commissioners asked that the issue of publicity and free lance vv7iter Jean
McKig, be placed on the agenda for discussion in October.
Following discussion it was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Reynolds/Klein that staff be directed to prepaze a proclamation for the
Mayor's signature, as well as prepare a news release idedntifyin€; what the
Commission has been doing as well as some upcoming events.
8. Commisioner Kennedy stated that part of the recommendation contained in
the newsletter from the Americans for the Arts was to have the Mayor hold
a public event to present this proclamation to the public. Could this be
coordinated with the dedication of the Gem of the Desert sculpture piece or
some other open house event. Staff stated that the Gem of the Desert is in the
process of having the landscaping redone and may be back before the
Commission to ask for additional funds. Discussion followed as to whether
or not the mural by Artist Mazcia Gibbons at the La Quinta Car Wash could
be ready for dedication. Staff was to check with the artist and the; City Clerk
to see if the dedication of the mural would be possible.
9. Commissioners Reynolds/Klein amended their motion to include the
dedication of the mural as part of the activities for the month of October.
Unanimously approved.
A. Commissioner Shamis asked staff to explain the proposed landscapin€; f or the art
piece at the corner of Washington Street and Highway 111. Community Deelopment
Director Jerry Herman explained that staff was working with the artist and developer
for an alternative landscaping proposal. The goal is to make the site look like a
desert oasis by removing the wall and some of the landscaping. Staff vvas directed
to agendize the subject for the next meeting and bring a sketch of what wzis proposed.
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
September 8, 1997
B. Commissioner Kennedy asked staff for an update on the City entry sign. Staff
informed the Commission that on September 1, 1997, the City Counciil would be
considering the proposed landscaping guidelines for Highway 111 along with a
proposd design for the City entry sign. The signs are to incorporate water somewhere
in the design.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis
to adjourn this regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the
Art in Public Places Commission on October 6, 1997. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 4:51 p.m. Unanimously approved.