APPMIN 10 06 1997REGULAR MEETING OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMISSION A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room 78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta October 6, 1997 This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at 3:11 p.m., who asked Commissioner Klein to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for the roll call: L CALL TO ORDER: A. Present: Commissioners Chappie, Klein, Reynolds, Shamis, andl Chairman Walling. Commissioner Kennedy arrived late. B. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman, Planning Manager Christine di Iorio, and Executive Secretary Betty Sawyer. IL PUBLIC COMMENT: None. III. CONFIRMATION OF THE AGENDA: Confirmed. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR: A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Reynolds to approve the financial statement as presented. V. BUSINESS ITEMS: A. Discussion with Ray Lopez regarding the landscapine of the Bear Creek Bike Path 1. Staff informed the Commission that arrangements had been made to have Mr. Lopez attend the November meeting to discuss the Bear Creek I3ike Path. 2. There being no further discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Reynolds to continue this discussion to the regular meetirig in November. Unanimously approved. APP 10-6-97 Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 B. Discussion with Lapis Energy about their imposed Artwork; Staff informed the Commission that the applicant requested this item be tabled until they had met with the artist. 2. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Reynolds to table this matter. Unanimously approved. C. Discussion re ag rding National Art and Humanities Month-October Chairman Walling informed the Commission that he and Kathryn Hull, of the Cultural Commission, had been presented with a Proclamation by the City Council declaring the month of October as National Art and :Humanities Month. The Proclamation was passed around for everyone to see. 2. Staff informed the Commission that Commissioners Chappie, Reynolds, and Shamis, along with staff, had met with artist John Weidenhamer, Susan Francis, Director of the La Quinta Arts Foundation, and Diane Adolph of the La Quinta Arts Foundation to discuss activities for the month. At that meeting, it was suggested that artists be contacted to see if they would like to participate. Subsequent to the meeting, staff contacted local artists and received a favorable response. In addition, art teachers at the La Quinta High School and La Quinta Middle School had informed staff they would like to have an "Artist Partnership Day." Those present at the meetin;; discussed four locations where activities could take place, the Senior Center, the High School, Middle School, and City Hall. Artist John Weidenhamer suggested that in addition to demonstrating their art style, he would like to address the students regarding the business aspect of being an artist. He volwiteered to speak at the High School as well as the Senior Center. a. Chairman Walling asked staff if everyone had been contacted regarding the different activities. Staff stated everyone contacted was more than willing to participate. Artist Louis DeMartino would prefer to be at the City Hall, but staff was uncertain how an activity could be held at City Hall. What would draw people to the City Hall to see him? The Senior Center had requested Artist Kathleen Smith- Schooley for Tuesday, October 28th during their art classes. APP10-6-97 2 Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 b. Commissioner Klein asked if the sites had been chosen. Staff stated three locations had been identified. Sharon Fuller, the art teacher for La Quinta High School had met with other art teachers a~ad had sent a list of questions they would need to have answered. '.itaff would meet with her and see that all the questions were answered. c. Commissioner Reynolds asked what time the events would take place. Staff stated they would all be in the morning. The La Quinta Arts Foundation stated they would have volunteers available to help at each of the sites. d. Chairman Walling stated it appeared that the events had been coordinated and asked staff what was needed of the Conunission. Staff asked the Commission for their opinion as to wlhich artists would work best in each of the locations. Following discussion, it was determined that Kathleen Smith-Schooley would be asked to work at the Senior Center; Bill Ware and Snake Jagger the Middle School, and Bill Ware, John Weidenhamer, Kathleen Smith-Schooley ' at the High School. Staff informed the Commission there was still a need for an artist-photographer for the High School. e. Chairman Walling asked staff if anything else was needed. Staff asked the Commission for direction regarding publicity. The Arts Foundation had volunteered to help with the publicity, but it was unknown as to what extent that would be. Staff then introduced Jean McKig, freelance writer and publicist. Ms. McKig had been contacted by Commissioner Reynolds to help publicize the City's art program. Ms. McKig had stated she would be willing to do as much as we would like her to. Staff reminded the Commission that there: were no funds available for publicity until the Art in Public Places Ordinance is rewritten and approved by the City Council. a. Ms. McKig informed the Commission of her experience and where she had been working. She had made arrangements to write an article on Marcia Gibbons and the the mural at the La Quina Car Wash. If the City did not have the funds, it still needs to be done and she is 'willing to assist in the hopes that in the future, the City will be able to afford hiring a publicist. APP I0-6-97 Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 b. Chairman Walling reaffirmed that it was the desire of the Commission to have a publicist, but until Council gave them direction to do so, they were unable. Chairman Walling; asked if funds were available through the Community Development Department budget for outside consultant work. Staff stated that all contract services funds were allocated to specific projects. c. Ms. McKig stated there should be a steady stream of good publicity to let the Valley know about the good work that is being done in La •Quinta. She has a great love for La Quinta and yet with all that La Quinta has going for it, Palm Desert always seems to eclipse La Quinta. They always have news articles out on what is going on in their city. d. Chairman Walling asked Ms. McKig what. her fee would be. Ms. McKig stated $75-100 per release. It would depend on how much work was involved in gathering the information. That way the City is not tied to a monthly salary, but only as needed. Staff asked if a photographer worked with her. Ms. McKig stated she had several she could use. Chairman Walling asked what their cost woa~kl be. Ms. McKig stated $50 to $100. e. Chairman Walling thanked Ms. McKig for her presentation and staff would be in contact with her. f. Commissioner Kennedy stated the Arts Foundation currently did not have a publicist on staff who would be available to work with staff. Discussion followed regarding publicity. 4. Commissioners discussed with staff the available artists and what location would be best for their art style. Commissioners offered additional artists that could be contacted if more was needed. a. Staff asked that a committee be appointed to work with staff on the arrangements. Commissioners Shamis, Klein, and Chappie volunteered. APPlo-6-9~ 4 AR in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 5. Staff introduced Diane Reed who showed a video to the Commission. Ms. Reed and Mr. Mark Hawkins, an independent producer of documentaries, made a presentation to the Commission on producing a video for the Commission. The cost would be approximately $9000 to $10,000. Commissioners discussed the different aspects of what could be done. a. Commissioner Reynolds stated the beauty of the video is that it could be edited and added to at any time. b. Chairman Walling asked if Mr. Hawkins had any ideas on how to distribute this video to reach the most people. Mr. Hawkins stated it could be sold, shown at schools, or used on public access television, as a few suggestions. Chairman Walling stated this could be a very useful tool and the Commission needed to discuss how they could approach the City Council for their approval. c. Staff asked if this cost was for a half hour tape. Mr. Hawkins stated the normal format is for 20 minutes. d. .Commissioner Klein asked Mr. Hawkins how many other cities they had worked for. Mr. Hawkins stated he had not worked for any City to date. The closest would be the promotional he did for 13ear Valley Ski Company by Tahoe. e. Commissioners suggested a video could be used to bringing visitors to La Quinta. Commissioner Shamir stated it could be done in conjunction with the Chamber of Commerce. £ Chairman Walling stated he envisioned it to be more of an educational video, than a promotional. Ms. Reed stated the purpose could be to publicize the work of the artists as the public arl: program progresses. g. Staff suggested a video could be made of local artists to show prospective developers. Ms. Reed stated it could be used for whatever purpose the Commission wanted. APP10-6-97 $ Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 h. Chairman Walling thanked Ms. Reed and Mr. Hawkins for their presentation. 6. Staff introduced City Clerk Saundra Juhola who was present to discuss the dedication ceremony for the mural at the La Quinta Car Wash. a. City Clerk Saundra Juhola stated they were anticipating using the water color drawing of the mural and putting it on the back. of a post card to mail out as an invitation for the dedication, similar to what the City of Palm Desert does. b. Commissioner Kennedy asked why we would not us~° an actual picture of the mural instead of the water color. Staff explained that due to time constraints, this was the only way the post card could be completed on time. City Clerk Saundra Juhola stated the water color was a rendering of the actual mural. c. Chairman Walling asked if a date had been determined. City Clerk Saundra Juhola stated it appeared that the invitations would not go out till the week prior to the dedication. She asked if there was some reason the dedication could not occur during the month of November. Commissioner Kennedy stated it was the Commission's hope to include the dedication as part of the activities for National Art and Humanities Month, which was October. Staff stated they were hoping for October 30th. Discussion followed regarding the mailing of the invitations. d. Chairman Walling asked what time of day the dedication would occur. Staff stated they would like the students who were involved in the making of the mural to be able to attend, therefore, a late afternoon dedication would be better. City Clerk Saundra Juhola stated the time change would occur the weekend before, so it could not be very late. Commissioner Chappie suggested right after school. Following discussion, it was determined that the dedication would occur at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 30th. e. City Clerk Saundra Juhola asked if the Commissioners had any ideas regarding the dedication ceremony. Commissioner Rey~aolds asked if the artist, Marcia Gibbons, would be allowed 1:o make a presentation. APP10-6-97 6 Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 f. Commissioner Kennedy stated that Diane Reed had taken a video of ' the students during the making of the mural and asked if pictures could be on display during the ceremony. g. Chairman Walling asked if the site for the dedication would be a problem. Staff stated there was a sidewalk and an area that could be used so they would not be disturbed, nor disruptive to the car wash. h. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the students would be awarded with certificates for their participation. Staff stated they could produce the certificates and they would be available for the dedication. Commissioners discussed what would be served. It was determined that cheese, crackers, apples, and cookies along with apple juice. j. Commissioner Klein asked who would be invited. Commissioners discussed individuals with the City Clerk who should be invited as well as what news sources to be contacted. k. Chairman Walling thanked City Clerk Saundra Juhola for her ' assistance and the Commission looked forward to the dedication. D. Landscape design and Artwork at the northeast corner of Washington Street and Hiehwa 1. Chairman Walling asked if the Commission wanted to discuss this now or wait to have the artist, Louis DeMartino present. 2. Commissioner Shamis stated it would be better to have Mr. DeMartino present and perhaps meet at the site to discuss the landscaping. t~hairman Walling stated he did not think it was necessary to be at the site. 3. Commissioner Reynolds stated that she had heard from a past Cornrnissioner, Kathleen Smith-Schooley, who remembered a misting system. was to be included in the design. Staff stated they did not remember it. Commissioner Reynolds stated she had asked the artist about this and he stated it was discussed, but not approved. APP10-6-97 ~ Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 4. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission of the history of the art piece. The problem was that the contract between the artist/developer/City did not include the landscaping. After the completion and installation of the art piece, staff discussed with the artist and developer the landscaping. It became apparent that the existing landscaping and the wall behind the piece, would need to be removed and replaced with palm trees and bermed with sand to give the site a desert oasis appearance. The choices are to have the developer landscape the site according 1;o his plans or, the City could inform the developer that the City wants to replace the current landscaping and pay for it out of the Art in Public Places fund. Chairman Walling asked if staff knew what the developer intended to spend on the landscaping and could their portion be combined with APP funds to finish the landscaping. Staff stated that could be looked into. 6. Commissioner Klein asked how much space existed between the brees and the wall, and the wall and the art piece. Staff stated the proposed Washingtonia Filifera Palm could not be planted with the existing wall as there wasn't enough room. Commissioner Klein stated it appeared that this landscaping would hide the building and she was concerned that the Auto Club would have an objection. Staff stated that the manager of the Auto Club, Mr. Dick Jandt, had stated they had no objection to the change in the landscaping. Community Development Director Jeny Herman informed the C'.ommission that there were signs on each side of the Auto Club building so there should be no problem locating the business. 8. Commissioner Klein stated her only objection was that this had not been thought out. The wall was built and the landscaping put in and the City's resources and money were being wasted because this had not been planned in the beginning. Commissioner Shamis stated the piece appears to be too short and top heavy. Chairman Walling stated the landscaping would help to balance the artwork. 10. Community Development Director Jerry Herman explained the la~tdscaping plan presented by the developer. Staff stated they had not meet with the developer to discuss a new plan until they had received direction from the Commission and their willingness to expend additional funds to landscape the site. APPlo-6-9~ Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 11. Commissioner Kennedy asked staff to explain the request of the; developer for the balance of this account. Staff stated they did not recommend giving the developer the funds. It is the opinion of staff that the developer has a contract with the artist for $107,000, the City only committed $95,000 of which $14,000 was for the second art piece. The developer is looking to get the difference between the $95,000 and what his contract is with the artist or, $12,000. 12. Commissioner Klein asked what would happen to the second art piece. Staff stated that was their concern. It is the recommendation of staff'that funds remain in the account for the second art piece. If the developer wants to make a request of the Commission for additional funds to finish the site, then it would be for above and beyond the money allocated for the second art piece. 13. Chairman Walling asked staff to explain how the funds were obtained for the first art piece. Staff explained how the money had been credited for building permits and what the developer had to spend himself. Additional fiords were still to be collected from the future retail shops to be constructed at the Shopping Center for artwork. Chairman Walling asked staff to provide the Commission with an accounting of what had been collected from the site to date and what was still to be collected. 14. Chairman Walling asked what the second art piece was to look like. Staff explained that it was to be similar to the one at the corner, but smaller and more vertical. 15. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Reynolds to continue discussion of this subject to the next meeting, directing staff to gather the information regazding the amount of money to be collected for the site and inviting the artist, Louis DeMartino to attend the meeting. Unanimously approved. E. Discussion re ag rding a Revision to the Art in Public Places Ordinance Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated this was an opportunity for the Commissioners to review the ordinance and make any revisions they would like to recommend to the City Council. APP 10-6-97 Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 2. Chairman Walling asked what the issues were. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated one of the issues was the limitation on what the funds can be used for. Under Section 2.65.110 of the Ordinance it states what the funds can be used for. Whenever funds are needed for any purpose other than what is specifically listed in the Ordinance, the request must go to the City Council for approval. An issue related to this is the expenditure of Funds for publicity, such as a brochure, publications, or news ;articles. A separate issue is whether or not the amount of the fee is adequate. A comparison could be made of what the other cities in the Valley at•e chazging. What is missing in the ordinance is that the City does not assess itself for any APP fees. When the ordinance was first proposed, Council discussed whether or not to assess the City projects. It was determined that since it was a developer generated fee and no City funds were being used, no one could accuse the City of spending City funds on art projects. The Council at that time did not want to charge itself to keep this from becoming an is>sue. 3. Community Development Director Jerry Herman discussed those items that were exempt from the fee. One issue that does need to be amended is that portion of the ordinance that requires the money to be spent within [wo years of receiving the funds. Under State Law you are allowed up to five years. Staff would like to change this section to extend the City's time to five yeazs. 4. Staff stated that Commissioner Chappie has been investigating different avenues for receiving grants. Commissioner Chappie explained that she had been reading and talking with people from the Arts Council as well as the National Organization, Americans for the Arts, which the City is a member of both. In contacting these organizations, they have been ven/ helpful in providing direction as to what grants or seed money the City could apply for. If the National Endowment of the Arts is successful in changing the amount of money they receive from the National Government, and if the trend continues toward public art, there may be a State and National partnership with the cities. If this happens and if the City meets certain criteria, the City could apply to the State for seed money. The ordinance would have to be changed to broaden the Commission's responsibility to be moire than just visual art placed somewhere. The vision of public art both Sta1:e wide and nationally, is to have art integrated into all types of art. If the Commission decides to do this as the local agency, the ordinance would have to be expanded and add these areas of art as well. APP 10-6-97 1 O Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 5. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that the Commission would have to be careful not to expand into the responsibilities of the Cultural Commission. 6. Chairman Walling asked if there was a list of criteria that the Cornmission would•need to meet. Commissioner Chappie stated there would have to be a full time staff person and programs that involve more than just public art. The State organization requested that we send her a copy of our ordinance and any other information we would like to encourage them to put La Quinta on the list to receive money. They average seed money for Stale and local partnerships for Counties has been $27,000. There is no specific criteria for cities until this progresses further, but the State is encouraging us to staff at least two members and become enlightened as to how public art is changing. There are several non-traditional funding sources that could be ]looked into as well. The taxing of local cable franchises and utilities, 'Transient Occupancy Tax, as well as taxing all City capital improvement projects, in addition to developer fees. 7. Community Development Director Jerry Herman stated that each of these avenues would have to be reviewed with the City Attorney in light of Proposition 218 which states that if a tax is going to be created an election must be held. The likelihood of adopting another tax is slim to none, the raising of our APP fees may also be subject to an election. This are items that would have to be reviewed by out City Attorney. 8. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Shamis to bring this issue back to the Commission at their next meeting. Staff was directed to obtain as much information as possible to distribute to the Commission to be discussed at the next meeting. Commissioners pointed out that it was important to be able to have funds available for publicity. If the Commission is to fulfill its Master Plan, which has been approved and adopted by the City Council, then changes will have to be made in the Ordinance. VI. CORRESPONDENCE AND WRITTEN MATERIAL: None VII. COMMISSIONER ITEMS APP ] 0-6-97 1 1 Art in Public Places Commission Minutes October 6, 1997 A. Commissioner Reynolds stated she would like to discuss ways in which the Commission may be able to raise the money to hire Ms. McKig. She ]'aad spoken with Council Member Stan Sniff and he suggested a spokesperson from the Art in Public Places Commission appeaz before the Council at their next meeting and make a request. Chairman Walling stated it was too late to have it agendiced for this Council meeting, but staff could get it on the next agenda, after a decision was made at this meeting as to what the Commission would like to do. B. Commissioner Reynolds presented a picture of the Civic Center campus. Staff explained it was a picture of how the campus was originally designed. Staff went on to explain that the final design was still before the City Council. C. Commissioner Shamir distributed a letter from the Community Garden. group and explained that their goal is to obtain a $1,000 contribution from the Council to start a garden at the Senior Center. This is just information for the Commission. VIII. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Shamir/Klein to adjourn this regulaz meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission on November 3, 1997. This meeting of the Planning Comnnission was adjourned at 5:18 p.m. Unanimously approved. APP10-6-97 12