A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta
November 3, 1997
This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Chairman Walling at
3:12 p.m., who asked Commissioner Reynolds to lead the flag salute. Chairman Walling asked for
the roll call: -
A. Present: Commissioners Chappie, Kennedy, Klein, Reynolds, Shamis, and
Chairman Walling.
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Chappie, Klein, Reynolds, Shamis
and Chairman Walling. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Reynolds/Shamis to excuse Commissioner Kennedy. Unanimously <zpproved.
(Commissioner Kennedy and Chairman Walling both arrived late.)
C. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Ms. Gwen Hughes introduced herself as a local artist and gave a presentation on her
artwork. She asked to be included in the City's Art Bank.
A. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Chappie to approve the Minutes
of July 30, 1997, as submitted. Unanimously approved.
B. Commissioner Klein asked that the Minutes of September 8, 1997, be amended on
Page 1 Item V.A.1. typo; Page 4, Item 7 and Item 9, she was not present at the
meeting and could not have seconded the motion; and Page 4, VILA. correct the typo.
Commissioner Kennedy. asked that Terrie Trevisio's name be corrected wherever it
appeared and on Page 4, Item 7 correct the spelling of "identifying". There being no
further corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Klein/Reynolds
to approve the Minutes of September 8, 1997, as corrected. Unanimously approved.
APP I I -3-97
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
November 3, 1997
C. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to approve the
financial statement as presented.
A. Presentation b,~ry Crump on the Community Garden
Vice Chairman Shamis introduced Ms. Crump who gave a presentation on
the Community Garden project in the Coachella Valley.
2. Ms. Crump stated she was working with Steve Merritt who has formed the
Community Garden of Coachella Valley in 1995, as a nonprofit organization
with a mission to set up and establish organic community garden,. This is to
be accomplished in a variety of ways. First is a true community garden which
is a garden area in a community run by individuals in the community. It is
driven by the community and not funded by any organization. They will also
be starting educational gardens in the schools and she went on to explain the
schools they were working with. They are also looking into developing
therapeutic gardens as a large amount of study is being done on the
advantages of gardening for certain types of cancer patients. In November
they will be opening a garden at 42"`' Avenue in Bermuda Dunes'. to be used
as a community garden for the Foundation of the Retarded. Presently, they
are trying to get into the communities to explain the project and gain support.
Some issues they are working with are security and fencing. The produce of
the garden is not necessarily the produce, but a unit that will grow a
3. Community Development Director Jerry Herman asked the size oiFthe garden
in La Quinta. Ms. Crump stated it was a 10-foot by 10-foot lot. T'he layout
has not been determined to date. A grant application was submitted to the
Cultural Commission for funding. Their first choice for location is behind
the Senior Center. They are currently organizing and holding classes on how
to grow produce in the Valley. In the three years the class has been held, they
will have graded 165 people.
Commissioner Shamis asked if there were any plans to work with the Boys
and Girls Club. Ms. Crump stated there was a lot of partnering programs that
was available as well as funding for creating jobs for the students.
Discussion followed how the garden was being developed and used.
APPI I-3-97
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
November 3, 1997
5. Commissioner Klein asked how much money was needed to start the
program. Ms. Crump stated it depended on the location of the property and
the stipulations placed on the property. She went on to explain all the items
that had been donated.
6. Chairman Walling thanked Ms. Crump for her presentation.
C. Discussion with Ray Lopez re arding the landscaping of the Bear Creek Channel
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission
that Mr. Lopez was unable to attend this meeting and asked that this item be
continued to the next meeting of the Commission.
2. It was moved ahd seconded by Commissioners Shamis/Chappie to continue
this item to December 1, 1997. Unanimously approved.
D. Review of the Art in Public Places Ordinance
Community Development Director Jerry Herman reviewed the ordinance
with the Commission and asked for their direction. He informed them that
Section 2.65.O10.B.-Intent and Purpose would be corrected to conform with
the current General Plan policies.
2. Section 2.65.030-Definitions. Commissioners asked that softscaping and
illumination lighting be included under Subsection D.
3. Section 2.65.040-Formation and functions of the Art in Public Places
Commission. Commissioners asked that Subsection C.-Commission
Functions, a new section will be added to identify education and community
projects. Subsection C.5 be amended to state the Commission 'will meet
monthly "or as needed".
4. Section 2.65.060-Projects subject to Art in Public Places Program
Requirements. Add language to require a percentage of the project be
allocated to some design feature in the project. Consideration given to giving
a percentage of the Transient Occupancy Tax to art.
5. Section 2.65.070-Processing of arts application. A statement added to require
the developer to inform staff how art will be integrated into the project at the
time an application is submitted.
APPI 1-3-97
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
November 3, 1997
6. Section 2.65.090-Development Fee. Staff to review and make a
recommendation to the Commission.
7. Section 2.65.110-Art in Public Places Fund. Clarify that landscaping and
lighting can be the artwork in addition to the accessories to an art piece.
Administrative expenses will defined to include publicity, staffing,
dedications, workshops, public education, consultants, increase
administrative expenses to 10-percent (10%), and any item identified as a
function of the Commission. Increase the number of years the money must
be used before being returned to the person or entity who paid the fee to four
8. Add temporary art to the ordinance wherever it is applicable.
A. Review of the Artist Partnership Day.
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman reviewed the days activities
and Commissioners remarked how well all the events had been :handled.
B. .Next Meeting:
1. Identify other locations, buildings for artwork.
2. Discussion of the APP ordinance.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis
to adjourn this regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the
Art in Public Places Commission on December 1, 1997. This meeting of the Planning Commission
was adjourned at 4:57 p.m. Unanimously approved.
APPI 1-3-97