A regular meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall Session Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta
February 2, 1998
This meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order by Vice Chair Shamis at
3:09 p.m., who asked Commissioner Reynolds to lead the flag salute. Vice Chair Shamis asked for
the roll call:
A. Present: Commissioners Chappie, Kennedy, Klein, Mucciolo, Reynolds, and
Vice Chair Shamis.
B. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Shamis to excuse
Commissioners Klein and Walling. Unanimously approved.
C. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive
Secretary Betry Sawyer.
A. Vice Chair Shamis asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes ofNovember
3, 1997. She noted a correction on Page 2, Item 2, be amended to read "The product
of the garden....". There being no other changes, it was moved and seconded by
Commissioners Kennedy/Chappie to approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously
B. Vice Chair Shamis asked if there were any corrections to the Minutes of December
1, 1998. She noted that on Page 3, Item 3 needed to be reworded. There being no
other corrections to the Minutes of December 1, 1997, it was moved and seconded
by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds as corrected. Unanimously approved.
C. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds to approve the
financial statement as presented.
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
February 2, 1998
D. Department Report: Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the
Commission that the City Council would be reviewing all City Boards and
Commissions at their meeting of February 17th.
1. Vice Chairman Shamis asked that a letter be drafted to the Ciity Council
asking them to revisit the reasons the APP was originally formed. She was
concerned that the Council may combine the APP and Cultural Commission
and she did not believe this would work.
2. Commissioner Chappie stated she did not believe the Council understood that
the Cultural Commission was creating a Plan that was to function as an
overall plan for the City. The direction of each Commission was specifically
different. During her research for the redrafting of the APP Ordinance, she
had contacted other cities and asked how their commissions had been formed.
In most cases she found it was difficult to combine the two commissions due
to their different duties. Commissioner Chappie stated that in opinion,
the best combination would be to combine the Planning Commission and
APP. Commissioners stated their agreement with Vice Chair Shamis and
Commissioner Chappie.
3. Commissioner Kennedy asked if the Commission should address the Council
suggestion to reduce the size of the Commission. Commissioners noted
several areas the Commission had been involved in which were time
consuming and impossible for each to be involved in.
4. Vice Chairman Shamis stated the seven worked well due to tinnes when a
Commissioner needed to be absent.
5. Commissioner Kennedy stated there were times when she knew that neither
Chairman Walling nor herself would be able to give personal time due to
their occupations and time constraints. Therefore, she sees this as an
important reason for seven members. Commissioner Kennedy recommended
each member write, or verbally contact, each of the Council to express their
concern prior to February 17`" City Council meeting.
A. Discussion regarding the revisions to the Art in Public Places Ordinano_
1. Community Development Director Jerry Herman gave a brielf overview of
the changes proposed by staff.
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
February 2, 1998
2. Commissioner Kennedy noted her objection to the individual property
owner/builder being assessed the fee. Staff noted that the City has to be
uniform in implementing the fee.
3. Vice Chairman Shamis stated the La Quinta Fairways were in the process of
building new homes and she was concerned that they were not baying their
art fees. Staff explained that every builder pays the fee when a building
permit is issued. No building permit is issued until the fee is paid.
4. Commissioner Mucciolo asked staff what the fee was based upon. Staff
stated the fee' is currently one fourth of one percent for residential and one
half of one percent for commercial developments.
5. Staff then reviewed the proposed changes with the Commission:
a. Commissioner Kennedy asked that wherever the word "development"
occurred, it should be changed to "property".
b. Commissioner Kennedy asked that under Section B., a sentence
should be added allowing the fund to be used for costs associated
with the artist selection process.
6. Commissioner Kennedy stated her concern that if the fee were to be
increased, they would be discouraging growth in the City. She asked that
staff research what the other cities were charging and report back to the
B. Discussion regarding Washington Street bridge art proiect
L Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission
that the Public Works Department was in the process of widening the
Washington Street Bridge and had asked that an artist be involved in the
planning process of that bridge. They were asking for two Commission
members to be involved in the selection of the artist.
1. Vice Chair Shamis recommended that Chairman Walling and Cherrie
Chappie be asked to attend. It was moved and seconded by Commissioners
Shamis/Chappie to appoint John Walling/Charrie Chappie to v/ork on the
Washington Street Bridge project, with the consent of John Walling.
Unanimously approved.
Art in Public Places Commission Minutes
February 2, 1998
A. Future Agenda Items:
1. Louis DeMartino art piece -staff talking with landscape artist on possible
2. Tour of the Aerie Sculpture Garden and Gallery.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Chappie
to adjourn this regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the
Art in Public Places Commission on Mazch 2, 1998. This meeting of the Planning Commission was
adjourned at 4:00 p.m. Unanimously approved.