A regular-meeting held at the La Quinta City Hall North Conference Room
78-495 Calle Tampico, La Quinta, California
March 2, 1998
This regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission was called to order at 3:09 by Vice
Chairman Shamis who asked for the roll call:
A. Present: Commissioners Chappie, Kennedy Mucciolo, Reynolds, and Vice
Chair Shamis. Commissioners Klein and Walling arrived late.
B. Staff Present: Community Development Director Jerry Herman and Executive
Secretary Betty Sawyer.
A. Vice Chair Shamis asked if there were any changes to the Minutes of February 2,
1998. Commissioner Mucciolo noted that Commissioner Klein was listed as present
and absent and asked that it be corrected. Commissioner Chappie asked that Page
2, Item D.2 and 3. needed to be reworded for clarity. Vice Chair Shamis asked that
Page 2, Item 4, be reworded to state, " Commissioners worked well due to the
times when more than one Commissioner was absent...". There being no other
corrections, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Feynolds to
approve the minutes as corrected. Unanimously approved.
B. Vice Chair Shamis asked if there were any corrections to the Financial Statement.
There being none, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Chappie
to approve the statement as submitted. Unanimously approved.
C. Community Development Director Jerry Herman gave a Department Report. He
informed the Commission there would be a joint meeting of the City Council and Art
in Public Places Commission on March 10, 1998. Staff would notify the
Commission of the time and place when it was known. Staff encouraged each of the
Commissioners to attend and be prepared to answer, or ask questions.
Art in Public Places Meeting
March 2, 1998
A. Selection of the Civic Center Art Purchase Committee:
Community Development Director Jerry Herman informed the Commission
that Mayor Pena and Council Member Henderson had been selected to serve
as Council representation on the Art Purchase Selection Committee. Council
Members requested the Committee meet and select the artwork at their
earliest convenience on the first day of the La Quinta Arts Festival. The
Commission needs to select their representatives to be on the Conunittee.
2. Vice Chair Shamir gave a review of the art selection process for the previous
year and asked if anyone would like to volunteer to serve this year.
Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Comirrtissioners
Kennedy/Mucciolo to appoint Commissioners Reynolds, Chappie, and
Shamir to the Committee. Unanimously approved.
B. Continued discussion regarding an Amendment to the Art in Public Places
Community Development Director Jerry Herman reviewed the art. fees that
were charged by other cities. Discussion followed regarding the fees that are
charged by other Valley cities and other cities in the State.
2. Commissioner Reynolds asked how the art piece located at the entrance to the
Painted Cove development was approved when it is behind their entrance
gates. Staff explained that the APP Commission at that time approved a
request of the developer for the art piece at its current location.
3. Following discussion, it was moved and seconded by Comimissioners
Kennedy/Reynolds to continue this item to the next meeting. Unanimously
C. Determination of a date for a tour of Aerie Art Garden and Gallery:
Community Development Director Jerry Herman reminded the Commission
this item had been placed on the agenda to discuss the Commission
scheduling a tour of the Art Garden.
2. Commissioner Reynolds informed the Commission that she had spoken with
the owner of the Garden and May 4th was available. Following discussion,
it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Klein to hold the
May meeting of the Commission at the Aerie Art Garden and Gallery. Staff
would check into the arrangements.
Art in Public Places Meeting
Mazch 2, 1998
A. Commissioner Reynolds informed the Commission she had attended a meeting that
had been held by Council Member Henderson to discuss the installation of the
"obelisks" on City streets with major developers. Discussion followed reg.uding the
content of that meeting.
B. Staff informed the Commission of the California Assembly of Local Art Agencies
(CALAA) and American for the Arts (previously NALAA) conferences and asked
the Commissioners to review the material and let staff know if they were interested
in attending either conference.
C. Vice Chair Shamis asked if anyone was interested in having a booth at the
Community Picnic being put on by the Community Services Department on
Saturday, April 18, 1998.
1. Commissioner Reynolds stated she had spoken with the Community Services
Department and she would like to participate.
2. Commissioner Mucciolo suggested ideas for display. It was suggested that
pictures of the public art be obtained and displayed. It was also suggested
that the artists be contacted to display some of their work.
D. Vice Chair Shamis asked that staff give an update on the Highway 111 and
Washington Street art piece. Staff informed the Commission that this item would be
before them at their next meeting.
There being no further business, it was moved and seconded by Commissioners Kennedy/Reynolds
to adjourn this regular meeting of the Art in Public Places Commission to a regular meeting of the
Commission on April 6, 1998. This meeting of the Art and Public Places Commiission was
adjourned at 4:49 p.m. Unanimously approved.
APP3-2-98 3