LLA 1988-039CITY OF LA QUINTA Department of Community Development 78-105 Calls Estado La Quinta, CA 92253 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT Applicant Instructions Case No. — 0-3 Date Received Z. A request for a Lot Line Adjustment may be approved only if the following findings are made: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No additional parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the minimum development standards. The completed and notarized Application shall be submitted with three (3) copies of the map of record or the current assessor's map page showing the involved parcels and delineating the proposed lot line adjustment. All exhibits of the proposed lot line adjustment shall indicate the angle and the distance of each newly adjusted line. A fee of $ /:Z S."-' shall be submitted with this Application. The Director of Community Development will review the Application, make a recommen- dation and schedule the case for City Council consideration. The Applicant should be present at the City Council hearing. APPLICANT: Name: La Quinta Joint Venture Address: P.O. Box 780 La Quinta CA 92253 City State zip PROPERTY OWNERS: Owner 'A' Name: SAME Address: City State zip • .a sn" �. n. ... [MM. Phone: 564-1315 Phone: "YintaPhone: 345-5665 City State Zip PROPERTY DATA: Lot A: Assessor's Parcel Number: 631-720-004 thri, 012 & 631-720-076 Street Address: 77113 through 77193 Calle Matzalan Lot B: Assessor's Parcel Number: 631-380-057 Street Address: N/A (golf course) 11 APPLICATION FOR LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT, City of La Quints, Adjustment Requested: Realignment of Lots 4 through 12, Common Lot 69. and a portion of the east boundary line of Tract 14496-3 Reason for Request: New orientation of units within Lots 4 through 12. AUTHORIZATION: I (we) certify that I am (we are) the record owner (a) of said parcels and that the information filed is true and correct to the best of my (our) knowledge. Owner I A I LA QUINTA JOINT VENTURE, By: L.a Quinta Investment Company, By: Citizens Investment oration, its Managing Partner. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this -Z� 1 ?//� ack R. ravo, Treasurer Date day of gwu.wvaF 1�I14SSC. Subscribed and Sworn to before me this SLR day of 4J nura-2 �9�d t li Notary Public OFFICIAL SEAL AIA111AI111111pII1A11110111110111111111VIY1110111111111011111nInulOIIIVIInIIINpIDI01IVInnnmulill IIIININ mulls "P OFFICIAL SEAL may LORI JO TABUYO _ ROBERTA ANN HILL NOTARYPit.,C-CALIFORNIA oo NOtgRY PUBLIC CALIFORNIA ' •�'=%tJA Fru r�Ny _ PRINCIPAL OFFICE IN m RIVERSIDE'. COUNTY Comm;`s'UI''p Nov. 12,ITB MyCommission Expires July4,1989 m mI IIIiuIiln �I Iwwunmwnwnuwmm�lwunullnmumnmunmuuw�x-�„�„���„c SEP 0 2 2008 G.L. SCRIVENS CONSTRUCTION, INC. P.O. Box 13302 CITY OF LA OUINTA Palm Desert, California 92255 Phone (760) 837-9918 Fax (760) 837-3836 Contractor's License Number B807645 Mr. Stan Sawa August 28, 2008 P.O Box 1504 La Quinta California 92247-1504 78-495 Calle Tampico La Quinta California 92253 Dear Mr. Sawa, This letter is in response to the letter issued by the planning department dated August 15`h 2008. Your letter denies Mr. Harris, owner of 49205 Avenida Vista Bonita, a request to add 120 sgft. to his condo located at the Santa Rosa Cove Country Club. This denial was due to a percentage of lot coverage issue the structure, vs. uncovered lot, or open space. Your new requirements for these multi -unit condos puts them in the same zoning as the single family, low density areas such as, The Tradition and The Quarry golf clubs. This RL zoning seems mismatched. It requires 50/50 lot coverage and currently the existing units at Santa Rosa Cove already exceed this. SRC should be in a medium — medium/high density zone. The intended use for the multi unit condominiums at Santa Rosa Cove was to be zero property line with common space governed by the HOA guidelines and the by- laws. The guidelines have been used to give homeowners variances for certain additions and modifications to their units. These variances and approved documents have been forwarded to the city's building departments per their request for HOA approval along with architectural plans required for permits. For the past 10 — 15 years G.L. Scrivens has completed 12 of these Additions with the exact same 120 sgft. Additions, which were approved by the Santa Rosa Cove HOA and the City. In fact, the properties located at 50015 Calle Rosarita and 49241 Avenida Vista Bonita, were approved in 2007 and construction completed in 2008. We do not have a count on those contructed by other contractors, or other types of additions dissimilar to the 120 sgft. Mr. Harris has spent a considerable amount of money in construction documents and pre - ordered materials, along with having his landscaping and tile patio removed in preparation for this Addition. These costs were not thought to be in any jeopardy due to the past approval history of the City for this addition. In light of the current situation, we ask that you review your records for the history of permits and approvals given and that you will approve Mr. Harris's addition request without further delay. We understand that a zoning change may have to be investigated by the city and that the SRC HOA should be notified of this change. This will ensure that no further additions take place until zoning changes are reviewed. This way, homeowners will not spend money unnecessarily. I appreciate your immediate attention to this matter, and look forward to your cooperation. Thank you, Sincerely Yours, Greg Scrivens C : Greg Butler, Building and Safety Dept Jim Johnson, Building and safety Dept David Sawyer, Planning Manager Phil Harris Larry Thayer, President SRC. HOA. ti' 1 / I P.O. Box 1504 LA QurNTA, CALIFORNIA 92247-1304 78-495 CALLS TAMPICO (760) 777-7000 LA QurN'r.A, CAIJFORNIA 92253 FAX (760) 777-7701 August 15, 2008 Mr. Greg Scrivens 74062 Kokopelli Circle Palm Desert, CA 92211 SUBJECT: Santa Rosa Cove Residences Dear Mr. Scrivens: This letter is to inform you that the property at 49205 Avenida Vista Bonita in the Santa Rosa Cove development is zoned RL (Low Density Residential). The; RL zoning requirements limit lot coverage of structures within the lot boundaries to 50`1/o. Based on the plans submitted to the Building and Safety Department we have determined that the room addition you are proposing for the property would exceed 50% and therefore is not permitted. If you have any questions, please contact me at (760) 777-7064. Very Truly Yours, w�,�Gwdzti STAN SAWA Principal Planner C: Greg Butler, Building and Safety Department Jim Johnson, Building and Safety Department David Sawyer, Planning Manager p:\stan\Itr Santa rosa cove restriction s.d oc DESIGN BUILD Q RENOVATE SANTA ROSA COVE 10 FOOT x 12 FOOT ROOM ADDITIONS MADE PRIOR TO AUGUST 2008 �`1L3�{i1a� 1.49620 Vista Bonita, La Quinta) YES 18a�f�9�2 2. 49475 Vista Bonita, La Quinta YE6 NU 3. 49629 Vista Bonita La Quinta yC-i �fQ 4. 49573 Vista Bonita, La Quinta, CA fl 5. 49517 Vista Bonita, La Quinta, CA �e7 No 6.49531 Vista Bonita, La Quinta, CA No I 7. 50015 Calle Rosarita, La Quinta, CA po 8.49241 Vista Bonita, La Quinta, CA ��� n� N0 9.49470 Vista Bonita, La Quinta, CA y�� ND 10.77333 Calle Mazatlan, LQ 11.77240 Avenida Fernando, LQ i t 12. 77170 Avenida Fernando, LQ TV -S, t S i �kE� 2tSLA L i D i-- Af-m>y,.. 1~r-0-1-1cZ l2-ESSE ac_c Hi IMT� Co�1 too P,O. Box 13302 Palm Desert, CA 92255 Ph: 760/837-9918 Fax: 760/837-3836 www.glscrivens.com ILonnPx LOT I 1 3 AR EA TAEULATION9. E%ISiI CONDO A. 2.101 eq.fl. 5I2% I "NEW CONDO AppR10N 131 p.fl. 3.2% I I TOTAL CONDO 3331 qft 51 a% I war coves I EXISTING GARAGE 30().fl. 173% I EXISTING GUEST RAM 3CO sq 11. 70% I "NEW"TOTALSUILDING 3,12E.11 ]]d% 1 $I TOTAL LOT ADE] ,fl. 1p0.0°h IB 1 I 1 1 1 Q EXISNNG CONDO. INOT A PART) 1 r 0 m connox LOT V� N 1 � (0AMEXISTING GARAGE V e- 'NEW ADDITIONT EXISTING LQVCO. 1 I �496wfl.) 031 eRn) 1 4 EXISTING CONDO IZ31 122�sa'%) 4 connox LOT Q k COURTYARD 1 0l 1 1 I 1 EXISTING GUEST ROOM (3D0 eq.fl.)' iC, oa 1 EXISTING CONDO, (NOT A PART) 1 1 I I 1 1 I FI 1 oOL. COJR6_ 3 4 1 I connox LO+ 1 II Imioo connox LOT 1 1 1 I � SITE PLAN _. A C e.MCfIM teM Crl Cv{Lm0 M,. fe MD r Aerce nr. m r. Pnil H.,,.. SITE PLAN RealQuest.com ® - Report Page 1 of 1 Property Detail Report For Property Located At 50037 CALLE OAXACA, LA QUINTA CA 92253-2674 Owner Information: Owner Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Location Information: Legal Description: County: Census Tract / Block: Township -Range -Sect: Legal Book/Page: Legal Lot: Legal Block GLOSSIER LILY H 43 TWIN OAKS RD, AKRON OH 44313-6819 C007 Vesting Codes: .10 ACRES NET IN LOT 31 MB 1191009 TR 14496-1 AREAS RIVERSIDE, CA APN: 451.13 / 2 Alternate APN: Subdivision: Map Reference: 31 Tract #: Market Area: Neighbor Code: Owner Transfer Information: Recording/Sale Date: 09/10/1998 / Sale Price: Document #: 385387 Last Market Sale Information: Recording/Sale Date: 05/01/1996 / Sale Price: $310,000 Sale Type: FULL Document M 157210 Deed Type: GRANT DEED Transfer Document #: New Construction: Title Company: OLD REPUBLIC TITLE Lender: NORWEST MTG INC Seller Name: AZAR PAMELA Prior Sale Information: Prior Rec/Sale Date: 07/1982 / Prior Sale Price: $229,500 Prior Doc Number: 123018 Prior Deed Type: DEED (REG) Property Characteristics: Gross Area: 2,734 Parking Type: Living Area: 2,194 Garage Area: Tot Adj Area: 2,194 Garage Capacity: Above Grade: Parking Spaces: Total Rooms: Basement Area: Bedrooms: 3 Finish Bsmnt Area: Bath(F/H): 3 / Basement Type: Year Built / Eff: 19821 Roof Type: Fireplace: Y / 1 Foundation: # of Stories: 1.00 Roof Material: Other Improvements: ADDITION Site Information: Zoning: Flood Zone: Flood Panel: School District: Munic/Township: Deed Type: 1 st Mtg Document #: 1st Mtg Amount/Type: 1st Mtg Int. Ratefrype: 1 st Mtg Document #: 2nd Mtg Amount/Type: 2nd Mtglnt. Rate/Type: Price Per SgFt: Multi/Split Sale: Prior Lender: Prior 1st Mtg Amt/Type: Prior 1st Mtg Ratefrype: //TR & INT IN COMMON 773-340-031 GARAGE/CAR PO RTCon struction 540 Heat Type: 1 Exterior wall: 3 Porch Type: Patio Type: Pool: Air Cond: Style: Quality: TILE Condition: R2 Acres: 0.10 A Lot Area: 4,356 0607090005B Lot Width/Depth: x Flood Panel Date: 08/1911991 Land Use: CONDOMII Tax Information: Total Value: $392,060 Land Value: $88,526 Improvement Value: $303,534 Total Taxable Value: $392,060 Res/Comm Units: / Assessed Year: 2008 Improve W 077% Tax Year: 2007 County Use State Use: Site Influence: Sewer Type: Water Type: Property Tax: Tax Area: Tax Exemption: 14496-1 /849-E6 14496-1 DESERT SANDS INDIO U WARRANTYDEED $207,000 / CONV / FIXED $141.29 CENTRAL POOL CENTRAL CONDOMINIUM/PUD (RC) WATERFRONT NONE TYPE UNKNOWN $4,910.06 20018 http: //www. realq ue st.com/j sp/report. j sp?&client=&action=confirm&type=getreport&recor... 9/ 16/2008 ORANGE COAST TITI.E CO .,Order No. y Escrow No. Loan No. WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: La Quinta Joint Venture P.O. BOX 780 , La Quinta, Ca. 92253 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: o a� o s acccc �,=� LL b Cal D� J tu 0 e S O $ M ` w SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE -FOR RECORDER'S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX .................................... ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Declarant or Agent determining tax — Firm Name CORPORATION GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. f a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Deleware does hereby GRANT to La Quinta Joint Venture, comprised of La Quinta Investment Company, an Ohio Limited Partnership and Anden Corporation a California corporation; legal representatives, successors and assigns. the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside See Attached , State of California, described as THIS LOT LINE AJUSTMENT IS BEING RECORDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOT LINE ADJUSUIUM NO. R'7=039 APPROVED BY THE CITY OF LAOUINTA ON 3-14-88 Dated STATE'OF CALIFORNk111 rside jS& COUNTYOF— March 1, 1988 before MO. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State, personeltyappeer- ea Andy R. Vossler Leoda Willis a personally known to me (of proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within Instrument as Vice Presidentand By D r'CpPresident By Secretary Secretary, on behalf of Landmark Land Company of =°; OFFICIAL SEAL L.ORI California, Inc. JO TABUYO �'t^`y "^ L'Ow, w Nr , 'LIC.CAUFORNu :,! nFFICE IN '. COUNTY the corporation therein named, and acknowledged to me that such cor- poration executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-laws or a resolution of as board of directors „ .r , My C,. Nov. 12, IBBB (( WITNESS my and bMl ial sae - xiarmme (Thies area for official notarial seal) Signature TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE j 78-105 CALLE ESTADO - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 - (619) 564.2246 March 14, 1988 Mr. Tom Hill La Quinta Joint Venture P. O. Box 780 La Quinta, CA 92253 Re: Lot Line Adjustment,&7-039 Dear Mr. Hill: Your Application for a Lot Line Adjustment is approved, subject to compliance with Exhibit "A". This Lot Line Adjustment is approved based upon the following findings: 1. The adjustment involves adjacent parcels. 2. No new parcels are created. 3. None of the parcels involved are reduced below the development standards currently applied by Title 9 of the La Quinta Municipal Code. Please have new legal descriptions and Grant Deeds for each affected lot/parcel. The deeds should reference the approved Lot Line Adjustment. Please bring the above -noted items to this office for review. Upon completion of our review a complete package will be returned to you for recording. Should you have any further questions, please contact the undersigned. Very truly yours, MURREL CRUMP PLANNING DIRECTOR err an rincipal Planner CC: Landmark Land Company BJ/LTRJH.007 MAILING ADDRESS - P.O. SOX 1504 - LA QUINTA, CALIFORNIA 92253 -OrclWitlo. Escrow No. Loan No. L`J WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: La Quinta Joint Venture P.O. Box 780 La Quinta, Ca. 92253 MAIL TAX STATEMENTS TO: SPACE ABOVE THIS LINE -FOR RECORDER'S USE DOCUMENTARY TRANSFER TAX $ ............................................... ...... Computed on the consideration or value of property conveyed; OR ...... Computed on the consideration or value less liens or encumbrances remaining at time of sale. Signature of Osclarent or Agent determining tax — Flrm Neme CORPORATION GRANT DEED FOR A VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, Landmark Land Company of California, Inc. a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Deleware does hereby GRANTto La Quinta Joint Venture, comprised of La Quinta Investment Company, an Ohio Limited Partnership and Anden Corporation a California corporation; legal representatives, successors and assigns. the real property in the City of La Quinta County of Riverside See Attached Dated STATE OF CALIFORNIA lu COUf4ty OF_ I before me. the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State. Personally appear - personalty known to me (or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence) to be the persons who executed the within Instrument as _. President and on babe" the corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that such cor- poration executed the within instrument pursuant to its by-tawe or a resolution of its board of directors. WITNESS my hand and official seal. By By , State of California, described as (This area for official notarial seal) MAIL TAX STATEMENTS AS DIRECTED ABOVE St 11 i` s J.F. Davidson Associates, Inc. --- -- --- ENGINEERING PLANNING SURVEYING ARCHITECTURE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT - COMMON LOT 69 EXHIBIT "A" All that portion of Parcel 2 as described in Certificate of Compliance Number 1029, recorded December 14, 1979 as Instrument Number 266478, Records of Riverside County, State of California, described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Tr. 14496-3 as shown by Map on Pile in Book 128 of Maps at Page 62 thereof, Records of Riverside County, State of California, said point also being the Southwest corner of Lot 69 of said Tract 14496-3; Thence N26004'00"W, along the Westerly line of Tract 14496-3, a distance of 75.72 feet to an angle point in said Westerly line of Tract 14496-3; Thence N00006143"E, along said Westerly line of Tract 14496-3, a distance of 347.20 feet; Thence S02°21106"W, a distance of 368.35 feet; Thence S33010118"E, a distance of 119.49 feet to the Point of Beginning. .i Said parcel contains 3356.19 square feet. t 3880 Lemon Street 11200 S. Mt. Vernon Ave, Suite "D" 73-080 El Paseo, Suite 103 P.O. Box 493 Colton, CA 92324 Palm Desert, CA 92260 Riverside, CA 92502 (714) 825-1082 (619) 346-5691 (714) 686-0844 FAX 744-686-5954 . •; LARRY THAYER 49-470 Avenida Xrsta Bonita La Quinta. CA 92253 SCGA# 6381 5 9 (760)564-3277 Home (714) 747-0131 Mobile �S'• L r /OZE 11RYV 4 _ 1Y—S....�ILM— f �w .f ..4I.t...Y vvt ) ,1j dlvvin na..eC •vvN .. u.. 1 Y•Y �P. d•(V.er.e r n .ne un aMlrke� N . w.i.ena�. N. i:rawrmrwrc � wry 7 �� � owarw ewes rr e w k •N N Ole... TRACT 14496 ,�rwa pus✓iwen/x c�a awnew c�rrw� wee/ .+rr., ,.:. r e., lurv.vYr/a d ?aN//H, d9nrJE G EA3! 6/M Fog OVf0N ASSOLM7F5 FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES - ,: 1. NPo f( . i.. _ .. ... ..I .• .n�iell. Ll�r al v,gwM ,14 .i n,. pN pro J..b1 _ Y grt . )I { n--' t,.-(r .w N ,.;.:� .r.nNuna I m r ltt �.. u.. �..�e .r. .......e. .. •^s-.1 ems' � .w.e�'•�Aey ; .. /+.aaEee mY.w.rw.nr� ... ��1. HI AISif9 .{IP e 4 � wrqr rest acfra I ice\ i �y. OK=IMN/U nv" 1 11 f ✓/ ..J 11 1. I ..,',, , cf 111M-✓c ...._.I nI TRACT 14496 i4 /O N5N/P5 RV/ N r+'-G h d.t/61C ✓F LW✓/OSO.N A5.K�T///TEs FOR CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES $URVEYOR'3 NOTES Eosn d hanngs eax//ys az f�c✓.n /m Sm/e..v / t' . / r a r.:... ., A �.lervn Wi (2e//N9n'b�on/if rn ?..0 ./M�o/r.. ps v.✓ Nzna1 J Ri.eA.✓ ly . , �-/n✓KWe,ro�i/M//G%im 'Fl:ry. nnra+/[idrZ/'.en a. /.-n�"'i a / /Pµ/P/�/2 // j�Aurye�f LS 4 /tl ll..�na/ al/ WGr✓.'n a G//✓mvn[/i/S Yf pii9 reis/4 i✓��r/Y y✓�/vrne iol♦ y/un'Iry rr[gv ntµ•i �[R::r -- o<hbVt L Yp NeH e W [em [ pa41Ye a + ivou /ate •Fu°l\e u r Fur.n[+�. �V'Yme [ .ellne f \.�Bxxxx xN ' ' •r>.eY �>+uh ra•.ro 4.e .a., ..m�6.+. l.rurvn._BwNa ves NEYSLEY J LONN/NGNAM LFVELO MENT COMPANY ,- aGFMnw 4A2//b./Mn/s.p ' Ij R O R/✓ER P.GL'WE?T/E5, GVL, o r / PaNK+ .'}'. ANOEN C0.P qAr/ON J( 1,ro vCoraru/ron� 1 sr rl G III I o/ PrTrA.y � -oPAMA P.PoipRr/E5 /NL i �.-222�(C liw•+++rAYMf� //t.vKii% Gw y' / .1 V 5ern/ary J Ey ANLCN CORA RWr N I ll - T- " • RNOEN CORP'ApAT.'ON, / _ � ewoa co�m�a/•c.> OX4" :Wr T T/ZE CO"R Il c c Cl-- ""Ill 1a 1 Lk1. Nnuu c. LK Z,, Y21wn f ' Dys� OUNpiR5 T/TLE COMPANYOC�/>! Cnwrv/rzn %usX )eeV� sres or rNusauu s v mmr or... yr {•. �+>' �� Y�. aE��a«` sl.r" a �w ivr`m /mrs sev%+a.•an eaw wii•� M[ Mrpllr/M1lr'aA�IY IA\LYN (prI rT lYN i .�d/11.4.MAB. •ihf [WRMn.SN f �� w� Y.bet s-. No�rn\.Bw�w+e I/Irz w„mr./rawre ". +•e+•' of �M1+ �w[`it,00 Stll[/✓wN rop mmnry. x.ve.mum? aF'wrc. x ax?eoraM ve r.'N <✓unr..n • w • o. Sv E/✓�.vs Wrt}ltl Yel . �e1 II wt.. .1 . ..o1aro r..e. . ..• su[ ••.a •. _.— o. w^Aw'R L \p +• ,M/v`m.nu roe .aa.. ear .a..er. re..an.. susy[[A'i cmv\ms F 7 71 r —r B.r.x. .. rsrN.r- ro fif l un - [rA .% H [s/r nNb[up r w���tr�r CwMWMMf r LM r y�/(I IfBV [<n 2E ar....r✓ _ �.e a.Ir r. xr.i.r Bs Iw w. 1. rllC OPLff M amFO[ TRACT 14496-1 EF/ AW"VXN OFRNIMNS OE THE NORTH ONE NAU OE SECTMN /, TGS, RGE, ANO THE S MONEWALf Of SECT/ON X. rff RGE, GEM ✓FL4syL0!%N AIlO:O1TE5 wcnarN /w ' IhIl ✓y�..ss `al hCr .aur :crsou[creeier ... +�• e. • Y:Y ���p.MrrrrA �i41"ry OFRq(ryYL�R3(O£ fhFEr 2 v 7anee'Ts SYATZ OF4A410 fRNt, TRACT 14496-1 }` 4FINS AS✓SSSf/1/DN OF AORI/oNJ Or 1N£NORTN osE-NALFOFSECT/ONr, TSS, RSE ANO THE SOVAY W. RCS. SCM. ". �r�rw i✓� - PFCEMSER /Bp0 SCALE /•400 \/ / mrs.r.tw^yr.4o+,ge ore Aajefm r45k'r+xxnw,vf' ar-yorN) srk/„ni Tsr Rsf,sec', a N.,q N/Yr)MYrm • _• _.:. \ S...ryx MrnmdR.Mnrct vary. Cor,/omo r.R,. •. • ' : a .'... v:-'.. -.. ♦ /a&CeM M rrmnxMp,v/d Ir P .- .- _ r s sNN.vvypvsraeq r/a.•.w/s mre, /w,h ,.,,<., p/N.+Sf mtdmR+r•+Arcxa/.isroaMe o•Aa, I /INKaM.YCp4• S�/pMM//f'f•I,pG CW •MeM /6 VIA rl, lnd efr R:esLL•Cpwr/yfLv4N ✓' 5 S•/i•%R �RAn&akq •/aapJ(r Hl/E, !/ nWd/bl[pnrrl pd R.l..:a cYequwoz" A�iNu[x/�rce10'dPr//n[tNn/.vs ,mM/kei."Mrn/hr).x, honvmnh sitwEiwnd capNofem<r+c// e r ).ufJ /CwAwn.•aer 6 S. ..... lNkp4•hviYr Alplh MrY� m. R.B•<./Mi�fu br:itiw/lype. Sx rYersslbertY bu.1'iq EA .I�NI NOTES aMNlf•nn.Vlz"SURVEI'�M'IFE CpV/M)!/A'fR [fF) M faw- n/mf. mu/w N9wrNM'IMM M,M�M'mN ti ryy Nry�yl f ,q'Mr alrfArW sM/rmS[/n+M.,R. ile /%rMge2I.NM,•e .ps;iylrro /i e,7 '; � Xudrr..rvw Altl i+Yf.N!/R enN Pohnh,.KwaS/b.G (orN/MM/in M4�. f TNf d LM3. A4vra n'.N C�a Lu,N bN AnANwI Ca/ice .��f<� �f f•f. {t s.,�ar .+.�r m-o,r wn .. �erv.)caai<wnr •e<, aha ,.r rw..s.nrn �..� ;s a r An ranc..amm yR,rn.,vx s...r Eh w„u.• a,w,m _� •�.�.`, IteF 4xM a'err:,Ysw/G,vMif/H/6y Caw+Y.,s [r//, /!Mm/my Ab ARTre. i '�% '•.n.. RImrt1+<•I,v le.,G'r/Lwf ON SSHEET HMT5, . .��• .3 .�. ..-•:. CONT/NA<O ..._a .._.. F•y • Y _ •�� • aD01MMQtR1'_�1 •' fA{pb'/•ARf'TL/1Y NEIN'/TY'tlAY t..Z•Y.. y__ o-�e� �mw�f�.zf w•. ` - •S • • - Mw4 10 - - T -._ t �."�1YNa/. ram.+ �i: n• /J���.n ...r:-z/ • { ii 4rs-A dry t �1 �M r. DEIA/L D c .: ,,,,n1=i n �111F TRACT 14496-1 BEING A 5UE0/Y WO it1PT/ W7/EAG Q4f-NA[fGKSECTAaV /, T65, NEE, ANOTNE Sd/TNONENNf OFSEYT/ON1i, Tff,TlE,3lM L�KEM/EF /!n) XKE /'•I!D' .EF DAVO�AlSCCN7E5 it yr e y NO/6 sEE sNEEtt fOa suavEYWS NO/£5. QA96MENT NOTES C[WT,NOEO rA 5NEETE wHfrw./MUM'9•?�^f wkc hcenb mMssAvs64Nt /t.I/dfrory AY/n2f, sv¢iwa' I r/ERMsgNFw cAMMv✓eyabJ nmcM Naxery }ve M � aft dhM, Arcwf NF.w/v4• (aunty E �� n. nr+nfa /Yfm`f ai 'mmf�iar'wns`..a�a �ny+/my.�%•a.,.e 0.� u /ND_��X MAP S FE 3 OF 7 SHEETS AI?)773 a LaiN05. Low. aL r,we E orNoz Lor/.m J71 3 f9 JJ,N 171 fr L S' p a ffi��a a g gB g H II m A LOJNOf. LO]NOf. N. GO �H tsz esNe axw Es,r ne,/A A/ff IJNe - �• - SfN ff Gf C:L/+06WA TRACT 14496-1 6EIMa ASUS&VISAV OFPGIP7R? a-rNEAtlMN�-NALFQ SECMNL, I65. R6E, AND ME SOUIN ONE-IMLF OF SEMON J6, r55, ROE, 5EM. MYtNK ..(RO/ftAfOH 4$5"Mr" ., "'A" •V~Afb I rO XJ&URAMAS' r _ LOfNM [O)O N} I) B LOJ NO} Or /bA <OI.WY LAtl. u.v LJ.n u1s u.+J wn s�X GxN+ XAe /y/u /otin wn/ /w/a A. /ef.Jy /wtG+ ntaX MafJ G La)/pS OI Nam Ol xpJ. LOr NaJ. Lt ;9 Ja /91 /9J /YI /YJ SHEET ♦ LW ] SHEETS N <at NOJ Lol xat "_Q. 4etNa )f m /71 H C LarLux e) r.rox Ln.vax Low LoiNoz nr.wJ. LorNer Lot.w} Lor.wJ <o).wJ. Lo�Nos Nx �. p1 eery J9 Te T] Tf ST J+ /+.f0+ eJ /T< MfES I All 1 1 ,,,11A��� JAG, M,I.I f6N<O/. 11✓ A l 5 r 77 4 A. l ge5r C OF 7 5,EVV j - - - - - - - -- - SEE r 2 CAUE ",'AT 129 1 0 64 leg Z12 V * LOT 4t c0m"Ov, r ip zoo of 06 B 57 JAI 47 41? 0 02. 54 "it �QW IN TRACT 14496-1 I C #770` OFR/VERSIOE SNEEJ a OF f eN<fr5 STATE OF CAUFORNLA - TRACT 14496-1 NOtC: BE A 5UB0/V[S/ON Or PORTIONS OF THE NORTH ONE-HALF OF SECTION T. FOR s&RVE✓eRs. rES 5EE5REEr2. •{ .� 71e$g6E,AN0 THE S0UTN LWE-NALFOF SECT/ON36, TSS, REE,SBM. A (XfEMBER /am S LE / -60' %+eyyw^ • I R ,/,f.G1V/OSON A550[/AJES Po 6 FR B.I%ME,iT . � 4'�••'- `,p. �«ER N<Rr EA6EMENJ NOtE y .n� A^Aa—f FeY2 1 I . •e e[e +! x.:_ ^ i`f . � y ' \ rw• ere srw<nJ (eb I / w rc frw<erl ARMCES �-�� .Y 1 SI �Prf a i i B 2 U li y ; 10I /e) 'a y 02 E5 s)ia1}I�• /n 3C Ya E m{�i{T.. ...... .• t� R OErn/L(E "171 71 /01 Ak aPar In 77 oia A 4+p Er rt 'r'�'n✓ a r§ 7 A 5a M ' rE I rRR/VArE erREEJ) \ B q4v / '. O11A&4 w9e C es r0 ,_ >%Er/ •�� i .fit+ 9 eb \ t r5 .- c _ _ �. kP i - yip A. / `le;ss, t♦: �'O.Wpy'S �w�ry - .y, y ` r ~ „ y� Y.. �A MwTAJUN •a. t <N ♦ / y § 13, a < at � iv°s / / '♦, x e, r ♦. n i . •, ... § [ ,[,•y}�r! „�/r .. a. ` �� t /.e.; \�/�,'t♦� •�i~� / �. Yip �\� "'^—! . �N'. ... ,a, �_ 1 •,aria 'irP. __.�� L r�r ij' , V� ite4 SEE T a4._F�15NEET S .T— �'i�pl �i 1 IaF � gL yt r Z +$ z x °hE:.ytn #t s 3 s o s _tl t t'• I' C �"iC £ ST.i` �h � { ..ty{ 5,.. - }� 3gi?e3 (st%•a.i �i •ipa 1� i t�iS = `�3� Aei"'� is:-=3} 4 �, �A 42T. � 5 ���e•g �2 z?>�a6 4i 56;i sE}•21 eS:. 12 i ti4`�i tl'.-.�ii! } �o L �` �4•-'� ��� i`� cR ! �44 Ei ��^ ti• E7 gig 2 i sl" �� r• 4 2• �z s.� :1 is .H 46S:p6 2 ae26 :1. L. ;/ SL • !age ` `� s a Y > rsE%s ^ Im lY• � e E a 'CIV i � g hkIF E x s p�OEAF/NG5 ( dMrNgfw6sMonNn mat /ied (Amiro puinbro /hank SlrtY/), p g0vip NR'lMf f,c+xlxrn indnk Ff F/A¢fS rnrvgd N Ad s+, AMnMd Ri�erfde L N. L�//cvnio Ff/NiyyfNW/P �PMh'P/rq eAM/tNY(590/6.!/Hhp'rl / N/fL-/, MA/H� f-/9 unksf eMr�v.Y aNO J 'f I�Kahr nr YRPHPbyz MW .�n+[f f0/9. //ul/�unhs e/Mrvife .ald.Rr.Iieifit [w+/Y f)m>p/J it AfM f 1rlyr"<i1f'MaRCPhfAhwrsY [!9n/B. Nushdo///ercarmrsa/ AKM'R Lany show re o,vm. f A//RrAAe nrvufrn✓ad✓.ran/rKs .mn/.Mxirnin rn�i liacr Ihe//bf/a�rcndl^'Youn> A A//.nbwnn4 xrPdRversdr Lwn/Y Obiurcr'/Ii/ 9 F -?A* nxJ[mbim //frAcm. A, 4 rh. inCeaae dnie/q ryPe.Sc snz/ f far crcn/ di//erq ad Ld d:rrNcm ��i�/AwA�..�od a.xlew.v eemxr uANf�fis 6AYAlEA?AaIE._ L Man.Yw /nh✓ar dCaV, Yv/RY Nbh ,OHhAf,T AArFArAH,S n/r�slrwxn/Fb /rGWNG, sadrormra' r H A/errArl in rro/ /e nn. ai... M Mr 4a/rDtx/I TRACT 14496-2 eEiw A suiorvn5,av LrAxrwawu•Ti/EnaerN GWE NacF OF SELr/LW /, TA6, f /E, ANO 111! /d/TN LNiC'NAL FOF SELT/ON MTM.R/411M AMF HW .�FOAV/OEANMEOL/AYES fLAL6r•rcL' ;i �-rRac-r 14496a > Ili _.-1 •. �� ' i i i a ell aE SNf£ RJ ,v / m °°w/ wse erat+ti.vr_ Pe Pf T ff iJ ff fr � � E I HI Ia 5 HE � SE AWMX ARID Ka[I Y.aP 6NEEra ( f 5 1/5 Nsa N i i ^+/�/aD//� ♦ u o �,•/ ?/�e I�cd F m a �nq.r gp o I �It lj' MYwwz I I v qQf a � m s �2 Y T 0 i yy �i N _ ^ T Al } ql Y TH� ' vi4 I s'`• QQ U O Nm j(3Y( N �* e S i I,I t R G f Y 4'' F14 ?a^ EE. � i' iz CRC fic ''a ae E'Y•• �i :' o a!E'�iCci aaB�,R_ f:��fEY R E 3eE� esa�f: a ^i;Ee a F ggi j4 E1E^ � w ;Y � S i q .� air >i w .. -rRAC 14496-2 4 - Pill l�iiiii'llillill � aA ili roiar �a y �r aR ;$ e y R .i M S i NO �r R i�a iro r'� r i eE F7 �v3 a F c sa€i`I i 7 �tSY A: :'setts 3 `ail6:ss e Ft�t�F"a r+ 9r y a F ^`•7 A r �� jai 7 aS F F?a gEc=a �v Y'�Y _oily P -1 1���E. ' I A ig 1 � 6t r sass � 5rp ed F ,z IFF 69 � m � � ! ,I I till! iPiR IC all jCO > 4 F v a O e µhi:- 3 s i i. y n N o a y n a t p a m C z 1 z oil -b 2Fa o . Say a ou e co C xiea (mil! ,Q aamk x : i'r v! > c, n m H Ps CIA I mo^ + u>a If f� i1 d.Di GYP' a t I J - �pyo"a�F:L:: x§ R L,t id lYl8i Y 4 ai` 3Y as a°s^ C r ? `6 I'• IP _ 3 _ _ y EH it-P "fit i n 77 !! V 'S a � y + i may: 4 _Y ma`s Y� n " i S.�'@J •ta a�9� .�a'., axe e•a ' sof. NSA' a� �r gY Yu 3kk 2 iA � 1 C a k� Pio ra � 4� �t xfl G c �tt - � �w p Yfi y e. IZ 7�dt r: Qo Y 1al n A li ao as tw �zn F 6 I Al 92 1Fa"t 0 a . ..x«.. . ;. ..,._§�;�■ );; ;��i;,■�.;;